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内蒙古苏尼特左旗地区堆晶角闪辉长岩的发现及地质意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李玉文  邓晋福 《现代地质》1995,9(2):212-219
通过详细的野外工作和室内研究,发现苏尼特左旗附近较广泛地分布有一种主要由角闪石和外长石组成的堆晶岩,其化学成分属基性岩范畴,可定名为堆晶角闪辉长岩。这类岩体具清楚的层状构造、堆晶结构.岩石化学成分、稀土元素、结构和构造等特征均表明,该类岩石是由富水的拉斑玄武岩浆经分离结晶作用形成的,是造山带火成岩组合中的一个主要组成部分,形成于造山构造岩浆旋回的早期阶段。  相似文献   
Three soil profiles were selected in the Ejina Oasis, northwest China, to determine water content profiles and evolution of soil moisture potentials in the unsaturated zone within the arid area. The total soil moisture potentials have been monitored for about 3 months in 2001 at different depths in the soil profiles. The occurrence and movement of water in the unsaturated zone was analyzed using the zero flux plane (ZFP) method. It is shown that convergent ZFPs and divergent ZFPs may occur at depths between 0.5 and 3.0 m, and that the depth of the ZFPs was controlled by the root zone of plants growing on the land surface. Profiles of the total soil moisture potentials were observed to be coincident with those of the water contents at the three experimental sites. The total soil moisture potential showed a slight increasing trend and the ZFPs tend to vanish from summer to winter as the water extraction by roots decreased. Evapotranspiration through vegetation has an important bearing on the water content and the total potential in the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   
Probability-based assessment of hurricane damage costs for coastal communities is vital for policy-makers and insurers. The uncertainties associated with hurricane damage costs include both the inherent uncertainty due to the random nature of hurricane process and the model uncertainty of the mathematical representation of hurricane damage (vulnerability model). The hurricane vulnerability model has traditionally been modeled as a deterministic function of hurricane wind speed in the literature, without considering the effect of vulnerability model uncertainty on hurricane damage assessment. This paper develops two methods to assess the hurricane damage costs in the presence of vulnerability model uncertainty. To account for the non-stationarity in hurricane actions due to the potential impact of climate change, the hurricane occurrence process is modeled as a non-stationary Poisson process and the hurricane intensity is assumed to vary in time with time-variant statistical parameters of hurricane wind speed. A case study of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is conducted to illustrate the proposed methods and to investigate the impact of vulnerability model uncertainty on hurricane damage costs.  相似文献   
基于辽宁地区主要活动断裂的几何特征和空间展布,对1980年以来辽宁地区ML≥2.0地震的累计频次和1900年以来Ms≥5.0地震的年发生率的空间分布及其与活动断裂构造背景关系进行研究,获得了基于地震学的辽宁省内主要断裂和构造区(带)的活动性与地震危险性的初步评估结果。辽宁地区主要断裂活动性较高的有海城河断裂、金州断裂九寨—盖州北段、朝阳—北票断裂等;辽宁地区未来3年发生Ms≥5.0地震危险性较高的断裂依次有海城河断裂、金州断裂、熊岳—庄河断裂、鸭绿江断裂及赤峰—开原断裂与柳河断裂交汇处等。在判定区域地震危险性和城市地震风险时,除了依据前兆异常的空间分布,还应充分考虑区内主要构造(断裂)的活动性与地震危险性。  相似文献   
渤海中、南部表层沉积硅藻的定量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对取自渤海中、南部海底表层的44个沉积物样品进行了硅藻分析。样品中共含硅藻20属41种,主要是潮间带、沿岸性底栖或浮游种类,其中尤以具槽直链藻Melosira sulc-ata和小环藻Cyclotella最多见。对本区的表层沉积硅藻用多元统计方法进行分区,共划分出三区、两亚区,井与其他海区进行了比较。  相似文献   
