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<正>The Hadamiao granodiorite,located on the northern margin of the North China platform and acting as the country rock of gold deposits in the Hadamiao region,was formed in the same age and similar tectonic settings with the Hadamiao gold deposit and the large-scale Bilihe gold deposit in the same area.By using the LA-ICP-MS method,the U-Pb age obtained is 267±1.3 Ma,which represents the crystallized age of the granodiorite,and that of the xenolithic zircon is 442.8±5 Ma. Base on the main elements,it exhibits the features of calc-alkaline to high-potassium calc-alkaline series,low silicon,and quasi-aluminous I-type granites,and with high magnesium(Mg~#=0.45-0.57) and high sodium contents(Na_2O/K_2O=0.98-2.29).The SREE values(81.6-110.15 ppm) are relatively low,the fractionations between LREE and HREE are obvious,showing a right-inclined dispersion in the REE distribution diagram.Compared with the primitive mantle,the rock is relatively rich in LREE(La and Ce),LILE(K,Sr,and Th),and intensively depleted in HFSE(Ti,P,Nb and Ta).The ratios of Sr/Y and(La/Yb)_N and the contents of Rb,Nb and Y are relatively low,the Sr values are high (436.35-567.26 ppm),and the Yb contents of most samples are low(1.25-1.8),which indicate the features of typical continental margin arc and adakitic rocks.According to the values ofε_(Nd)(t)(-2.4 to +0.2) and I_(Sr)(0.7028-0.7083),and variations of the La/Sm ratios,the Hadamiao granodiorite was formed from mixing of the thickened molten lower crust and the mantle wedge substances.The rock was related to the southward subduction and accretion of the Paleo-Asia Ocean in the Late Paleozoic, being Late Paleozoic magma of the continental margin arc formed on the basement of the Early Paleozoic accretion complexes,and showing a trend of turning into adakitic rocks,which indicates their great metallogenic(Au) potential.  相似文献   
以吐哈盆地十红滩砂岩型铀矿床为例,利用U-Pb同位素体系演化特征,计算含矿砂岩和顶底板泥岩的原始铀质量分数及变化系数,认为赋矿地层沉积时就存在铀的预富集,同生沉积碎屑岩和泥岩都是本区重要的铀源。结合古水文地质演化和碳-氧同位素特征,认为成岩期泥岩压榨水携带铀进入砂岩含水层,在砂岩中产生铀的预富集。  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic banded iron formations(BIFs)were closely associated with the“Snowball Earth”during the breakup of the Rodinia,thus they played an important role in our understanding of the atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels during this period.In this contribution,the Neoproterozoic(ca.737 Ma)Baijianshan BIF at Southeast Tarim,northwestern China was identified.Magnetite is the dominated iron-species,which occurs as the lamina interbedded with chert.The BIF contains low concentrations of trace elements,and is depleted in light rare earth elements(LREEs)based on comparison with the Post-Archean Australian Shale(PAAS).In addition,the BIF exhibits slightly positive La-Eu anomalies,negligible Ce anomalies,insignificant Y anomalies,chondritic Y/Ho ratios(23-32),and slightly chondritic initial εNd(t=737 Ma)values(?0.45 to 1.46,averaging 