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Daily global solar irradiation (R s) is one of the main inputs in environmental modeling. Because of the lack of its measuring facilities, high-quality and long-term data are limited. In this research, R s values were estimated based on measured sunshine duration and cloud cover of our synoptic meteorological stations in central and southern Iran during 2008, 2009, and 2011. Clear sky solar irradiation was estimated from linear regression using extraterrestrial solar irradiation as the independent variable with normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of 4.69 %. Daily R s was calibrated using measured sunshine duration and cloud cover data under different sky conditions during 2008 and 2009. The 2011 data were used for model validation. According to the results, in the presence of clouds, the R s model using sunshine duration data was more accurate when compared with the model using cloud cover data (NRMSE = 11. 69 %). In both models, with increasing sky cloudiness, the accuracy decreased. In the study region, more than 92 % of sunshine durations were clear or partly cloudy, which received close to 95 % of total solar irradiation. Hence, it was possible to estimate solar irradiation with a good accuracy in most days with the measurements of sunshine duration.  相似文献   
The grain-scale processes of peridotite melting were examined at 1,340°C and 1.5 GPa using reaction couples formed by juxtaposing pre-synthesized clinopyroxenite against pre-synthesized orthopyroxenite or harzburgite in graphite and platinum-lined molybdenum capsules. Reaction between the clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene-rich aggregates produces a melt-enriched, orthopyroxene-free, olivine + clinopyroxene reactive boundary layer. Major and trace element abundance in clinopyroxene vary systematically across the reactive boundary layer with compositional trends similar to the published clinopyroxene core-to-rim compositional variations in the bulk lherzolite partial melting studies conducted at similar PT conditions. The growth of the reactive boundary layer takes place at the expense of the orthopyroxenite or harzburgite and is consistent with grain-scale processes that involve dissolution, precipitation, reprecipitation, and diffusive exchange between the interstitial melt and surrounding crystals. An important consequence of dissolution–reprecipitation during crystal-melt interaction is the dramatic decrease in diffusive reequilibration time between coexisting minerals and melt. This effect is especially important for high charged, slow diffusing cations during peridotite melting and melt-rock reaction. Apparent clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficients for REE, Sr, Y, Ti, and Zr, measured from reprecipitated clinopyroxene and coexisting melt in the reactive boundary layer, approach their equilibrium values reported in the literature. Disequilibrium melting models based on volume diffusion in solid limited mechanism are likely to significantly underestimate the rates at which major and trace elements in residual minerals reequilibrate with their surrounding melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
During time-series observations in Sagami Bay, Japan, the concentration of dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPd), a precursor of dimethylsulfide (DMS), was negatively correlated with salinity. In the laboratory, low-salinity shock reduced DMS production rates of the natural bacterial community and induced rapid DMSP release from a dinophyte, Heterocapsa triquetra, suggesting that low-salinity shock reduced DMSPd consumption but enhanced DMSPd production, which agrees with the negative correlation between DMSPd and salinity observed in Sagami bay. In addition, low-salinity shock did not affect DMSP lyase activity of H. triquetra. Low-salinity shock would increase the contribution from algae in DMS production, leading to an increase in potential DMS productivity in the environment.  相似文献   
