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Zaragoza city is located in the central Ebro Basin, in the Iberian Peninsula. The fluvial terraces formed by the Ebro River present a valuable resource of sand and gravel deposits. However, taking advantage of these available resources implies conflicts with other land use interests like urban and industrial development as well as agricultural use, which has also traditionally occupied the alluvial terraces. These deposits represent a substantial groundwater resource that should be preserved for future generations. The development of spatial decision support systems (SDSS) has greatly assisted efforts for solving land-use conflicts. These systems combine the benefits of geographic information systems (GIS) and decision support methodologies and are therefore suitable to manage sustainable development of urban areas. In this contribution, an extraction suitability map taking into consideration a variety of environmental criteria is created with the help of a SDSS. The method used is the analytical hierarchy process which is integrated in ArcGIS. Areas most suitable to sand and gravel extraction are located in the high terraces, and in those terraces covered by pediments where the thickness of resource is relatively high. These areas are far from valuable natural areas, outside areas most vulnerable to groundwater contamination, and beneath soils with poor irrigation characteristics.  相似文献   
Quick-look assessments to identify optimal CO2 EOR storage sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A newly developed, multistage quick-look methodology allows for the efficient screening of an unmanageably large number of reservoirs to generate a workable set of sites that closely match the requirements for optimal CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) storage. The objective of the study is to quickly identify miscible CO2 EOR candidates in areas that contain thousands of reservoirs and to estimate additional oil recovery and sequestration capacities of selected top options through dimensionless modeling and reservoir characterization. Quick-look assessments indicate that the CO2 EOR resource potential along the US Gulf Coast is 4.7 billion barrels, and CO2 sequestration capacity is 2.6 billion metric tons. In the first stage, oil reservoirs are screened and ranked in terms of technical and practical feasibility for miscible CO2 EOR. The second stage provides quick estimates of CO2 EOR potential and sequestration capacities. In the third stage, a dimensionless group model is applied to a selected set of sites to improve the estimates of oil recovery and storage potential using appropriate inputs for rock and fluid properties, disregarding reservoir architecture and sweep design. The fourth stage validates and refines the results by simulating flow in a model that describes the internal architecture and fluid distribution in the reservoir. The stated approach both saves time and allows more resources to be applied to the best candidate sites.  相似文献   
In 1983, inhabitants of the City of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, began to observe a series of differential settlements causing damages to constructions along linear trends parallel to a system of regional faults. The same phenomenon occurs in others cities of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), such as Celaya, Aguascalientes, and Querétaro, and is linked to a structurally controlled subsidence, caused by groundwater withdrawal, and the presence of geological faults. We define this subsidence type as Subsidence-Creep-Fault Processes (SCFP), based on the necessary elements for their generation, and we studied them through geophysical and geotechnical techniques. In Morelia, the geophysical investigations have been carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). GPR profiles, perpendicular to the axis of the surface fault generated by the SCFP were carried out. The common-offset single-fold profiling was used, with a central frequency of 50 MHz. In all cases it has been possible to visualize a fault plane dividing two blocks, the presence of synthetic and antithetic faults, influence zones from 20 m to 40 m, and a maximum “net throw” of 4 m. Exploration trenches followed the same direction of the profiles obtained with GPR (perpendicular to the axis of the surface fault). These trenches exposed a fault plane dividing two blocks with different lithology, generating a maximum “net throw” of 4.40 m; as well they help in the determination of influence zones that varied from 14 m to 40 m.  相似文献   
Tensioned foundations are common in civil engineering applications such as transmission towers, harbors, offshore structures, basement slabs under pressure, industrial equipment, etc. Procedures for the design of tensioned foundations are discussed in this paper, including specific recommendations for more common transmission tower foundations. Starting from a distinction between shallow and deep modes of failure, the paper presents the most common failure mechanisms for shallow failure in tension, including procedures for calculation of foundation tensile capacity under vertical and inclined loading. Emphasis is given to the influence of the strength of the compacted backfill compared to the strength of the natural soil, including presentation of results of full-scale loading tests.  相似文献   
