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A sub-bottom acoustic survey of Devil Lake on the Canadian Shield in southern Ontario reveals three acoustic facies: (I) a moderately acoustically transparent, laminated sequence interpreted as a glacilacustrine deposit in glacial Lake Iroquois or a subsequent phase in water depths up to 200 m greater than at present, (II) a transitional more transparent, less layered facies interpreted as being deposited in a more distal glacial lake from erosion of sediment in the watershed exposed by the failure of the ice dam and lowering of the glacial lake before stabilization by the development of forests, and (III) an acoustically transparent facies with similar transmissivity to the water column, interpreted as Holocene gyttja. Each is spatially variable in extent and thickness in response to those processes. There is only a very weak relation between sediment thickness and the water depth in which it was deposited. Wave processes prevent deposition in water depths less than about 6 m and evidence of erosion to the greatest depths of the lake (>40 m) is pervasive. The data demonstrate the value of acoustic survey in assessing lacustrine processes and the history of lakes, and the significance of such documentation in planning a coring program and in interpreting the results.  相似文献   

Two dynamical models are used to perform a series of seasonal predictions. One model, referred to as GCM2, was designed as a general circulation model for climate studies, while the second one, SEF, was designed for numerical weather prediction. The seasonal predictions cover the 26‐year period 1969–1994. For each of the four seasons, ensembles of six forecasts are produced with each model, the six runs starting from initial conditions six hours apart. The sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly for the month prior to the start of the forecast is persisted through the three‐month prediction period, and added to a monthly‐varying climatological SST field.

The ensemble‐mean predictions for each of the models are verified independently, and the two ensembles are blended together in two different ways: as a simple average of the two models, denoted GCMSEF, and with weights statistically determined to minimize the mean‐square error (the Best Linear Unbiased Estimate (BLUE) method).

The GCMSEF winter and spring predictions show a Pacific/North American (PNA) response to a warm tropical SST anomaly. The temporal anomaly correlation between the zero‐lead GCMSEF mean‐seasonal predictions and observations of the 500‐hPa height field (Z500) shows statistically significant forecast skill over parts of the PNA area for all seasons, but there is a notable seasonal variability in the distribution of the skill. The GCMSEF predictions are more skilful than those of either model in winter, and about as skilful as the better of the two models in the other seasons.

The zero‐lead surface air temperature GCMSEF forecasts over Canada are found to be skilful (a) over the west coast in all seasons except fall, (b) over most of Canada in summer, and (c) over Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec in the fall. In winter the skill of the BLUE forecasts is substantially better than that of the GCMSEF predictions, while for the other seasons the difference in skill is not statistically significant.

