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Dense sand-bentonite buffer (γd = 1.67Mg/m3) has been proposed in Canada as one of several barriers for isolating nuclear fuel waste. The buffer will be required to function under conditions of high total pressures and elevated temperatures approaching 100°C. Summary results are presented from two test programs: (1) isothermal consolidated undrained triaxial (CIU¯) tests; and (2) isothermal drained constant-p′ (CID) triaxial tests. Specimens were consolidated at effective stresses up to 9.0 MPa and temperatures up to 100°C.

The results indicate parallel hardening lines at systematically lower values of specific volume at elevated temperatures. In shear, increased temperatures produced lower values of maximum deviator stressqf, and higher pore water pressure changesΔuf. The net result is curved peak strength envelops in plots ofqf versuspf that are higher at elevated temperatures, even though the strengths,qf of individual specimens are lower. The critical state strength envelope is curved inq, p′-planes.

The effect of drained heating on buffer to 100°C is not marked. Compressibilities, stiffnesses, strengths, and pore water pressure generation are all affected, but none of the changes are great.  相似文献   

Technetium isotopes 97Tc, 98Tc and 99Tc decay to 97Mo, 98Ru and 99Ru, with half-lives of 2.6 My, 4.1 My, and 0.21 My respectively. If there were early solar system processes that resulted in significant fractionation of Tc from the daughter elements, decay of extant Tc could have led to the creation of Mo and Ru isotopic heterogeneities. To assess the potential of metallic core crystallization to fractionate these elements, we examine the partitioning behavior of Tc relative to Re, Mo and Ru in the Fe-Ni-S system between solid metal and liquid metal alloy. The experimental evidence shows that Tc behaves more like the modestly compatible siderophile element Ru than the more highly compatible siderophile element Re, and that Tc is substantially more compatible than Mo. We also demonstrate a pressure effect in the partitioning of Mo during the crystallization of Fe-Ni-S melts. For a sulfur concentration in the liquid fraction of the core of 10 wt% (16.3 at%), the Jones and Malvin (1990) parameter is −ln(1-2 × 1.09 × 0.163) ≅ 0.44, which yields: D(Re) ≅ 4.1; D(Ru) ≅ 2.3; D(Tc) ≅ 1.7; D(Mo)Lo-P ≅ 1.0;.and D(Mo)Hi-P ≅ 0.5. Our results suggest that detectable Tc-induced isotopic anomalies (≥0.1 ε unit) in Ru and Mo could only be produced by unrealistically extreme degrees of crystallization of metal during asteroidal core fractionation, regardless of the time scales and initial Tc abundances involved.  相似文献   
A series of three‐dimensional models has been constructed for the structure of the crust and upper mantle over a large region spanning the NE Atlantic passive margin. These incorporate isostatic and flexural principles, together with gravity modelling and integration with seismic interpretations. An initial isostatic model was based on known bathymetric/topographic variations, an estimate of the thickness and density of the sedimentary cover, and upper mantle densities based on thermal modelling. The thickness of the crystalline crust in this model was adjusted to equalise the load at a compensation depth lying below the zone of lateral mantle density variations. Flexural backstripping was used to derive alternative models which tested the effect of varying the strength of the lithosphere during sediment loading. The models were analysed by comparing calculated and observed gravity fields and by calibrating the predicted geometries against independent (primarily seismic) evidence. Further models were generated in which the thickness of the sedimentary layer and the crystalline crust were modified in order to improve the fit to observed gravity anomalies. The potential effects of igneous underplating and variable upper mantle depletion were explored by a series of sensitivity trials. The results provide a new regional lithospheric framework for the margin and a means of setting more detailed, local investigations in their regional context. The flexural modelling suggests lateral variations in the strength of the lithosphere, with much of the margin being relatively weak but areas such as the Porcupine Basin and parts of the Rockall Basin having greater strength. Observed differences between the model Moho and seismic Moho along the continental margin can be interpreted in terms of underplating. A Moho discrepancy to the northwest of Scotland is ascribed to uplift caused by a region of upper mantle with anomalously low density, which may be associated with depletion or with a temperature anomaly.  相似文献   
Regions and sustainable development: regional planning matters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper looks at how the term 'sustainable development' has been used in the process of regional plan making over the past decade. It emphasizes the differing geographies of these debates within England, in terms of how sustainable development has been used to justify different types of approach in different parts of the country. Both drawing on and challenging recent work on state theory, the paper argues the need to see regional planning as a part of a multi-scalar governance system, whose importance should not be underestimated.  相似文献   
The fractionation of lithium isotopes among quartz, muscovite, and a chloride-bearing aqueous fluid has been investigated experimentally at 400°-500°C and 50-100 MPa. Experiments were performed for 15-60 days in cold seal vessels with natural mineral specimens. Lithium was introduced primarily through the fluid, which also contained KCl and HCl. In most runs, the fluid was prepared with the L-SVEC standard (δ7Li = 0) and was 1 M in total chloride with K/Li/H = 100/10/1. In two experiments, a 6Li spike was employed. The experiments demonstrate that quartz and muscovite are susceptible to pronounced, rapid shifts in Li isotopic composition by diffusion through interaction with a Li-bearing fluid, particularly at 500°C. At 500°C, fractionation factors were determined to be Δquartz-aqueous ≅ +8 to + 12‰ and Δmuscovite-aqueous ≅ +18 to + 20‰. An intermineral fractionation factor is given by Δmuscovite-quartz ≈ +9‰. At 400°C, the results suggest Δquartz-aqueous ≈ +4 to + 6‰. The study provides evidence of systematic fractionation in lithium isotopes at the temperatures of some magmatic processes, such as those associated with porphyry-type ore systems and pegmatites.  相似文献   