The paper [Wang, J.-J., Zhu, J.-G., Chiu, C.F., Zhang, H., 2007. Experimental study on fracture toughness and tensile strength of a clay. Engineering Geology 94, 64–75.] focuses on two important fracture parameters of soils: tensile strength and fracture toughness. These parameters control the behaviour of soils in a wide range of situations, from the design of a simple footing to much complicated fracture behaviour of clay liners or covers. The authors have done extensive laboratory work to determine these two parameters and their laborious and complicated experimental program needs praise. However, some of the points raised in their conclusions, based on the analysis and comparison with the data from the literature, need to be discussed.  相似文献   
Experiments at 6.0–7.1 GPa and 1500–1700°C were carried out to explore the boundary conditions of diamond nucleation and growth in pyrrhotite-carbon melt-solutions. Pyrrhotite is one of the main sulfide minerals of the pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblage of mantle rocks and primary inclusions in diamond. Solutions of carbon in sulfide melts oversaturated with respect to diamond at the expense of the dissolution of starting graphite (thermodynamically unstable phase) are formed owing to the difference between the solubilities of graphite and diamond, which increases under the influence of temperature gradients in experimental samples. We determined the fields of carbon solutions in pyrrhotite melt showing labile and metastable oversaturation with respect to diamond, which correspond to the spontaneous nucleation of the diamond phase and diamond growth on seeds, respectively. The linear growth rate of diamond in sulfide-carbon melts is rather high (on average, 10 μ/min during the first 1–2 min from the onset of spontaneous crystallization). The nucleation density is estimated as 180 grains per cubic centimeter. Diamonds crystallized from sulfide melts show octahedral and spinel twin shapes. Diamond polycrystals were synthesized for the first time from a sulfide medium as intergrowths of skeletal (edge) or “cryptocrystalline” microdiamonds, from 1 to 100 μm in size, their spinel twins and, occasionally, polysynthetic (star-shaped) twins. During diamond growth from sulfidecarbon melts on smooth faces of cuboctahedral diamond seeds synthesized in metal systems, smooth-faced layer-by-layer step-like growth was observed on their octahedral (111) faces, whereas growth on the (100) cubic faces produced rough-surfaced layers of intergrown micropyramids, whose axes were oriented normal to the (100) face. The obtained experimental results were applied to the problem of diamond genesis under the conditions of the Earth’s mantle in the framework of the model of carbonate-silicate parental melts with blebs of immiscible sulfide melts.  相似文献   
Calculations of the saturation of groundwaters with respect to minerals of the rocks hosting these waters indicate that most of the analyzed groundwaters were saturates with respect to calcite, dolomite, and quartz. Brines of chloride-calcic composition were determined to be saturated with respect to calcite, whereas brines of chloride-sodic composition are saturated with respect to dolomite and quartz. The solution was simultaneously saturated with respect to six minerals for the association ankerite-calcite-dolomite-pyrite-quartz-strontianite. An increase in the number of minerals with respect to which solution is saturated is correlated with an increase in the diversity of types of groundwaters and an increase in the runoff rate. The paper proposes possible avenues for searches for relations between hydrogeological and geochemical parameters that make it possible to adapt the thermodynamic models to real geological-hydrogeological conditions. The research was centered on the testing of groundwaters for their saturation with respect to minerals of the rocks hosting these waters. This parameter plays a significant part in forming the geochemical type of natural waters because it reflects the crystallization of a mineral from a solution and, consequently, the removal of an element from the aqueous solution.  相似文献   
Rock associations characterized by heterogeneous sets of petrogeochemical parameters were compared by quantifying the degree of their similarity-dissimilarity and searching for discrimination trends between them. Using procedures specially developed for this purpose, it was demonstrated for the first time that the lithotectonic complexes of the Murmansk domain are fundamentally different from those of typical granulite-gneiss terrains and resemble the granite-greenstone terrains of the Baltic shield, Greenland, and Canada. Based on the whole data set, the Murmansk domain can be considered as a deeply eroded Archean granite-greenstone terrain retaining only the tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss basement with abundant supracrustal enclaves. A trend of the compositional difference between the older and younger rock associations is similar to that between the tholeiitic and boninitic volcanic series. It was suggested that the petrogeochemical “age” trend reflects the initial stage of the compositional evolution of the metamagmatic rocks of the region from metamorphic rocks similar to tholeiites at the early stages to the Paleoproterozoic boninite-like rocks, which are believed to be linked to the unique PGE-bearing province of the northeastern Baltic shield. This implies that the specific metallogenic features of the region emerged already in the Archean, which supported the suggestion on the long duration of geological processes in the Early Precambrian.  相似文献   
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