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1998年夏季中日合作开展了淮河流域能量与水分循环试验(HUBEX),该试验和GAME其他试验的探空加密观测资料作为原始资料的一部分经过同化分析,得到了GAME再分析资料。该文就是以1998年6~8月我国江淮地区的天气过程为背景,对GAME和NCEP两组不同的再分析资料的基本要素场、导数场、降水量场和地面通量场用气候诊断和统计的方法进行了对比分析。结果表明,在对流层低层和中高层GAME再分析资料的基本要素场及地面的降水场和通量场较NCEP再分析资料更为准确;GAME再分析资料能很好地反映出西南涡东移并影响江淮大暴雨的重要天气特征,而NCEP资料则反映不出这一现象。同时还得到,GAME再分析资料优于NCEP再分析资料的主要原因是GAME的资料同化系统中加入了包括HUBEX等气象科学试验的探空加密观测资料。因此,该文证实了GAME的外场加密观测试验—HUBEX等开展的必要性,说明增加观测资料的时空分辨率对于提高我国天气气候的预报准确率具有重要意义。  相似文献   
After modifying the basic computation model made by Panchang (1988), the error vector propagation (EVP) method has been adopted to compute the combined effects of water wave refraction and diffraction in the presence of reflection boundary. The results show that the present method is successful in restraining the noise in Panchang's solution. Compared to other numerical methods for the mild-slope wave equation, EVP method can both consider the influence of reflection and save computer memory and computing time.  相似文献   
本文系统介绍了珠江口盆地最南的一个探井——BY7—1—1井浮游有孔虫生物地层和海侵层序。通过对该井有孔虫全面系统采样分析,发现了渐新世浮游有孔虫组合。这一重大发现给重新认识该区上、下第三系界线,以及对整个南海北部地层对比提供了新资料。并对有关的一些地质问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
- According to the need of project design for offshore engineering and coastal engineering, this paper statistically analyses the annual extreme data of waves acquired at 19 observation stations along the coast of China. Five kinds of distribution curves are adopted: Pearson Ⅲ(P-Ⅲ), Log-Extreme I (LE), Log-Normal(LN), Weibull(W) and Exponential r(Eг) to check the adaptability to the long-term distribution of annual extreme of wave in the China Sea areas. The New Curve Fittling Method (NFIT) method and Probability Weighted Moments (PWM) method are used to estimate the distribution parameters and thereby to derive the design wave parameters with different return periods at 19 observation stations. The test results show that by combining Eг distribution and NFIT parameter estimation and optimum seeking by computer, the design wave parameters can be estimated with high accuracy, high speed and high efficiency, and the randomness of the estimated results can be avoided.  相似文献   
本文用系统分析的思想,对玄武湖水底交通隧道两种工方案进行了比选,并对明挖法方案进行了优化,最后确定了最佳方案-箱涵顶进行筑堤开槽埋管方法。  相似文献   
新疆东准噶尔两类碱性花岗岩及其地质意义   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
研究证明,东准噶尔境内广泛发育的碱性花岗岩在空间上与深断裂、蛇绿岩及偏碱性的钾长花岗岩类紧密伴生,并可规律地分为卡拉麦里碱性花岗岩带(简称南带)、乌伦古碱性花岗岩带(简称中带)和布尔根碱性花岗岩带(简称北带)。南、中两带碱性花岗岩形成于海西中晚期,图...  相似文献   
在湖南新田县部分岩溶区发现高碘地下水,威胁着周边居民的饮水安全,查明该区域地下水中碘的分布特征及其控制因素具有重要意义。采集新田县66组泉水样和45组井水样,采用水化学图解法、主成分分析法和GIS技术,分析了泉水和井水的水化学特征,查明了地下水中碘的空间分布特征,剖析了碘富集的主要控制因素。研究发现泉水与井水中碘含量分别为2.7~92.8 μg·L−1和4.15~3 861 μg·L−1,其中,53.3%井水样品碘含量超过《水源性高碘地区和高碘病区的划定》(GB 19380-2016)标准中的界定值100 μg·L−1。受沉积环境、pH、Eh和地下水径流条件影响,高碘地下水主要沿着一条NE−SW向的河谷分布,从峰林谷地地区到地势低洼的河谷平原地带,地下水碘含量整体随着径流条件变差呈现逐渐增加的趋势。海相沉积所形成的富碘富有机质地层是高碘地下水形成的地质基础,发生有机质降解和竞争吸附的弱碱性偏还原环境是导致碘被释放到地下水中的主要因素;此外,水流滞缓的封闭地下水环境也是控制高碘地下水形成的重要因素。  相似文献   
-In this paper a simple and efficient implicit finite-difference scheme is used for depth-averagedtwo-dimensional storm surge model.This finite-difference scheme is simpler and more efficient than the wi-dely-used ADI scheme.Accuracy analysis and stability analysis indicate that the scheme has two-order ac-curacy and is unconditionally stable when the grid size is constant.The present analysis results show thatthe scheme is of higher numerical accuracy than that introduced by Maa(1990).After tested by ideal mod-els,a calculation example of a real typhoon surge is carried out,the results of the numerical simulation co-incide well with the observed data and the accuracy is sufficient for engineering applications.  相似文献   
皱纹盘鲍消化道粘膜上皮的扫描电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)隶属腹足纲、前鳃亚纲、原始腹足目、鲍科,是一种珍贵的经济贝类,也是我国北方沿海主要养殖贝类.近年来利用扫描电镜的特点研究动物消化道表面超微结构与其食性、功能的关系已引起高度重视[1-3],但迄今为止对皱纹盘鲍乃至整个鲍科动物消化道扫描电镜的研究国内外未见报道.皱纹盘鲍是一种藻食性动物,与其食性相适应,它的消化道甚长,约相当于体长的3倍,并进化有发达的食道侧囊、嗉囊以及长而迂曲的肠.组织学研究表明皱纹盘鲍消化道粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮[4].  相似文献   
The investigation was performed on 4 Mullets (27~49 cm long and weighing 225~1 500 g each) of both sexes from the waters off Tianjin. Small pieces of the gills were sliced and immersionfixed in a buffer mixture of 1.5% glutaraldehyde, 1.5% paraformaldehyde and 0.1 mol/dm~3 phosphate for at least 24 h. After fixation in phosphate buffered 1% O_(?)O_4 at 4 ℃ for 1 h, the tissues were  相似文献   
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