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Interpretation of Re-Os isotopic systematics applied to mantle and mantle-derived rocks is currently hindered by the poorly understood behaviour of Re and Os during partial melting. Of particular interest is the incompatibility of Re and how it partitions between melt and the different mantle phases. Here, we study the partitioning behaviour of Re between the common upper mantle minerals (garnet, spinel, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and olivine) and silicate melt under temperature (1275-1450 °C) and pressure (1.5-3.2 GPa) conditions relevant for basaltic magma genesis, over a range of oxygen fugacity (?O2) large enough (QFM+5.6 to QFM−2.9) to demonstrate the effects of changing the oxidation state of Re from 4+ to 6+. Rhenium crystal/silicate-melt partition coefficients vary by 4-5 orders of magnitude, from moderately compatible to highly incompatible, for pyroxenes, garnet, and spinel as the oxidation state of Re changes from 4+ to 6+, but Re in either oxidation state is incompatible in olivine. Because the changeover from the one Re oxidation state to the other occurs over the range of ?O2s pertinent to partial melting in the Earth’s mantle, bulk Re crystal/silicate-melt partition coefficients during mantle melting are also expected to vary significantly according to the oxidation state of the system. For instance, assuming QFM−0.7 and QFM+1.6 as average ?O2 for mid-ocean ridge (MORBs) and island arc (IABs) basalts, respectively, a difference of at least one order of magnitude for bulk Re partition coefficients is expected (excluding any influence from a sulphide phase). Hence, Re is probably much more incompatible during the genesis of IABs compared to MORBs. Our results also demonstrate that Re4+ has a partitioning behaviour similar to Ti4+ rather than Yb, and is accordingly not a sensitive indicator of garnet in the source. The lower concentrations of Re observed in ocean island basalts (OIBs) compared to MORBs are therefore not a result of being generated deeper in the mantle where garnet is stable, leaving the hypothesis of late-stage loss of Re from OIB lavas by degassing as the most plausible explanation.  相似文献   
Constraining the pressure of crystallization of magmas is an important but elusive task. In this work, we present a method to derive crystallization pressures for rocks that preserve glass compositions (either glass inclusions or matrix glass) representative of equilibration between melt, quartz, and 1 or 2 feldspars. The method relies on the well-known shift of the quartz–feldspar saturation surface toward higher normative quartz melt compositions with decreasing pressure. The critical realization for development of the method is the fact that melt, quartz and feldspars need to be in equilibrium at the liquidus for the melt composition. The method thus consists of calculating the saturation surfaces for quartz and feldspars using rhyolite-MELTS over a range of pressures, and searching for the pressure at which the expected assemblage (quartz+1 feldspar or quartz+2 feldspars) is found at the liquidus. We evaluate errors resulting from uncertainties in glass composition using a series of Monte Carlo simulations for a quartz-hosted glass inclusion composition from the Bishop Tuff, which reveal errors on the order of 20–45 MPa for the quartz+2 feldspars constraint and on the order of 25–100 MPa for the quartz+1 feldspar constraint; we suggest actual errors are closer to the lower bounds of these ranges. We investigate the effect of fluid saturation in two ways: (1) By applying our procedure over a range of water contents for three glass compositions; we show that the effect of fluid saturation is more important at higher pressures (~300 MPa) than at lower pressures (~100 MPa), but reasonable pressure estimates can be derived irrespective of fluid saturation for geologically relevant H2O concentrations >3 wt% and (2) by performing the same type of pressure determinations with a preliminary version of rhyolite-MELTS that includes a H2O–CO2 mixed fluid phase; we use a range of H2O and CO2 concentrations for two compositions characteristic of early-erupted and late-erupted Bishop Tuff glass inclusions and demonstrate that calculated pressures are largely independent of CO2 concentration (for CO2 <1,000 ppm), at least for relatively high H2O contents, as expected in most natural magmas, such that CO2 concentration can be effectively neglected for application of our method. Finally, we demonstrate that pressures calculated using the rhyolite-MELTS geobarometer compare well with those resulting from H2O–CO2 glass inclusion barometry and Al-in-hornblende barometry for an array of natural systems for which data have been compiled from the literature; the agreement is best for quartz-hosted glass inclusions, while matrix glass yields systematically lower rhyolite-MELTS pressures, suggestive of melt evolution during eruptive decompression.