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区域问题中欧四国和其它发达国家一样存在着一系列区域方面的问题。这四个国家所面临的共同难题是都存在着低收入的边远农业地区的问题。例如,奥地利的东部与高山区,德意志联邦共和国的北部土地贫瘠地区和实际上遍及全国的丘陵地区,德意志民主共和国北部的某些地区以及瑞士的丘陵与山区。这些地区一般的都是地广人稀的。  相似文献   
地理信息系统和人工智能在地震区划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了当 前地理信息系统在工程地震中的一般性应用,特别是在地震区划中的应用。  相似文献   
Recently, detection of discrete features in the X-ray afterglow spectra of GRB 970508 and GRB 970828 was reported. The most natural interpretation of these features is that they are redshifted Fe K emission complexes. The identification of the line emission mechanism has drastic implications for the inferred mass of radiating material and hence the nature of the burst site. X-ray spectroscopy provides a direct observational constraint on these properties of gamma-ray bursters. We briefly discuss how these constraints arise in the context of an application to the spectrum of GRB 970508.  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Engine的地震风险预报与评估系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出利用ArcGIS Engine技术结合地震相关分析理论进行地震风险预报与评估系统设计,阐述设计原理及优势,并编程实现。系统综合集成地震分析、空间分析、重力分析及统计检验等功能,能有效提高地震风险预测评估一体化程度及震前灾害预警效率,并为地震灾害预警研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Geophysical data sets are growing at an ever-increasing rate, requiring computationally efficient data selection(thinning)methods to preserve essential information. Satellites, such as Wind Sat, provide large data sets for assessing the accuracy and computational efficiency of data selection techniques. A new data thinning technique, based on support vector regression(SVR), is developed and tested. To manage large on-line satellite data streams, observations from Wind Sat are formed into subsets by Voronoi tessellation and then each is thinned by SVR(TSVR). Three experiments are performed. The first confirms the viability of TSVR for a relatively small sample, comparing it to several commonly used data thinning methods(random selection, averaging and Barnes filtering), producing a 10% thinning rate(90% data reduction), low mean absolute errors(MAE) and large correlations with the original data. A second experiment, using a larger dataset, shows TSVR retrievals with MAE < 1 m s-1and correlations 0.98. TSVR was an order of magnitude faster than the commonly used thinning methods. A third experiment applies a two-stage pipeline to TSVR, to accommodate online data. The pipeline subsets reconstruct the wind field with the same accuracy as the second experiment, is an order of magnitude faster than the nonpipeline TSVR. Therefore, pipeline TSVR is two orders of magnitude faster than commonly used thinning methods that ingest the entire data set. This study demonstrates that TSVR pipeline thinning is an accurate and computationally efficient alternative to commonly used data selection techniques.  相似文献   
本文阐述了天线准确定位的重要性,提出了影响天线相位中心与测站标志之间准确关系的误差来源,也提出了能够减少误差,检测粗差的外业方法和设备改进意见。  相似文献   
硼及硼同位素地球化学在地质研究中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
总结了硼及硼同位素的地球化学特征:(1)硼是易溶元素,主要赋存在地球表层,尤其是海水、海相沉积物及海水交代岩石中。其同位素组成δ11B值按顺序变化,封闭盐湖卤水(>40‰)>海水(395‰)>海相硼矿物(182‰~3173‰)>海相沉积物(139‰~252‰)>海水交代岩石(451‰~1085‰)。大陆水及陆相沉积物硼含量及硼同位素组成变化极大,并多以负值为主。海陆过渡构造带则具有过渡的硼丰度值和硼同位素组成。(2)11B较10B具有更活跃的地球化学性质,因此在水岩作用中具有明显的同位素交换。硅化交代作用中,岩石被硅化交代,释放硼,并优先释放重硼,同位素组成变轻;在脱硅反应中,岩石释放硅吸收硼,并优先吸收重硼,同位素组成变重。在封闭体系中,水溶液淋滤岩石中部分的硼,即可大量富集,并富集11B;在开放体系中,岩石硼被大量淋滤流失,δ11B值明显降低。由于水岩作用的结果,从新鲜海底玄武岩到正常海水,硼同位素值从-295‰到395‰逐渐升高。(3)变质脱水反应中硼被大量排出,并优先排出重硼同位素,进入流体相,因此随着变质程度由低到高,岩石中硼含量及同位素组成δ11B值由高变低。(4)在成矿研究中?  相似文献   
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