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2021年秋季江西出现范围广、强度强、持续时间长的高温天气过程,多项气温指标创历史同期新高,10月1—5日全省仍出现20站次危险性高温天气。利用江西省93个国家气象观测站、MICAPS观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对此次罕见秋季异常高温天气的过程的特征及环流背景场进行了分析讨论。结果表明:1)西太平洋副热带高压是江西秋季高温天气的主导系统,强大的副热带高压控制区内盛行的下沉运动产生大气绝热加热是此次秋季异常高温的主要形成原因。同时,西风急流偏强以及南亚高压撤退时间偏晚,使得西风带短波槽脊活动不易影响到副热带地区,有利于副热带高压强度和位置的稳定维持,冷空气难以南下到达长江中下游地区,高温天气得以发展。2)中低层暖平流输送有利于局地温度升高从而形成高温天气,江西上空对流层异常增温一定程度上加剧了该地区秋季高温的持续。3)江西境内水汽通量散度呈现负距平,表明水汽辐散程度弱于常年同期,未出现水汽输送的大幅减弱。同时,对流层中下层存在一定的上升气流,部分水汽凝结形成降水。因此,异常高温期间未出现严重干旱。  相似文献   
利用华中区域代表性站点金沙国家大气本底站2007—2018年的PM2.5、PM10颗粒物质量浓度数据,2019年3月—2019年6月反应性气体数据,对华中区域空气质量进行整体评价,并分析了颗粒物浓度的变化特征及其影响因素.结果表明,反应性气体CO、SO2、NO、NO2质量浓度其日平均最大值、平均值均达到一级标准,O3日...  相似文献   
The Chinese Space Station Telescope(CSST)spectroscopic survey aims to deliver high-quality low-resolution(R>200)slitless spectra for hundreds of millions of targets down to a limiting magnitude of about 21 mag,distributed within a large survey area(17500 deg2)and covering a wide wavelength range(255-1000 nm by three bands GU,GV,and GI).As slitless spectroscopy precludes the usage of wavelength calibration lamps,wavelength calibration is one of the most challenging issues in the reduction of slitless spectra,yet it plays a key role in measuring precise radial velocities of stars and redshifts of galaxies.In this work,we propose a star-based method that can monitor and correct for possible errors in the CSST wavelength calibration using normal scientific observations,taking advantage of the facts that(ⅰ)there are about ten million stars with reliable radial velocities now available thanks to spectroscopic surveys like LAMOST,(ⅱ)the large field of view of CSST enables efficient observations of such stars in a short period of time,and(ⅲ)radial velocities of such stars can be reliably measured using only a narrow segment of CSST spectra.We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve a wavelength calibration precision of a few km s-1 for the GU band,and about 10 to 20 kms-1 for the GV and GI bands,with only a few hundred velocity standard stars.Implementations of the method to other surveys are also discussed.  相似文献   
现有的许多选址模型研究,主要集中在对选址算法的改进,而忽略了城市作为复杂地理系统所具备的不确定性和动态发展性对选址结果的影响。这往往导致最终的选址结果在设施投入使用后,无法满足新的需求甚至出现不适应新环境的情况。本文将基于GeoCA(地理元胞自动机)的城市扩张模型引入到传统的Location-allocation选址模型中,构建一个动态的选址模型框架,探索如何将选址结果建立在动态的、科学的城市形态预测基础上,促使选址结果更具有客观性、先见性和更符合可持续发展观,这也正是本研究的重要意义所在。同时,框架中的许多子模型都能够单独被优化,具有高度的可伸缩性,能够自适应于特定区域的选址要求。  相似文献   
利用荆州6个国家气象站1989—2018年的夏季逐日平均气温、相对湿度、风速等气象要素,采用与经典人体舒适度模式计算及评判结果对比分析的方法,建立荆州夏季人体舒适度模型,确定人体舒适度评判标准,并用湖北近 30 a气象资料对各区域人体舒适度进行适用性分析。结果表明:荆州6市(县)一年中各有3个月的舒适期,松滋还有2个月的较舒适期,松滋气候条件最佳;湖北各区域30 a平均人体舒适度指数月分布均呈“W”型;鄂西南是湖北避暑胜地,松滋是荆州避暑胜地。  相似文献   
