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Neutrophilic iron oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) must actively compete with rapid abiotic processes governing Fe(II) oxidation and as a result have adapted to primarily inhabit low-O2 environments where they can more successfully compete with abiotic Fe(II) oxidation. The spatial distribution of these microorganisms can be observed through the chemical gradients they affect, as measured using in situ voltammetric analysis for dissolved Fe(II), Fe(III), O2, and FeS(aq). Field and laboratory determination of the chemical environments inhabited by the FeOB were coupled with detailed kinetic competition studies for abiotic and biotic oxidation processes using a pure culture of FeOB to quantify the geochemical niche these organisms inhabit. In gradient culture tubes, the maximum oxygen levels, which were associated with growth bands of Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (ES-1, a novel FeOB), were 15-50 μM. Kinetic measurements made on S. lithotrophicus compared biotic/abiotic (killed control) Fe oxidation rates. The biotic rate can be a significant and measurable fraction of the total Fe oxidation rate below O2 concentrations of approximately 50 μM, but biotic Fe(II) oxidation (via the biotic/abiotic rate comparison) becomes difficult to detect at higher O2 levels. These results are further supported by observations of conditions supporting FeOB communities in field settings. Variablity in cell densities and cellular activity as well as variations in hydrous ferrous oxide mineral quantities significantly affect the laboratory kinetic rates. The microbial habitat (or geochemical niche) where FeOB are active is thus largely controlled by the competition between abiotic and biotic kinetics, which are dependent on Fe(II) concentration, PO2, temperature and pH in addition to the surface area of hydrous ferric oxide minerals and the cell density/activity of FeOB. Additional field and lab culture observations suggest a potentially important role for the iron-sulfide aqueous molecular cluster, FeS(aq), in the overall cycling of iron associated with the environments these microorganisms inhabit.  相似文献   
Our ability to identify thin non-stoichiometric and amorphous layers beneath mineral surfaces has been tested by undertaking X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) work on alkali feldspars from pH 1 dissolution experiments. The outcomes of this work were used to help interpret XPS and TEM results from alkali feldspars weathered for <10,000 years in soils overlying the Shap Granite (north-west England). The chemistry of effluent solutions indicates that silica-rich layers a few nanometers in thickness formed during the pH 1 experiments. These layers can be successfully identified by XPS and have lower Al/Si, Na/Si, K/Si and Ca/Si values than the outermost ∼9 nm of unweathered controls. Development of Al-Si non-stoichiometry is coupled with loss of crystal structure to produce amorphous layers that are identifiable by TEM where >∼2.5 nm thick, whereas the crystallinity of albite is retained despite leaching of Na to depths of tens to hundreds on nanometers. Integration of XPS data over the outermost 6-9 nm of naturally weathered Shap feldspars shows that they have stoichiometric Al/Si and K/Si ratios, which is consistent with findings of previous TEM work on the same material that they lack amorphous layers. There is some XPS evidence for loss of K from the outermost couple of nanometers of Shap orthoclase, and the possibility of leaching of Na from albite to greater depths cannot be excluded using the XPS or TEM results. This study demonstrates that the leached layer model, as formulated from laboratory experiments, is inapplicable to the weathering of alkali feldspars within acidic soils, which is an essentially stoichiometric reaction.  相似文献   
The petroleum resource potential is considered for the Atlantic, West Pacific, and East Pacific types of deepwater continental margins. The most considerable energy resources are concentrated at the Atlantic-type passive margins in the zone transitional to the ocean. The less studied continental slope of backarc seas of the generally active margins of the West Pacific type is currently not so rich in discoveries as the Atlantic-type margin, but is not devoid of certain expectations. In some of their parameters, the margins bounded by continental slopes may be regarded as analogs of classical passive margins. At the margins of the East Pacific type, the petroleum potential is solely confined to transform segments. In the shelf-continental-slope basins of the rift and pull-apart nature, petroleum fields occur largely in the upper fan complex, and to a lesser extent in the lower graben (rift) complex. In light of world experience, the shelf-continental-slope basins of the Arctic and Pacific margins of Russia are evaluated as highly promising.  相似文献   
