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随着“依法治国”方略在气象部门的贯彻,作为气象行政执法主体机关,气象部门应如何搞好依法行政,保证气象事业快速有序发展,从而更好地为经济社会服务,本文从目前气象依法行政工作中面临的主要问题出发,结合市(地)气象部门的实际情况,提出了今后气象依法行政要做好的五方面工作。  相似文献   
Organic geochemical studies have been carried out to assess the qualities of source rocks penetrated by four wells (Kemar-1, Murshe-1, Tuma-1 and Ziye-1) in the Nigerian sector of the Chad basin. The Chad basin is a large intracratonic basin in Central West Africa. Commercial hydrocarbon accumulations have been discovered in some sectors of the basin outside the Nigerian border in a structurally related contiguous basin. Fair to poor quality source rocks are inherent in the sequences penetrated by the studied wells. About 80% of all samples have their total organic carbon (TOC) contents more than 0.5 wt.%, the minimum limit for hydrocarbon generation. Juxtaposition of the hydrogen indices against the TOC and Tmax indicates that the source rocks are entirely gas-prone. However, biomarker chromatograms and extract vs. TOC plots indicate the presence of oil shows in Ziye-1 well at a depth of 1210 m. Although generated hydrocarbons (wherever they have accumulated) would be overwhelmingly gaseous, gas is the energy of the future. The gas resources of this part of Nigeria's inland basins can be economically exploited through policies that will increase the tempo of gas-utilization projects and the construction of a national grid of gas pipelines with nodal points of input and output.  相似文献   
Significant coherence among time series of environmental and biological production variables suggested mechanistic pathways through which climate contributed to the downward shift in estuarine production (biomass) in northern San Francisco Bay estuary, 1975–1993. Climate directly and indirectly affected physical processes in the estuary through precipitation and its subsequent impact on streamflow and physical variables affected by streamflow. Climate also directly influenced air temperature and wind velocity. The influence if climate was evaluated through a climate index based on sea level pressure. A shift in this climate index in the early 1980s coincided with changes in many environmental variables including water transparency, water temperature, wind velocity, and rainfall. These physical changes were accompanied by a decrease in diatom, total zooplankton, andNeomysis mercedis carbon at the base of the food web throughout the estuary. Box-Jenkins time series coherence analysis was used to quantify associations among these physical, chemical, and biological time series for nine regions of the estuary. These associations were used to develop a conceptual model of mechanistic pathways that directly linked food web carbon production to climate. Strong coherence among diatom, zooplankton, andN. mercedis carbon time series suggested climate also had an indirect impact on food web production through trophic cascade. Differing mechanistic pathways among the nine regions of the estuary suggested climate was an important contributor to the spatial variability in total food web production and trophic structure.  相似文献   
The abundance of metallic iron is highly variable in different kinds of chondrites. The precise mechanism by which metal fractionation occurred and its place in time relative to chondrule formation are unknown. As metallic iron is abundant in most Type I (FeO-poor) chondrules, determining under what conditions metal could form in chondrules is of great interest. Assuming chondrules were formed from low temperature nebular condensate, we heated an anhydrous CI-like material at 1580°C in conditions similar to those of the canonical nebula (PH2 = 1.3 × 10−5 atm). We reproduced many of the characteristics of Type IA and IIA chondrules but none of them contained any iron metal. In these experiments FeO was abundant in charges that were heated for as long as 6 h. At a lower temperature, 1350°C, dendritic/cellular metal crystallized from Fe-FeS melts during the evaporation of S. However, the silicate portion consisted of many relict grains and vesicles, not typical of chondrules.Evaporation experiments conducted at PH2 = 1 atm and 1565°C produced charges containing metallic iron both as melt droplets and inclusions in olivine, similar to those found in chondrules. Formation of iron in these experiments was primarily the result of desulfurization of FeS. With long heating times Fe° was lost by evaporation. Apart from some reduction of FeO by kerogen to make metal inclusions within olivine grains, reduction of FeO to make Fe° in these charges was not observed.This study shows that under canonical nebular conditions FeS and iron-metal are extremely volatile so that metal-rich Type I chondrules could not form by melting “CI.” Under these conditions FeO is lost predominantly by hydrogen stripping and, due to the relative low abundance of hydrogen at low pressures, remains in the melt for as long as 6 h. Conversely, at higher total pressures (1-atm H2) iron metal (produced mainly by the desulfurization of troilite) is less volatile and remains in the melt for longer times (at least 6 h). In addition, due to elevated pressures of hydrogen, FeO is stripped away much faster. These results suggest that chondrule formation occurred in environments with elevated pressures relative to the canonical nebula for iron metal to be present.  相似文献   
