Testate amoebae are informative about palaeoecological conditions, but the methods generally used for their analyses in lake
sediments differ from those used for their analyses in peats, making comparisons difficult. This study examines how filter
mesh size and total number of individuals counted affect species richness, Shannon diversity, equitability, density and assemblage
structure. We analysed the complete testate amoeba contents of six sediment samples from Lake Lautrey, France. The abundance
of testate amoebae was high (1,403–10,870 shells cm−3), and species smaller than 63 μm in both length and width represented up to 89% of total abundance and 43% of species richness.
A simulation showed that using 47- or 63-μm mesh-size filters reduced inter-sample differences and changed the patterns of
abundance, species richness and assemblage structure, causing loss of information and leading to potential erroneous palaeoecological
interpretation. Rarefaction analyses suggest that although 170 shells are sufficient to assess the general structure of assemblages,
such small sample sizes can underestimate species richness by overlooking taxa with relative abundances <4%. Total counts
of 400 shells yield better estimates of assemblage structure and recover at least 50% of total species richness, although
species with absolute frequencies below 2% may still be missed. Higher counts are required to obtain reliable estimates of
species richness and assemblage structure in samples that have high testate amoeba densities but are dominated by a few small
taxa. Further studies should determine the bioindicator value and functional roles of small and/or rare species in lakes and
thus to what extent overlooking them affects palaeoecological interpretations. 相似文献
Strain-controlled cyclic triaxial tests were performed on a one-size silica (Ottawa) sand artificially frozen into 71.1-mm-diameter cylindrical samples. Ice-saturated samples with three different sand contents were tested under the following conditions: axial strains ranging from 3 × 10−3 to 3 X 10−2%, confining pressures from zero to 1.378 MPa, frequencies of 0.05–5.0 cps and temperatures from −1 to −10 °C.
Test equipment included (1) an MTS electrohydraulic closed-loop testing system which applies the load to the sample, (2) a triaxial cell completely immersed in a low-temperature coolant for temperature control, (3) a refrigeration unit for control of the coolant temperature and constant coolant circulation and (4) measuring devices including an LVDT and load cell, together with recording devices such as a digital multimeter, an oscilloscope, a strip-chart recorder and a minicomputer.
Test results indicate that the dynamic Young's modulus increases with increasing frequency, confining pressure and sand content, but decreases with increasing strain and temperature. The damping ratio decreases with increasing frequency, sand content and lower temperatures. The influence of confining pressures and axial strain on the damping ratio are less explicit for the ranges considered. The experimental results are compared with data from other sources. 相似文献
Devil Lake is morphologically complex as a result of Pleistocene glacial erosion of the Frontenac Axis of the Canadian Shield. In order to assess the processes causing highly variable sedimentation in the lake, we monitored currents, suspended sediment and temperature in the lake before and during autumn overturn in 2002. Strong summer thermal stratification (stability number to 0.11 s–1 declining with the approach of overturn) was insufficient to prevent a dynamic response in the hypolimnion to wind forcing. Superimposed on a gradual increase in suspended sediment concentration in the last weeks of stratification from less than 2 g/l to about 30 g/l were shorter-term rises lasting up to several days. Associated with these events was an increase in particle size of the sediment from a mode of 40–50 to 150–200 m ascribed to flocculation from primary particles. These events culminated in rapid (<1 h) clearing of the water associated with strong, sustained winds over the lake, especially from the southwest. After overturn, the events were more frequent, and flocculation was unable to develop as well in the more vigorous circulation. However, currents in the hypolimnion occurred throughout the period before, during and after overturn with speed related to wind speed, but direction largely independent of wind direction. The results represent an approach to understanding the nature of sedimentary processes and thus to strengthening the use of sedimentary records as proxy in environmental and paleoenvironmental assessment. 相似文献
Feminist research methodologies have many advantages over more traditional positivist methodologies. Feminist research is differentiated from nonfeminist research in terms of its critiques of universality and objectivity and its emancipatory purpose. Drawing on my own research on the survival strategies of low-waged women workers in Worcester, Massachusetts, I argue that we need to examine more critically our feminist research methods in terms of the unequal power relationships on which the research process necessarily rests. 相似文献
Particulate dispersion from sources within a 10- to 13-m tall pine forest was studied experimentally at Brookhaven National Laboratory using stained ragweed pollen and other tracers ranging from 14 to 58 m in size. Forty-seven continuous point source releases lasting from 22 to 55 min were made at heights from 1.75 to 14.0 m from locations having a long fetch through the forest. In most experiments, differently colored ragweed pollen were emitted simultaneously from three locations. In other tests, several particle types were released from a single point. The sampling network consisted of 119 rotoslide samplers at heights from 0.5 to 21.0 m at 57 positions within and at the edge of the forest. Deposition to the ground was sampled by greased microscope slides at each position. Meteorological measurements were taken in and near the forest.Data were classified by particle characteristics, source height and meteorological parameters. Concentration patterns were illustrated on scale diagrams of the sampling grid. Changes in centerline and crosswind integrated concentrations, plume width and height, mass flux, deposition and deposition velocity were studied as a function of distance, particle size and wind