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The Dorn gold deposit in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica is a fault related gold-only deposit and it represents the first described occurrence of gold mineralization in Paleozoic terranes of the Antarctic continent. The deposit is hosted in lower greenschist facies Middle Cambrian metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Bowers terrane. Gold-bearing veins are located in a brittle–ductile reverse high-strain zone, which was produced by transpressional deformation that overprints the structures of the Cambrian–Ordovician Ross Orogeny. The vein system is surrounded by a hydrothermal alteration zone that is as much as 300-m-wide, where the host rocks are partially to completely transformed into Fe–Mg carbonate-rich rocks with different degrees of replacement of the original mineralogy and texture.The type of host rock, the temperature estimates for mineralization from 290–320 °C, the quartz dominant vein system with sulfides and Fe-rich carbonates, and the controlling structures linked to a convergent margin tectonic setting together suggest that this mineralized vein system can be classified as an orogenic gold deposit. Close analogies are found with deposits of the Stawell zone in western Victoria, which is consistent with the correlation between units and hydrothermal events in northern Victoria Land and southeastern Australia.  相似文献   
A methodology is proposed for the inference, at the regional and local scales, of flood magnitude and associated probability. Once properly set-up, this methodology is able to provide flood frequencies distributions at gauged and un-gauged river sections pertaining to the same homogeneous region, using information extracted from rainfall observations. A proper flood frequency distribution can be therefore predicted even in un-gauged watersheds, for which no discharge time series is available.  相似文献   
Palaeomagnetic techniques for estimating the emplacement temperatures of volcanic deposits have been applied to pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits in kimberlite pipes in southern Africa. Lithic clasts were sampled from a variety of lithofacies from three pipes for which the internal geology is well constrained (the Cretaceous A/K1 pipe, Orapa Mine, Botswana, and the Cambrian K1 and K2 pipes, Venetia Mine, South Africa). The sampled deposits included massive and layered vent-filling breccias with varying abundances of lithic inclusions, layered crater-filling pyroclastic deposits, talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias. Basalt lithic clasts in the layered and massive vent-filling pyroclastic deposits in the A/K1 pipe at Orapa were emplaced at >570°C, in the pyroclastic crater-filling deposits at 200–440°C and in crater-filling talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias at <180°C. The results from the K1 and K2 pipes at Venetia suggest emplacement temperatures for the vent-filling breccias of 260°C to >560°C, although the interpretation of these results is hampered by the presence of Mesozoic magnetic overprints. These temperatures are comparable to the estimated emplacement temperatures of other kimberlite deposits and fall within the proposed stability field for common interstitial matrix mineral assemblages within vent-filling volcaniclastic kimberlites. The temperatures are also comparable to those obtained for pyroclastic deposits in other, silicic, volcanic systems. Because the lithic content of the studied deposits is 10–30%, the initial bulk temperature of the pyroclastic mixture of cold lithic clasts and juvenile kimberlite magma could have been 300–400°C hotter than the palaeomagnetic estimates. Together with the discovery of welded and agglutinated juvenile pyroclasts in some pyroclastic kimberlites, the palaeomagnetic results indicate that there are examples of kimberlites where phreatomagmatism did not play a major role in the generation of the pyroclastic deposits. This study indicates that palaeomagnetic methods can successfully distinguish differences in the emplacement temperatures of different kimberlite facies.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop an approach to characterize cropland drought conditions in El Salvador, Central America. The data were processed for 2016–2017 through three main steps: (1) reconstructing MODIS land-surface temperature (LST), (2) Landsat-MODIS data fusion and (3) drought delineation using the temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI). The results of LST reconstruction using the random forests (RF) indicated the median RMSE value of 0.5?°C. The fusion results achieved from the STARFM compared with the reference Landsat data revealed close agreement with the correlation coefficient (r) values higher than 0.84. The TVDI results verified with that from the reference Landsat data indicated r values of 0.85 and 0.75 for 2016 and 2017, respectively. The larger very dry area was observed for the 2016 primera season due to prolonged droughts. Approximately 11.5% and 10.7% of croplands were, respectively, associated with very dry moisture condition in the 2016 and 2017 primera seasons.  相似文献   
