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The stratigraphy of a sedimentary basin is mainly the result of the long-term response of a depositional surface to prolonged subsidence. However, the real nature of interrelations between fluvial architecture and subsidence is still unknown. Herein, we present new data on these relationships by combining the results of detailed sedimentological field work with data acquired through automated forward modelling and backstripping for the alluvial Permian and Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges. Using this methodology, we determined tectonic subsidence of the basin by means of backstripping analysis and crust and lithospheric mantle stretching factors (δ and β, respectively) using forward modelling technique. Results indicated that a configuration of two individual and independent layers during lithospheric subsidence for each tectonic phase fit better for this time of the studied basin evolution than the assumption of subsidence due to a single layer spanning the whole lithosphere.For this study, we simplified fluvial geometries as two main types: isolated (I) and amalgamated (A), with subtypes in each case. Different order bounding surfaces (b.s.) were distinguished in the field, although we only selected those affecting the whole basin under study. These included those b.s. of clear tectonic origin, ranging from individual basin boundary-fault pulses produced over periods of approximately 1 My to those arising from major tectonic events, such as the beginning of extension in the basin, causing major changes in basin geometry over periods of 3–5 My.The comparison of δ and β values and fluvial geometries for each identified tectonic phase in the basin evolution, revealed some possible relationship between subsidence and fluvial geometry: Sections showing the most varied fluvial architectural geometries, including ribbon and nested forms, were related to higher β and δ stretching factors values indicating tectonic phases of greater stretching and subsidence. When both stretching factors were similar and close to 1, fluvial geometry was basically reduced to amalgamated geometry type. Wider ranging of fluvial geometries was associated with stages of basin development in which crust and upper mantle activities differed, that is, showing larger differences of β and δ stretching factors values. The related slope changes are proposed as the main surface control of fluvial styles.Combination of subsidence with other possible controlling factors such as avulsion rate, climate or budget of sediments, gives rise to the definitive alluvial architecture of a basin.  相似文献   
The photospheric spatial distribution of the main magnetic polarities of bipolar active regions (ARs) present during their emergence deformations are known as magnetic tongues. They are attributed to the presence of twist in the toroidal magnetic-flux tubes that form the ARs. The aim of this article is to study the twist of newly emerged ARs from the evolution of magnetic tongues observed in photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms. We apply the procedure described by Poisson et al. (Solar Phys. 290, 727, 2015a) to ARs observed over the full Solar Cycle 23 and the beginning of Cycle 24. Our results show that the hemispherical rule obtained using the tongues as a proxy of the twist has a weak sign dominance (53 % in the southern hemisphere and 58 % in the northern hemisphere). By defining the variation of the tongue angle, we characterize the strength of the magnetic tongues during different phases of the AR emergence. We find that there is a tendency of the tongues to be stronger during the beginning of the emergence and to become weaker as the AR reaches its maximum magnetic flux. We compare this evolution with the emergence of a toroidal flux-rope model with non-uniform twist. The variety of evolution of the tongues in the analyzed ARs can only be reproduced when using a broad range of twist profiles, in particular having a large variety of twist gradients in the direction vertical to the photosphere. Although the analytical model used is a special case, selected to minimize the complexity of the problem, the results obtained set new observational constraints to theoretical models of flux-rope emergence that form bipolar ARs.  相似文献   
We investigated the dissolved oxygen metabolism of the Curonian Lagoon (Baltic Sea) to assess the relative contributions of pelagic and benthic processes to the development of transient hypoxic conditions in shallow water habitats. Metabolism measurements along with the remote sensing-derived estimates of spatial variability in chlorophyll a were used to evaluate the risk of hypoxia at the whole lagoon level. Our data demonstrate that cyanobacterial blooms strongly inhibit light penetration, resulting in net heterotrophic conditions in which pelagic oxygen demand exceeds benthic oxygen demand by an order of magnitude. The combination of bloom conditions and reduced vertical mixing during calm periods resulted in oxygen depletion of bottom waters and greater sediment nutrient release. The peak of reactive P regeneration (nearly 30 μmol m?2 h?1) coincided with oxygen depletion in the water column, and resulted in a marked drop of the inorganic N:P ratio (from >40 to <5, as molar). Our results suggest a strong link between cyanobacterial blooms, pelagic respiration, hypoxia, and P regeneration, which acts as a feedback in sustaining algal blooms through internal nutrient cycling. Meteorological data and satellite-derived maps of chlorophyll a were used to show that nearly 70 % of the lagoon surface (approximately 1,000 km2) is prone to transient hypoxia development when blooms coincide with low wind speed conditions.  相似文献   
