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亚热带森林非甲烷碳氢化合物的研究Ⅱ.日变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国亚热带森林地区的非甲烷碳氢化合物(NMHC)、一氧化碳、氮氧化物等进行了两个月的连续采样,并利用气相色谱仪对NMHC进行了分析,得到大量NMHC的实测资料,并对它们的日变化规律和相互之间的关系做了详细研究。分析表明,温度对各种树木异戊二烯的排放来说是一个重要因子,而且各种植物排放的异戊二烯对温度的依赖关系基本上比较一致。对于我国亚热带森林主要树种异戊二烯的排放速率进行了初步测定。  相似文献   
对中国亚热带森林地区的非甲烷碳氢化合物(NMHC)进行了一年多的钢瓶采样,并利用气相色谱仪对空气样品进行了分析,得到了大量NMHC的实测资料以及它们的季节变化规律和相互之间的关系.研究表明,NMHC的主要来源是当地植物的排放.对异戊二烯及其影响因子进行了详细研究.  相似文献   
K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages from glauconites are about ten to twenty per cent lower than the age of sedimentation. Previous studies have indicated that these low ages are not attributable to normal diffusion loss of Ar from glauconite crystallites.The possibility of argon loss from ‘open’ potassium sites, such as on crystal surfaces and from expanded layers, was investigated by acid dissolution techniques. These studies show that potassium is removed from glauconites with low expandabilities at three different rates. The highest dissolution rate corresponds to cation exchange and comprises five to ten per cent of the total potassium. About five per cent of the total potassium is removed at a much slower rate than that of cation exchange, but at an order of magnitude faster than the bulk of the potassium.Activation energies calculated from rate constants determined at 50° and 80°C, for one sample gave values of 19 kcal/mole for the lowest dissolution rate and 14 kcal/mole for the intermediate rate.It appears that low radiometric ages from glauconites can be largely explained by the presence of potassium in sites where argon is readily lost, although such factors as late epigenetic gain of potassium by glauconite may also contribute to their low radiometric ages. A method is described for making quantitative corrections for such daughter product loss in radiometric age determinations.  相似文献   

Kimberlites from the Diavik and Ekati diamond mines in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field contain abundant large (>1 cm) clinopyroxene (Cr-diopside) and garnet (Cr-pyrope) crystals. We present the first extensive mineral chemical dataset for these megacrysts from Diavik and Ekati and compare their compositions to cratonic peridotites and megacrysts from the Slave and other cratons. The Diavik and Ekati Cr-diopside and Cr-pyrope megacrysts are interpreted to belong to the Cr-rich megacryst suite. Evidence for textural, compositional, and isotopic disequilibrium suggests that they constitute xenocrysts in their host kimberlites. Nevertheless, their formation may be linked to extensive kimberlite magmatism and accompanying mantle metasomatism preceding the eruption of their host kimberlites. It is proposed that the formation of megacrysts may be linked to failed kimberlites. In this scheme, the Cr-rich megacrysts are formed by progressive interaction of percolating melts with the surrounding depleted mantle (originally harzburgite). As these melts percolate outwards, they may contribute to the introduction of clinopyroxene and garnet into the depleted mantle, thereby forming lherzolite. This model hinges on the observation that lherzolitic clinopyroxenes and garnets at Lac de Gras have compositions that are strikingly similar to those of the Cr-rich megacrysts, in terms of major and trace elements, as well as Sr isotopes. As such, the Cr-rich megacrysts may have implications for the origin of clinopyroxene and garnet in cratonic lherzolites worldwide.


The Central Mackenzie Valley (CMV) area of Northwest Territories is underlain by Precambrian basement belonging to the North American Craton. The potential of this area to host kimberlitic diamond deposits is relatively high judging from the seismologically-defined lithospheric thickness, age of basement rocks (2.2–1.7 Ga) and presence of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) in Quaternary sediments. This study presents data for a large collection of KIMs recovered from stream sediments and till samples from two study areas in the CMV, the Horn Plateau and Trout Lake. In the processed samples, peridotitic garnets dominate the KIM grain count for both regions (> 25% each) while eclogitic garnet is almost absent in both regions (< 1% each). KIM chemistry for the Horn Plateau indicates significant diamond potential, with a strong similarity to KIM systematics from the Central and Western Slave Craton. The most significant issue to resolve in assessing the local diamond potential is the degree to which KIM chemistry reflects local and/or distal kimberlite bodies. Radiogenic isotope analysis of detrital kimberlite-related CMV ilmenite and rutile grains requires at least two broad age groups for eroded source kimberlites. Statistical analysis of the data suggests that it is probable that some of these KIMs were derived from primary and/or secondary sources within the CMV area, while others may have been transported to the area from the east-northeast by Pleistocene glacial and/or glaciofluvial systems. At this stage, KIM chemistry does not allow the exact location of the kimberlitic source(s) to be constrained.

