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针对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷西斜坡风南地区三叠系百口泉组扇三角洲砂岩物性空间变化大、优质储集层(孔隙度大于7.4%,渗透率大于0.05×10-3μm2)预测难的问题,在沉积岩石学、地震沉积学以及地震反演和解释理论指导下,综合利用测井、岩心和三维地震等资料开展了高精度层序地层划分、沉积微相描述和优质储集层地震反演研究。建立了风南井区四级层序地层格架,明确了扇三角洲多期水进水退的充填过程,指出SSQ3和SSQ5是优质储集层的发育层系;识别出扇三角洲平原分流河道、河道间和扇三角洲前缘水下分流水道、河口坝、席状砂等沉积微相,指出扇三角洲平原是优质储集层发育相带;通过应用高分辨层序地层纵向边界和沉积相横向边界约束,进行分层相控叠后地震波阻抗反演,提升储集层预测精度,在SSQ3和SSQ5预测5个优质储集层发育区,提出3口井的井位建议,钻探均获工业油流。  相似文献   
利用气象站、探空及NASA再分析资料,对江西省4县山地风场的12座测风塔风速进行订正研究。研究结果表明:测风塔与气象站风速数据相关性较低,相关系数一般远小于0.45;测风塔与探空资料的风速相关系数可达到0.6以上,最高可达到0.8;NASA再分析资料可以作为江西山地风场风速订正参证数据,其与测风塔风速数据相关性较高,相关系数可达到0.54~0.77,大多数测风塔相关系数可达0.7左右。海拔高度小于1000 m的测风塔与NASA 50 m风速的相关系数明显高于其与NASA 850 hPa风速的相关系数,高度为1000—1200 m的测风塔与NASA 50 m风速和与NASA 850 hPa风速的相关系数相差不明显,高度大于1200 m的测风塔与NASA 850 hPa风速的相关系数明显大于其与NASA 50 m风速的相关系数。比值法订正效果略好于线性回归法的,订正后的风功率密度总体偏大。  相似文献   
回顾了福建数字地震台网产出新地震参数目录的过程:根据测定中小地震震源参数原理,计算了福建区域介质平均非弹性衰减因子Q值和37个测震台站的平均场地响应,采用遗传算法求得震源谱参数,应用Brune圆盘模型公式计算震源参数,最后介绍了新地震参数目录的主要内容,并讨论了求解新地震参数目录的一些注意事项。  相似文献   
在利用傅氏级数法模拟波、流场中水平圆柱上的升力时,其傅氏系数及初相位的选取是问题的关键。本文进行了近底水平圆柱在振荡流场中的物理模型实验,采用傅氏级数法推求各参数,得到不同Kc数及间隙比(e/D)情况下的各种参数值。实验要素范围Kc数为5-20,Re数为2500-10000,间隙比为0.1-1.0。  相似文献   
在兴安金石金矿外围 4号分散流异常区 ,通过地电化学提取金测量法 ,查明测区存在 5个走向规模小于 5 0 m的金异常区 ,W( Au) 最大值为 72 .4× 10 - 9,高出背景值十几倍 ,并藉综合土壤吸附汞测量 ,高精度磁测和激发极化法等多种物化探方法来确定这些异常区的地质、地球化学和地球物理特征 ,提出金矿成矿的有利部位在金的地电提取高异常区、高汞量异常区、高磁性异常区、低视电阻率异常区和中等视极化率异常区的“三高一低一中”的找矿模式。确定测区的北北东角 (右下角 )一带具备有利的金矿成矿条件  相似文献   
杨春  赵慎中  宋珪 《探矿工程》2010,37(6):56-58
随着城市经济建设的飞速发展,城市地下空间开发项目日益增多。工程施工中经常遇到紧邻地下建筑物进行开挖、钻进等情况,特别是地下连续墙这样较大面积深层开挖的工法,势必会对原有地下建筑造成一定影响,稍有不慎,便会造成安全质量事故。结合工程实例,简要介绍了地下连续墙在上海市某紧邻地铁结构基坑工程中的应用。通过可行性分析,采取相关的施工过程控制措施使其在施工过程中对地铁结构的变形影响达到最小,实践证明了该法对同类复杂工程的适应性。  相似文献   
位于两大构造单元结合带的查干德勒苏地区,中元古代在近EW向裂陷槽内接受了巨厚的含炭质、白云质和火山物质的渣尔泰群滨浅海相沉积建造,铀元素得到第一次预富集;大约1.4Ga前的白云鄂博运动,出现大量中酸性岩浆侵入和广泛的区域变质作用、混合岩化作用,铀元素得到第二次预富集;晚石炭世末的中华力西运动第Ⅱ幕,形成罕乌拉、英巴岩基的主体,铀元素得到第三次预富集;早白垩世早期的陆相断陷盆地沉积,含有较多的有机质,铀元素得到第四次预富集;新生代喜马拉雅构造运动期,气候干旱炎热,在地表地下水的作用下,铀元素出现了一次大规模的活化、迁移和富集,成为查干德勒苏地区砂岩型铀矿的主要矿化期。  相似文献   
To assess the reliability of arboreal phytoliths for differentiating vegetation types in temperate forest regions, we systematically analysed arboreal leaf phytoliths from 72 arboreal plants and 49 modern soils from three forest types in northeast China. The arboreal leaf phytolith production and morphotypes were highly variable between species. The arboreal leaf phytolith assemblages could clearly distinguish between broadleaf and coniferous species, but they were much less successful in differentiating broadleaved trees into subtaxa. Coniferous leaf morphotypes were successfully used to differentiate coniferous trees into families and subtaxa, especially in the Pinaceae. Two diagnostic broadleaved and six coniferous phytolith morphotypes were recognized within the modern soil beneath forest ecosystems. These