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Levelling surveys carried out between 1990 and 2003 on the Mt Epomeo resurgent block (Ischia Island) record negative dislocations on its northern and southern flanks with a maximum subsidence rate of 1.27 cm yr−1. This deformation is not associated with the cooling, crystallization or lateral drainage of magma and cannot be explained by a pressure point or prolate ellipsoid source. Results from dislocation models and the available structural and geochemical information indicate that the subsidence is due to crack closure processes along two main ENE–WSW and E–W preexisting faults, which represent the preferred pathway of CO2 degassing from the hydrothermal system located beneath Mt Epomeo. The monitoring of the dislocations and CO2 flux along these faults could give useful information on the dynamics of the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
The recent (25 years) morphodynamics of a proglacial reach of the Ridanna Creek, North‐East Italy, evolving in the absence of human constraints, has been investigated by means of an intensive field activity and of the analysis of aerial photographs. The study reach mostly displays a braided morphology, with sharp downstream variations of valley gradient, sediment size and formative conditions within the main channel. These discontinuities are associated with different processes of channel adjustment at different timescales, which have been quantified by coupling hydrological with morphological information. Several processes of channel change and variations in braiding intensity have been documented along the whole reach and highlight how a regular, weakly meandering main channel may significantly affect the morphodynamics of the braided network. A first attempt to predict the morphological instability of this main channel at the observed spatial scales through existing linear theories of curved river channels shows a good agreement with field observations. Finally, the complete hydro‐morphodynamical characterization of such an undisturbed alpine river reach can provide a relevant contribution to the definition of reference conditions for Alpine rivers required by the EU Water Framework Directive. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Water-rich clay to sand suspensions show a shear rate dependent flow behavior and knowledge of the appropriate rheological model is relevant for sedimentological, industrial and hydraulic studies. We present experimental rheological measurements of water-rich (40 to 60 wt%) clay to silt (population A) and silt to sand (population B) suspensions mixed in different proportions. The data evidence a shear rate dependent shear thinning-shear thickening transition. At lower shear rates, the suspensions organize in chains of particles, whereas at higher shear rates, these chains disrupt so increasing the viscosity. The viscosity, consistency and yield stress decrease as the A+B fraction decreases as the content of B particles increases. This behavior reflects the competing effects of the lubrication and frictional processes as a function of particle size and water content. Transitional flows form by the incorporation of small amounts of the finer fraction while ‘oceanic floods’ form at the estuary of rivers and the submarine debris-flows increase their velocity by incorporating water. The critical Reynolds number of the studied suspensions is ~2000±100 suggesting that the grainsize plays a major role in the laminar to turbulent transition. Our results have implications for the modeling of sediment flows and the hazard related to floods.  相似文献   
The geomorphological and morphometric analysis of the sea floor topography surrounding the Aeolian Islands, South Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, provides insights into the relationships between the volcanological evolution of the islands and their tectonic features. We constructed geomorphological maps of the submarine portions of the seven large edifices constituting the islands on the basis of a DEM with a 5 m resolution step. These maps include constructional and destructional landforms such as submarine volcanic vents located west of Lipari and north of Alicudi, and hummocky surfaces recognised north of Lipari and Salina. The latter landforms, together with the occurrence of large scars affecting the main edifices on land, suggest that sector collapses affected some islands. Geomorphological data indicate that the location of subaerial and submarine vents is strongly controlled by local tectonic structures striking WNW-ESE (Alicudi-Filicudi sector), NNW-SSE (Salina-Lipari-Vulcano sector) and NE-SW (Panarea-Stromboli sector). The islands can be divided into two groups on the basis of some morphometric parameters: a first group with a pancake-like shape, Dp/D (abrasion platform diameter/basal diameter) higher than 0.40 and H/D (total height/basal diameter) lower than 0.13, and a second group with a conical shape, characterised by Dp/D lower than 0.34 and H/D higher than 0.14. These ratios and other morphometric parameters reflect the different volcanological and structural evolution of the Aeolian Islands. The pancake-like shaped complexes have been created, in addition to their submarine stage, by extrusive and highly explosive activity, whereas the cone-shaped edifices have been characterised by effusive or moderate explosive activity.Editorial responsibility: C Kilburn  相似文献   