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that the impact of climate change, human and animal actions on coastal vegetation can turn stabilized dunes into active mobile dunes and vice versa. Yet, the driving factors that trigger vegetation changes in coastal dunes are still not fully understood. In the transgressive dunefields of the Younghusband Peninsula (south-east coast of South Australia) historical aerial photographs show an increase in vegetation cover over the last ~70 years. This study attempts to identify the causes of the changes in vegetation cover (1949 to 2017) observed in a typical section of the coastal dune systems of the Peninsula. Vegetation cover was first estimated for various years using the available historical aerial photography (long-term changes – 1949 to 2017) and recent satellite imagery (short-term annual changes – 2010 to 2017) for the area, and then results were discussed against the observed changes in climatic variables and rabbit density, factors that could have played a role in this transformation. Results of long-term changes show that the vegetation cover has increased significantly from 1949 to 2017, from less than 7% vegetation cover to almost 40%, increasing dune stabilization and forming parabolic dune systems. Periods with the largest growth in vegetation cover (1952-1956 and 2009-2013) coincide with a significant decline in rabbit numbers. Rabbit density was found to be the primary factor linked to the rapid vegetation growth and stabilization of the dunefield, for both decadal long-term (last 68 years) and annual short-term changes (last 8 years). Other factors such as changes in rainfall, aeolian sediment transport, land use practices, and the introduction of invasive plants have apparently played a limited to negligible role in this stabilization process. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Amphiboles are the main mafic minerals in most metaluminous to peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites and syenites, and they usually preserve an important record of the compositional evolution of the melts from which they crystallize. In the alkaline association of the Serra da Graciosa A-type Granites and Syenites (southern Brazil), amphibole compositions span a large range, including calcic, sodic–calcic, and sodic amphiboles. Calcic amphiboles are typically observed in the metaluminous rocks, while sodic amphiboles are characteristic of the more strongly peralkaline rocks; sodic–calcic amphiboles are found in intermediate varieties. Compositional variations record the differentiation trends within two petrographic series of the alkaline association. The overall evolution of amphibole compositions is similar in both: they reveal a progressive increase in Na and Fe3+ with differentiation (increase in alkalinity of the magmas), a characteristic shared by undersaturated peralkaline (or agpaitic) differentiation trends. In detail, however, the evolutions of the amphibole compositions in the two series are distinct. In Alkaline series 1, the cores of the crystals form a continuum from calcic to sodic compositions, with the exception of a small compositional gap within the sodic–calcic amphiboles. The rims, however, show compositions that diverge from this main trend; this divergence results from increasing amounts of the oxy-amphibole component, and reflects more oxidizing conditions at the final stages of magmatic crystallization. In Alkaline series 2, these oxidation trends are much more subtle and a reverse trend is observed in the sodic amphiboles. Sodic–calcic amphiboles are in several cases replaced by intergrowths of post-magmatic sodic amphibole and Al-poor (“tetrasilicic”) biotite.  相似文献   
Landslides - Compiling an inventory is a fundamental step for carrying out assessments of landslide hazards. However, data in sufficient quantity and quality are not always available. Thus, this...  相似文献   
The Bishop Tuff, one of the most extensively studied high-silica rhyolite bodies in the world, is usually considered as the archetypical example of a deposit formed from a magma body characterized by thermal and compositional vertical stratification—what we call the Standard Model for the Bishop magma body. We present here new geothermometry and geobarometry results derived using a large database of previously published quartz-hosted glass inclusion compositions. Assuming equilibrium between melt and an assemblage composed of quartz, ±plagioclase, ±sanidine, +zircon, ±fluid, we use Zr contents in glass inclusions to derive quartz crystallization temperatures, and we use (1) silica contents in glass, (2) projection of glass compositions onto the haplogranitic (quartz-albite-orthoclase) ternary, and (3) phase equilibria calculations using rhyolite-MELTS, to constrain crystallization pressures. We find crystallization temperatures of ~740–750 °C for all inclusions from both early- and late-erupted pumice. Crystallization pressures for both early- and late-erupted inclusions are also very similar to each other, with averages of ~175–200 MPa. We find no evidence of late-erupted inclusions having been entrapped at higher temperatures or pressures than early-erupted inclusions, as would be expected by the Standard Model. We argue that the thermal gradient inferred from Fe–Ti oxides—the backbone of the Standard Model—does not reflect equilibrium pre-eruptive conditions; we also note that H2O–CO2 systematics of glass inclusions yields overlapping pressure ranges for early- and late-erupted inclusions, similar to the results presented here; and we show that glass inclusion and phenocryst compositions show bimodal distributions, suggestive of compositional separation between early- and late-erupted populations. These findings are inconsistent with the Standard Model. The similarity in crystallization conditions and the compositional separation between early- and late-erupted magmas suggest that two laterally juxtaposed independent magma reservoirs existed in the same region at the same time and co-erupted to form the Long Valley Caldera and the Bishop Tuff. This hypothesis would explain the lack of mixing between early- and late-erupted crystal populations in pumice clasts; it could also explain the inferred eruption pattern—which resulted in early-erupted magmas being deposited only to the south of the caldera—if the early-erupted magma body resided to the south and the late-erupted magma body was located to the north. Our alternative model is consistent with the patchy distribution of thermal anomalies and the inference of co-eruption of distinct magma types in active volcanic areas such as the central Taupo Volcanic Zone.  相似文献   
