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去年,我一直从事某项活动,对于这项活动,有些地震专家认为是荒唐的,有人说是愚蠢的,有人说是真好笑,也有人说是在浪费时间。我做了什么事情会引起如此多同事的这些看法呢?噢,我所从事的活动就是主张进行一些定期的和频繁的地震预报。我公开为新英格兰,并私下为加州的一些同事  相似文献   
地名档案是人们从事地名工作最原始最直接的真实记录,同时也是地名工作者赖以生存和提高工作效率不可或缺的必要条件。当前的地名档案,内容丰富、涉及面广,而且表现形态多种多样:文、表、图、卡、袋、册、盒、卷,文字的、声像的、图表的样样俱全,这是地名档案区别于其它文书档  相似文献   
We download the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Data Release 8(LAMOST DR8)low resolution catalog for 6,478,063 AFGK type stars and plot the figures of effective temperature,gravitational acceleration and metal abundance.Some small and medium mass stars are evolved from pre-main sequence or main sequence stage to planetary nebula stage or white dwarf stage by the stellar evolution code MESA.We analyze the observed statistical data and model calculation results,and then o...  相似文献   
We constrain the multistage tectonic evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic UHT metamorphic(P=0.9–1.0 GPa,T>1000℃,t=2088–2031 Ma)Bakhuis Granulite Belt(BGB)in Surinam on the Guiana Shield,using large-to small-scale structures,Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and published fluid inclusion and zircon geochronological data.The BGB forms a narrow,NE–SW striking belt between two formerly connected,~E–W oriented granite-greenstone belts,formed between converging Amazonian and West African continental masses prior to collision and Transamazonian orogeny.Inherited detrital zircon in BGB metasediments conforms agewise to Birimian zircon of West Africa and suggests derivation from the subsequently subducted African passive margin.Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism may have followed slab break-off and asthenospheric heat advection.Peak metamorphic structures result from layer-parallel shearing and folding,reflecting initial transtensional exhumation of the subducted African margin after slab break-off.A second HT event involves intrusion,at ca.0.49 GPa,of charnockites and metagabbros at 1993–1984 Ma and a layered anorthosite at 1980 Ma,after the BGB had already cooled to<400℃.The event is related to northward subduction under the greenstone belts,along a new active margin to their south.A pronounced syntaxial bend in the new margin points northward towards the BGB and is likely the result of indentation by an anticlinorial flexural bulge of the subducting plate.Tearing of the subducting oceanic plate along this bulge explains why the charnockites are restricted to the BGB.The BGB subsequently experienced doming under an extensional detachment exposed in its southwestern border zone.Exhumation was focused in the BGB as a result of the flexural bulge in the subducting plate and localised heating of the overriding plate by charnockite magmatism.The present,straight NE–SW long-side boundaries of the BGB are superimposed mylonite zones,overprinted by pseudotachylites,previously dated at ca.1200 Ma and 950 Ma,respectively.The 1200 Ma mylonites reflect transpressional popping-up of the BGB,caused by EW-directed intraplate principal compressive stresses from Grenvillian collision preserved under the eastern Andes.Further exhumation of the BGB involved the 950 Ma pseudotachylite decorated faulting,and Phanerozoic faulting along reactivated Meso-and Neoproterozoic lineaments.  相似文献   
建立哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库是CASIN国际项目的一部分,应由中亚各国来共同完成。项目主要目的旨在建立地震学数据库,以作为今后减小哈萨克斯坦共和国地震危险性的工作基础。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库由下列子系统构成:1)文件输入子系统;2)信息检索和提交子系统;3)信息元数据存储子系统;4)档案库运行控制子系统;5)信息安全子系统。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库有以下功能:1)永久存储综合信息并上报和收集(记录)其他资料;2)存储数据和资料计算;3)电子文档的长期存储和管理;4)规定序号进行信息查询和文件的联机保证;5)信息统计和…  相似文献   
