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The Colombian accretionary complex forms the active convergent margin of the North Andes block of South America beneath which the east Panama Basin of the Nazca plate is subducted at a rate of 50–64 km Myr?1. Multichannel seismic reflection data, collected as part of RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD40, image a series of well-developed forearc basins along the length of the margin, bounded on their oceanward side by an active accretionary complex and on their landward side by oceanward-dipping continental basement. Sedimentary sequences within the forearc basins indicate successive landward migration of the basin depocentre as the structural high bounding its oceanward edge is forced upward and landward by continued growth of the accretionary complex. Uplift beneath the oceanward side of the basins has resulted in progressive landward rotation of the older sedimentary sequences. Prominent seismic reflectors across the basins show a complex onlap–offlap relationship between successive sequences that reflects the interplay between tectonic uplift, sediment supply, differential sediment compaction and basement subsidence due to loading. A numerical model has been devised to investigate how Miocene to Recent forearc basin stratigraphy is controlled by progressive growth of the accretionary complex resulting in elevation of the outer-arc high and landward motion of the rear of the complex up the seaward-dipping backstop formed by the leading edge of the continental lithosphere. The effects of sediment accretion are modelled by treating the accretionary complex as a doubly vergent, noncohesive Coulomb wedge, where forces exerted by the proto- and retro-wedges must be balanced for the system to be in equilibrium. The model generates synthetic basin-fill architecture over a series of steps, each of which represents the deposition of individual sedimentary sequences and their subsequent deformation due to wedge growth. The model accounts for differential sediment compaction and the flexural response of the underlying lithosphere to changes in load distribution over time. Forearc basin evolution is simulated for various rates of sediment supply to the forearc and accretionary complex growth until the synthetic basin-fill geometry matches the observed geometry. The model enables either the rate of accretionary wedge growth or the rate of sediment supply to the forearc basin to be established. The technique is generally applicable to those convergent margins with forearc basins that have developed between an actively accreting wedge and a seaward-dipping backstop. Other examples include Peru, S. Chile, Sumatra and Barbados.  相似文献   
Fluid-solid-solid dihedral angles in the NaCl-H2O-CO2-calcite-dolomite-magnesite system have been determined at pressures ranging from 0.5 to 7 kbar and temperatures from 450°C to 750°C. At 1 kbar and 650°C, both dolomite and magnesite exhibit a dihedral angle minimum for intermediate H2O-CO2 fluids similar to that previously determined by the present authors for calcite, but the depth of the minimum is smaller, being above the critical value of 60° for both dolomite and magnesite for all fluid compositions. Calcite-calcite-brine dihedral angles at 650°C have been determined in the pressure range 1–5 kbar. Angles decrease with increasing salt content of the fluid, tending towards a constant value of about 65° for strong brines at pressures above 2 kbar. There is a general increase of angle with increasing pressure which is most marked for strong brines. A positive correlation of angle with pressure is also observed in calcite-H2O-CO2 fluids, the position of the minimum moving towards higher angles and towards H2O-rich fluids with increasing pressure. The permeability window previously observed by the present authors at 1 kbar and intermediate fluid compositions closes at about 1.5 kbar. The results demonstrate that the permeability of carbonates to grain edge fluid flow is only possible at low pressures and for fluids of restricted H2O-CO2-NaCl compositions. However, geochemical evidence from metamorphic terrains suggests that pervasive infiltration does occur under conditions where impermeability is predicted. From examination of published studies of infiltrated carbonates we conclude that deformation plays a critical role in enhancing carbonate permeability. Possible mechanisms for this include shear-enhanced dilatancy (micro-cracking), fluid inclusion drag by deformation-controlled grain boundary migration, and dynamically maintained transient grain boundary fluid films.  相似文献   
The diffusion rate of 18O tracer atoms in anorthite (An97Ab03) under anhydrous conditions has been measured using SIMS techniques. The tracer source was 18O2 98.4% gas at 1 bar, in the temperature range 1300° C–850° C. The measured diffusion constants are D 0=1 –0.6 +1 ×10–9 m2s–1 Q=236±8 kJ mol–1 Comparison of these values with published data for 18O diffusion in anorthite under hydrothermal conditions shows that dry oxygen diffusivities are orders of magnitude lower than equivalent wet values at similar temperatures. The effect of these differences on oxygen isotope equilibration during cooling is discussed.  相似文献   
