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This paper reviews our current knowledge of Saturn's rings’ physical properties as derived from thermal infrared observations. Ring particle composition, surface structure and spin as well as the vertical structure of the main rings can be determined. These properties are the key to understand the origin and evolution of Saturn's rings. Ring composition is mainly constrained by observations in the near-infrared but the signature of some probable contaminants present in water ice may also be found at mid-infrared wavelengths. The absence of the silicate signature limits nowadays their mass fraction to 10−7±1. Recent measurements on the thermal inertia of the ring particle surface show it is very low, of the order of 5±2 Jm−2 K−1 s−1/2. New models and observations of the complete crossing of the planetary shadow are needed to attribute this low value either to compact regoliths covered by cracks due to collisions and thermal stresses or to large fluffy and irregular surfaces. Studies of the energy balance of ring particles show a preference for slowly spinning particles in the main rings. Supplementary observations at different phase angles, showing the temperature contrast between night and day sides of particles, and new models including finite spin and thermal inertia, are needed to constrain the actual spin distribution of ring particles. These results can then be compared to numerical simulations of ring dynamics. Many thermal models have been proposed to reproduce observations of the main rings, including alternative mono- or many-particles-thick layers or vertical heterogeneity, with no definitive answer. Observations on the lit and dark faces of rings as a function of longitude, at many incidence and emission angles, would provide prime information on the vertical thermal gradient due to interparticle shadowing from which constraints on the local vertical structure and dynamics can be produced. Future missions such as Cassini will provide new information to further constrain the ring thermal models.  相似文献   
Habitat Suitability (HS) models have been extensively used by conservation planners to estimate the spatial distribution of threatened species and of species of commercial interest. In this work we compare three HS models for the estimation of commercial yield potential and the identification of suitable sites for Tapes philippinarum rearing in the Sacca di Goro lagoon (Italy) on the basis of six environmental factors. The habitat suitability index (HSI) is based on expert opinion while the habitat suitability conditional (HSC) is calibrated on observational data. The habitat suitability mixed (HSM) model is a two-part model combining expert knowledge and regression analysis: the first component of the model uses logistic regression to identify the areas in which clams are likely to be present; the second part applies the same parameter-specific suitability functions of the HSI model only in the areas previously identified as productive by the logistic component.The HS models were validated on an independent data set and estimates of potential yield of the Goro lagoon were compared. The effectiveness of the three approaches is then discussed in terms of predicted yield and identification of suitable sites for farming.  相似文献   
We present a 2.5D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the acceleration of a collimated jet from a magnetized accretion disk. We employ a MHD Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) code (FLASH—University of Chicago). Thanks to this tool we can follow the evolution of the system for many dynamical timescales with a high-spatial resolution. Assuming an initial condition in which a Keplerian disk, thus with no accretion motions, is threaded by a uniform poloidal magnetic field, we show how both the accretion flow and the acceleration of the outflow occur, and we present in detail which are the forces responsible for the jet launching and collimation. Our simulation also shows how the collimating forces due to the self-generated toroidal magnetic field can produce some peculiar knotty features.  相似文献   
We study the gravitational wave emission from the first stars, which are assumed to be very massive objects (VMOs). We take into account various feedback (both radiative and stellar) effects regulating the collapse of objects in the early Universe and thus derive the VMO initial mass function and formation rate. If the final fate of VMOs is to collapse, leaving very massive black hole remnants, then the gravitational waves emitted during each collapse would be seen as a stochastic background. The predicted spectral strain amplitude in a critical density cold dark matter (CDM) universe peaks in the frequency range ν ≈5×10−4–5×10−3 Hz, where it has a value in the range ≈10−20–10−19 Hz−1/2, and might be detected by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ). The expected emission rate is roughly 4000 event yr−1, resulting in a stationary discrete sequence of bursts, i.e. a shot-noise signal.  相似文献   