This work discusses the simplified estimation of earthquake‐induced nonlinear displacement demands as required by nonlinear static procedures, with particular attention on short‐period masonry structures. The study focuses on systems with fundamental periods between 0.1 and 0.5 s, for which inelastic amplification of the elastic displacement demand is more pronounced; hysteretic force‐displacement relationships characteristic of masonry structures are adopted, because these structures are more commonly found within the considered period range. Referring to the results of nonlinear dynamic analyses of single‐degree‐of‐freedom oscillators, some limitations of the Eurocode 8 and Italian Building Code formulations are first discussed, then an improved equation is calibrated that relates inelastic and elastic displacement demands. Numerical values of the equation parameters are obtained, considering the amount of hysteretic energy dissipation associated with various damage mechanisms observed in masonry structures. Safety factors are also calculated to determine several percentiles of the displacement demand. It is shown that the proposed equation can be extended to more dissipative systems. Finally, the same formulation is adapted to the estimation of seismic displacements when elastic analysis procedures are employed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The marine sector surrounding Panarea Island (Aeolian Islands, South Italy) is affected by widespread submarine emissions of CO2 -rich gases and thermal water discharges which have been known since the Roman Age. On November 3rd, 2002 an anomalous degassing event affected the area, probably in response to a submarine explosion. The concentrations of minor reactive gases (CO, CH4 and H2) of samples collected in November and December, 2002 show drastic compositional changes when compared to previous samples collected from the same area in the 1980s. In particular the samples collected after the November 3rd phenomenon display relative increases in H2 and CO and a strong decrease in the CH4 contents, while other gas species show no significant change. The interaction of the original gas with seawater explains the variable contents of CO2, H2S, N2, Ar and He which characterize the different samples, but cannot explain the large variations of CO, CH4 and H2 which are instead compatible with changes in the redox, temperature and pressure conditions of the system. Two models, both implying an increasing input of magmatic fluids are compatible with the observed variations of minor reactive species. In the first one, the input of magmatic fluids drives the hydrothermal system towards atypical (more oxidizing) redox conditions, slowly pressurizing the system up to a critical state. In the second one, the hydrothermal system is flashed by the rising high-T volcanic fluid, suddenly released by a magmatic body at depth. The two models have different implications for volcanic surveillance and risk assessment: In the first case, the November 3rd event may represent both the culmination of a relatively slow process which caused the overpressurization of the hydrothermal system and the beginning of a new phase of quiescence. The possible evolution of the second model is unforeseeable because it is mainly related to the thermal, baric and compositional state of the deep magmatic system that is poorly known.  相似文献   
Summary The observations of ten Aprils (1941–50) at Blue Hill have been analyzed, and it has been found that frost (night minimum temperature 32° F) (T) can be predicted on the basis of the 19h wet-bulb temperature (ti) by the formula:T=ti–k, in whichk is found to be 1.8 F deg. in clear weather and 2.1 F deg. in cloudy. The results of a test on an independent set of Aprils (1936–40), are satisfactory especially with clear skies at 19h.  相似文献   