Based on the data obtained from tens of the investigated soil profiles scattered over the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, the maritime Antarctic, the soil-forming processes were discussed. It was concluded that on the weathering crusts resulted from various physical courses, the strong freeze-thaw action within regolith, significant organic matter accumulation, evident leaching and illuviation, as well as initial argillification dominated the formation and development of the soils on the Fildes Peninsula. Furthermore, this study indicated that the juvenility of genesis, poor profile-expression, variation in column thickness, etc. characterized the pedogenetic features of the soils of the Fildes Peninsula.  相似文献   
邓毛颖  邓策方 《热带地理》2021,41(4):760-768
存量建设土地再开发过程中对增值利益的合理分配是推动城市更新实施的关键,而多方参与主体为此进行的复杂利益博弈,则是城市更新工作的阻力。鉴于此,以广州城中村改造为例,基于利益主体博弈视角,分析城市更新政策演进中利益分配格局的转变,并从价值导向、权益认定和管理体系三方面阐释影响城市更新主体利益平衡难、博弈周期长的难点,进而从促进存量时代城市更新实施的目标出发,结合改造方案编制的技术要点、审批流程与制度设计,从“公共优先、权益共享、一体化实施”3个方面提出了利益统筹的对策,以及引导价值转变,到合理认定权益,并通过管理体系统筹利益分配的实施路径,以加快城市更新共识的达成,实现存量土地价值盘活。  相似文献   
A probability-based analytical model for predicting the seismic residual deformation of bilinear single-degreeof-freedom(SDOF) systems with a kinematic/Takeda hysteretic model is proposed based on a statistical analysis of the nonlinear time history response,and the proposed model explicitly incorporates the influence of record-to-record variability.In addition,the influence of primary parameters such as the natural vibration period,relative yield force coefficient,stiffness ratio and peak groun...  相似文献   
我国既是钴矿资源消费大国,又是钴矿资源进口大国,受新能源电动汽车工业的影响,近年来钴矿资源得到越来越多的关注。为了科学地评估我国钴矿资源潜力,指导找矿勘查部署工作,立足国内,提高我国钴矿资源的保障能力,笔者2019—2021年开展了9个重点省(自治区)的钴矿资源潜力评价工作。本文从我国钴矿床分布和地质特征角度,先以成矿地质作用为主线,厘定我国找矿预测矿床类型,包括与沉积地质作用有关的风化型、化学沉积型、砂岩型和海底喷流沉积型,与火山地质作用有关的海相火山岩型、陆相火山岩型,与侵入岩浆地质作用有关的岩浆型、矽卡岩型(接触交代型)、热液脉型和斑岩型,与变质地质作用有关的沉积变质型,以及少量与大型变形地质作用有关的变质核杂岩型;进而梳理并总结了各类型钴矿有关的成矿地质体。通过分析我国钴矿的矿床地质特征和时空分布规律,综合地质、物探、化探和遥感信息等预测要素,建立找矿预测模型,并在此基础上圈定找矿远景区,估算资源量。结果表明:我国钴矿包括风化型镍钴矿、海底喷流沉积型铜钴矿、海相火山岩型铁铜钴矿、海相火山岩型块状硫化物铜锌钴矿、岩浆型铜镍钴矿和热液脉型钴矿6种主要找矿预测类型;圈定416个钴矿最...  相似文献   
A new classification scheme of the fergusnoite-group minerals is suggested on the basis of mineral chemistry and high temperature XRD. A number of new varieties such as M-thorian fergusonite-(Ce). M-neodymian fergusonite-(Ce). T-titanian fergusonite-(Nd) and T-yttrian fergusonite-(Nd) have been recognized in the light of detailed chemical studies, particularly with reference to REE, SRE and solid solution relationship. The results indicate strong REE and SRE differentiation and evolution in the fergusonite group, which can be interpretated by differences in the stability of various REE complexes in response to variations in physicochemical conditions during the multi-stage mineralization process in the Bayan Obo ore deposit. The crystallization of the minerals is closely related to hydrolysis of REE and Nb complexes. REE (OH)3 Nb(OH)5 coprecipitation, dehydration, polymerization and nucleation.The significance of SRE (Eu)in the western part of the deposit is emphasized. This project was finantially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
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