In many countries such as Spain earthquake databases still mainly comprise macroseismic data from felt effects. The full exploit of this information is of basic importance for seismic risk assessment and emergency planning, given the strict link between macroseismic intensity and damage. A probabilistic procedure specifically developed to handle macroseismic data, mostly relying on site information and seismogenic-source free, has been applied to evaluate seismic hazard in SE-Spain (Alicante-Murcia region). Present seismicity is moderate-low with largest magnitudes slightly over Mw5.0. The historical record includes very destructive earthquakes, maximum EMS98 intensities reaching IX–X and X in the nineteenth century (e.g., Torrevieja 1829 earthquake). Very recently, two events in the area on 11 May 2011 (Mw4.5, Mw5.2) killed nine people, injured 300, and produced important damage in the city of Lorca. Regional hazard maps for the area together with specific hazard curves at selected localities are obtained. Results are compared with the maximum observed intensities in the period 1300–2012, and with the values in the seismic hazard map from the Spanish Building Code in force. In general, the maximum felt intensity values are closer to the hazard values calculated for 2 % probability of exceedance in 50 years, using felt and expected intensity. The intensity-based probabilistic hazard maps obtained through the applied approach reduce the inherent smoothing of those based on standard probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approaches for the region, allowing identifying possible over- or sub-estimates of site hazard values, providing very valuable information for risk reduction strategies or for future updates of the building code hazard maps.  相似文献   
During recent historical times the Adra river delta, a detrital coastal aquifer of nearly 32 km2 located in a semi-arid, mountainous area of SE Spain, has undergone different changes caused by human activity. Within this context, both the river dynamics in the plain and the geomorphology of the coastline have at various times resulted in the formation of small lagoons. At present only two small (<0.5 km2) lagoons exist, at the eastern edge of the aquifer, which, although closely surrounded by commercial market-garden greenhouses, are protected under international agreements. During the last 30 years of the twentieth century traditional agricultural irrigation techniques have undergone significant changes to improve their efficiency. Surface-water resources in the Adra river basin are regulated via the Beninar reservoir. In addition, the use of groundwater is increasing progressively. Both these factors affect the recharge of the coastal aquifer. To monitor these changes measurements of electrical conductivity and water level fluctuations have been recorded in these lagoons for the last 35 years (1975–2010). A comparison of the hydrochemical characteristics of the water in the lagoons and of the surrounding groundwater from 2003 to 2010 shows marked differences induced by the different hydrological dynamics in each lagoon, as well as by the hydrogeological impact of changes in land use in the delta. The increase in water demand is a consequence of the extension of irrigated areas from the fluvio-deltaic plain to its slopes, originally occupied by unirrigated crops. A reduction in irrigation return-flow is linked to the use of new irrigation techniques. These modifications affect both the recharge regime of the aquifer and its water quality. Moreover, extreme precipitation events, which are characteristic of Mediterranean semi-arid environments, can affect the lagoons’ hydrological dynamics to a considerable extent. One such example is the unusually rainy period from January to March 2010 (>600 mm). This event, along with other effects, has dramatically lowered the salinity of the water in both lagoons. This case study reveals the extreme vulnerability of deltaic environments and also how lagoons can reflect anthropogenic changes over the whole river basin.  相似文献   
We report the occurrence of the invasive amphipod Monocorophium acherusicum in Mar del Plata port, Argentina, using morphological and molecular analysis and estimated mean abundance to detect monthly variations of this population. We compared M. acherusicum morphology with that of M. insidiosum and Crassicorophium bonelli, the two most similar locally occurring species, to establish the diagnostic characteristics for the correct identification of them; moreover, we provide some taxonomic notes about others corophiids regionally distributed. M. acherusicum were collected in a subtidal biofouling community and its mean abundance was maximum in summer. In the molecular analysis, the maximum-likelihood tree showed that specimens from Mar del Plata were clustered with M. acherusicum specimens from GenBank and Boldsystems. We support and confirm the species identity in Mar del Plata port using DNA barcoding and with taxonomic methods.  相似文献   
The severity and frequency of sixteenth-century floods of the Rhine, the Main, the middle and upper Elbe with its tributaries, rivers of northern and central Italy, the Garonne and rivers in Catalonia and Andalusia are analyzed using documentary evidence. The basic topographical and hydrological characteristics of the rivers investigated as well as the synoptic causes of their flooding during the instrumental period are presented. Different examples of modifications of the run-off process due to anthropogenic activity are discussed. Prevalence in flood occurrence during the second half of the sixteenth century in comparison to the first half is typical for central European and Andalusian rivers (mainly in the 1560s and 1590s) and agrees with the evolution of precipitation patterns. On the other hand, Italian and Catalonian rivers, in part, had a higher occurrence of floods during the first half of the century. Changes in the flooding seasons in both halves of the century are not unambiguous. Results of an analysis on a broader European scale show floods to be a random natural phenomena with limited areal extent defined by the spatial influence of forcing meteorological factors (continuous heavy rains, sudden melting of thick snow cover, etc.). Despite some limitations of documentary evidence, series of reconstructed historical floods are valuable sources of proxy data which can be utilized for the study of the flooding fluctuations in the pre-instrumental period.