A general model for Mt. Ruapehu lahars   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A mathematical model of the motion of lahars is presented. Lahar flows and travel speeds are calculated using a kinematic wave model which equates gravitational accelerations to frictional losses. A chezyor Manning-type law of friction is assumed, in which lahar flow rate is a simple power function of lahar depth, multiplied by another simple power of the chanel slope. Use of the model requires knowledge of essentially only one parameter which appears to be relatively insensitive for flows down a given channel. Variable channel slope effects are removed by a longitudinal scaling which applies to all flows down a given channel. For lahars generated by a single explosive event it is unnecessary to perform numerical calculations to predict lahar flow and travel time, but for lahnars produced by multiple sources in which different lahar flows are interacting, numerical calculations appear necessary. The model is applied to all recorded lahar flows from Mt. Ruapehu, and satisfactorily described all lahar flows generated by a single explosive mechanism. Such flows depend essentially only on total lahar volume. The 1968 Mt. Ruapehu lahar, generated by a series of smaller eruptive mechanisms, was modelled as the interaction of seven point sources of fluid originating from positions mathematically extrapolated up the mountain. Good agreement was obtained between the predicted times of formation of these 1968 lahars, and the times of greatest seismic amplitude.  相似文献   
A holistic ecosystem simulation model has been developed for the Cumberland Basin and upper Chignecto Bay, a turbid macrotidal estuary at the head of the Bay of Fundy. This one-dimensional deterministic model has three compartments, three boundaries and three interacting submodels (physical, pelagic and benthic). Twenty-eight biological state variables represent broad functional groups of organisms and non-living organic carbon pools. All major components of the estuarine ecosystem are included. At the present stage of development, individual pelagic state variables give reasonable annual simulations which are in general agreement with available calibration data. Major problems remain with some benthic state variables, especially the subtidal ones about which little is known. In aggregate, the model performs well and output at the ecosystem level agrees with field observations. In the Cumberland Basin water column, annual community respiration exceeds phytoplankton net production (1–3 g C m−3) by a factor of 2–5 suggesting the importance of carbon imported from surrounding saltmarshes and the seaward boundary. Annual community respiration and microalgal net production (28 g C m−2) on the other hand are closely balanced in intertidal sediments. Respiration in subtidal sediments is entirely dependent upon sedimented carbon. The model supports the hypothesis that the Cumberland Basin is a heterotrophic ecosystem with low primary production which requires imported organic carbon to support the production and respiration of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
Results of a detailed strain analysis of accretionary lapilli in the Borrowdale Volcanic sequence of England indicate a bedding-memory component to the rock's fabric. A simple, new strain analysis method uses variation in thickness of lapilli rims and appears not to be influenced by the bedding fabric. The orientations of the principal magnetic susceptibilities show a strong correlation with the principal strain orientations, as in other studies, but we can detect no correlation between strain magnitudes and principal susceptibility magnitudes in the same small specimens.  相似文献   
Four Quaternary cave sites in central Texas demonstrate that the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) ranged more than 600 km southwest of its modern distribution. Climatographs suggest that the late Pleistocene/early Holocene summer climates were either 7.5°C cooler and 120 mm moister than today or 300 mm moister, if temperature remained unchanged. The distribution of T. striatus also implies that mixed deciduous forest existed on the eastern Edwards Plateau at this time.  相似文献   
Individual rounded pebbles of schist or foliated gneiss included in a conglomerate can each be used as strain markers when the conglomerate has been deformed subsequently. The shape, orientation and the attitude of the earlier schistosity within a single pebble allow one to determine the strain ratio assuming passive behaviour during deformation. The method may also be applicable to certain individual lava pillows containing paleo-horizontal “lava-level” markers.  相似文献   
The rhizocephalan barnacleLoxothylacus panopaei, which parasitizes the mud crabRhithropanopeus harrisii, releases its larvae as nauplii. The nauplii develop through four stages to the cypris stage; both larval forms are lecithotrophs. Parasitized crabs were acclimated in 10‰, 15‰, and 20‰ water during August and the development of releasedL. panopaei larvae was monitored in a range of salinities. After 48–60 h, the nauplii and cyprids in each experimental salinity were counted and the numbers used to calculate a developmental index. The range of salinities in which successful development to cyprids occurred (developmental index >70%) could be shifted as a consequence of the acclimating salinity.L. panopaei larvae can develop successfully over a 10–30‰ salinity range, indicating that settlement onto host crabs and virgin externae is likely to take place in nature within this range.  相似文献   
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