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The main steps of the sedimentary evolution of the west Lombardian South Alpine foredeep between the Eocene and the Early Miocene are described. The oldest is a Bartonian carbonate decrease in hemipelagic sediments linked with an increase in terrigenous input, possibly related to a rainfall increase in the Alps. Between the Middle Eocene and the early Chattian, a volcanoclastic input is associated with an extensional tectonic regime, coeval with magma emplacement in the southern-central Alps, and with volcanogenic deposits of the European foredeep and Apennines, suggesting a regional extensional tectonic phase leading to the ascent of magma. During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, two periods of coarse clastic sedimentation occurred, probably controlled by eustasy. The first, during Late Eocene, fed by a local South Alpine source, the second, earliest Oligocene in age, supplied by the Central Alps. In the Chattian, a strong increase in coarse supply records the massive erosion of Central Alps, coupled with a structures growth phase in the subsurface; it was followed by an Aquitanian rearrangement of the Alpine drainage systems suggested by both petrography of clastic sediments and retreat of depositional systems, while subsurface sheet-like geometry of Aquitanian turbidites marks a strong decrease in tectonic activity.  相似文献   
The Nurra district in the Island of Sardinia (Italy) has a Palaeozoic basement and covers, consisting of Mesozoic carbonates, Cenozoic pyroclastic rocks and Quaternary, mainly clastic, sediments. The faulting and folding affecting the covers predominantly control the geomorphology. The morphology of the southern part is controlled by the Tertiary volcanic activity that generated a stack of pyroclastic flows. Geological structures and lithology exert the main control on recharge and groundwater circulation, as well as its availability and quality. The watershed divides do not fit the groundwater divide; the latter is conditioned by open folds and by faults. The Mesozoic folded carbonate sequences contain appreciable amounts of groundwater, particularly where structural lows are generated by synclines and normal faults. The regional groundwater flow has been defined. The investigated groundwater shows relatively high TDS and chloride concentrations which, along with other hydrogeochemical evidence, rules out sea-water intrusion as the cause of high salinity. The high chloride and sulphate concentrations can be related to deep hydrothermal circuits and to Triassic evaporites, respectively. The source water chemistry has been modified by various geochemical processes due to the groundwater–rock interaction, including ion exchange with hydrothermal minerals and clays, incongruent solution of dolomite, and sulphate reduction.  相似文献   
New analyses have been performed in order to enhance the data-set on the independent ages of four glasses that have been proposed as reference materials for fission-track dating. The results are as follows. Moldavite - repeated 40Ar/39Ar age determinations on samples from deposits from Bohemia and Moravia yielded an average of 14.34 ± 0.08 Ma. This datum agrees with other recent determinations and is significantly younger than the 40Ar/39Ar age of 15.21 ± 0.15 Ma determined in the early 1980s. Macusanite (Peru) -four K-Ar ages ranging from 5.44 ± 0.06 to 5.72 ± 0.12 Ma have been published previously. New 40Ar/39Ar ages gave an average of 5.12 ± 0.04 Ma. Plateau fission-track ages determined using the IRMM-540 certified glass and U and Th thin films for neutron fluence measurements agree better with these new 40Ar/39Ar ages than the previously published ages. Roccastrada glass (Italy) - a new 40Ar/39Ar age, 2.45 ± 0.04 Ma, is consistent with previous determinations. The Quiron obsidian (Argentina) is a recently discovered glass that has been proposed as an additional reference material for its high spontaneous track density (around 100 000 cm-2). Defects that might produce "spurious" tracks are virtually absent. An independent 40Ar/39Ar age of 8.77 ± 0.09 Ma was determined and is recommended for this glass. We believe that these materials, which will be distributed upon request to fission-track groups, will be very useful for testing system calibrations and experimental procedures.  相似文献   
