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Fission-track ages in apatite are generally accepted as giving a measure of the time over which a sample has been exposed to temperatures below approximately 100° C. A compilation of the lengths of confined fission tracks in a wide variety of apatites from different geological environments has shown that the distribution of confined track lengths can provide unique thermal history information in the temperature range below about 150° C over times of the order of 106 to 109 years. The distribution of confined lengths of freshly produced induced tracks is characterised by a narrow, symmetrical distribution with a mean length of around 16.3 m and a standard deviation of the distribution of approximately 0.9 m. In volcanic and related rocks which have cooled very rapidly, and never been reheated above about 50° C, the distribution is also narrow and symmetric, but with a shorter mean of 14.5 to 15 m, and a standard deviation of the distribution of approximately 1.0 m. In granitic basement terrains which are thought never to have been significantly disturbed thermally, since their original post-emplacement cooling, the distribution becomes negatively skewed, with a mean around 12 or 13 m and a standard deviation between 1.2 and 2 m.This distribution is thought to characterise slow continuous cooling from temperatures in excess of 120° C, to ambient surface temperatures. More complex thermal histories produce correspondingly complex distributions of confined tracks. The continuous production of tracks through time, coupled with the fact that the length of each track shrinks to a value characteristic of the maximum temperature it has experienced, gives a final length distribution which directly reflects the nature of the variation of temperature with time. Most distinctive of the myriad possible forms of the final distribution are the bimodal distributions, which give clear evidence of a two-stage history, including high and low temperature phases. The study of confined length distributions therefore offers invaluable evidence on the meaning of any fission-track age, and bears the potential of providing rigorous constraints on thermal history in the temperature regime below about 150° C. The results of this study strongly suggest that any apatite fission-track age determination should be supported by a confined track length distribution.  相似文献   
A.E. Green  D.W. Owen   《Geoforum》1985,16(4):387-402
In this paper an attempt is made to study the spatial division of labour in Britain, through an investigation of the changing structure of employment in the manufacturing sector between 1971 and 1981. The separate impacts of loss in the volume of manufacturing employment, change in the balance between production and non-production activities in the occupational structure and the spatial shift of the population employed in manufacturing upon spatial variations in manufacturing employment change are tentatively identified. Data on the socio-economic composition of the population employed in manufacturing from the Small Area Statistics of the Censuses of Population for 1971 and 1981 are used to measure the impact of these processes at the local labour market area (LLMA) scale and to draw conclusions for the future employment prospects of different parts of Britain.  相似文献   
The adsorption of three copper species, the hydrated cupric ion, bisglycine Cu(II) and a Cu(II)-humic acid complex, on montmorillonite and imogolite at pH 7 was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The spectra of the supernatant solutions indicated that adsorption of the glycine complexes was very much less than that of the uncomplexed ion for both minerals and that montmorillonite adsorbed significantly more Cu from the humic acid solution than did imogolite. In every case the adsorbed Cu was characterized by more than one type of chemical environment and the spectral parameters show differences between the adsorbed species depending on their freedom of movement and their mode and site of adsorption. Qualitatively similar spectra were obtained when the uncomplexed ion was adsorbed on either of the mineral species and it is suggested that simple Cu(II) ions were involved and that their coordination environments comprised water molecules and hydroxyl groups. With the bisglycine Cu(II) complexes, the spectra were characterized by two components which may be accounted for by adsorption at two different types of site in the structures. In each case one component had parameters that are similar to those of the bisglycine Cu(II) in the solid state, but the second component in the spectra of the montmorillonite sample was quite different to that obtained with imogolite. The Cu(II)-humic acid complex with montmorillonite gave spectra that were similar to that from copper humate, but with imogolite the spectra from the Cu(II)-humic acid system were similar to those obtained with the uncomplexed Cu(II) ion, indicating that imogolite is able to extract copper from humic acid.  相似文献   
A single scattering model was used to analyse the temporary changes in the mean density of scattered waves in a discrete random medium. The model of the mean energy density, originally proposed bySato (1977) for spherical radiation and isotropic scattering, has been modified and applied to a medium in which the scatterers are confined to a specified volume. The time variation of the early part of the mean energy density function for the different source durations was investigated. The dominant effect on the theoretical mean energy density is caused by the specified volume containing scatterers. The duration of the source pulse influences the early part of the coda fort/t 0<1.2, wheret is the lapse time measured from the source origin time, andt 0is arrival time of the body wave.The analysis of the coda signal of micro-events occurring immediately in front of the face enables us to estimate the size of the fracture zone induced by the stope. The model of the mean energy density of coda for a medium containing scatterers close to the seismic source was used to analyse a large number of events recorded close to an advancing mine face in a deep level gold mine in South Africa. The coda decay rate has two trends: the first, with a steep decay of coda, is produced by a larger deviation of rock parameters and/or larger size of the scatterers; the second trend, which decays more slowly, has the corresponding mean-free path ranging from 20 m to 200 m. The analysis indicates that the rock mass about 15–20 m from the stope contains a large proportion of fractured and blocked rock, which is the source of scattering. The scattering of theS-wave was much stronger and more stable, with the mean-free path varying from 11 m to 45 m. This is due to the shorter wavelength of theS wave in comparison with theP wave. The quality factor for theP coda wave varies from 30 to 100 in the fracture zone of stope and outside this zone it has a value of 300. The quality factor of theS wave varies from 20 to 78 in the equivalent volume. For rock surrounding the stope the ratioQ sp –1 /Q ss –1 varied from 0.31 to 0.69. This suggests that the radii of scatterers are smaller than 3.5 m.  相似文献   