Lawsonite blueschists are important markers of cold subduction zones, subjected to intense fluid circulation. This is because lawsonite preservation in exhumed blueschists and eclogites is typically linked to cold exhumation paths, accompanied by hydration. In the Catena Costiera (Calabria, southern Italy), lawsonite–clinopyroxene blueschists of the Diamante–Terranova Unit, affected by ductile shearing and retrogression, are exposed. Blueschists contain zoned clinopyroxene crystals, showing core–rim compositional variation from diopside to omphacite and hosting primary inclusions of lawsonite and titanite. Thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria in the NCKFMASHTO system revealed peak metamorphic conditions of 2.0–2.1 GPa and 475–490°C for the Alpine subduction in Calabria. The subsequent post-peak metamorphic evolution mainly proceeded along a decompression and cooling path up to ~1.1 GPa and ~380°C. The final exhumation stages are recorded in the sheared blueschists where a mylonitic to ultramylonitic foliation developed at ~0.7 GPa and 290–315°C. Therefore, the P–T evolution of the Diamante–Terranova blueschists mostly occurred in the stability field of lawsonite, sustained by H2O-saturated conditions during the exhumation path. The results of this study indicate that the blueschists underwent peak metamorphic conditions higher than previously thought, reaching a maximum depth of ~70 km under a very cold geothermal gradient (~6.6°C/km), during the Eocene subduction of the Ligurian Tethys oceanic crust in Calabria.  相似文献   
The Chisone Valley is located in the internal NW Alps, in the Pinerolese District, an area characterized by present low to medium seismicity. Fine-grained sediments (sand, silt and clay with interbedded gravel) crop out in the lower Chisone Valley: they were first interpreted as glaciolacustrine deposits, and then as a lacustrine infilling of the valley floor probably due to differential uplifting of the valley mouth. Review of this data, together with new field and palynological observations, lead us to refer the lacustrine deposits to approximately the Lower Pleistocene (Villafranchian). In many outcrops, the lacustrine deposits show strong soft-sediment deformation such as convolute laminations, water-escape structures and disrupted beds, some of them associated with folds and faults (cm to dm in size); only two sites show metric to decametric folds and faults trending E-W and N-S. Detailed structural analysis conducted along a recently exposed section (Rio Gran Dubbione site) shows several soft-sediment deformation features on the limbs of mesoscale folds. Because of their intimate structural association, the origin of these minor structures seems to be connected to synsedimentary activity on reverse and normal faults (m to dm in size) affecting the lacustrine deposits in the same locality. Soft-sediment deformation features can be interpreted as possible paleoseismites. If so, the present seismicity of the Pinerolese District, which is the major area of such activity in NW Italy, cannot be considered an isolated episode in the geological evolution of the region; even if there is no supporting evidence for continuous seismicity, the deformations in the lacustrine sediments of the Chisone Valley testify to Early Pleistocene seismic activity, probably related to the recent tectonic evolution of the internal side of the NW Alps.  相似文献   
We describe an efficient algorithm to compute all the critical points of the distance function between two Keplerian orbits (either bounded or unbounded) with a common focus. The critical values of this function are important for different purposes, for example to evaluate the risk of collisions of asteroids or comets with the Solar system planets. Our algorithm is based on the algebraic elimination theory: through the computation of the resultant of two bivariate polynomials, we find a 16th degree univariate polynomial whose real roots give us one component of the critical points. We discuss also some degenerate cases and show several examples, involving the orbits of the known asteroids and comets.   相似文献   
