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The 150 m thick late Miocene Graveyard Point sill (GPS) is situated at the Idaho-Oregon border near the southwestern edge of the western Snake River Plain. It records from bottom to top continuous fractional crystallization of a tholeiitic parent magma (lower chilled border, FeO/(FeO+MgO) = 0.59, Ni = 90 ppm) towards granophyres (late pods and dikes, FeO/(FeO+MgO) = 0.98, 78 wt% SiO2 3.5 wt% K2O, <4 ppm Ni) showing a typical trend of Fe and P enrichment. Fractionating minerals are olivine (Fo79-Fo2), augite (X Fe = 0.18−0.95), feldspars (An80Or1-An1Or62), Fe-Ti oxides (Ti-rich magnetite and ilmenite), apatite and in two samples super-calcic pigeonite (Wo18–28 Fs41–54). The granophyres may bear some quartz. Compositionally zoned minerals record a large interval of the fractionation process in every single sample, but this interval changes with stratigraphic height. In super-calcic pigeonite-bearing samples, olivine is scarce or lacking and because super-calcic pigeonite occurs as characteristic overgrowths on augite, its formation is interpreted to be related to the schematic reaction: augite + olivine (component in melt) + SiO2 (in melt) = pigeonite, that defines the cotectic between augite and pigeonite in olivine-saturated basaltic systems. Line measurements with the electron microprobe reveal that the transition from augite to super-calcic pigeonite is continuous. However, some crystals show an abrupt “reversal” towards augite after super-calcic pigeonite growth. Two processes compete with each other in the GPS: fractional crystallization of the bulk liquid (the bulk melt separates from solids and interstitial liquids in the solidification front) and fractional crystallization of interstitial melt in the solidification front itself. Interplay between those two processes is proposed to account for the observed variations in mineral chemistry and mineral textures. Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   
Increased eutrophication was recently observed in the 5th (5J) and 6th (6J) Triglav Lakes, two remote Slovenian mountain lakes. Sediment phosphorus (P) pools were analysed and potential external P sources affecting the lakes (atmospheric deposition, terrestrial export and nearby hut) evaluated, to assess the effects of internal and external changes on the lakes. A sequential extraction procedure was used to quantify five P fractions from the sediments: adsorbed (NH4Cl–P), redox-sensitive (BD–P), aluminium- (NaOH–P) and calcium- (HCl–P) bound, and refractory organic (Res–P) P. Total phosphorus (TP) contents in surface sediment of 5J and 6J were 1430 and 641 µg P g?1 dry weight sediment (dw), respectively. TP varied with depth in 5J sediments, but displayed no discernible pattern, whereas it decreased steadily downcore in 6J. Contents of all P forms were distinctly higher in 5J than 6J, but their rank order and relative abundances were similar in the two lakes. Res–P was the most abundant P fraction, followed by HCl–P. Together, the two P forms accounted for nearly 80 and 90% of TP in 5J and 6J sediments, respectively. BD–P and NaOH–P were less abundant, with each fraction accounting for 3 to 9% of TP, whereas NH4Cl–P was least abundant. Atmospheric deposition and terrestrial export were substantial sources of P for the lakes. Delivery of the former was estimated to be at least 7.5 mg P m?2 yr?1 and the latter around 20 mg P m?2 yr?1. We concluded that P was not retained in the catchment effectively, likely because of only slightly acidic soil pH (5.9), relatively low aluminium content and high organic matter content (53%) in soils, resulting in higher vulnerability of the studied lakes to eutrophication. The mountain hut could also be a significant source of P for the lakes. Each year, it could potentially contribute ~12 kg of soluble P to the environment, but the true impact of the hut on lake trophic status remains unclear.  相似文献   
The Late Permian/Early Triassic succession of the Central European Basin (CEB) was repeatedly affected by the tectonic pulses associated with the earliest phases of Tethyan and Arctic–North Atlantic rifting. Effects of the differential tectonic subsidence are particularly well recorded by unconformities, which form widespread sequence boundaries. Such unconformities are most obvious in areas occupied by fault-controlled intra-basinal highs (swells). In that areas, stratigraphic loss may comprise entire Lower and Middle Buntsandstein formations and in places remnant Middle Buntsandstein successions directly rest on Permian strata. Analysis of 3D-seismic data and well logs combined with high-resolution sedimentological logging of drillcores at the western margin of the Ems Trough (NW Germany) reveals details of synsedimentary tectonic control on sequence development. Early Triassic extensional faulting of basement blocks provided stepwise addition of accommodation space for continental sequences by growth faulting along north–south oriented fault zones blocks on the flanks of the East Netherlands High. This process is most evident during the development of the Hardegsen Unconformity, which is characterised by an amalgamation of succeeding unconformity surfaces in areas of structurally controlled intrabasinal highs.  相似文献   