曹永强  齐静威  王菲  李玲慧  路洁 《地理科学》2020,40(7):1210-1220
为评价气候变化对玉米生长的影响,以辽宁省为例选取1969—2018年18个气象站点的逐日实测气象数据,利用模糊数学法建立春玉米气候适宜度评估模型,以地理信息技术为依托,探究春玉米气候适宜度的时空特征,并在此基础上进行玉米气候年景的综合评估。结果表明:①辽宁省春玉米全生育期内日照、温度、降水适宜度波动幅度较大;然而春玉米种植气候适宜度的空间差异性较弱。②春玉米各生育期气候适宜度由高到低为:出苗期>开花期>成熟期>播种期。全生育期温度适宜度最高,日照适宜度次之,降水适宜度最低。③春玉米播种期、出苗期、开花期和成熟期的气候适宜度最高值分别出现在辽阳、葫芦岛、营口和铁岭。④春玉米气候年景准确率达64%,表明该评估方法可以较为准确地反映气候年景。近50 a辽宁省春玉米偏好的年景有4个年份(1971、1979、1993、1998年),较差的有1969年(4.98%)及1973年(5.59%)。  相似文献   
汪丽  曹小曙  李涛 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1437-1447
以热门旅游城市西安市为研究区域,采集网络游记数据,综合运用社会网络分析和GIS空间分析方法,探讨不同出游时间下的游客流动网络结构及其分异特征,研究发现:① 不同的出游时间约束下,游客旅游出行行为表现出显著的时间异质性。② 基于游客流动的西安市旅游吸引物的节点结构具有显著的等级规模分异特征,随着出游时间的增加,旅游节点等级结构体系呈现出以高等级景点为枢纽的“强强”关联特征,高等级景点的游客集聚功能提升显著。③ 随着出游时间增加,西安市区旅游节点核心?边缘结构越明显,核心区的节点联系强度越大,区位邻近、知名度接近与交通便利是形成景点组团的关键因子。  相似文献   
陕北地区马家沟组五段沉积时期(简称马五期)沉积的碳酸盐岩地层是重要的天然气储集层。为明确各沉积期岩相古地理演化特征,在对周缘野外地质剖面考察、研究区内98口井的岩心观察、测井曲线形态分析的基础上,对陕北地区马家沟组马五10—马五1各亚段的岩相古地理演化特征进行了恢复。结果表明,马五10—马五1各亚段以海相碳酸盐岩台地沉积为主,包括局限台地、开阔台地和蒸发台地3种亚相,并进一步细分为: 云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、泥云坪、灰云坪、灰坪、颗粒滩、云灰坪、泥灰坪、膏盐湖等10种沉积微相;从马五10到马五1岩相古地理单元整体表现为自东向西的环带状分布特征,环带中心主要位于延长、延川和清涧一带,值得注意的是,马五2沉积时期由于受南部较强构造抬升作用影响,古地理单元环带中心呈现出向西北挪移的特征,环带中心位于靖边、子长一带;马家沟组各沉积时期的旋回性环带沉积为储集层叠合发育奠定了物质基础,云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、颗粒滩微相易于形成有利储集空间,纵向上的马五1+2、马五4、马五5、马五7、马五9亚段为该类相带较发育的层位,是区域勘探开发的重点领域。  相似文献   
The Yuanshui River Basin is one of the most important river basins ensuring food production and livelihoods in the Hunan and Guizhou Provinces of China. Based on digital elevation model, land use, soil, and meteorological data, the soil and water assessment tool was used to analyze the response of water resources in the basin to climate change. Specifically, the monthly runoff from the Yuanshui River Basin was simulated. Runoff measurements from the 1961–1990 series were used to calibrate model parameters, and measurements from the 1991–2010 series were used for model validation. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient, correlation coefficient, and water balance error were used to evaluate the simulation results; the values obtained for these parameters were 0.925, 0.929, and 2.0%, respectively, indicating that the established model can be applied successfully to runoff simulations. To evaluate the effects of climate change and human activities on runoff, 24 different climate scenarios were modeled. By comparing the model simulation results with the baseline scenario, the effects of climate change were analyzed by year, during the dry season, and during extremely dry conditions. The results showed that runoff decreased with increasing air temperature and decreasing precipitation, and that the effects of rainfall on runoff were greater than those of air temperature. Under the same baseline conditions, the effects of climate change on runoff were most pronounced during extremely dry months.  相似文献   
银晕中天琴RR变星金属丰度的测定对于研究银河系晕的形成和演化具有重要的意义.在当前的技术条件下,高分辨光谱的方法难以测量银晕中较暗的天琴RR变星的金属丰度.高分辨光谱测定金属丰度的方法对恒星大气模型的依赖性较高,而恒星脉动引起的复杂大气状况对于建立正确的大气模型本身就是挑战.△S光谱方法、Caby测光方法和光变曲线的参数方法则弥补了高分辨光谱方法的不足,将能测量更远距离上的天琴RR变星的金属丰度.着重介绍了这3种方法发展的历史、具体的观测流程以及需要注意的问题。通过比较这3种方法的优劣,为实际观测时方法的选用提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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