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南黄海陆架沉积环境的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对描述性资料的Q型聚类、数据资料的R型和Q型聚类的定量分析,南黄海陆架可区分出三级环境和20个沉积亚环境,进一步探讨了1.70MaB.P.沉积环境序列。  相似文献   
赵红  涂锐  刘智  蒋光伟 《测绘学报》2017,46(8):988-998
受特殊海岸线及复杂海底地形的影响,目前发布的全球海潮模型在局部沿海地区差异较大,需利用其他大地测量手段直接测定沿海地区的海潮负荷位移参数。GPS技术因具有全天候、精度高、成本低等优势,已成为获取海潮负荷位移参数的有效手段。本文基于GPS技术监测测站三维位移变化的灵敏度高于监测48个海潮参数的灵敏度这一基本思想,改进了利用GPS精密单点定位(PPP)技术估计48个海潮调和参数的方法,直接逐历元求解三维海潮负荷位移变化,再利用调和分析方法提取主要潮波(M2、S2、N2、K2、K1、O1、P1、Q1)的海潮负荷位移建模参数(振幅与相位)。利用12个香港连续运行参考站(CORS)8年的GPS观测数据,计算各测站的海潮负荷位移建模参数。与传统方法比较,本文方法可有效加速K1潮波在东西方向的收敛。将GPS海潮负荷位移建模参数估值与中国近海海潮模型值比较,发现除S2、K2和K1潮波的均方根误差较大外,其他潮波的均方根误差均小于1.5mm。将香港2008—2014年验潮站数据反演的潮波参数与海潮模型值比较,结果表明:GPS与验潮站数据反演的潮波参数均与中国近海海潮模型及HAMTIDE2011.11A全球海潮模型符合较好,验证了GPS PPP反演海潮负荷位移的有效性。采用GPS PPP估计的8个潮波的振幅与相位值替换全球海潮模型中对应的潮波值,进行海潮负荷效应改正,可减弱GPS长时间序列中的半周年信号。  相似文献   
南黄海第四纪时期石英砂表面结构特征及其环境意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
石英砂表面结构的特定标志及组合特征是判别沉积环境的重要依据。南黄海第四纪时期沉积相中石英砂表面结构因沉积作用的不同而有差异,磨圆度、表面形态是反映高能和低能环境的灵敏指标,典型环境的特有标志和某种表面结构出现的几率以及这些标志形成顺序的识别,均是环境判定和解释的重要内容。南黄海潮流砂物质来源复杂,强劲的潮流是其形成的主要动力因素;晚更新世末期的石英砂具有河漫滩相沉积的特点,颗粒的溶蚀程度似乎反映了一种“温凉”的气候条件。  相似文献   
在内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原克鲁伦河流域选取轻度、中度和重度3个放牧区研究植物地上和地下生物量、根冠比及土壤有机质、氮、磷等养分含量对放牧强度的响应。结果表明:重度放牧区的地上生物量(89.73 g·m-2)显著低于轻度(565. 61 g·m-2)和中度放牧区(488. 92 g·m-2),地下生物量(1 029. 90 g·m-2)则显著高于轻度(604.92 g·m-2)和中度放牧区(418.38 g·m-2)。重度放牧区的根冠比为11.54,显著高于轻度(1.11)和中度放牧区(0.89)。土壤有机质及各养分含量随着放牧强度的增加先显著降低而后显著增大,中度放牧区的养分含量最低。  相似文献   
Estimation of internal nutrient release in large shallow Lake Taihu,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on field investigation of wave, sediment suspension and the changes in nutrient concentration of the water column in Lake Taihu, China, we proposed two release models to quantify nutrient release under static and dynamic conditions, respectively. Under static conditions, nutrient release from sediments to the overlying water mainly depends on chemical diffusion induced by concentration gradient, in which the nutrient release is controlled by the temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration in the sediment-water interface, oxidation-reduction potential and the concentration difference between porewater and overlying water. Under dynamic condition (or disturbed condition), both dissolved and particulate nutrients in sediments are released into the water column because of wind-induced sediment suspension. The amount of nutrient release under dynamic conditions is larger than that under the static condition. The release of dissolved nutrients, however, does not increase because the wind induced turbulence made oxidation of metallic elements such as Fe (ferric iron), Mn which are capable of precipitating soluble reactive phosphate (SRP). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, the release of total phosphorus (TP) increases dramatically but the release of SRP is close to those under static conditions. In sediments of Lake Taihu, high Fe content leads to a high ratio of Fe to P contents in sediments (Fe:P ratio). Under dynamic conditions, therefore, nutrient release is controlled by the intensity of disturbance, sediment consolidation and nutrient content in sediments. As for dissolved nutrients, especially SRP, the release is also controlled by the intensity of dynamic re-oxidation, Fe content in sediments and nutrient concentration gradient between porewater and overlying water. Based on these two release modes, the release flux in Lake Taihu has been estimated. In the static condition (i.e. laboratory experimental condition), total release of NH4 +-N for whole lake is ca. 10,000 ton/a, and PO4 3?