This paper reports on site characterization for a set of accelerometric stations of the RAN (Italian accelerometric network) with specific attention to the shear wave velocity profile. The latter is indeed of primary importance for the usability of the accelerometric database. Surface wave analysis has been chosen as the primary investigation method since it offers the possibility of reaching the required accuracy with reasonable costs. A range of different techniques, both of the active-source and passive-source types, has been adopted to cope with the objectives of the characterization in relation to specific geological settings. Quality assessment of experimental data has been implemented to check the consistency of the measurements also with respect to the fundamental hypotheses of the method. Strategies to improve the reliability and robustness of the surface wave data inversion were exploited in order to mitigate problems arising from solution non-uniqueness and influence of higher modes in the propagation. Comparisons with independent borehole tests, available at some specific sites, confirm the reliability of the results. Although the research program covered only a subset of the network, the obtained results show the importance of specific experimental investigations aimed at estimating the shear wave velocity profile. Indeed the results lead to a re-classification of several sites with respect to the preliminary classification based on surface geology. Within this context, four selected case histories are reported in the present paper.  相似文献   
The 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event caused extensive damage in the city of L’Aquila and in some small towns in its vicinity. The most severe damage was recognized SE of L’Aquila town along the Aterno river valley. Although building vulnerability and near-source effects are strongly responsible for the high level of destruction, site effects have been invoked to explain the damage heterogeneities and the similarities between the 2009 macroseismic field with the intensities of historical earthquakes. The small village of Onna is settled on quaternary alluvium and suffered during the L’Aquila event an extremely heavy damage in the masonry structures with intensity IX–X on the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg (MCS) scale. The village of Monticchio, far less than 1.3 km from Onna, is mostly situated on Mesozoic limestone and suffered a smaller level of damaging (VI MCS). In the present paper, we analyze the aftershock recordings at seismic stations deployed in a small area of the middle-Aterno valley including Onna and Monticchio. The aim is to investigate local amplification effects caused by the near-surface geology. Because the seismological stations are close together, vulnerability and near-source effects are assumed to be constant. The waveform analysis shows that the ground motion at Onna is systematically characterized by large high-frequency content. The frequency resonance is varying from 2 to 3 Hz and it is related to alluvial sediments with a thickness of about 40 m that overlay a stiffer Pleistocene substrate. The ground motion recordings of Onna are well reproduced by the predictive equation for the Italian territory.  相似文献   
New Hornblende K-Ar and 39Ar-40Ar and mica Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages are used to place specific timemarks on a well-constrained pressure-temperature path for the late Alpine metamorphism in the Western Tauern Window. After identification of excess 40Ar, the closure behavior of Ar in hornblende is compared with that of Sr and Ar in phengite and biotite. Samples were collected in three locations, whose maximum temperatures were 570° C (Zemmgrund), 550° C (Pfitscher Joch), and 500–540° C (Landshuter Hütte).The average undisturbed age sequence found is: Phengite Rb-Sr (20 Ma)>hornblende K-Ar (18 Ma)>phengite K-Ar (15 Ma)>biotite Rb-Sr, K-Ar (13.3 Ma)>apatite FT (7 Ma). Except for the phengite Rb-Sr age, the significance of which is debatable, all ages are cooling ages. No compositional effects are seen for closure in biotite. Additionally, Rb-Sr phengite ages from shearzones possibly indicate continuous shearing from 20 to 15 Ma, with reservations regarding the validity of the initial Sr correction and possible variations of the closure temperatures. The obviously lower closure temperature (T c) for Ar in these hornblendes than for Sr in the unsheared phengites indicates that the T c sequence in the Western Tauern Window is different from those observed in other terrains. In spite of this discrepancy, valuable geological conclusions can be drawn if the application of closure temperatures is limited to this restricted area with similar T, P and : (1) All ages of samples located on equal metamorphic isotherms decrease from east to west by about 1 Ma which is the result of a westward tilting of the Tauern Window during uplift. (2) In a PT-path, the undisturbed cooling ages yield constantly decreasing uplift rates from 3.6 mm/a to 0.1 mm/a. (3) Use of recently published diffusion data for Ar in hornblende (T c=520° C) and biotite (T c=320° C) suggests an extrapolated phengite closure temperature for Sr at 550° C. This suggests that the prograde thermal metamorphism at this tectonic level of the Tauern Window lasted until some 20 Ma ago.  相似文献   