Constraining the pressure of crystallisation of large silicic magma bodies gives important insight into the depth and vertical extent of magmatic plumbing systems; however, it is notably difficult to constrain pressure at the level of detail necessary to understand shallow magmatic systems. In this study, we use the recently developed rhyolite-MELTS geobarometer to constrain the crystallisation pressures of rhyolites from the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). As sanidine is absent from the studied deposits, we calculate the pressures at which quartz and feldspar are found to be in equilibrium with melt now preserved as glass (the quartz +1 feldspar constraint of Gualda and Ghiorso, Contrib Mineral Petrol 168:1033. doi: 10.1007/s00410-014-1033-3. 2014). We use glass compositions (matrix glass and melt inclusions) from seven eruptive deposits dated between ~320 and 0.7 ka from four distinct calderas in the central TVZ, and we discuss advantages and limitations of the rhyolite-MELTS geobarometer in comparison with other geobarometers applied to the same eruptive deposits. Overall, there is good agreement with other pressure estimates from the literature (amphibole geobarometry and H2O–CO2 solubility models). One of the main advantages of this new geobarometer is that it can be applied to both matrix glass and melt inclusions—regardless of volatile saturation. The examples presented also emphasise the utility of this method to filter out spurious glass compositions. Pressure estimates obtained with the new rhyolite-MELTS geobarometer range between ~250 to ~50 MPa, with a large majority at ~100 MPa. These results confirm that the TVZ hosts some of the shallowest rhyolitic magma bodies on the planet, resulting from the extensional tectonic regime and thinning of the crust. Distinct populations with different equilibration pressures are also recognised, which is consistent with the idea that multiple batches of eruptible magma can be present in the crust at the same time and can be tapped simultaneously by large eruptive events.  相似文献   
This paper reports the occurrence of a Toarcian–Aalenian (Early–Middle Jurassic) radiolarian fauna in the Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, as well as comments on its paleobiogeographic affinities. The micropaleontologic analysis was carried out in fine-grained rocks from a turbiditic section of the Los Molles Formation. These samples were first chemically processed using only hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and afterward treated with acetic (CH3COOH) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids. The first chemical procedure permitted the recovery of only few spongy spumellarians, while the second one enabled to recover more diversified radiolarian assemblages. In general, the studied fauna presents low diversity and abundance, with a strong dominance of spumellarians over nassellarians. The fauna is composed by the genera Paronaella, Homoeoparonaella, Praeconocaryomma, Archaeocenosphaera, Orbiculiformella, Praeparvicingula, and some unidentified spumellarians and nassellarians. According to paleobiogeographic models, the studied Toarcian–Aalenian fauna presents a mid to high latitude affinity. It is possible to infer from those data a bipolar distribution of some taxa, such as Praeparvicingula and probably Praeconocaryomma, between the Northern and Southern hemispheres since the Early Jurassic (Toarcian).  相似文献   
The Laguna Madre has experienced a persistent bloom ofAureoumbra lagunensis for over eight years. The persistence of this bloom may be due in part to the often hypersaline conditions in Laguna Madre (40–60 psu) that favor the growth ofA. lagunensis. Above-normal rainfall in the fall of 1997 reduced the salinities in Baffin Bay from >40 to<20 psu.A. lagunensis cell densities dropped from>106 cells ml−1 in July 1997 to c. 200 cells ml−1 in January 1998. During this time of low brown tide density, phytoplankton biomass generally remained high and the Laguna Madre experienced successive blooms of diatoms (Rhizosolenia spp.) and cyanobacteria. Hypersaline conditions returned in 1998 and brown tide densities increased to>0.5 × 106 cells ml−1 by summer. The extraordinary persistence of the brown tide and the unusual sequence of intense blooms may be related in part to the reduction of zooplankton populations. Microzooplankton populations declined following the above-normal rain in the fall of 1997; populations did not recover until fall 1998. Copepod populations also declined sharply and remained low in Laguna Madre, but recovered by summer 1998 in Baffin Bay. Dilution experiments indicated that microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth were usually balanced when measured during our cruises. The rapid recovery of theA. lagunensis bloom suggests that this alga may be a more resilient component of the Laguna Madre flora than previously suspected.  相似文献   
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