-P is ca. 900 ton/a. In the dynamic condition, nutrient release following sediment suspension was estimated according to three different intensities of wind forcing which were defined as “calm” (wind speed is less than 2 m/s), “gentle” (wind speed is greater than 2 m/s and less than 6 m/s) and “gust” (wind speed is greater than 6 m/s). The release rate in the condition of “calm” was estimated in terms of the nutrient release in the laboratory experimental static condition; whereas the release rate in conditions of “gentle” and “gust” was estimated in terms of measurement during sediment resuspension conducted in flume experiments. With the observation of wind velocity and frequency in 2001, each type of wind forcing took the frequency of 12%, 82% and 6% for “calm”, “gentle” and “gust”, respectively. The yearly release of nitrogen was 81,000 ton and phosphorus was 21,000 ton, which is about 2–6 folds of annual external loading, respectively.  相似文献   
海水中颗粒有机碳(POC)是海洋碳循环的基本变量,真光层POC输出效率在海洋固碳中起关键作用.根据2003-2018年南海区域遥感数据反演的真光层POC输出效率数据集,分析了南海海域真光层POC输出效率时空变化规律.结果表明,研究区内POC输出效率多年平均值为0.08,其在空间上分布呈现近岸高、海盆低的特征,年平均PO...  相似文献   
中国东南丘陵山区水质良好水库现状与天目湖保护实践   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
东南丘陵山区是我国水库分布最为集中的区域之一,这些水库在保障区域供水安全方面具有极其重要的作用,应该优先保护.然而,水库水环境保护正面临丘陵山区开发强度持续增加,开发方式和空间布局不合理,氮、磷污染及富营养化趋势严峻,缺乏完善监测和管理体系等众多问题.本文以2000年以来天目湖水库保护实践过程为例,从库体水环境治理、流域污染物削减和综合管理3个方面介绍天目湖沙河水库保护的措施和成效,在此基础上提出良好湖库优先保护的建议:建立具有部门协调能力的水库管理机构,实行基于湖库水生态目标的水质目标管理,治理丘陵山区茶果园的面源污染,注重流域生态系统整体的恢复,禁止上游水源涵养区和临湖地带的开发,划定生态保护红线,明确禁止和限制的开发类型与规模,加强湖库及流域的监测和预警,开展必要的水库水体治理工程,并针对性地制定湖库管理条例.天目湖十几年的保护实践中有效地解决了流域开发与水库水质保护之间的矛盾,使天目湖水质由快速恶化转为稳步好转,为东南丘陵山区经济发展过程中水库的环境保护探索了一条道路.  相似文献   
The phosphorus fractions, the alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and other water chemical parameters were concomitantly monitored from April 2003 to October 2004 in different eco-type sites of Lake Taihu. During the stages of algae growth, the phosphorus fractions and their relationships with APA in different ecotype sites were discussed and the phosphorus mineralization rate was calculated. In the water of Lake Taihu, most of the phosphorus (70.2%) could be attributed to the suspended particulate phosphorus, while the dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) seems to contribute less than 7%. About 58% of the total phosphorus, however, can be hydrolyzed as inorganic phosphate to compensate for phosphorus deficiency of algae and bacteria growth. During the different algae growth stages, the APA and its Kinetic parameters were varied significantly between different ecotype sites of Lake Taihu. This trend is also visible by comparing the phosphorus mineralization rate, and the most rapidly phosphorus turnover time is only several minutes. The fast recycle of phosphorus can, to some extent, be explained that the phosphorus source of algal blooms. The phytoplankton seems to compensate for phosphorus deficiency by using the alkaline phosphatase to hydrolyze phosphomonoesters.  相似文献   
本文给出HR1099(V711Tau)的高色散、高分辨率的分光观测结果。从观测结果分析,该双星系统的两子星均有剧烈的色球活动,强的Hα发射主峰主要来自活动性强的冷子星,谱线轮廓形状的大幅度变化取决于色球发射物质的运动和恒星内部的物理变化。  相似文献   
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