The overpresence of fine sediment and fine sediment infiltration (FSI) in the aquatic environment of rivers are of increasing importance due to their limiting effects on habitat quality and use. The habitats of both macroinvertebrates and fish, especially spawning sites, can be negatively affected. More recently, hydropeaking has been mentioned as a driving factor in fine sediment dynamics and FSI in gravel-bed rivers. The primary aim of the present study was to quantify FSI in the vertical stratigraphy of alpine rivers with hydropeaking flow regimes in order to identify possible differences in FSI between the permanently wetted area (during base and peak flows) and the so-called dewatering areas, which are only inundated during peak flows. Moreover, we assessed whether the discharge ratio between base and peak flow is able to explain the magnitude of FSI. To address these aims, freeze-core samples were taken in eight different alpine river catchments. The results showed significant differences in the vertical stratification of FSI between the permanently wetted area during base flow and the dewatering sites. Surface clogging occurred only in the dewatering areas, with decreasing percentages of fine sediments associated with increasing core depths. In contrast, permanently wetted areas contained little or no fine sediment concentrations on the surface of the river bed. Furthermore, no statistical relationship was observed between the magnitude of hydropeaking and the sampled FSI rate. A repeated survey of FSI in the gravel matrix revealed the importance of de-clogging caused by flooding and the importance of FSI in the aquatic environment, especially in the initial stages of riparian vegetation establishment. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Columnar jointing is thought to occur primarily in lavas and welded pyroclastic flow deposits. However, the non-welded Cerro Galán Ignimbrite at Paycuqui, Argentina, contains well-developed columnar joints that are instead due to high-temperature vapor-phase alteration of the deposit, where devitrification and vapor-phase crystallization have increased the density and cohesion of the upper half of the section. Thermal remanent magnetization analyses of entrained lithic clasts indicate high emplacement temperatures, above 630°C, but the lack of welding textures indicates temperatures below the glass transition temperature. In order to remain below the glass transition at 630°C, the minimum cooling rate prior to deposition was 3.0 × 10−3–8.5 × 10−2°C/min (depending on the experimental data used for comparison). Alternatively, if the deposit was emplaced above the glass transition temperature, conductive cooling alone was insufficient to prevent welding. Crack patterns (average, 4.5 sides to each polygon) and column diameters (average, 75 cm) are consistent with relatively rapid cooling, where advective heat loss due to vapor fluxing increases cooling over simple conductive heat transfer. The presence of regularly spaced, complex radiating joint patterns is consistent with fumarolic gas rise, where volatiles originated in the valley-confined drainage system below. Joint spacing is a proxy for cooling rates and is controlled by depositional thickness/valley width. We suggest that the formation of joints in high-temperature, non-welded deposits is aided by the presence of underlying external water, where vapor transfer causes crystallization in pore spaces, densifies the deposit, and helps prevent welding.  相似文献   
Riassunto Richiamate le più importanti nozioni fondamentali sulla fisica del fulmine, si desume che i conduttori geologici da esso attraversati si comportano come se fossero percorsi da corrente alternata ad alta frequenza con una lunghezza d'onda dell'ordine di mille metri. Tenendo presente che le leggi della radiogeologia costituiscono le basi di ogni indagine relativa alla conduzione del fulmine nel sottosuolo, si giustifica il pericolo di caduta del fulmine per azione geoelettrica spiegandolo alla stregua dei dati d'osservazione. In pari tempo si dà ragione dell'esistenza dei cosidetti nidi di fulmini. Rilevato come i dati statistici sinora raccolti risultino spesso non soddisfacenti, viene messa in luce l'utilità di una statistica organica e completa su tali fenomeni, illustrando l'opportunità dell'istituzione di appositi campi sperimentali per tutte le indagini riferentesi ai fulmini nei rapporti con le caratteristiche geoelettriche del sottosuolo.
Zusammenfassung Der Blitz beansprucht durchflossene geologische Leiter ähnlich wie ein hochfrequenter Wechselstrom, dessen Wellenlänge ungefähr im Tausendmeterbande liegt. Die Beurteilung der Blitzstromleitung im Untergrunde hat nach den Gesichtspunkten der Funkgeologie zu erfolge n.Die geoelektrische Blitzgefährdung ist theoretisch verständlich und durch zahlreiche Beobachtungen nachgewiesen. Auch die Frage nach der Existenz der sog. Blitznester ist positiv zu beantworten. Die bisherigen statistischen Ergebnisse sind vielfach unbefriedigend und es wäre daher eine einheitliche und befriedigende Statistik unbedingt anzustreben. Für die Entwicklung der weiteren Forschung wäre es sehr vorteilhaft, wenn besondere Blitzversuchsfelder errichtet würden. Diese wären dann auch nach funkgeologischen Gesichtspunkten zu untersuchen.
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