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Many plateau-edge reefs and reef mounds of the Late Permian have been discovered in Linxi County and adjacent areas of Inner Mongolia, China. These reefs verify that the Hinggan-Inner Mongolia Area was an open and unobstructed sea-trough in Late Permian. Facies and sequences of reef strata in Member 4 and Member 5 of the Linxi Formation were studied for information to reconstruct the closing process of the Linxi-Jiutai chasm in the sea-trough, i.e., to constrain subsidence, uplift, and final closing. Ages of the reef-bearing strata have been determined to be late and end of Late Permian, based on ranges or abundances of diverse fossils. Six reef-building organic assemblages were distinguished, representing different ecologic conditions, according to morphological functions and paleoecological adaptations of organisms including primarily sponges, bryozoans, and calcareous algae. Two types of shelf slopes, the gentle slope and the steep slope, have been interpreted for Member 4 and Member 5 of the Linxi Formation, based on the assemblages. The locations of outcrops, and types of these reefs delineate the north margin of Sino-Korea Platform, and define uplift and final closing of the Linxi–Jiutai chasm at the end of Late Permian.  相似文献   
It is common to obtain the topography of tidal flats by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) photogrammetry,but this method is not applicable in tidal creeks.The residual water will lead to inaccurate depth inversion results,and the topography of tidal creeks mainly de-pends on manual survey.The present study took the tidal creek of Chuandong port in Jiangsu Province,China,as the research area and used UAV oblique photogrammetry to reconstruct the topography of the exposed part above the water after the ebb tide.It also proposed a Trend Prediction Fitting (TPF) method for the topography of the unexposed part below the water to obtain a complete 3D topography.The topography above the water measured by UAV has the vertical precision of 12 cm.When the TPF method is used,the cross-section should be perpendicular the central axis of the tidal creek.A polynomial function can be adapted to most shape of sections,while a Fourier function obtains better results in asym-metrical sections.Compared with the two-order function,the three-order function lends itself to more complex sections.Generally,the TPF method is more suitable for small,straight tidal creeks with clear texture and no vegetation cover.  相似文献   
长江天鹅洲故道是长江江豚首个迁地保护区,其中充足而适口的饵料鱼类资源是长江江豚种群健康发展的保障。为此,根据2017年10月—2021年4月对长江天鹅洲故道进行的7次鱼类调查数据,结合禁捕前的历史数据,对其鱼类群落结构演变进行了分析,并针对长江江豚饵料鱼的供应状况对天鹅洲故道内鱼类资源管理提出了建议。调查期间,共采集到鱼类57种,其中,蒙古鲌(Culter mongolicus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)和鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)等大中型鱼类生物量明显增加,而?(Hemiculter leucisculus)和似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)等小型鱼类生物量呈现下降趋势。鱼类群落优势种逐渐由太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)、短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)和?等小型鱼类转变为鳙、蒙古鲌和拟尖头鲌(Culter oxycephaloides)等大中型鱼类,尤其是新近出现的拟尖头鲌种群发展迅速。同时,短颌鲚和?等小型鱼类的体重在减小,而鲢、鳙等大中型鱼类规格在持续提高。长江江豚以小...  相似文献   
山东沿海降雨云系宏观特征及人工增雨潜力的估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张连云  王以琳  龚佃利 《气象》1996,22(10):35-38
针对山东省飞机人工增雨作业的实际情况,分析了山东沿海地区的降雨特征,统计了沿海云层的宏观物理量,分析了莱州湾、黄海北部和东南沿海3个地区云与降水的关系,对主要降雨天气系统计算了降雨效率及增潜力,增雨潜力在42.55%-68.79%。通过对天气系统中水汽垂直分布的分析,为飞机在山东沿海地区增雨作业最佳催化层次的选择提供了信。  相似文献   
海岸带有着丰富的资源,能够为人类社会的可持续发展提供强大的物质基础,而它对外界的影响又是相当敏感的,因此海岸带自身的可持续发展理应受到人们的关注。本文根据可持续发展理论的基本原理,提出海岸带可持续发展的概念,阐述了海岸带可持续发展的基本内涵,并建立了其评价指标体系。文章最后以辽宁省海岸带部分城市为例,介绍了海岸带可持续发展的具体评价方法,为合理开发利用海岸带提供了依据。  相似文献   
我国既是钴矿资源消费大国,又是钴矿资源进口大国,受新能源电动汽车工业的影响,近年来钴矿资源得到越来越多的关注。为了科学地评估我国钴矿资源潜力,指导找矿勘查部署工作,立足国内,提高我国钴矿资源的保障能力,笔者2019—2021年开展了9个重点省(自治区)的钴矿资源潜力评价工作。本文从我国钴矿床分布和地质特征角度,先以成矿地质作用为主线,厘定我国找矿预测矿床类型,包括与沉积地质作用有关的风化型、化学沉积型、砂岩型和海底喷流沉积型,与火山地质作用有关的海相火山岩型、陆相火山岩型,与侵入岩浆地质作用有关的岩浆型、矽卡岩型(接触交代型)、热液脉型和斑岩型,与变质地质作用有关的沉积变质型,以及少量与大型变形地质作用有关的变质核杂岩型;进而梳理并总结了各类型钴矿有关的成矿地质体。通过分析我国钴矿的矿床地质特征和时空分布规律,综合地质、物探、化探和遥感信息等预测要素,建立找矿预测模型,并在此基础上圈定找矿远景区,估算资源量。结果表明:我国钴矿包括风化型镍钴矿、海底喷流沉积型铜钴矿、海相火山岩型铁铜钴矿、海相火山岩型块状硫化物铜锌钴矿、岩浆型铜镍钴矿和热液脉型钴矿6种主要找矿预测类型;圈定416个钴矿最...  相似文献   
2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震地表同震位移分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
沿长约 4 2 6km的 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8 1地震地表破裂带共获得 2 91个点的地表同震水平左旋位移数据 ,并在其中 1 1 1个点获得了垂直位移数据。该地震总体以左旋水平位移为主 ,兼具一定的垂直位移。最大地表左旋水平位移值可达 6 4m ,平均水平位移约为 2 7m ,绝大多数测点的垂直位移均 <1m。地表水平位移沿主破裂带走向位移梯度变化于 1 0 - 1~ 1 0 - 4之间 ,这一起伏变化可能起因于野外测量误差、沿主破裂带岩性或松散沉积物厚度的变化、地表破裂带几何结构的不均匀性、地表破裂走向的变化、不同破裂段在昆仑山口西 8 1级地震之前的地震中滑动量的起伏变化 ,以及大量非脆性变形、次级破裂的存在等。水平位移沿主破裂带的长波长 (数十公里至数百公里 )起伏变化较有规律 ,在布喀达坂峰以东表现为分别以 5个水平位移峰值为中心而有规律地起伏变化。这5个位移峰值分别对应于不同的次级地震地表破裂段。各破裂段水平位移峰值均向阶区或拐点逐渐衰减 ,不同地表破裂段位移峰值向两侧衰减的速率是不同的 ,这种位移梯度的不对称分布可能指示了地震破裂的扩展方向。上述位移分布特征真实地反映了地表可见脆  相似文献   
The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   
GPS移动目标实时监控系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lou  Yidong  Gong  Xiaopeng  Gu  Shengfeng  Zheng  Fu  Feng  Yanming 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(1):177-186
GPS Solutions - Carrier phase ambiguity resolution over long baselines is challenging in BDS data processing. This is partially due to the variations of the hardware biases in BDS code signals and...  相似文献   
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