Quaternary alkali olivine basalts and nephelinites from the Hoggar area (Southern Algeria) contain numerous lherzolite inclusions. The investigated nodules have been classified into three textural categories: coarse, porphyroclastic and granuloblastic. Microprobe analyses have been carried out on the coexisting phases (olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, pargasite, Al rich glass) from 10 selected samples, with a special attention to pyroxene porphyroclasts which are zoned in Al and Cr. Most of the porphyroclastic xenoliths contain secondary pargasite (or its breakdown products) which is thought to reflect a metasomatic event in mantle conditions. Equilibrium temperatures and pressures have been calculated for the three groups, using the single-pyroxene method: the coarse samples have been equilibrated at higher pressures (20–25 kb) and temperatures (1,000° C–1,100° C) than the granuloblastic samples (about 10 kb and 900° C); with regards to the porphyroclastic xenoliths, the estimated T and P have been related to two stages of crystallization (corresponding to porphyroclasts and neoblasts). Relationships between phase compositions, rock-textures and metasomatism are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
In this paper, numerical insights on the seismic behavior of a non-isolated historical masonry tower are presented and discussed. The tower under study is the main tower of the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a town located near the city of Modena (Italy). Such a tower is surrounded by adjacent structural elements and, therefore, is not isolated. This historical monument has been hit by the devastating seismic sequence occurred in May 2012 in the Northern part of the Emilia region (the so-called “Emilia earthquake”), showing a huge and widespread damage. Here, in order to understand the behavior of the structure, its interaction with the adjacent buildings and the reasons of the occurred damage, advanced numerical analyses (both nonlinear static and dynamic) are performed on a 3D finite element model with different levels of constraint supplied by the adjacent structural elements and a detailed comparison between the simulated damage and the actual one is carried out. The results of the conducted numerical campaign show a good agreement with the actual crack pattern, particularly for the model of the tower that considers the adjacent structural elements.  相似文献   
Riassunto L'A., ricordata la classica equazione di Clairaut sulla costituzione interna terrestre ed accennate le varie ipotesi sulla variazione continua della densità escogitate per integrare l'equazione di Clairaut, riporta i dati numerici ottenuti da Bullen per una distribuzione discontinua di densità. Determina in base ai dati di Bullen i coefficienti di quattro funzioni atte a fornire la densità a qualsiasi profondità e istituisce notevoli confronti fra le ipotesi di Roche, Helmert, Legendre, De Chaurand, Helmert generalizzata e Bullen. — Da ultimo studia il problema della variazione della gravità nell'interno della terra prendendo a base dei calcoli la ipotesi sulla variazione discontinua della densità di Bullen e qualla sulla variazione continua dovuta all'A. e da lui denominata ipotesi di Helmert generalizzata.
Summary The Author, having summarized the classical equation of Clairaut on the internal structure of the earth and having touched upon the sundry hypotheses on the continual variation of density devised for the integration of Clairaut's equation, reports the numerical data obtained by Bullen for a discontinual distribution of density. The Author determines, after bullen's data, the coefficients of four functions apt to furnish the density at any dept whatever and makes some remarkable comparisons among the hypotheses of Roche, Helmert, Legendre, De Chaurand, Helmert generalized and Bullen. Lastly the Author studies the problem of the variation of gravity in the interior of the errth taking as a foundation of his calculations the hypothesis on the discontinual variation by Bullen and his own hypothesis on the continual variation that he calls Helmert's generalized hypothesis.

Zusammenfassung Der Verf. erinnert zuerst die Gleichung von Clairaut betreffs der innere Beschaffenheit der Erde, sowie die verschiedenen Annahmen über die Veränderungen seiner Dichte. Auf Grund der Verteilung von Bullen bestimmt er die Koeffizienten von vier Funktionen durch welche möglich ist die Dichte in von Roche, Helmert, Legender, De Chaurand, Helmert verallgem. und Bellen. Ausserdem untersucht er das Problem der Schwere-Verteilung im Innern der Erde für die Annahme von Bullen sowie für die stetige Verteilung nach einer Formel des Verf. welche eine Verallgemeineung der Helmertschen Formel darstellt.
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