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噪声分析一直是地震资料信噪比得以改善的重要基础方法。可控震源向地下输入瞬时低能量信号, 易受到可控震源系统内部以及背景中的瞬时脉冲噪声(如电噪声、震动噪声等)的干扰。用于提取有效信号的相关检测方法将脉冲噪声的干扰范围扩大, 严重影响了对可控震源有效信号的提取。为了从理论上分析脉冲噪声对可控震源相关记录的干扰, 通过仿真实验, 系统分析了单点脉冲和多点脉冲噪声对相关记录中可控震源信号的干扰程度和特点。结果表明, 可控震源相关记录中的信号主要受脉冲噪声强度、所在时间位置以及可控震源非相关记录脉冲点数比例三方面因素影响, 脉冲噪声所占记录的比例大于2.5%且平均强度高于100时, 相关检测后的可控震源信号会完全被噪声淹没。  相似文献   
针对冻结井筒解冻后频繁发生涌水灾害的情况,通过工程实例分析了冻结技术、井筒地层条件及解冻涌水特征。结果表明,涌水发生是由于解冻后冻结止水帷幕失效,冻结管周围地层介质渗透性增强,介质接触界面粘结强度降低而致界面缝隙扩大连通,使冻结钻孔连通含、隔水层而形成竖向导水通道,通道内高压水通过井筒薄弱部位发生涌水。采取在井筒外围适宜地层开挖环形巷道,在环形巷道内逐个切断冻结管并向冻结管内外注浆加固,最后将环形巷道用混凝土回填,形成人工隔水塞层。利用RFPA2D-Flow渗流耦合模型验证了该治理方案的可行性,且利用FLAC3D程序计算出环形巷道距离井壁7.50 m是最佳开凿位置。经该措施处理后的井筒涌水由原来的90 m3/h降低至2 m3/h,且井筒保持了稳定。  相似文献   
-Combined refraction and diffraction models in the form of linear parabolic approximation are derived through smallparameter method. More strictly theoretical basis and more accuracy in the models than Lozano's (1980) are obtained. Some theoretical defects in Liu's model (1985) with consideration of current are not only found but also eliminated. More strict and accurate models are, therefore, presented in this paper.The calculation results and analysis in applying the models to actual wave field with consideration of bottom friction will be given in the following paper.  相似文献   
In the late Miocene, giant ancient pockmarks, which are fairly rare globally, developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin. In this paper, to determine the sedimentary characteristics and genetic mechanism of these giant ancient pockmarks in the Yinggehai Formation of the Qiongdongnan Basin, based on high-resolution 3D seismic data and multiattribute fusion technologies, we analyzed the planar distribution and seismic facies of the ancient pockmarks and compared the characteristics of the ancient pockmar...  相似文献   
利用电子显微探针元素分析技术(EPMA)对黄海南部野生银鲳和鮸鱼的耳石进行了锶和钙沉积特征的初步分析。定量线分析结果表明,两种鱼类耳石的Sr/Ca之间存在显著的种间差异。银鲳耳石Sr/Ca比,在耳石核心及相邻处为低值区(5.86±0.92);3段Sr/Ca高值区分别为近核心部(7.88±1.28)、第1龄处(9.44±1.82)及耳石边缘(7.91±1.38);揭示银鲳孵化和早期发育应需要盐度适中的生境,当龄鱼在后期的生长中需洄游经过两段高盐生境(其中之一在第1龄时)。鮸鱼耳石Sr/Ca比波动表现为耳石核心处(7.72±0.97)高于其余部分,反映了鮸鱼孵化及初期发育阶段可能生活在高盐度生境,而当龄鱼随后阶段的生长和发育过程则会洄游至盐度有所降低的生境中进行。  相似文献   
同步辐射标定平面镜反射率不确定度分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高多通道软X射线能谱仪的测量精度,2009年在北京同步辐射(BSRF)软X束线源上对多种材料的掠入射平面镜的反射率进行了标定.在标定实验的基础上,对光源的单色性、高次谐波以及源强稳定性、探测器响应一致性和数据采集统计误差等多项不确定因素进行了评估,给出了反射率的修正方法和相应的不确定度分析结果.  相似文献   