Interionic potential calculations conducted on simple spinels in the framework of the Born model indicate that, within experimental uncertainties, observed control of P, T intensive variables on long-range disorder may be completely due to static effects. Parameterization of repulsive potentials allows us to rationalize the existing experimental data and quantify the variation of static energy, configuration entropy and static Gibbs free energy with temperature. The static energy of the investigated phases cannot be expressed in simple quadratic terms of the inversion parameter, as commonly assumed, but requires higher order terms. Knowledge of the longrange disorder at various temperatures allows us to express configurational entropy as a Maier-Kelley type polynomial expansion on temperature. As configurational entropy simply depends on the static part of the internal energy, the integration of the obtained functions in d T allows rapid evaluation of the effect of long-range disorder on the static part of energy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den penninischen Gneisen, Glimmerschiefern und Amphiboliten der Zillertaler Alpen (Tirol/Österreich) treten Granate mit zwei Arten von Zonarbau auf: a) kontinuierlichem glockenförmigen und b) diskontinuierlichem sprunghaften. Die Granate mit kontinuierlichem Zonarbau sind im Kern MnO- und CaO-reich und im Rand FeO- und MgO-reich. Die Granate aus der Grünschieferfazies haben einen stärkeren Zonarbau als die der Amphibolitfazies.Die Granate mit diskontinuierlichem Zonarbau kommen in Gesteinen der Greinerschieferserie und in den gebänderten migmatischen Gneisen vor. Solche Granate zeigen eine sprunghafte Änderung ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung an der Grenze zwischen dem idiomorphen Kern und dem Rand. Der Kern ist MnO-reich und CaO-arm, der Rand hingegen CaO- und FeO-reich. Dieser diskontinuerliche Zonarbau ist die Folge einer wahrscheinlich zweiaktigen kretazischen oder tertiären Metamorphose. Der Verteilungskoeffizient für das Mineralpaar Granat/Biotit ist in der Grünschieferfazies 57 für MnO und 0,3 für MgO. In der Amphibolitfazies ist er entsprechend 6 und 0,4.
Continuous and discontinuous zoning in the garnets of the Penninic rocks of the Zillertaler Alpen (Tyrol/Austria)
Summary In the Penninic gneisses, micaschists and amphibolites of the Zillertaler Alpen (Tyrol/Austria) the garnets show two types of zoning: a) a continuous bellshaped zoning, and b) a discontinuous zoning. The garnets with a continuous zoning have cores rich in MnO and CaO and rims rich in FeO and MgO. The differences in composition between cores and rims are greater in the garnets of the Greenschist facies than in those of the Amphibolite facies.Garnets with discontinuous zoning are found in the rocks of the Greinerschiefer series and in migmatic gneisses. These garnets show an abrupt compositional change from euhedral cores very rich in MnO and poor in CaO to marginal zones rich in CaO and FeO. The discontinous zoning is due to a two stage metamorphism of possiblyCretaceous to Tertiary age. The distribution coefficients for the mineral pair garnet/biotite are about 57 for MnO and 0.3 for MgO in the Greenschist facies and 6 for MnO and 0.4 for MgO in the Amphibolite facies.

Mit 6 Abbildungen  相似文献   
The amethyst-bearing geodes found in the flood basalts of the Arapey formation at Artigas (Uruguay) were formed as protogeodes by bubbles of CO2-rich basalt-derived fluids. The formation of the celadonite rim and the lining of the geodes by agate followed by quartz and amethyst were driven by the artesian water of the Guaraní aquifer percolating the basalts from below. The temperature of the amethyst formation is estimated from fluid inclusion data to be between 50° and 120°C. Oxygen stable isotope data suggest a crystallization temperature of calcite of about only 24°C. The actual wellhead temperature of the water produced from the Guaraní aquifer in the study area is around 29°C.  相似文献   
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