Summary  Left in place pillars of abandoned mines are subject to weathering (e.g action of water, bacteria) that degrades their mechanical strength and eventually leads to collapse. A simple weathering model is proposed, that is governed by two parameters: the rate of progression of weathered front and the rate of degradation of the compressive strength with time. Both plane strain and axisymmetric analyses are performed and closed form solutions of the variation with time of the bearing capacity of the pillar are given. Experimental data of the tests conducted on gypsum and anhydrite specimens attacked by water are presented. It is shown that in order to fit the experimental data a third parameter must be introduced. New closed form solutions are given and the data are used for estimating the time to failure of abandoned gypsum mines in Northern Italy. Authors’ address: Dr. Riccardo Castellanza, Research Assistant, Department of Structural Engineering, Milan University of Technology (Politecnico), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy  相似文献   
The crystallographic structures of the synthetic cheralite, CaTh(PO4)2, and its homolog CaNp(PO4)2 have been investigated by X-ray diffraction at room temperature. Rietveld analyses showed that both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic system and are isostructural to monazite LnPO4 (Ln = La to Gd). The space group is P21/n (I.T. = 14) with Z = 2. The refined lattice parameters of CaTh(PO4)2 are a = 6.7085(8) Å, b = 6.9160(6) Å, c = 6.4152(6) Å, and β = 103.71(1)° with best fit parameters R wp = 4.87%, R p = 3.69% and R B = 3.99%. For CaNp(PO4)2, we obtained a = 6.6509(5) Å, b = 6.8390(3) Å, c = 6.3537(8) Å, and β = 104.12(6)° and R wp = 6.74%, R p = 5.23%, and R B = 6.05%. The results indicate significant distortions of bond length and angles of the PO4 tetrahedra in CaTh(PO4)2 and to a lesser extent in CaNp(PO4)2. The structural distortions were confirmed by Raman spectroscopy of CaTh(PO4)2. A comparison with the isostructural compounds LnPO4 (Ln = Ce and Sm) confirmed that the substitution of the large rare earth trivalent cations with Ca2+ and Th4+ introduces a distortion of the PO4 tetrahedra.  相似文献   
This paper examines how narratives of history are organized spatially at historical sites and memorial spaces, especially in urban settings and in places invested with a sense of collective memory. Much recent research has focused on landscape, memory, and place and how relationships of political and social power influence the representation of historical events in public spaces. Although the meaning of such sites may be hotly contested for long periods of time, we focus here on narrative theory and the related, but unexplored, issue of how such historical stories are configured on the ground at actual historical sites. We identify a number of narrative strategies which are frequently used to configure historical stories in space. Declamatory strategies using markers presenting a snapshot of an event are common, but sequential and non-sequential linear strategies are also used, as are thematic strategies that cross-cut space and time to present complex historical stories at various spatial scales. Examples are drawn from a range of historical sites in North America, Europe and Israel.  相似文献   
A methodology for the characterization of deep carbonate aquifers has been developed and applied to El Maestrazgo Jurassic aquifer in Castellón, Spain. Characterization of these aquifer formations, located at more than 300 m deep, consisted of a previous phase of compilation, analysis and synthesis of the existing information about the area, followed by a coordinated combination of different speciality studies: geology, stratigraphy, structural analysis, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing. Geological studies included geological mapping, definition of stratigraphical units and facies and structural analysis. The aim of the hydrogeology study was to define aquifer formations, recharge area, aquifer points inventory and groundwater flow directions for the establishment of piezometric and water quality observation nets. Special techniques were applied, like thermal infrared aerial images and the evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge by means of natural radium isotopes. Hydrochemical techniques, including majority elements characterization and stable isotopes (18O, 2H and 3H) determination, allowed classifying hydrochemical facies and establishing a renewal pattern for water within the system. Geophysics was useful in determining the aquifer geometry, the features of the basement and the petrophysical characteristics of the geological formations. Preliminary results show an important tectonic complexity and the possibilities for groundwater uses in the area of study.  相似文献   
Using plane wave theory and assuming a given input wavelet the shape of the reflected (or transmitted) wavelet from a layered boundary is derived. Several types of boundaries are considered, among them the weathered layer and a wedge shaped intermediate layer. Different angles of incidence and all internal multiples are taken into account. The examples shown in the figures can be used for a direct comparison between theoretical and observed shapes of reflected (or transmitted) wavelets from special boundaries.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a simple method of computing independent strips under certain reasonable approximations. It is shown that, if the method is regarded as if it were computation by polynomials, the order of the polynomial is decided by the nature of the control provided and not by the number of controlled models. This conclusion should throw some light on the vexed (and perennial) problem of the choice of orders for polynomials.  相似文献   
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