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes our work on building a data model and a geovisualization tool that provides access to global climate data: the Global Climate Monitor Web Viewer. Linked to this viewer, a complete set of climate-environmental indicators capable of displaying climate patterns on a global scale that is accessible to any potential user (scientists and laypeople) will be built and published using the same online application. The data currently available correspond to the CRU TS3.21 version of the Climate Research Unit (University of East Anglia) database – a product that provides data at a spatial resolution of half of a degree in latitude and longitude, spanning January 1901 to December 2012, on a monthly basis. Since January 2013, the datasets feeding the system have been the GHCN-CAMS temperature dataset and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) First Guess precipitation dataset. Climatologists, hydrologists, planners and non-experts users such as media workers, policymakers, non-profit organizations, teachers or students, can access useful climatological information through the Global Climate Monitor system.  相似文献   
We provide a brief synopsis of the unique physical and ecological attributes of sandy beach ecosystems and review the main anthropogenic pressures acting on the world's single largest type of open shoreline. Threats to beaches arise from a range of stressors which span a spectrum of impact scales from localised effects (e.g. trampling) to a truly global reach (e.g. sea-level rise). These pressures act at multiple temporal and spatial scales, translating into ecological impacts that are manifested across several dimensions in time and space so that today almost every beach on every coastline is threatened by human activities. Press disturbances (whatever the impact source involved) are becoming increasingly common, operating on time scales of years to decades. However, long-term data sets that describe either the natural dynamics of beach systems or the human impacts on beaches are scarce and fragmentary. A top priority is to implement long-term field experiments and monitoring programmes that quantify the dynamics of key ecological attributes on sandy beaches. Because of the inertia associated with global climate change and human population growth, no realistic management scenario will alleviate these threats in the short term. The immediate priority is to avoid further development of coastal areas likely to be directly impacted by retreating shorelines. There is also scope for improvement in experimental design to better distinguish natural variability from anthropogenic impacts. Sea-level rise and other effects of global warming are expected to intensify other anthropogenic pressures, and could cause unprecedented ecological impacts. The definition of the relevant scales of analysis, which will vary according to the magnitude of the impact and the organisational level under analysis, and the recognition of a physical–biological coupling at different scales, should be included in approaches to quantify impacts. Zoning strategies and marine reserves, which have not been widely implemented in sandy beaches, could be a key tool for biodiversity conservation and should also facilitate spillover effects into adjacent beach habitats. Setback and zoning strategies need to be enforced through legislation, and all relevant stakeholders should be included in the design, implementation and institutionalisation of these initiatives. New perspectives for rational management of sandy beaches require paradigm shifts, by including not only basic ecosystem principles, but also incentives for effective governance and sharing of management roles between government and local stakeholders.  相似文献   
The Humboldt Current System, like all upwelling systems, has dramatic quantities of plankton-feeding fish, which suggested that their population dynamics may ‘drive’ or ‘control’ ecosystem dynamics. With this in mind we analysed the relationship between forage fish populations and their main prey, zooplankton populations. Our study combined a zooplankton sampling program (1961–2005) with simultaneous acoustic observations on fish from 40 pelagic surveys (1983–2005) conducted by the Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE) and landing statistics for anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax) along the Peruvian coast from 1961 to 2005. The multi-year trend of anchoveta population abundance varied consistently with zooplankton biovolume trend, suggesting bottom-up control on anchovy at the population scale (since oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton production support the changes in zooplankton abundance). For a finer-scale analysis (km) we statistically modelled zooplankton biovolume as a function of geographical (latitude and distance from the 200-m isobath), environmental (sea surface temperature), temporal (year, month and time-of-day) and biological (acoustic anchovy and sardine biomass within 5 km of each zooplankton sample) covariates over all survey using both classification and regression trees (CART) and generalized additive models (GAM). CART showed local anchoveta density to have the strongest effect on zooplankton biovolume, with significantly reduced levels of biovolume for higher neighbourhood anchoveta biomass. Additionally, zooplankton biovolume was higher offshore than on the shelf. GAM results corroborated the CART findings, also showing a clear diel effect on zooplankton biovolume, probably due to diel migration or daytime net avoidance. Apparently, the observed multi-year population scale bottom-up control is not inconsistent with local depletion of zooplankton when anchoveta are locally abundant, since the latter effect was observed over a wide range of overall anchoveta abundance.  相似文献   
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