We measured the stable isotopic composition of hydrogen (δD) within atmospheric water vapor collected simultaneously at six sites in the vicinity of a lake (Lake Kasumigaura, Eastern Japan) to determine its spatial distribution characteristics and thereby diagnose sources and mixing of atmospheric moisture. The measured spatial distribution of δD showed no relation to distance from the lake, although it showed a correlation with the distribution of the water-vapor mixing ratio Q. For two of the three sampling days, we found a simple two-component (i.e., water vapor transpiring from local land surfaces and pre-existing vapor in the background atmosphere) mixing line in a Keeling plot (i.e., δ − 1/Q diagram). On a third day, however, contributions from lake evaporation were detected in addition to the above components. On this day, lake-derived vapor accounted for approximately 10-20% of atmospheric water vapor at the sites located leeward of the lake. The observed differences in mixing patterns among sampling days can be explained by a simple atmospheric moisture budget. Thus, it is likely that simultaneous isotopic measurements of atmospheric water vapor at multiple locations with aid of Keeling plot are capable of giving us useful information in diagnosing the sources and mixing pattern of the vapor.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙区沙漠化土地防治区划   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
毛乌素沙区在自然条件、沙漠化程度和变化趋势及产业经济发展特征等方面具有明显的空间异质性,合理地进行区域沙漠化土地防治区划是因地制宜开展土地沙漠化防治工作的重要基础。选取自然条件、沙漠化发展过程及人类活动等方面12个指标,将毛乌素沙区划分为黄土高原与鄂尔多斯高原过渡区、毛乌素沙地腹地典型草原区和西鄂尔多斯荒漠草原区3个区、7个亚区、12个小区。在区域可持续发展战略的实施过程中,要根据亚区和小区的特点有针对性地进行沙漠化土地的防治,充分利用区域资源优势,优化产业结构,确保经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的稳步提升。  相似文献   
We investigated effects of severe hypoxia (dissolved oxygen <1 ml l−1) on recruitment of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay. Ten-year field surveys were conducted to examine quantitative relationships in annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, and spatial distribution of juveniles and severe hypoxia. There was no significant correlation between annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, suggesting that mortality during larval or juvenile stages varies among years, which might have regulated abundance of young-of-the-year juveniles. Juvenile density was low in the severely hypoxic area, implying that hypoxia could affect survivals and spatial distribution of juveniles. Meanwhile, there are yearly fluctuations in juvenile density in normoxic areas of both northern and southern part of the bay. This evidence suggests that abundance of post-settled juveniles might have been determined by not only effects of hypoxia, but also other factors influencing mortality during the early life stages.  相似文献   
横穿南极大陆中部的横贯南极山脉是早古生代时期古太平洋向东冈瓦纳活动大陆边缘俯冲形成的罗斯造山带,该阶段的地层沉积、变形变质以及花岗质岩浆侵入代表了罗斯运动的演化过程。由于岩浆活动与沉积地层和变形变质在时代上存在明显差异,罗斯运动的时代仍缺乏精确的限定。通过采集北维多利亚地难言岛地区冰碛物和海岸沉积物中的松散砂砾石样品,并进行碎屑锆石U-Pb测年得出:4件不同粒径的冰碛物和海岸沉积样品中的碎屑锆石年龄峰谱具有单一峰谱的特征,年龄区间为2443~323 Ma,主要集中于530~450 Ma之间,峰值年龄约为485 Ma;锆石Th/U比值均大于0.1,而且以>0.4为主,其CL图像也具有明显的振荡环带,稀土元素特征主体具有岩浆锆石的特征,反映了样品物源区岩浆活动的时代特征。碎屑锆石年龄组成与周缘地区岩浆活动和陆内变形以及沉积地层时代基本一致,表明北维多利亚地及其周缘地区在罗斯运动晚期陆内变形阶段的岩浆活动应持续至450 Ma,这可能代表了罗斯运动结束的时代,该结果为冈瓦纳大陆边缘罗斯运动的构造演化过程提供了新的约束。   相似文献   
松科1井南孔选址、岩心剖面特征与特殊岩性层的分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
松科1井南孔是松辽盆地白垩系科学钻探工程两个钻孔中的一个,位于松辽盆地北部中央坳陷区齐家古龙凹陷敖南鼻状构造的翼部。通过对松科1井南孔嫩二段底部到泉三段顶部连续取心资料的详细描述,建立松科1井南孔岩心剖面,识别出5种常见岩性(泥岩、粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、粉砂岩和细砂岩)和8种特殊岩性(白云岩、火山灰、油页岩、灰质泥岩、泥灰岩、重结晶灰岩、介形虫碎屑灰岩和介形虫灰岩)。特殊岩性出现的总层数为172层,总厚度为14.516m,分布在青一段,青二、三段,姚二、三段,嫩一段和嫩二段地层中。对松科1井的精细岩心描述和对特殊岩性的识别是后续研究工作开展的基础。  相似文献   
青藏高原开发中的冻土问题   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
程国栋  赵林 《第四纪研究》2000,20(6):521-531
在国家决策西部大开发战略之际, 正确评价青藏高原开发中所面临的冻土问题, 为生态环境建设和国民经济持续稳定发展提供依据, 显得更为重要。多年冻土占据着青藏高原一半以上的疆土面积, 受全球气候变化和人为活动的共同影响, 在过去的几十年中已发生了不同程度的变化, 且随着人类活动增强, 变化必将加剧, 冻土问题也将显得日益突出。多年冻土的变化主要表现为多年冻土的地温升高、上限下降和面积缩减等, 进而影响到各类工程的地基稳定性, 使工程建筑受到不同程度的破坏;同时, 由于气候变化、过度放牧和工程活动的影响, 地面水热状况改变, 尤其是地表土壤层中水分含量的降低, 导致了草场退化, 生态环境恶化。在分析这些冻土问题原因的基础上, 作者预测了在未来开发中可能出现的冻土问题, 并提出了建议。  相似文献   
黄河流域旱涝年地面热量收支变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据北京、郑州3年热量平衡观测资料,建立波文(Bowen)比计算模式。并用此模式及辐射计算式等估计黄河流域8年5-8月地面月辐射收支、蒸发耗热、湍流热交换量和土壤热交换量,并比较分析旱涝年它们的差异以及随旱涝(用降水距平表示)的变化。  相似文献   
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