Present and future climatologies in the phase I CREMA experiment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We provide an overall assessment of the surface air temperature and precipitation present day (1976–2005) and future (2070–2099) ensemble climatologies in the Phase I CREMA experiment. This consists of simulations performed with different configurations (physics schemes) of the ICTP regional model RegCM4 over five CORDEX domains (Africa, Mediterranean, Central America, South America, South Asia), driven by different combinations of three global climate models (GCMs) and two greenhouse gas (GHG) representative concentration pathways (RCP8.5 and RCP4.5). The biases (1976–2005) in the driving and nested model ensembles compared to observations show a high degree of spatial variability and, when comparing GCMs and RegCM4, similar magnitudes and more similarity for precipitation than for temperature. The large scale patterns of change (2070–2099 minus 1976–2005) are broadly consistent across the GCM and RegCM4 ensembles and with previous analyses of GCM projections, indicating that the GCMs selected in the CREMA experiment are representative of the more general behavior of current GCMs. The RegCM4, however, shows a lower climate sensitivity (reduced warming) than the driving GCMs, especially when using the CLM land surface scheme. While the broad patterns of precipitation change are consistent across the GCM and RegCM4 ensembles, greater differences are found at sub-regional scales over the various domains, evidently tied to the representation of local processes. This paper serves to provide a reference view of the behavior of the CREMA ensemble, while more detailed and process-based analysis of individual domains is left to companion papers of this special issue.  相似文献   
The Hazar Basin is a 25 km‐long, 7 km‐wide and 216 m‐deep depression located on the central section of the East Anatolian Fault zone (eastern Turkey) and predominantly overlain by Lake Hazar. This basin has been described previously as a pull‐apart basin because of its rhombic shape and an apparent fault step‐over between the main fault traces situated at the southwestern and northeastern ends of the lake. However, detailed structural investigation beneath Lake Hazar has not been undertaken previously to verify this interpretation. Geophysical and sedimentological data from Lake Hazar were collected during field campaigns in 2006 and 2007. The analysis of this data reveals that the main strand of the East Anatolian Fault (the Master Fault) is continuous across the Hazar Basin, connecting the two segments previously assumed to be the sidewall faults of a pull‐apart structure. In the northeastern part of the lake, an asymmetrical subsiding sub‐basin, bounded by two major faults, is cross‐cut by the Master Fault, which forms a releasing bend within the lake. Comparison of the structure revealed by this study with analogue models produced for transtensional step‐overs suggests that the Hazar Basin structure represents a highly evolved pull‐apart basin, to the extent that the previous asperity has been bypassed by a linking fault. The absence of a step‐over structure at the Hazar Basin means that no significant segmentation boundary is recognised on the East Anatolian Fault between Palu and Sincik. Therefore, this fault segment is capable of causing larger earthquakes than recognised previously.  相似文献   
We discuss the dependence of the pulsation frequencies of the axial quasi-normal modes of a non-rotating neutron star upon the equation of state describing the star interior. The continued fraction method has been used to compute the complex frequencies for a set of equations of state based on different physical assumptions and spanning a wide range of stiffness. The numerical results show that axial gravitational waves carry relevant information on both the structure of neutron star matter and the nature of the hadronic interactions.  相似文献   
Tertiary folds of the central and eastern part of the Algerian Atlas were studied in order to assess their kinematics and regimes of deformation. Folds developed following two main phases of deformation during the Eocene and the Pliocene. The NE-SW trending Eocene folds show a clockwise rotation of fold axis with depth, noncylindrical geometry and a right-stepping en echelon configuration. Early secondary structures inside each fold are also rotated clockwise with respect to the younger folds. These data are in agreement with progressive ‘simple shear’ deformation. Pliocene folds strike E-W and display a cylindrical geometry. Associated Plio-Quaternary brittle structures show no rotational path. These observations are compatible with ‘pure shear’ style of deformation. These results, in combination with focal mechanism solutions, have important implications for the understanding of the kinematic evolution of the western segment of the African-European plate boundary. For Algeria they imply that transcurrent motion during the Paleogene was followed by coaxial shortening with a NNW direction during Neogene-Quaternary times. Comparison with published data for Morocco and Tunisia suggests that this transcurrent regime developed from west to east continuing from the Middle Jurassic through to the Miocene.  相似文献   
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