0.37).All these features indicate that the precipitation of Baijianshan BIF was closely related to the submarine low-T hydrothermal fluids with little detrital contribution.Moreover,the Baijianshan BIF is characterized by the significant enrichment of heavy Fe isotopes,with δ57FeIRMM-014 values ranging from 1.78‰ to 3.05‰,revealing the partial oxidation of Fe2+ into Fe3+ during the precipitation of this BIF.Our data suggest that the formation of Baijianshan BIF was closely associated with a significantly reducing ocean,which most likely was isolated from the oxidized atmosphere by a local ice sheet.This Neoproterozoic Baijianshan ocean has the initial oxygen levels as low as,or even lower than that of Archean and Paleoproterozoic oceans.  相似文献   
ASTER遥感数据蚀变遥感异常提取研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吕凤军  郝跃生  石静  王娟 《地球学报》2009,30(2):271-276
基于ETM+/TM数据提取矿化蚀变遥感异常已趋于成熟,而利用ASTER(先进星载热发射和反射辐射仪)遥感数据提取矿化蚀变遥感异常鲜有报道.本研究利用USGS波谱数据库中典型蚀变矿物反射率数据,重建其在ASTER数据中波谱曲线.研究表明,ASTER遥感数据可以提取Mg-OH、Al-OH、CO32-和Fe3+离子(基团)信息.热液矿床的蚀变围岩通常含有上述4种离子(基团),它们的波谱特征是蚀变遥感异常提取的理论依据.本研究利用改进"去干扰异常主分量门限技术流程",以河北省承德地区和太行山区为例,上述离子(基团)信息提取结果与野外实际分布相一致,表明利用ASTER遥感数据提取上述4种离子(基团)信息是可靠的.  相似文献   
非海相沉积层序的成因和构型特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据东部盆地的地质、地球物理特征,初步对非海相层序地层学应用研究进行了总结.非海相沉积层序的形成要素,既有外旋回、又有自旋回,构造和气候因素很重要,强调了环境因素.沉积基准面在海上为海平面,在陆上为潜水面、湖平面、河流平衡剖面.相对基准面的周期性变化引起了可容纳空间的周期性变化,并由之形成了一系列旋回式的层序.大多数情况下内陆基准面的变化不受海平面变化的控制,在全球最大海泛期有某种联系.湖盆小而沉积速率高,形成层序的频率高于海相.以沾化凹陷为依据,提出了5种层序构型特征:冲积-河湖型,(半)盐湖-淡水湖泊过渡型,海流-深湖型,半深湖-缓坡型,河流-冲积平原型.在盆地主要发育期,断阶式坡折对沉积体系有明显的控制作用.除低水位扇外,低水位楔是构成隐蔽圈闭或复合圈闭的有利场所。  相似文献   
为了释读蕴藏在富钴结壳中的环境变化信息,运用电子探针技术对中太平洋海山CXD05结壳进行了详细的构造和地球化学研究.结果表明:1)CXD05结壳约从19.4 Ma BP(早中新世)开始发育,从基部至顶部依次发育了斑杂构造、柱状构造和纹层构造;2)结壳中亲氧元素和碎屑组分从老至新发生规律性变化.结壳构造序列反映了其生长过程中海洋动力环境能量由高到低的变化;而壳层亲氧元素和碎屑组分的变化则记录了海水的氧化程度和风尘影响强度的变化.  相似文献   
南海东北部的断裂分布及其构造格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对南海东北部重磁异常的分析和处理,结合珠江口盆地、潮汕坳陷等地区的综合地质地球物理研究成果,根据研究区的重磁异常特征划分了4个异常区。应用地球物理数据处理方法,推断了该区的主要断裂35条,其主要走向为NW、NE、NEE向及S-N向4组。综合各方面研究成果在该区划分了7个构造单元。依据地震剖面、物性资料和重磁资料的分析,对南海东北部地区中生界的地层标定、构造与结构特征有了新的认识,研究了该地区前第三系基底和中生界的分布,并对南海东北部构造演化进行了探讨。  相似文献   
海底管道气体扩散到自由表面的半径及泉涌高度是进行水下气体泄漏风险分析的关键因素。利用FLUENT软件中的VOF模型和DPM模型耦合方式,对海底管道气体竖向扩散进行了仿真。模拟了水气两相交界面的行为,研究了气泡粒子扩散过程,分析了气泡粒子的扩散半径及轴向位移,讨论了不同泄漏速率对水下气体上升时间及水气两相交界面中泉涌高度的影响。通过模型中的水气两相交界面中泉涌高度和上升时间与实验结果的比较,验证了模型在一定条件下的正确性。  相似文献   
下刚果—刚果扇盆地油气资源丰富、油气成藏条件优越。但由于受到盐岩的活动及区域构造应力场的作用,形成了复杂的断裂系统。此文系统分析了下刚果—刚果扇盆地的断裂特征及其对油气成藏的影响,研究认为该区平面上主要发育5个断裂带,纵向上主要发育上下两套断裂系统。断裂的形成和演化可分为三个期次,相对应可将断层分为三个级别的断层。断层的形成机制主要有盐活动及盐构造、重力滑脱作用以及古地貌格局。烃源岩的排烃时间与第三期断层活动时间相匹配,非常有利于油气沿断层进行垂向和斜侧向运移。分析认为研究区主要发育沿断阶带—碳酸盐岩运聚成藏模式、沿断层垂向运聚成藏模式以及沿盐下砂体—盐窗和Focus点运聚成藏模式共三种成藏模式。断层封堵较好,油源断层高度决定了油气运移高度和油气田规模,直接控制着油气的分布层系及规模。研究成果可指导研究区或类似地区的油气勘探。  相似文献   
为了满足定量解释的需要,地震资料处理必须是高分辨率、振幅保持和相位控制的.面向海洋地震资料的相位控制处理技术包括利用远场信号进行确定性零相位化、Q补偿、预测反褶积及剩余相位校正等.利用模拟远场信号求取确定性去气泡及零相位化算子.此文基于相位控制处理,讨论了海洋地震资料的相位和极性判别方法,探讨了大于24 ms算子长度的预测反褶积对于保持信号形状的必要性,介绍了东海三维地震资料相位控制流程.  相似文献   
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