We present a complete set of stability constants (SO4β1) for the monosulfato-complexes of yttrium and the rare earth elements (YREE), except Pm, at I = 0.66 m and t = 25°C, where SO4β1 = [MSO4+] × [M3+]−1[SO42−]−1 (M ≡ YREE and brackets indicate free ion concentrations on the molal scale). Stability constants were determined by investigating the solubility of BaSO4 in concentrated aqueous solutions of MCl3. This is the first complete set to be published in more than 30 years.The resulting SO4β1 pattern is very similar in shape to one reported by de Carvalho and Choppin (1967a) (I = 2 mol/L; t = 25°C) that has been largely ignored. Stability constants vary little between La and Sm, but display a weak maximum at Eu. Between Eu and Lu, SO4β1 decreases by 0.2 log units, substantially exceeding the ±0.02 log unit average analytical precision. The stability constant for Y is approximately equal to that for Er. Our SO4β1 pattern is consequently distinctly different from the consensus pattern, based on a single data set from 1954, which is essentially flat, with a range of only 0.07 log units between the lowest and highest SO4β1 values within the lanthanide series (excluding Y).Values of SO4β1 obtained in this work, in conjunction with the ion-pairing model of Millero and Schreiber (1982), allow prediction of SO4β1 between 0 and 1 m ionic strength. These results are used to assess both the absolute and relative extent of YREE sulfate complexation in acidic, sulfate-rich waters.  相似文献   
By using accelerator mass spectrometry we have measured the 10Be concentrations of 86 Australasian tektites. Corrected to the time of tektite production ∼0.8 My ago, the 10Be concentrations (106 atom/g) range from 59 for a layered tektite from Huai Sai, Thailand, to 280 for an australite from New South Wales, Australia. The average value is 143 ± 50. When tektites are sorted by country, their average measured 10Be concentrations increase slowly with increasing distance from Southeast Asia, the probable location of the tektite producing event, from 59 ± 9 for 6 layered tektites from Laos to 136 ± 20 for 20 splash-form tektites from Australia. The lowest 10Be concentrations for tektites fall on or within a contour centered off the shore of Vietnam, south of the Gulf of Tonkin (107°E; 17°N), but also encompassing two other locations in the area of northeastern Thailand previously proposed for the site of a single tektite-producing impact. The 10Be concentrations of layered tektites show only a weak anticorrelation (R ∼ −0.3) with the numbers of relict crystalline inclusions.Loosely consolidated, fine-grained terrestrial sediments or recently consolidated sedimentary rocks are the most likely precursor materials. Dilution of sediments with other kinds of rock raises problems in mixing and is not supported by petrographic data. Sedimentary columns that have the right range of 10Be concentrations occur off the coasts of places where sedimentation rates are high relative to those in the deep sea. A single impact into such a region, 15 to 300 m thick, could have propelled near-surface, high-10Be material farthest—to Australia—while keeping the deeper-lying, low-10Be layers closer to home. We do not rule out, however, other proposed mechanisms for tektite formation.  相似文献   
Summary The behaviour up to failure of shallow underground openings is discussed on the basis of some laboratory, small-scale model tests and of finite element simulation. The experimental results are first illustrated. They were obtained from two-dimensional (plane strain) and three-dimensional tunnel models tested under standard gravity conditions. Then, the phenomenon of strain localisation that characterizes the medium surrounding the model tunnels is discussed, recalling two alternative approaches for its numerical interpretation. On this basis, a finite element procedure for strain softening analyses is outlined and applied to the simulation of the tests in both two- and three-dimensional conditions. The comparison between experimental and numerical results leads to some conclusions on the influence of strain localisation on the overall behaviour of shallow tunnels and on the stability of their headings.  相似文献   