The Lucia Chica channel system is an avulsion belt with four adjacent channels that progressively avulsed to the north‐east from a single, upslope feeder channel. Avulsion occurred from underfilled channels, leaving open channels that were reactivated by flows stripped from younger, adjacent channels. Differences in relief (height from channel thalweg to levée crest), sinuosity and levée stratigraphy between adjacent channels correspond to relative channel age, and indicate a change in channel morphology and architecture with time. Potential triggers for the change over time include differences in gradient, flow behaviour and characteristics, and channel evolution. Gradient does not appear to be a major control on channel formation and avulsion because adjacent channels formed on the same gradient. Based on available ultra‐high‐resolution remote imaging obtained with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, differences in adjacent channel morphology are interpreted to be primarily a result of differences in channel maturity. The interpreted sequence of channel maturity involves erosional channel inception through scouring and incipient channels (defined by linear trains of scours) prior to development of continuous thalwegs. Channel narrowing, formation and growth of levées, increasing channel relief and development of sinuosity occurred as channels evolved. The evolutionary sequence interpreted from the high‐resolution Lucia Chica dataset provides a unique perspective on intrinsic controls of architecture for single channel elements. In addition to helping bridge the gap between outcrop and industry‐standard reflection‐seismic data resolutions and scopes, interpretations in this study also expose potential problems with hierarchical classifications in three‐dimensional imaging of distributary systems, and provide potentially important analogues for evolutionary morphologies not resolved in other deep‐water channel systems.  相似文献   
以贵州遵义寒武纪初牛蹄塘组黑色岩系的有机质为分析对象,对22个样品的稀土元素(REE)组成进行了研究,结果表明:①有机质的∑REE占全岩∑REE的lO%左右,且其REE标准化配分曲线不同于全岩的.由于有机质主要来自海洋上层水体中的微生物,囚而可以认为其REE特征代表的是古海洋上层水体的稀土元素组成特征;②有机质的REE总量变化于11.6×10-6~548×10-6之间,Ce异常系数变化于O.40~O.92之间,Eu异常系数变化于O.59~1.14之间.有机质的ce异常系数和LaN/CeN值在剖面上显示明显的变化,指示研究区经历了大陆斜坡到大洋盆地再到大陆边缘的环境,指示在寒武纪初存在一次海侵.  相似文献   
Prolonged intraplate volcanism along the 4000 km-long East Australian margin for ca 100 Ma raises many genetic questions. Studies of the age-progressive pulses embedded in general basaltic activity have spawned a host of models. Zircon U–Pb dating of inland Queensland central volcanoes gives a stronger database to consider the structure and origin of Australian age-progressive volcanic chains. This assists appraisal of this volcanism in relation to plate motion and plate margin tectonic models. Inland Queensland central volcanoes progressed south-southeast from 34 to 31 Ma (~5.4 cm/yr) until a surge in activity led to irregular southerly progression 31 to 28 Ma. A new inland southeastern Queensland central volcano line (25 to 22 Ma), from Bunya Mountains to North Main Range, followed 3 Ma behind the adjacent coastal progression. The Australian and Tasman Sea age-progressive chains are compared against recent plate motion modelling (Indian Ocean hotspots). The chain lines differ from general vector traces owing to west-facing swells and cessations in activity. Tectonic processes on the eastern plate margin may regulate these irregularities. These include subduction, rapid roll-back and progressive detachment of the Loyalty slab (43 to 15 Ma). West-flowing Pacific-type asthenosphere, related to perturbed mantle convection, may explain the west-facing volcanic surges. Such westward Pacific flow for over 28 Ma is known at the Australian–Antarctic Discordance, southeast of the present Australian plume sites under Bass Strait–West Tasman Sea. Most basaltic activity along eastern Australia marks asthenospheric melt injections into Tasman rift zone mantle and not lithospheric plate speed. The young (post-10 Ma) fields (Queensland, Victoria–South Australia) reflect new plate couplings, which altered mantle convection and stress regimes. These areas receive asthenospheric inputs from deep thermal zones off northeast Queensland and under Bass Strait.  相似文献   
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