speed. Results were compared to those obtained from similar releases over open terrain.In the forest, vertical predominates over lateral dispersion and considerable interchange occurs through the canopy. Flow is channelled somewhat by vegetation density differences but is generally in the direction of the mean wind above the forest. No systematic turning of the wind with height was observed. Most particles are lost to the foliage rather than to the ground and large particles are lost more rapidly than smaller ones. Rate of change in mass flux is similar to that over open terrain and is greater with light than with stronger wind speeds.This research was carried out under the auspices of the New York State Museum and Science Service and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (now Energy Research and Development Administration) and was partially supported by Research Grant No. R-800677 from the Division of Meteorology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 相似文献
Abstract Two dynamical models are used to perform a series of seasonal predictions. One model, referred to as GCM2, was designed as a general circulation model for climate studies, while the second one, SEF, was designed for numerical weather prediction. The seasonal predictions cover the 26‐year period 1969–1994. For each of the four seasons, ensembles of six forecasts are produced with each model, the six runs starting from initial conditions six hours apart. The sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly for the month prior to the start of the forecast is persisted through the three‐month prediction period, and added to a monthly‐varying climatological SST field. The ensemble‐mean predictions for each of the models are verified independently, and the two ensembles are blended together in two different ways: as a simple average of the two models, denoted GCMSEF, and with weights statistically determined to minimize the mean‐square error (the Best Linear Unbiased Estimate (BLUE) method). The GCMSEF winter and spring predictions show a Pacific/North American (PNA) response to a warm tropical SST anomaly. The temporal anomaly correlation between the zero‐lead GCMSEF mean‐seasonal predictions and observations of the 500‐hPa height field (Z500) shows statistically significant forecast skill over parts of the PNA area for all seasons, but there is a notable seasonal variability in the distribution of the skill. The GCMSEF predictions are more skilful than those of either model in winter, and about as skilful as the better of the two models in the other seasons. The zero‐lead surface air temperature GCMSEF forecasts over Canada are found to be skilful (a) over the west coast in all seasons except fall, (b) over most of Canada in summer, and (c) over Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec in the fall. In winter the skill of the BLUE forecasts is substantially better than that of the GCMSEF predictions, while for the other seasons the difference in skill is not statistically significant. When the Z500 forecasts are averaged over months two and three of the seasons (one‐month lead predictions), they show skill in winter over the north‐eastern Pacific, western Canada and eastern North America, a skill that comes from those years with strong SST anomalies of the El Niño/La Niña type. For the other seasons, predictions averaged over months two and three show little skill in Z500 in the mid‐latitudes. In the tropics, predictive skill is found in Z500 in all seasons when a strong SST anomaly of the El Niño/La Niña type is observed. In the absence of SST anomalies of this type, tropical forecast skill is still found over much of the tropics in months two and three of the northern hemisphere spring and summer, but not in winter and fall. 相似文献
Abstract According to linear inviscid theory, the reflection of internal waves off a uniformly sloping bottom should lead to greatly enhanced energy density, and a cross‐isobath alignment of motions, near the critical frequency ωc for which the wave ray slope equals the bottom slope. Current‐meter data from the continental rise and slope off Nova Scotia are used to test this hypothesis. Near‐bottom energy enhancement at ωc was found to be significant at the 95% level for 8 out of 30 tests performed, whereas cross‐isobath alignment of motions near ωc was significant at the 95% level for 10 out of 15 tests performed. Some aspects of the observations that appear to be consistent with non‐linear reflection theory are briefly discussed. 相似文献
Accumulation of metabolic CO2 can acidify marine waters above and beyond the ongoing acidification of the ocean by anthropogenic CO2. The impact of respiration on carbonate chemistry and pH is most acute in hypoxic and anoxic basins, where metabolic CO2 accumulates to high concentrations. The bottom waters of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE), where persistently severe hypoxia has developed over the last 80 years, is one such case. We have reconstructed the evolution of pH in the bottom waters from historical and recent data, and from first principles relating the stoichiometry of CO2 produced to oxygen consumed during microbial degradation of organic matter. Based on the value of the atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 that best reproduces the preformed dissolved inorganic carbon concentration in the bottom waters, we estimate the average ventilation age of the bottom waters to be 16?±?3 years. The pH of the bottom waters has decreased by 0.2 to 0.3 over the last 75 years, which is four to six times greater than can be attributed to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2. The pH decrease is accompanied by a decline in the saturation state with respect to both calcite and aragonite. As of 2007, bottom waters in the LSLE are slightly supersaturated with respect to calcite (Ωc?≈?1.06?±?0.04) but are strongly undersaturated with respect to aragonite (Ωa?≈?0.67?±?0.03). 相似文献
A column sampler for use in shallow (1 m) pools is described. The apparatus is a 10-cm diameter PVC pipe mounted on a base plate. A sliding trap on the base plate is attached to a cable which runs over a pulley to the upper part of the sampler. A whole water column of 78 cm2 is sampled and 1–2 cm of substrate can be included as desired. The sampler has been used successfully in salt marsh pools to census gastropods, amphipods, and copepods. 相似文献