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在锚链系统中,锚链本身的刚度和水流对其作用是影响锚链变形和受力的主要因素。应用分段外推的数值方法,分别对不同刚度和同一弹性锚链在均匀流作用以及同一弹性锚链在不同流速分布(流速在水深方向呈抛物线分布、对数分布)的水流作用下的变形和受力进行了分析和计算,得出了锚链自身的不同刚度及不同流速对锚链的变形及受力的影响情况。结果表明,刚度对锚链受力及变形影响明显,不同流速分布对锚链的偏移量几乎无影响,但对锚链的受力影响较大,选取抛物线型流速分布对锚链安全有利。  相似文献   
介绍了应用netfilter/iptables技术构建甘肃地震信息网络安全防火墙的技术方案和设计思想。较完整地给出了甘肃地震信息网的防火墙配置脚本,并对每个功能的实现策略作了详尽的解释。客观地分析了netfilter/iptables技术的优点和不足。  相似文献   
为明确库泰盆地充填演化历史与勘探方向,从库泰盆地构造演化分析出发,在明确构造演化对盆地沉积充填控制作用基础上,分析了盆地烃源岩分布和沉积演化特征,探讨了盆地油气勘探方向。研究结果如下:(1)盆地演化经历了3个构造演化阶段,断陷期(始新世)、坳陷期(渐新世-早中新世)、反转期(中中新世之后),并以中新世末为界进一步划分为快速沉积期和剥蚀改造期;(2)陆上始新统烃源岩局部发育,不发育中新统烃源岩;海上发育中新统三角洲煤系烃源岩,具有较强的生烃能力,两套烃源岩分布不同,导致海陆油气发现的差异性;(3)陆上生烃能力有限,超深水区风险较大,有利区位于中新统烃源灶60 km范围内,有利区带内中中新统-上新统岩性圈闭是勘探的潜力目标。  相似文献   
As the northeast boundary of the Tibetan plateau, the Haiyuan-Liupan Shan fault zone has separated the intensely tectonic deformed Tibetan plateau from the stable blocks of Ordos and Alxa since Cenozoic era. It is an active fault with high seismic risk in the west of mainland China. Using geology and geodetic techniques, previous studies have obtained the long-term slip rate across the Haiyuan-Liupan Shan fault zone. However, the detailed locking result and slip rate deficit across this fault zone are scarce. After the 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake, the tectonic stress field of Longmen Shan Fault and its vicinity was changed, which suggests that the crustal movement and potential seismic risk of Haiyuan-Liupan Shan fault zone should be investigated necessarily. Utilizing GPS horizontal velocities observed before and after Wenchuan earthquake(1999~2007 and 2009~2014), the spatial and temporal distributions of locking and slip rate deficit across the Haiyuan-Liupan Shan fault zone are inferred. In our model, we assume that the crustal deformation is caused by block rotation, horizontal strain rate within block and locking on block-bounding faults. The inversion results suggest that the Haiyuan fault zone has a left-lateral strike-slip rate deficit, the northern section of Liupan Shan has a thrust dip-slip rate deficit, while the southern section has a normal dip-slip rate deficit. The locking depths of Maomao Shan and west section of Laohu Shan are 25km during two periods, and the maximum left-lateral slip rate deficit is 6mm/a. The locking depths of east section of Laohu Shan and Haiyuan segment are shallow, and creep slip dominates them presently, which indicates that these sections are in the postseismic relaxation process of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake. The Liupan Shan Fault has a locking depth of 35km with a maximum dip-slip rate deficit of 2mm/a. After the Wenchuan earthquake, the high slip rate deficit across Liupan Shan Fault migrated from its middle to northern section, and the range decreased, while its southern section had a normal-slip rate deficit. Our results show that the Maomao Shan Fault and west section of Laohu Shan Fault could accumulate strain rapidly and these sections are within the Tianzhu seismic gap. Although the Liupan Shan Fault accumulates strain slowly, a long time has been passed since last large earthquake, and it has accumulated high strain energy possibly. Therefore, the potential seismic risks of these segments are significantly high compared to other segments along the Haiyuan-Liupan Shan fault zone.  相似文献   
