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St. Vincent Island, on the northwest Gulf coast of Florida, USA, preserves a well-developed beach ridge plain that began to form 4000 years ago based on inferred ages of pottery artefact assemblages. Seven vibra cores up to 2.88 m in length (uncompacted sediment) were retrieved from six ridges across the island. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure was used to obtain two optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages per core at different depths within each core.

The geographically youngest ridges gave ages of 370±50–1900±300 years, yielding an inter-ridge accumulation time of 150 years assuming uniform sediment accumulation. The oldest ridge sets yielded ages of 2700±400–2800±300 years. Dating results are evaluated in terms of equivalent dose (DE) distributions and other characteristics in relation to aspects of the burial environment, including pedogenesis.  相似文献   

During surveillance of the distribution of the paralytic shellfish poison (PSP)-producing dinoflagellate in 2003, 2004 and 2005 along the coastlines of the Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, some species of toxic phytoplankton were isolated from the eastern coasts, Bingo-Nada, the central regions of the Seto Inland Sea. It was rather unexpectedly revealed from the basis of the morphological characteristics that they were unambiguously identified as Alexandrium tamiyavanichii and Alexandrium catenella. Two strains (ATY041106, ATY051018) of A. tamiyavanichii showed a specific toxicity of 38.7 x 10(-6) and 111.5 x 10(-6)MU/cell, respectively. These values seemed to be several times or much higher than that of A. catenella (AC030816, AC040614), having a specific toxicity of 4.5 x 10(-6) and 4.1 x 10(-6)MU/cell, respectively, isolated in the same area. From the results of HPLC-furuorometric analysis, it revealed that the toxins in ATY041106 exist almost exclusively as beta-epimers (C2, GTX3, GTX4), which accounted for 72.7 mol%. The toxin profiles of this strain are featured by the presence of a large amount of GTX3 (59.1 mol%) and a small amount (20.6%) of C1 and 2 in comparison with the PSP compositions of A. tamarense, which is isolated as the main responsible species in Hiroshima Bay, a western part of coastal sea in Hiroshima Prefecture. On the other hand, it revealed that the toxin profiles of two strains (AC030816, AC040614) of A. catenella exist almost exclusively as beta-epimers (C2, GTX3, GTX4), which accounted for 81.8 and 56.5 mol%, as the same manner. The toxin profiles of these two strains are featured by the presence of a large amount of C2 (80.5 and 46.3 mol%) in comparison with the PSP compositions of A. tamiyavanichii. To our knowledge, this is the first record to show the distribution and harmful influence of A. tamiyavanichii and A. catenella in Bingo-Nada in Hiroshima Prefecture. Though contamination of bivalves with these PSP-producing planktons in this area has not occurred yet so far, attention should be paid to this species as well as the other causative dinoflagellate from the stand point of public health and food hygiene.  相似文献   
The dustfall (DF) and mass sedimentation rate (MSR) in Lake Alchichica, Central Mexico, were studied from June 2006 to June 2008. DF ranged between 0·11–0·93 g m?2 d?1 in the warm and rainy season and 0·54–1·21 g m?2 d?1 in the cold and dry season. MSR varied from 0·52–2·40 g m?2 d?1 in the stratification season to 1·14–5·07 g m?2 d?1 in the circulation season. The timing of the highest fluxes of DF and MSR is most likely a product of several factors coinciding during the cold and dry season: (a) availability of dust sources and the presence of strong winds (>7·5 m s?1) in the DF case, and (b) the circulation period of the lake and the availability of nutrients in the MSR case. As expected, the DF in Alchichica was high and similar to that found in other arid and semi‐arid areas. However, the MSR was higher than that reported for other oligotrophic lakes. Particles captured in the aerial traps consisted mainly of detrital minerals; in contrast, particles found in the water traps were mostly biogenic and, to a lesser extent, detrital minerals. The MSR was one to seven times higher than the DF. In spite of the oligotrophic status of Lake Alchichica, the large size of the settled phytoplankton (autochthonous, waterborne) is what leads to the high MSR, which surpasses the DF (allochthonous, airborne) derived from whirlwinds originating in easily eroded terrains that are characteristic of arid/semi‐arid areas. Our results indicate that caution must be taken in considering that the DF amount measured through DF collectors located at the lake shore does actually represent the DF entering into the lake. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
