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于1986年在哈尔滨郊外水池采集贝棘尾虫标本,利用扫描电镜观察其形态及二分裂期间形态发生,在扫找镜样品制备中,采KMnO4代替常用的OsO4研究表明,(1)口原基发生的位置在第一横棘毛的左前角,这下贪食棘尾虫相同,但不同于鬃棘尾虫。参与后仔虫额,腹,横棘毛原基发生的老腹棘毛只有一个,这与前人在其他贻贝棘尾虫株系上的观察结果不同,这些表明,口原基起源的位置和参与形成额、腹,横棘毛原基的老腹棘毛的数目  相似文献   
Based on the 2nd order cnoidal wave theory, the characters of shallow water standing waves and their action on vertical walls are studied in this paper. The theoretical expressions of the wave surface elevation in front of and the wave pressure on the vertical wall are obtained. In order to verify the theoretical results, model tests were made in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering at DUT. For the wave surface elevation in front of the wall and the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes down to the bottom of the wave trough, the calculated results coincide quite well with the experimental results. For the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes up to the top of the wave crest, the theoretical expressions are modified by the experimental results. For the convenience of practical use, calculations are made for the wave conditions which usually occur in enginering practice by use of the inves  相似文献   
Frequency-selective attenuation of sound propagaion and reverberation in shallow waterTXFrequency-selectiveattenuationofsoundp...  相似文献   
南海西沙西南海域表层沉积物特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
西沙西南海域表层沉积物样品矿物成分,地球化学,微体古生物分析测试结果表明:沉积物可分为7种类型,沉积环境主要是陆坡,部分为深海平原,海洋生物,海洋化学以及火山物质的沉积起到了积极的作用,陆源物质的影响较小,它们主要来源于北部大陆和南部岛礁等物源区。  相似文献   
南海温跃层基本特征及一维预报模式   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
根据现有1907—1990年南海大面调查资料,按1°×1°网格进行逐月的标准水层的温度统计。在此基础上采用3次样条函数的插值方法计算出整个南海温跃层的深度、厚度和强度并予以相应分析。分析表明,南海温跃层主要分为两种类型:第一类为辐射型,主要分布在南海北部的陆架区内,季节变化显著;第二类为不同水体叠置型,主要分布在广大深水区,它长年存在,季节变化较小。一种温跃层的一维积分预报模式,该模式是基于忽略热平流作用和水平热扩散的前提下,从局部热平衡方程出发,建立了受海面热收支及风混合作用下求解温度垂直分布及温跃层的时空变化。在南海北部水深约300m处进行了单站温跃层后报,结果表明,温跃层的深度、厚度和强度的相对误差均在30%以下。  相似文献   
日本沼虾染色体及其核型的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
于1992年3月在上海青县采集日本沼虾,以改进的空气干燥法研究精巢细胞染色体及核型,特别较详细地研究了减数分裂前期I染色体的行为。结果表明,日本沼虾染色体数n=53,2n=104,共分为A,B,C,D4个染色体组;核型组成是N=37M+4ST+11T;初级精母细胞减数分裂前期I可分为细线期/偶线期,粗线期、双线期和终变期5个时期,双线期的二价体存在弥散阶段,减数分裂的同步率高,大多处于双线期,且双  相似文献   
The current salinization of groundwater in the Laizhou area is controlled by three main factors: surge of the sea and inland residual seawater seepage, original saline water deposited in marine sediment and excessive extraction of the coastal area groundwater. The salinization of groundwater have obviously affected the local economy and human health.  相似文献   
In this paper, the irregular wave force on a cylindrical pier group is calculated by the method of spectrum analysis, and the coefficients of the group effect of piers in the pier group are given here. The calculated results, using P-M and Bretshneider's. (B's) spectra, are obtained for the cases of 2 piers, 3 piers and 4 piers. To compare these results with those obtained for regular waves, we can come to some significant conclusions. Under the action of the irregular wave, when the distance between the piers in the pier group increases, the coefficient of the group effect decreases and tends rapidly to the case of a single pier. In general, when the ratio of the distance between the piers to the diameter of the pier is greater than 4, the group effect can be neglected.  相似文献   
赵林  邱国庆 《冰川冻土》1991,13(2):177-180
本文以北大别地块中典型燕山期花岗岩——天堂寨、九资河花岗岩为例,研究了其黑云母、角闪石的矿物成分及岩石包体特征;并结合当前有关脱水熔融和含自由水体系的熔融实验岩石学成果,对花岗质岩浆的形成方式进行了讨论,认为天堂寨、九资河花岗岩是由含自由水体系的熔融作用形成的,含水流体的主要来源可能为南大别地块。  相似文献   
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