Charnockitic magmatism in southern India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large charnockite massifs cover a substantial portion of the southern Indian granulite terrain. The older (late Archaean to early Proterozoic) charnockites occur in the northern part and the younger (late Proterozoic) charnockites occur in the southern part of this high-grade terrain. Among these, the older Biligirirangan hill, Shevroy hill and Nilgiri hill massifs are intermediate charnockites, with Pallavaram massif consisting dominantly of felsic charnockites. The charnockite massifs from northern Kerala and Cardamom hill show spatial association of intermediate and felsic charnockites, with the youngest Nagercoil massif consisting of felsic charnockites. Their igneous parentage is evident from a combination of features including field relations, mineralogy, petrography, thermobarometry, as well as distinct chemical features. The southern Indian charnockite massifs show similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids, with the tonalitic intermediate charnockites showing similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids with low K2O/Na2O ratios, and the felsic charnockites showing similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids with high K2O/Na2O ratios. A two-stage model is suggested for the formation of these charnockites. During the first stage there was a period of basalt underplating, with the ponding of alkaline mafic magmas. Partial melting of this mafic lower crust formed the charnockitic magmas. Here emplacement of basalt with low water content would lead to dehydration melting of the lower crust forming intermediate charnockites. Conversely, emplacement of hydrous basalt would result in melting at higher {ie565-01} favoring production of more siliceous felsic charnockites. This model is correlated with two crustal thickening phases in southern India, one related to the accretion of the older crustal blocks on to the Archaean craton to the north and the other probably related to the collision between crustal fragments of East and West Gondwana in a supercontinent framework.  相似文献   
The acceleration of particles by solar flares with extremely large proton fluxes whose energies exceed 100 MeV is considered. Most importantly, the location of the source of such acceleration in the flare of July 14, 2000, is determined assuming that the acceleration time coincides with the observed burst of hard line and continuous gamma-ray emission. The onset of this event corresponds to 10:19 UT, when data taken by the TRACE space observatory show that one of the flare ribbons reached a large sunspot in a group. The time interval for the development of the flare, 10:20–10:28 UT, is associated with the beginning of an increasing proton flux at the Earth. The region of efficient acceleration is estimated to be approximately two to three times higher than the height where the hard X-ray pulse usually originates (about 7000 km). The results are generalized for 28 powerful flares with extremely efficient acceleration of relativistic particles—in particular, for the well-studied events of June 15, 1991, and May 24, 1990—and are compared with the results of a statistical analysis of over 1100 increasing-proton-flux events. Efficient particle acceleration seems to be associated with the powerful impulsive episodes of the large flares analyzed. The results suggest that, along with sources of local (as in impulsive flares) and post-eruptive acceleration, there is an additional, very efficient, moderate-scale “accelerator” in tenuous regions with fairly strong magnetic fields and magnetic-field gradients.  相似文献   
The results of a spectroscopic analysis of 15 stars that are photometric analogues of the Sun are reported. The effective temperatures and surface gravities in the stellar atmospheres are derived from published photometric indices and the HIPPARCOS parallaxes. The abundances of 33 elements ranging from lithium to europium are analyzed based on high-dispersion spectra taken with the new Coudé echelle spectrometer of the Terskol Observatory in the northern Caucasus. The main parameters of most of the stars agree with the data of an [Fe/H] catalog published in 2001. Our study of the chemical compositions of the sample stars indicates that photometric analogues of the Sun can be divided into three groups according to their elemental abundances: six stars have solar chemical composition, four have abundance excesses, and five have some abundance deficiencies. The sample contains two metal-deficient subgiants (HD 133002 and HD 225239). Our results demonstrate that photometric similarity is not a sufficient criterion to consider a star as solar analogue. When several criteria, including chemical composition, are simultaneously taken into account, only four stars from the sample can be considered true solar analogues: HD 10307, HD 34411, HD 146233 (18 Sco), and HD 186427 (16 Cyg B). These results confirm the previously published suggestion that 18 Sco is the most probable twin of the Sun: essentially all the parameters of the two stars coincide within the errors.  相似文献   
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