文章针对S波段双偏振天气雷达设计了一种改良的标准差分析方法,用以评估雷达数据质量,通过评估2022年2月-10月成都雷达基数据的数据质量,得到了如下结果:(1)对于正常雷达数据,改良的标准差计算方法与原始方法能得到相同趋势的标准差分布结果,计算异常雷达数据的标准差时,能得到更优的标准差分布结果。(2)成都雷达Zh数据质量存在较大波动,标准差低于SDZh标准值的比例仅43.67%。(3)成都雷达Zdr和CC数据质量较好,标准差低于SDZdr和SDCC标准值的比例分别为84.09%和87.10%,φdp的数据波动较大,标准差低于SDφdp上限的比例仅34.54%。  相似文献   
基于栅格数据的陕西省人居环境自然适宜性测评   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
人居环境中的自然基础和生态背景,不仅直接关系到人的身心健康和生活质量,而且影响人类发展水平与社会进步.科学度量人居环境自然适宜性空间格局,对于界定主体功能区、引导人口合理分布与流动,促进人口与资源环境协调发展具有重要意义.运用GIS技术,采用综合指数法,基于陕西省96个气象站点1966-2005年气象数据、1990-2007年逐月NDVI和Landsat TM影像、1:25万DEM、2000年陕西省人口详查数据、2006人口数据以及其他相关资料,以100 m×100 m栅格单元构建并直观展现了陕西省人居环境自然适宜程度空间格局,在此基础上,剖析了各区的适宜性和限制性因子.结果表明:陕西省的人居环境指数介于18.55~88.97之间:从西北向东南、从山地、高原向平原、河谷人居自然适宜程度递增.一般适宜区面积最广,占陕西省总面积的63.28%;比较适宜地区居次,占26.11%;临界适宜区占10.26%:高度适宜区面积最小,仅占0.35%.陕西省总人口的68.92%分布在占全省面积26.46%的高度适宜区和比较适宜区.地表水资源和地形起伏度是引起省内人居环境自然适宜性分异的主要因子.实证分析表明该测评结果比较客观地反映了陕西省人居的自然生态背景.  相似文献   
Using arrival data of the body waves recorded by seismic stations, we reconstructed the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the northwestern continental margin of the South China Sea through a travel time tomography technique. The result revealed the apparent tectonic variation along the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and its adjacent regions. High velocities are observed in the upper and middle crust beneath the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and they reflect the character of the fast uplifting and cooling of the metamorphic belt after the ductile shearing of the fault zone, while low velocities in the lower crust and near the Moho imply a relatively active crust-mantle boundary beneath the fault zone. On the west of the fault zone, the large-scale low velocities in the uppermost mantle beneath western Yunnan prove the influence of the mantle heat flow on volcano, hot spring and magma activities, however, the upper mantle on the eas  相似文献   
根据在江西白垩纪—新近纪陆相红盆地中1:50000地质填图对盆地的盆缘类型和盆地充填样式研究的新认识,以及陆相红盆地的形成、发展机制与盆地边缘岩石的成生性质,将盆缘划分为基底盆缘和新生盆缘2类;又依据盆缘的原始自然坡度和形态特征划分为缓坡型、折坡型、陡坡型(或断坡型)和新缓坡型、新折坡型、新陡坡型等6型。根据陆相红盆地中不同构造期(幕)不同沉积环境沉积的沉积体的空间展布特征及其各种有序叠置组合形式,厘定了辫状河—湖三角洲—浅湖型、冲积扇—辫状河—湖三角洲—浅湖型、冲积扇—浅湖型、近岸水下扇—浅湖型、冲积扇—辫状河型和河流—沼泽(湿地)型等6种盆地充埴样式。  相似文献   
电离层对台风响应的全过程的特例研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为特例研究,本文对1988年和1990年两次强台风影响期间的电离层多普勒记录及相应的台风资料进行了细致的相关分析,目的是利用多普勒记录的连续性优点来了解电离层对登陆(或近海)强台风通过声重波响应的演化全过程.分析表明,在这两次台风影响期间,电离层形态中除有明显的波状扰动(中尺度声重波)出现外,还有一些值得注意的新现象:波动的时间演化表现出明显的幅度逐渐增加以及频率由高频向低频转变,在振幅很大的情况下日落后同时出现扩展F(Spread-F)现象,显示了声重波在激发电离层不规则结构方面的种子作用.这一演化过程与电离层中TIDs的线性传播理论一致,文中开展了对这一现象的非线性数值模拟,模拟结果基本上也与上述观测现象相吻合.  相似文献   
针对小兴安岭湿地生态功能退化,急须对其景观格局动态演变特征进行分析,该文提出 了耦合人工神经网络、元胞自动机和马尔科夫链构建模型来预测小兴安岭湿地未来景观格局的方法;通过转移矩阵、景观格局指数分析小兴安岭湿地1995-2025年景观格局动态演变特征.结果表明:所构建模型耦合了马尔科夫链数量预测与元胞自动机空间预测的优势,能够较大限度地克服元胞自动机模型主观赋权的影响,有效地提高了预测模型的精度;1995-2025年,小兴安岭地区湿地面积呈波动式变化,1995-2005年湿地面积急剧减少,2005年后缓慢增加,至2025年趋于平稳;小兴安岭湿地景观格局总体趋于破碎化,景观异质性增加,2005年达到最大值,2015年后各景观类型比例基本稳定.研究结果为小兴安岭湿地生态功能修复提供有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   
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