arboreal phytoliths comprised up to 10–15% of the total soil phytoliths, and were dominated by coniferous types. Arboreal phytolith concentrations and phytolith assemblages in the soils fluctuated substantially amongst the three forest types. Soil arboreal phytolith assemblages were successfully used to differentiate samples from Larix mixed forest, broadleaf forest and Pinus koraiensis mixed forest. In addition, the arboreal index quantitatively distinguished the three forest types, with B/BE values <0.4 for Larix mixed forest samples, values from 0.4 to 0.6 for broadleaf forest samples, and values from 0.6 to 0.9 for P. koraiensis mixed forest. Thus, our surface soil arboreal phytolith assemblages and arboreal index are a useful reference for differentiating forest ecotypes, and they also provide reliable analogues for arboreal phytoliths from palaeoecological contexts in temperate forest regions.  相似文献   
Ao-Ao Xu  Gui Ping Wu 《Solar physics》1995,159(2):265-273
The stability of the Lundquist field is analysed in the light of the energy principle. The results show: (1) form = 0 disturbances, the Lundquist field is stable; (2) form = 1 disturbances, the Lundquist field will turn unstable in certain conditions. Whether the field will remain stable or not depends on parameters such as the helical pinch angle and radius and length of the prominence. Comparison between theory and observations reveals that a kink instability in the Lundquist field may be a critical physical reason for eruptive prominences with helical patterns.  相似文献   
Significant isotopic fractionation can occur during column chemistry and determination by mass spectrometry. Improper correction may produce uncertainties in the isotopic composition of geological samples. We investigated calcium isotopic fractionation during these two processes and set up a model to check data quality. The δ44/40Ca915a value of IAPSO seawater in different Ca cuts (e.g., 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80 and 80–100%) on column chemistry ranged from ~ 4‰ to 0‰. The more Ca was eluted, the lower the δ44/40Ca915a value of the elution was found. The isotopic fractionation of calcium on the column appeared to follow the exponential law. However, TIMS instrumental fractionation during Ca runs did not always follow the exponential law due to mixing effects from sample reservoirs on the filament. Our results show that errors could be caused if the instrumental fractionation deviates from the exponential law, especially when the fractionation degree is large. To improve the measurement uncertainty, a model is proposed to check the behaviour and degree of instrumental fractionation, which will provide a quick and reasonable verdict on the data quality of TIMS runs.  相似文献   
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