When the Z500 forecasts are averaged over months two and three of the seasons (one‐month lead predictions), they show skill in winter over the north‐eastern Pacific, western Canada and eastern North America, a skill that comes from those years with strong SST anomalies of the El Niño/La Niña type. For the other seasons, predictions averaged over months two and three show little skill in Z500 in the mid‐latitudes. In the tropics, predictive skill is found in Z500 in all seasons when a strong SST anomaly of the El Niño/La Niña type is observed. In the absence of SST anomalies of this type, tropical forecast skill is still found over much of the tropics in months two and three of the northern hemisphere spring and summer, but not in winter and fall.  相似文献   
A key to understanding Late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction dynamics is knowledge of megafaunal ecological response(s) to long-term environmental perturbations. Strategically, that requires targeting fossil deposits that accumulated during glacial and interglacial intervals both before and after human arrival, with subsequent palaeoecological models underpinned by robust and reliable chronologies. Late Pleistocene vertebrate fossil localities from the Darling Downs, eastern Australia, provide stratigraphically-intact, abundant megafaunal sequences, which allows for testing of anthropogenic versus climate change megafauna extinction hypotheses. Each stratigraphic unit at site QML796, Kings Creek Catchment, was previously shown to have had similar sampling potential, and the basal units contain both small-sized taxa (e.g., land snails, frogs, bandicoots, rodents) and megafauna. Importantly, sequential faunal horizons show stepwise decrease in taxonomic diversity with the loss of some, but not all, megafauna in the geographically-small palaeocatchment. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of our intensive, multidisciplinary dating study of the deposits (>40 dates). Dating by means of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C (targeting bone, freshwater molluscs, and charcoal) and thermal ionisation mass spectrometry U/Th (targeting teeth and freshwater molluscs) do not agree with each other and, in the case of AMS 14C dating, lack internal consistency. Scanning electron microscopy and rare earth element analyses demonstrate that the dated molluscs are diagenetically altered and contain aragonite cements that incorporated secondary young C, suggesting that such dates should be regarded as minimum ages. AMS 14C dated charcoals provide ages that occur out of stratigraphic order, and cluster in the upper chronological limits of the technique (~40–48 ka). Again, we suggest that such results should be regarded as suspicious and only minimum ages. Subsequent OSL and U/Th (teeth) dating provide complimentary results and demonstrate that the faunal sequences actually span ~120–83 ka, thus occurring beyond the AMS 14C dating window. Importantly, the dates suggest that the local decline in biological diversity was initiated ~75,000 years before the colonisation of humans on the continent. Collectively, the data are most parsimoniously consistent with a pre-human climate change model for local habitat change and megafauna extinction, but not with a nearly simultaneous extinction of megafauna as required by the human-induced blitzkrieg extinction hypothesis. This study demonstrates the problems inherent in dating deposits that lie near the chronological limits of the radiocarbon dating technique, and highlights the need to cross-check previously-dated archaeological and megafauna deposits within the timeframe of earliest human colonisation and latest megafaunal survival.  相似文献   
In this paper we present two methods to derive electron fluid parameters from the CAPS–ELS spectrometer on board the Cassini spacecraft currently in orbit around Saturn. In the first part of the paper we give a basic overview of the instrument and describe the challenges inherent in the derivation of density and temperature values using these techniques. We then describe a method to calculate electron moments by integrating the particle distribution function. We also describe a second technique in which we fit the electron energy spectrum with a Gaussian curve and use the peak energy of this curve to derive density and temperature values. We then compare the two methods with particular emphasis on their application to Cassini SOI observations in the saturnian environment and point out the limitations of the two techniques. We will show that results from the two very different methods are in agreement when the physical properties of the environment and of the observed electron populations have been inferred from inspection of the raw data. Finally we will suggest future developments that will remove these limitations.  相似文献   
The 40Ar/39Ar geochronological method was applied to date magmatic and hydrothermal alteration events in the Mantos Blancos mining district in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile, allowing the distinction of two separate mineralization events. The Late Jurassic Mantos Blancos orebody, hosted in Jurassic volcanic rocks, is a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia-style Cu deposit. Two superimposed mineralization events have been recently proposed. The first event is accompanied by a phyllic hydrothermal alteration affecting a rhyolitic dome. The second mineralization event is related to the intrusion of bimodal stocks and sills inside the deposit. Because of the superposition of several magmatic and hydrothermal events, the obtained 40Ar/39Ar age data are complex; however, with a careful interpretation of the age spectra, it is possible to detect complex histories of successive emplacement, alteration, mineralization, and thermal resetting. The extrusion of Jurassic basic to intermediate volcanic rocks of the La Negra Formation is dated at 156.3 ± 1.4 Ma (2σ) using plagioclase from an andesitic lava flow. The first mineralization event and associated phyllic alteration affecting the rhyolitic dome occurred around 155–156 Ma. A younger bimodal intrusive event, supposed to be equivalent to the bimodal stock and sill system inside the deposit, is probably responsible for the second mineralization event dated at ca. 142 Ma. Other low-temperature alteration events have been dated on sericitized plagioclase at ca. 145–146, 125, and 101 Ma. This is the first time that two distinct mineralization events have been documented from radiometric data for a copper deposit in the metallogenic belt of the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Ship noise received on a horizontal array towed behind the ship is shown to be useful as a potentially diagnostic tool for estimating local acoustic bottom properties. In numerical simulations, tow-ship noise which bounces off the bottom is processed on a beamformer that shows the arrival angles; the beamformer output is readily interpreted by relating it to the Green's function of the acoustic wave equation. Simple signal processing is shown to be sufficient to extract the propagation angles of the "trapped" (i.e., propagating) modes of the acoustic waveguide. By relating the trapped modes to a basic geophysical model of the bottom, one can predict acoustic-propagation conditions for a particular bottom-interacting ocean acoustic environment.  相似文献   
An assessment of the utility of staurolite in U-Pb dating of metamorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pb isotope data, major and trace element compositions, fission track and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analyses are presented for staurolites from nine pelitic schists in the continental United States to evaluate their potential use in U-Pb geochronology. Seven U-Pb analyses from Lanzirotti and Hanson (1995) are reexamined with respect to this additional data which was not available at the time. These data are then compared to 21 new U-Pb analyses of staurolite of varying composition from a variety of localities. The primary goals of this study are to: (1) evaluate the variability in U and Pb abundance and U/Pb ratio in staurolites of varying composition; (2) constrain how much of the measured U and Pb is derived from radiogenic solid inclusions such as monazite and zircon; (3) constrain how much of the measured U and Pb is derived from staurolite itself and evaluate any possible correlation of U and Pb abundance and U/Pb ratio to major element composition; (4) place preliminary constraints on closure temperature to Pb diffusion in staurolite; (5) evaluate how meaningful U-Pb ages can better be calculated for the low U/Pb ratio minerals. In the staurolite fractions analyzed U abundances range from 0.2 to 24.9 ppm, Pb from 0.13 to 2.41 ppm, the 238U/204Pb ratios vary from 135 to 9447, and the 206Pb/204Pb ratios from 23 to 623. For many of the fractions analyzed precise U-Pb ages can be calculated (±10 Ma or better) that appear to be consistent with available age constraints on the time of peak metamorphism. Mass balance calculations, fission track analysis, and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence trace element mapping show that although radiogenic inclusions are almost always present in large staurolite porphyroblasts, it is difficult for inclusions to account for the measured Pb isotopic compositions. It is also demonstrated that the U-Pb ages calculated for staurolites from Connecticut are at least 20 Ma older than nearby Rb-Sr muscovite and 40Ar-39Ar hornblende ages. This is consistent with staurolite having a closure temperature to U and Pb diffusion significantly higher than 500 °C. Received: 14 July 1995 / Accepted: 16 May 1997  相似文献   
It is argued that a reliable theory of the stress history of the Moon should take into account several factors; and that direct observations of the Moon's surface can throw much light on this subject.  相似文献   
The present study indicates that most semiconductor components are fabricated such that they are not affected by operation in a dielectric oil environment. A quantitative estimate of the conditions under which oil-soluble ions will invert semiconductor surfaces and interfere with proper device operation is developed. The results are discussed in terms of pressure-tolerant electronic systems—solid-state components operated immersed in chemically inert dielectric oils when these components are subject to, and experience, ambient hydrostatic pressures of the ocean depths. The feasibility of pressure-tolerant electronic systems is demonstrated.  相似文献   
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