在过去几年里,分割的概念引起了人们的极大关注。其主要思想起源于地图数据研究,而且它的很多应用继续牵涉到空间现象。在对比例尺的答复、自相似和空间循环细分三个标题下,我们回顾了地理学与分割的关联。分割度大小为表现制图综合效果特性和评价以空间样本为预告对象所推出的数据表示提供了手段。分割表面自相似特性,使得它如同在地貌过程研究中开始的或不存在的假设景观一样有用。空间现象的广泛变化,据统计,在许多规模上被证明是自相似,使人想起了像地理范围那样的比例尺依存关系的重要性。在文章三分之一的篇幅里,循环细分被证明是导致用数字形式表示空间数据的新奇和有效方法,并成为空间组织常见模型的特征。我们断定,分割被作为考虑空间形式传统方法重要变化,同时,与其说是提供了空间现象新的和重要的规范与标准,倒不如说提供了以经验为根据的可证实模型。  相似文献   
通过对前人建议的26个生物地层标志化石存在与否的简约分析,中亚与亚洲中部晚白垩世的陆生脊椎动物组合的相对层位得到了更清楚的揭示。此区最古老的组合是乌兹别克斯坦克孜勒库姆沙漠的Khodzhakul组合(早塞诺曼期),其次为蒙古戈壁沙漠东部BaynShire组的下部和上部的组合(塞诺曼期至桑顿期)。中国内蒙古二连达布苏动物群与中亚的土伦期—桑顿期动物群属于同一类群,因为它们均具龟鳖类Khunnuchelys,前者时代可能为桑顿期。三个中亚的组合(Bissekty、Yalovach和Bostobe组合)中有两个地方性的鳄形类(Kansajsuchus和Tadzhikosuchus)和一个出现于戈壁沙漠的鳄形类(Shamosuchus)化石。戈壁沙漠的坎潘期至马斯特里赫特期组合与北美同期动物群为同一类群。Djadokhta组与BarunGoyot组的坎潘期脊椎动物组合具有高度的地方性,并反应了半干旱的古环境。产自Nemegt组的组合生存于比较潮湿的环境。在组成上,这一组合与其他河流相沉积环境(Bissekty、二连达布苏以及北美Judithian期和Lancian期的组合)相似。具顶饰的鸭嘴龙Saurolophus的存在,支持了Nemegt组合为马斯特里赫特期时代。戈壁沙漠的这三个组合(Djadokhta、Barun Goyot和Nemegt组合)被归为一类,因为它们共同拥有地方性的龟类Mongolemys和兽脚亚目的小驰龙类。亚洲中部和北美的坎潘期至马斯特里赫特期组合与亚洲更加古老的组合不同在于存有暴龙科、肿头龙亚目和鸭嘴龙科。在中亚,由于地区性的海侵,这一时间段内的陆生脊椎动物组合多不清楚。  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167498711100079X   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lower Paleozoic rocks exposed in various regions of Egypt (south central Sinai, north Eastern Desert and southwest Western Desert), in addition to occurring in the subsurface such as north Western Desert and the Gulf of Suez. The Lower Paleozoic rocks in Egypt include surface and subsurface rock units of formational status. The surface rock units are the Taba, Araba and Naqus formations. The subsurface rock units include the Shifa, Kohla and Basur formations. The Infracambrian Taba Formation has been discovered recently in the outcrops of the south eastern Sinai in the Taba-Ras El-Naqab area. It is missing and/or not recognized in the subsurface. The Taba Formation consists mainly of reddish brown, unfossiliferous gravelly fine-to medium-grained sandstones cemented by kaolinite and have subordinate beds of paleosols. The Cambrian Araba Formation and its subsurface equivalent (the Shifa Formation) are essentially composed of reddish brown, fine-grained laminated sandstone and siltstone with abundant Skolithos and Cruziana sp. In contrast, the Ordovician-Silurian Naqus Formation and its subsurface equivalents (Kohla Formation and Basur Formation) are mainly composed of white, unfossiliferous, cross-bedded, medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with haphazardly distributed pebbles and cobbles. Sedimentological analysis indicates that the Araba Formation and its equivalents were deposited in a marginal-marine environment, whereas the Naqus Formation and its equivalents were laid down in a fluvio-glacial environment. Integrated stratigraphic and sedimentological studies of the Lower Paleozoic rocks permit reconstruction of the paleogeography of Egypt at that time. Egypt has been largely controlled since the Cambrian by the pre-existing structural framework of the pre-Phanerozoic basement rocks inherited from the Late Proterozoic Pan-African event. Additionally, sedimentation processes were controlled during Cambro-Ordovician times by tectonic movements, whereas glacio-eustatic control predominated during the Late Ordovician-Silurian Period. These studies suggest that most areas of Egypt were exposed lands with episodically transgression by epicontinental seas related to the paleo-Tethys. These lands formed a part of a stable subsiding shelf at the northern Gondwana margin.  相似文献   
本文研究了整个地质年代海水中确定 Nd 同位素变化的可能性,调查了方解石、霞石、磷灰石可以作为记录海水εNd 值的可能矿物相。海相环境下近代生物成因和无机沉淀的方解石和霞石,其含 Nd 量为0.2ppb 至70ppb,表明原生海相 CaCO_3含有很少的稀土元素,而且 Nd/Ca 比值相对于碳酸盐沉淀期间的海水来说也没有增加很多。非常年轻的不含大陆岩屑的海成石灰岩、白云岩、含 Nd 量约为200ppb。  相似文献   
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