An investigation of ground motion, recorded using broad-band, wide dynamic-range digital seismographs, of large mine tremors from two South African mining districts with different geologic settings, reveals some essential differences in both seismic source and ground motion parameters. In the Klerksdorp district where the strata are offset by major throughgoing normal faults, the largest tremors, with magnitudes ranging as high as 5.2, tend to be associated with slip on these pre-existing faults. Moreover, the seismic source and ground motion parameters are quite similar to those of natural crustal earthquakes. In the Carletonville district, by contrast, where substantial faults do not exist, the large-magnitude tremors appear to result from the failure of relatively intact rock and cause seismic stress drops and ground motion parameters higher than normally observed for natural shocks. Additionally, there appears to be an upper magnitude limit of about 4 in the Carletonville district. Detailed analyses of an exceptionally large event recorded locally from each of these districts serve to highlight these contrasts.Presented at the Fred Leighton Memorial Workshop on Mining Induced Seismicity, Montreal, Canada, August 30, 1987.  相似文献   
The accumulation of good quality satellite altimetry missions allows us to have a precise geoid with fair resolution and to compute free air gravity anomalies easily by fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques.In this study we are comparing two methods to get gravity anomalies. The first one is to establish a geoid grid and transform it into anomalies using inverse Stokes formula in the spectral domain via FFT. The second one computes deflection of the vertical grids and transforms them into anomalies.The comparison is made using different data sets: Geosat, ERS-1 and Topex-Poseidon exact repeat misions (ERMs) north of 30°S and Geosat geodetic mission (GM) south of 30°S. The second method which transforms the geoid gradients converted into deflection of the vertical values is much better and the results have been favourably evaluated by comparison with marine gravity data.  相似文献   
This study, applicable to large samples of observational errors, examines the causes that may lead to curves of probability density functions exhibiting the phenomenon of kurtosis. The instability, which may be of a continuous or discontinuous nature, of an observed reference or target results in mixtures of individual distributions having different means. Hence, it may happen that the total mixture has a platykurtic tendency. However, other experimental changes can result in mixtures of distributions of differeing variances thereby leading to leptokurtosis of the combined sample. It is demonstrated how the presence of both kurtoses can produce quasi-normal curves. The dichotomy of 2252 output errors of groups of watt hour meters, subjected to varying environmental effects, illustrates the application of the theory and formulae to establish that the total set is a mixture of discrete normal and modulated distributions having different means and variances.  相似文献   
The first part of the paper describes the relationship between the erosional stage of craters and the crater areal density. It is shown that class-2 and -3 craters are progressively more abundant as the crater areal density increases, while craters of class 4 and 5 are more abundant with decreasing crater areal densities. A geological model is proposed, in which the class of a newly foormed crater is 1. As time progresses, erosional agents will increase the class of the crater to class 2, then 3, and, in some cases, to 4. The length of time between classification steps is not known in terms of years, but is equivalent to the time necessary for the crater density to increase by 2 to 8 craters per unit area for creaters larger than 10 km, and by 10 to 20 for craters larger than 3.5 km. Craters of class 5 and some of class 4 are not formed by the same erosional agents, but are catastrophic, caused either by a mare-producing impact or by flooding of mare material.The second part of the paper presents a method for relatively dating large lunar areas. The method uses the model previously developed. A relative time sequence is constructed using the density of craters of classes 1, 2, and 3 and the percentage of these which is of class 1. As an example, 18 large areas are defined on the lunar near side and are put in temporal order. Mare Serenitatis appears to have the youngest terrain, and an area southwest of the Rupes Altai appears to have the oldest.In the final part of the paper a geological model is developed in order to explain age differences in the terrae. The model calls for rejuvenation of lunar terrains, caused by the seismic waves and ballistic sedimentation resulting from large impacts. The area surrounding Mare Orientale is cited as an example of a terrain so affected. A similar effect on the terrae of the near side could explain the apparent age relationships measured.  相似文献   
Total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended solids (TSS) loadings [log (kg ha−1 yr−1)] were regressed against seagrass depth limits (percent of depth-limit targets) to back-predict the load limits or allocations (kg ha−1 yr−1 or kg yr−1) necessary to meet targeted seagrass depth limits in the Indian River and Banana River (IRBR) lagoons, Florida. Because the load allocations can be applied as total maximum daily loads (TMDL) for the IRBR (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mandate), the method and results are developed and presented toward that end. The regression analyses indicate that the range of surface-discharge load limits (nonpoint + point source), per watershed area, required to achieve the desired depth limits for seagrass in the IRBR are approximately 2.4–3.2 kg ha−1 yr−1 TN, 0.41–0.64 kg ha−1 yr−1 TP, and 48–64 kg ha−1 yr−1 TSS. This simple regression method may have application to other shallow estuarine lagoons or bays where seagrass growth is limited by light and water transparency, water transparency is strongly affected by watershed pollutant loadings, water residence times are sufficiently long to allow seagrass coverage to respond to and covary with total load inputs, and multiyear monitoring has yielded sufficient variability in both pollutant loadings and seagrass coverages to develop a statistically meaningful relationship.  相似文献   
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