Pore water profiles of dissolved Si, Ca2+, SO42-, CH4, and TCO2 (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon; DIC) were determined from multicores and gravity cores collected at nine sites off Southern California, the west coast of Mexico, and within the Gulf of California. These sites were located within the eastern North Pacific oxygen minimum zone at depths of 400 to 900 m and in settings where bottom water oxygen concentrations were <3 μM and sediments were laminated. Pore water profiles were defined at a resolution of millimeters (whole core squeezing), centimeters (sectioning and squeezing) and meters (gravity core sectioning and squeezing), and diffusive fluxes were calculated for different zones within the sediment column. The flux of dissolved silica across the sediment-water interface (SWI) ranged from 0.3 to 3.4 mmol Si m-2d-1, and TCO2 fluxes ranged from 0.8 to 4.6 mmol C m-2d-1. A positive correlation (r = 0.74) existed between these fluxes, yet these two constituents exhibited significantly different diagenetic behavior downcore; dissolved Si generally reached a constant concentration (between 450 and 900 μM) in the upper few cm, whereas TCO2 concentrations increased monotonically with depth.Methane was detected at micromolar levels in sediment intervals between 0 and 60 cm and at five sites, increased to millimolar levels at depths of 80 to 170 cm. At the horizon marking the appearance of millimolar levels of methane, there was a distinct change in slope of the sulfate and TCO2 gradients. A flux budget for this horizon was determined by using linear fits to pore water profiles; these budgets indicate that the upward TCO2 flux away from this horizon is 40 to 50% greater than the downward sulfate flux to this horizon. Given that the TCO2 flux to this horizon from below was quite small, this imbalance suggests that anaerobic oxidation of methane by sulfate is not the only process producing TCO2 within this horizon. A budget for TCO2 at this horizon is balanced when 40 to 80% of the sulfate flux is attributed to organic carbon remineralization. Of the DIC that diffuses across the SWI, 20 to 40% is generated by reactions occurring within or below this deep reaction horizon.  相似文献   
Summary A comparison of 8 regional atmospheric model systems was carried out for a three-month late summer/early autumn period in 1995 over the Baltic Sea and its catchment area. All models were configured on a common grid using similar surface and lateral boundary conditions, and ran in either data assimilation mode (short term forecasts plus data assimilation), forecast mode (short term forecasts initialised daily with analyses) or climate mode (no re-initialisation of model interior during entire simulation period). Model results presented in this paper were generally post processed as daily averaged quantities, separate for land and sea areas when relevant. Post processed output was compared against available analyses or observations of cloud cover, precipitation, vertically integrated atmospheric specific humidity, runoff, surface radiation and near surface synoptic observations. The definition of a common grid and lateral forcing resulted in a high degree of agreement among the participating model results for most cases. Models operated in climate mode generally displayed slightly larger deviations from the observations than the data assimilation or forecast mode integration, but in all cases synoptic events were well captured. Correspondence to near surface synoptic quantities was good. Significant disagreement between model results was shown in particular for cloud cover and the radiative properties, average precipitation and runoff. Problems with choosing appropriate initial soil moisture conditions from a common initial soil moisture field resulted in a wide range of evaporation and sensible heat flux values during the first few weeks of the simulations, but better agreement was shown at later times. Received September 8, 2000 Revised April 3, 2001  相似文献   
The detailed distribution of glacial features in the Langdale Fells is described and the uncertainties attending their explanation discussed. Although it cannot be shown that all the kettle moraines are of a single age, two of them have been dated to Zone III of the pollen-analytical chronology.  相似文献   
Oil sands mining in Alberta transforms the boreal landscape of forests and wetlands into open pits, tailings ponds and overburden piles. Whereas reclamation efforts have primarily focused on upland forests, rebuilding wetland systems has recently become a motivation for research. Wetland creation and sustainability in this region is complicated by the sub‐humid climate and salinity of underlying mining material. In 2012, Syncrude Canada Ltd. completed the construction of the Sandhill Fen Watershed (SFW), a 52‐ha upland‐wetland system to evaluate wetland reclamation strategies on soft tailings. SFW includes an active pumping system, upland hummocks, a fen wetland and underdrains. To evaluate the influence of management practices on the hydrology of the system, this study reports the water balance from January 2013 to December 2014, the first 2 years after commissioning. A semi‐distributed approach was taken to examine the fluxes and stores of water in uplands and lowlands. Natural and artificial inputs and outputs were measured using a series of precipitation gauges and pumps, and evapotranspiration was quantified using three eddy covariance towers. A series of near surface wells recorded water table position. Both 2013 and 2014 were normal rainfall years, with 2013 having more and 2014 less snow than normal. In 2013, inflow/outflow from pumping was the predominant hydrological fluxes, resulting in considerable variability in water table position and storage changes throughout the summer. In 2014, the artificial addition of water was negligible, yet the water table remained near the surface in lowland locations, suggesting that wetland conditions could be maintained under current conditions. Evapotranspiration rates between uplands and lowlands were similar between years and sites, ranging from 2.2 ± 1.8 to 2.5 ± 1.2 mm/day and were largely controlled by climate. These rates were less than nearby older upland systems, suggesting that water balance partitioning will change as vegetation develops. Comparison between years and with natural systems provides insight on how management practices influence hydrologic dynamics and the overall water balance of the SFW. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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