近年来,东海频现对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)大网捕获(吨级规模以上),引起了对衰退中的野生大黄鱼资源保护的担忧。为查明东海野生大黄鱼洄游规律,本文根据2020−2022年在浙江近海产卵场和外海越冬场采集的不同批次野生大黄鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测定耳石微化学元素,结合聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),对不同大黄鱼群体进行了划分,结合耳石的年轮特征,研究大黄鱼群体的栖息生境,推测大黄鱼洄游路线。结果表明,Ba/Ca $\leqslant$0.004 2时可以判定为海洋栖息生境,Ba/Ca $\geqslant$ 0 .008 1时可以判定为河口栖息生境,0.004 2 < Ba/Ca< 0.008 1时可以判定为混合栖息生境。根据该阈值范围,判定本次采样的大黄鱼的5种生境类型:(1)近海产卵,近海混合水域短暂栖息类型(占22.2%);(2)近海产卵,阶段性往复混合生境栖息类型(占15.6%);(3)近海产卵,河口水域育幼索饵,外海越冬栖息类型(31.1%);(4)河口产卵、混合水域育幼,外海越冬栖息类型(6.7%);(5)近海混合水域短暂产卵,绝大部分时间海洋生境栖息类型(24.4%)。对所有样本的Ba/Ca核心、峰值和边缘值进行PCA,5种栖息类型的样本均匀分布在第一轴的两侧,大部分时间都在海洋生境中的G1、G2和G5,以及受陆源影响较大的G3和G4。同时,PCA结果同时也显示,5种类型样本均会近同步地在近海岛礁处出现,这表明外海、近海和河口的群体由于洄游等因素的影响会出现混合,说明了舟山岛礁水域对大黄鱼产卵育幼的重要性。本研究为东海大黄鱼近海产卵场、索饵场和外海越冬场之间洄游履历,以及大黄鱼洄游路线推测提供一定依据。  相似文献   
运用我国自行研制的ZHG-1型X波段机载雷达高度计于1995年4月13日-4月18日在青岛附近海域进行的海上飞行实验数据,及导出的均方根波高、有效波高、均方根波陡算法模型,得到了上述海况参数值。  相似文献   
In this paper we analyse the relations between a previously described oblate Jaffe model for an ellipsoidal galaxy and the observed quantities for NGC 2974, and obtain the length and velocity scales for a relevant elliptical galaxy model. We then derive the finite total mass of the model from these scales, and finally find a good fit of an isotropic oblate Jaffe model by using the Gauss-Hermite fit parameters and the observed ellipticity of the galaxy NGC 2974. The model is also used to predict the total luminous mass of NGC 2974, assuming that the influence of dark matter in this galaxy on the image, ellipticity and Gauss-Hermite fit parameters of this galaxy is negligible within the central region, of radius 0.5R e.  相似文献   
We show different expressions of distribution functions (DFs) which depend only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum with respect to the axis of symmetry for stellar systems with known axisymmetric densities. The density of the system is required to be a product of functions separable in the potential and the radial coordinates, where the functions of the radial coordinate are powers of a sum of a square of the radial coordinate and its unit scale. The even part of the two-integral DF corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum or an infinite series of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum about the axis of symmetry. A similar expression of its odd part can be also obtained under the assumption of the rotation laws. It can be further shown that these expressions are in fact equivalent to those obtained by using Hunter & Qian's contour integral formulae for the system. This method is generally computationally preferable to the contour integral method. Two examples are given to obtain the even and odd parts of their two-integral DFs. One is for the prolate Jaffe model and the other for the prolate Plummer model.
It can be also found that the Hunter–Qian contour integral formulae of the two-integral even DF for axisymmetric systems can be recovered by use of the Laplace–Mellin integral transformation originally developed by Dejonghe.  相似文献   
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