With the objective of investigating the windwind collision phenomenon and supporting contemporaneous X-ray observations, we have organized a large-scale, coordinated optical monitoring campaign of the massive, highly eccentric O9 III+B1 III binary Iota Orionis. Successfully separating the spectra of the components, we refine the orbital elements and confirm the rapid apsidal motion in the system. We also see strong interaction between the components during periastron passage and detect phase-locked variability in the spectrum of the secondary star. However, we find no unambiguous signs of the bow shock crashing on the surface of the secondary, despite the predictions of hydrodynamic simulations. Combining all available photometric data, we find rapid, phase-locked variations and model them numerically, thus restricting the orbital inclination to 50° i 70°.  相似文献   
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - The 1.8–1.7&;nbsp;Ga Eidsfjord Anorthosite Complex on Langøy, Vesterålen, north Norway is thrust over monzonitic gneisses in a...  相似文献   
In 1995, mapping and classification of riparian vegetation along the Mojave River in southern California revealed an 8-km reach in which riparian cottonwoods (Populus fremontii Wats.) were stressed or dying. We tested a set of predictions based on the inference that cottonwood decline was an indirect result of lowered water-table levels following flood-related channel incision. Comparisons of topographic cross-sections from 1963 and 1997, indicated a net change in channel elevation between −0·71 and −3·6 m within zones of cottonwood stress and mortality. Ages of young cottonwood and willow stems adjacent to the present channel and radial stem growth of surviving cottonwoods were consistent with the inference that channel incision, associated with sustained flooding in January and February of 1993, lowered channel elevations throughout the affected reach. Well records and soil redoximorphic features indicate that channel incision caused net water-table declines 1·5 m on portions of the adjacent flood plain where cottonwood stand mortality ranged between 58 and 93%. In areas where water-table declines were estimated to be <1·0 m, stand mortality was 7–13%.  相似文献   
Sans résumé The online version of the original article can be found at  相似文献   
Two large pegmatitic crystals of sodic pyroxene (aegirine) and sodic amphibole (arfvedsonite) from the agpaitic igneous Ilímaussaq Complex, south Greenland were found to be suitable as reference materials for in situ Li isotope determinations. Lithium concentrations determined by SIMS and micro‐drilled material analysed by MC‐ICP‐MS generally agreed within analytical uncertainty. The arfvedsonite crystal was homogeneous with [Li] = 639 ± 51 μg g?1 (2s, n = 69, MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS results). The aegirine crystal shows strongly developed sector zoning, which is a common feature of aegirines. Using qualitative element mapping techniques (EPMA), the homogeneous core of the crystal was easily distinguished from the outermost sectors of the crystals. The core had a mean [Li] of 47.6 ± 3.6 μg g?1 (2s, n = 33) as determined by SIMS. The seven micro‐drilled regions measured by solution MC‐ICP‐MS returned slightly lower concentrations (41–46 μg g?1), but still overlap with the SIMS data within uncertainty. Based on MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS analyses, the variation in δ7Li was about 1‰ in each of the two crystals, which is smaller than that in widely used glass reference materials, making these two samples suitable to serve as reference materials. There was, however, a significant offset between the results of MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS. The latter deviated from the MC‐ICP‐MS results by ?6.0 ± 1.9‰ (2s) for the amphibole and by ?3.9 ± 1.9‰ (2s) for the aegirine. This indicates the presence of a significant matrix effect in SIMS determinations of Li isotopes for amphibole and pyroxene relative to the basalt glasses used for calibration. Based on the MC‐ICP‐MS results, mean δ7Li values of +0.7 ± 1.2‰ (2s, n = 10) for the arfvedsonite crystal and of ?3.7 ± 1.2‰ (2s, n = 7) for the core of the aegirine crystal were calculated. Adopting these values, SIMS users can correct for the specific IMF (instrumental mass fractionation) of the ion probe used. We propose that these two crystals serve as reference materials for in situ Li isotope determinations by SIMS and pieces of these two crystals are available from the first author upon request.  相似文献   
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