目前对天山地区,特别是天山南缘中生代盆山格局认识尚存分歧。本文着眼于侏罗纪-白垩纪这一盆山演化关键阶段,利用碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年法对西南天山前陆盆地康苏剖面中侏罗统杨叶组、下白垩统克孜勒苏群沉积开展物源分析。发现中侏罗统杨叶组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布于369~2687 Ma间,基本分布在369~404 Ma(约占4%)、418~501 Ma(约占19%)和544~2687 Ma(约占77%)3个范围;下白垩统克孜勒苏群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布于243~2820 Ma间,集中于253~414 Ma(约占35%)、423~489 Ma(约占27%)和668~2820 Ma(约占37%)3个范围。中侏罗统碎屑锆石年龄分布范围广,各年龄组分均较突显,反映中侏罗世西南天山前缘流域体系宽广,天山内各主要源区均得到沟通,物源范围广阔。下白垩统克孜勒苏群锆石年龄分布明显集中,反映早白垩世西南天山前缘源区范围有所缩小。西南天山前缘与库车前陆盆地的物源构成在中侏罗世存在一定差异,而在早白垩世呈现相似特征。包括西南天山前陆盆地在内的天山南缘或于早白垩世经历一期小规模构造反转,导致山-盆构造分异与抬升-剥蚀增强。  相似文献   
A fluid-inclusion study has been performed on quartzite nodules of stromboli volcano hosted by calc-alkaline lavas of both the Strombolicchio (200 ka) and Paleostromboli II (60 ka) periods. The nodules are mainly composed of quartz crystals with subordinate plagioclase and K-feldspar. Small interstitial minerals such as plagioclase, K-feldspar, clinopyroxene, biotite, and quartz are also found, together with glass. Muscovite, epidote and zircon occur as accessory minerals. Different quartzite nodules occur: (1) equigranular polygonal granoblastic quartzite nodules forming a polygonal texture with clear triple points; (2) inequigranular polygonal granoblastic quartzite nodules; and (3) break-up nodules with strongly resorbed quartz. These quartzites are restites from partial melting, involving felsic crustal rocks at the magma/wall rock contact. Restitic quartz re-crystallises at variable and generally high temperatures, leading to the formation of quartzites with different textures. Quartz grains contain five types of fluid inclusions distinguished on the basis of both fluid type and textural/phase relationships at room temperature. Type I are two-phase (liquid+vapour) CO 2-rich fluid inclusions. They are primary and subordinately pseudosecondary in origin and have undergone re-equilibration processes. Type II mono-phase/two-phase (vapour/liquid+vapour) CO 2-rich fluid inclusions are the most common and, based on their spatial distribution and shape, they can be divided into two subclasses: type IIa and type IIb. Type II inclusions are secondary or pseudosecondary and they are assumed to have formed after decrepitation of type I inclusions and cracking of the host quartz. Type III inclusions are mono-phase (vapour); they possibly contain CO 2 at very low density and surround the inner rims of quartz grains. Type IV two-phase silicate-melt inclusions contain glass±CO 2-rich fluid. Some of them are cogenetic with type II inclusions. Finally, type V two-phase (liquid+vapour) aqueous inclusions are both vapour-rich and liquid-rich aqueous inclusions. Microthermometric experiments were performed on both type I and II inclusions. Type I inclusions homogenise to liquid between 20 and 30.5 °C. Type IIa inclusions homogenise to vapour in the 24 to 30 °C range, with a maximum peak of frequency at 29 °C. Type IIb inclusions also homogenise to vapour between 14 and 25 °C. There appears to be no difference in homogenisation temperature distribution between the Strombolicchio and Paleostromboli II samples. The trapping pressures of the fluid inclusions have been obtained by combining the microthermometric data of the Strombolicchio and Paleostromboli II samples with the pressure–temperature–volume (i.e. density) characteristics for a pure CO 2 system. The data on the early inclusions (type I) suggest an important magma rest at a pressure of about 290 MPa (i.e. about 11-km depth). Type IIa CO 2 inclusions suggest that a second magma rest occurred at a pressure of about 100 MPa (i.e. about 3.5-km depth), whereas type IIb inclusions were trapped later at a shallower depth during the final magma upwelling. No pressure/depth differences seem to occur between the Strombolicchio and Paleostromboli II periods, indicating the same polybaric rests for the calc-alkaline magmas of Stromboli, despite their significantly different ages. This persistence in magma stagnation conditions from 200 to 60 ka suggests a similar plumbing system for the present-day Strombolian activity.  相似文献   
The new black hole candidate XTE J1817-330, discovered on 26 January 2006 with RXTE, was observed with XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL in February and March 2006, respectively. The X-ray spectrum is dominated by the thermal emission of the accretion disk in the soft band, with a low absorption column density (N H=1.77(±0.01)×1021 cm−2) and a maximum disk temperature kT max=0.68(±0.01) keV, plus a power law component, with the photon index decreasing from 2.66±0.02 to 1.98±0.07 between the two observations. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected in the X-ray spectrum, corresponding to O I, O II, O III, O VII and Fe XXIV. We constrain the distance to the system to be in the range 1–5 kpc.   相似文献   
In this paper we looked for the most suitable method for benthic ecological quality status (EcoQS) assessment of the North-western Adriatic Sea. Taking into account the historical and present information, we inter-compared our expectations in terms of EcoQS, with the Bentix, AMBI and M-AMBI classification metrics results, and investigated the sensitivity of these indices to the spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability of benthic communities. The sampling sites were located at increasing distances with respect to the Po River mouth, along an (inverse) gradient of eutrophication. Moreover, a 2-year monthly monitoring plan (October 2004–September 2006) was carried out at the CEBEB site, located in a central position with respect to the investigated area. The results highlighted that the three indices differed in the sensitivity to spatial and temporal variability of the benthic communities. The strong seasonal and inter-annual changes in the benthic communities had a significant effect on the Bentix, whereas no relevant modifications were observed on the EcoQS assignation obtained using the M-AMBI and AMBI methods. The environmental quality ratios (EQR) values and EcoQS classification obtained by the Bentix and AMBI did not match expectations, as they were not inversely correlated with the site distances with respect to the Po mouth, whereas the M-AMBI clearly discriminated the most and the least eutrophicated sites. It thus appears that the M-AMBI could be considered to be the most valuable method for the ecological-status assessment of the North-western Adriatic Sea benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   
Although considerable effort has been deployed to understand the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on runoff in major basins across Africa, such studies are scarce in the Gulf of Guinea Basin (GGB). This study combines the Budyko framework and elasticity concept along with geospatial data to fill this research gap in 44 nested sub-basins in the GGB. Annual rainfall from 1982 to 2021 show significant decreasing and increasing trends in the northern and southern parts of the GGB, respectively. Annual potential evapotranspiration (PET) also shows significant increasing trends with higher magnitudes observed in the northern parts of the GGB. Changing trends in climate variables corroborates with shift to arid and wetter conditions in the north and south, respectively. From 2000 to 2020 vegetation cover estimated using enhanced vegetation index (EVI) shows significant increasing trends in all sub-basins including those experiencing a decline in annual rainfall. Vegetation composition measured using vegetation continuous fields (VCFs) from 2000 to 2020 show an increase in tree canopy cover (TC), a decline in short vegetation cover and marginal changes in bare ground cover (BG). Elasticity coefficients show that a 10% increase in annual rainfall and PET may lead to a 33% increase and 24% decline in runoff, respectively. On the other hand, a 10% increase in EVI may lead to a 4% decline in runoff while a 10% increase in TC, SV and BG may reduce runoff by 4% and increase runoff by 3% and 2%, respectively. Even though changes are marginal, decomposing vegetation into different parameters using EVI and VCFs may lead to different hydrological effects on runoff which is one of the novelties of this study that may be used for implementing nature-based solutions. The study also demonstrates that freely available geospatial data together with analytical methods are a promising approach for understanding the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on hydrology in data-scarce regions.  相似文献   
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