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The performances of two commonly used non-destructive sampling procedures for rocky benthic assemblages (i.e. photography and visually assessed quadrats) were compared. A damaging human activity, date mussel (Lithophaga lithophaga) harvesting (DMH), was chosen. Directly impacted sites were compared with reference conditions (controls). Both visual quadrats and photography were equally able to detect differences between impacted situations and controls. However, visual quadrats showed high variability among replicates and estimated higher species richness for controls, while photography did so for impacts. Pooling photos in a ‘sum photo quadrat’ showed that differences between the two methods are due to sampling unit size rather than sampling procedure itself. As a small sampling unit is unavoidable with photography, visual quadrats should be preferred in investigating shallow rocky reefs for their larger size; however, longer working time underwater with quadrats does not allow for numerous replicates. Pooling many photos to reach sampling sizes comparable with those of quadrats may be a valid alternative to reconcile image resolution and areal coverage.  相似文献   
Amorosi  Colalongo  Pasini  & Preti 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):99-121
Data from 17 continuously cored boreholes, 40–170 m deep, reveal the subsurface stratigraphy of the Romagna coastal plain. Sedimentological and microfaunal data allow the distinction of eight facies associations of Late Pleistocene–Holocene age, including 18 lithofacies and 16 faunal associations. Ten 14C dates provide the basis to establish a sequence stratigraphic framework for the succession corresponding to the upper part 35 ky BP of the last glacio-eustatic cycle. The eight facies associations can be grouped into lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The upper part of the lowstand systems tract consists of alluvial plain deposits. These accumulated during the Late Pleistocene when the shoreline was ≈250 km south of its present-day position. A pronounced stratigraphic hiatus (between 25 and 8·8 ky BP) is invariably recorded at the upper boundary (transgressive surface) of these Pleistocene, indurated and locally pedogenized alluvial deposits. The succeeding postglacial history is represented by a well developed transgressive–regressive cycle. Transgressive deposits, interpreted to reflect the rapid landward migration of a barrier–lagoon system, include two wedge-shaped, paralic and marine units. These thicken in opposite directions and are separated by a ravinement surface. Above the transgressive deposits, the maximum flooding surface (MFS) marks the change from a transgressive barrier–lagoon complex to a prograding, wave-dominated delta system (early Po delta). The MFS can be traced landwards, where it constitutes the base of lagoonal deposits. An aggradational to progradational stacking pattern of upper delta plain (marsh), lower delta plain (lagoon/bay), and delta front (beach ridge) deposits reflects the progressive increase in the sediment supply/accommodation ratio during the following highstand. The alluvial deposits capping the sequence accumulated by the 13th century AD, in response to an avulsion event that caused abandonment of the former Po delta lobe and the northward migration of the Po River towards its present position.  相似文献   
The search for the optimal spatial scale for observing landforms to understand physical processes is a fundamental issue in geomorphology. Topographic attributes derived from Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) such as slope, curvature and drainage area provide a basis for topographic analyses. The slope–area relationship has been used to distinguish diffusive (hillslope) from linear (valley) processes, and to infer dominant sediment transport processes. In addition, curvature is also useful in distinguishing the dominant landform process. Recent topographic survey techniques such as LiDAR have permitted detailed topographic analysis by providing high-quality DTMs. This study uses LiDAR-derived DTMs with a spatial scale between 1 and 30 m in order to find the optimal scale for observation of dominant landform processes in a headwater basin in the eastern Italian Alps where shallow landsliding and debris flows are dominant. The analysis considered the scaling regimes of local slope versus drainage area, the spatial distribution of curvature, and field observations of channel head locations. The results indicate that: i) hillslope-to-valley transitions in slope–area diagrams become clearer as the DTM grid size decreases due to the better representation of hillslope morphology, and the topographic signature of valley incision by debris flows and landslides is also best displayed with finer DTMs; ii) regarding the channel head distribution in the slope–area diagrams, the scaling regimes of local slope versus drainage area obtained with grid sizes of 1, 3, and 5 m are more consistent with field data; and iii) the use of thresholds of standard deviation of curvature, particularly at the finest grid size, were proven as a useful and objective methodology for recognizing hollows and related channel heads.  相似文献   
In August 2009, the typhoon Morakot, characterized by a cumulative rainfall up to 2884 mm in about three days, triggered thousands of landslides in Taiwan. The availability of LiDAR surveys before (2005) and after (2010) this event offers a unique opportunity to investigate the topographic signatures of a major typhoon. The analysis considers the comparison of slope–area relationships derived by LiDAR digital terrain models (DTMs). This approach has been successfully used to distinguish hillslope from channelized processes, as a basis to develop landscape evolution models and theories, and understand the linkages between landscape morphology and tectonics, climate, and geology. We considered six catchments affected by a different degree of erosion: three affected by shallow and deep‐seated landslides, and three not affected by erosion. For each of these catchments, 2 m DTMs were derived from LiDAR data. The scaling regimes of local slope versus drainage area suggested that for the catchments affected by landslides: (i) the hillslope‐to‐valley transitions morphology, for a given value of drainage area, is shifted towards higher value of slopes, thus indicating a likely migration of the channelized processes and erosion toward the catchment boundary (the catchment head becomes steeper because of erosion); (ii) the topographic gradient along valley profiles tends to decrease progressively (the valley profile becomes gentler because of sediment deposition after the typhoon). The catchments without any landslides present a statistically indistinguishable slope–area scaling regime. These results are interesting since for the first time, using multi‐temporal high‐resolution topography derived by LiDAR, we demonstrated that a single climate event is able to cause significant major geomorphic changes on the landscape, detectable using slope–area scaling analysis. This provides new insights about landscape evolution under major climate forcing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In floodplains, anthropogenic features such as levees or road scarps, control and influence flows. An up‐to‐date and accurate digital data about these features are deeply needed for irrigation and flood mitigation purposes. Nowadays, LiDAR Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) covering large areas are available for public authorities, and there is a widespread interest in the application of such models for the automatic or semiautomatic recognition of features. The automatic recognition of levees and road scarps from these models can offer a quick and accurate method to improve topographic databases for large‐scale applications. In mountainous contexts, geomorphometric indicators derived from DTMs have been proven to be reliable for feasible applications, and the use of statistical operators as thresholds showed a high reliability to identify features. The goal of this research is to test if similar approaches can be feasible also in floodplains. Three different parameters are tested at different scales on LiDAR DTM. The boxplot is applied to identify an objective threshold for feature extraction, and a filtering procedure is proposed to improve the quality of the extractions. This analysis, in line with other works for different environments, underlined (1) how statistical parameters can offer an objective threshold to identify features with varying shapes, size and height; (2) that the effectiveness of topographic parameters to identify anthropogenic features is related to the dimension of the investigated areas. The analysis also showed that the shape of the investigated area has not much influence on the quality of the results. While the effectiveness of residual topography had already been proven, the proposed study underlined how the use of entropy can anyway provide good extractions, with an overall quality comparable to the one offered by residual topography, and with the only limitation that the extracted features are slightly wider than the investigated one. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A system of five adjacent Posidonia oceanica meadows facing the waterfront of Genoa city (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) was investigated over different spatial scales (meters-kilometers) using three environmental indices: conservation index (CI), substitution index (SI) and phase-shift index (PSI). CI revealed differences mostly at large spatial scale, distinguishing the poor condition of the meadows closest to Genoa centre and harbour from the comparatively healthy condition of the farthest meadows. SI showed differences mostly at small spatial scale (i.e., within meadows), suggesting the influence of local factors in the re-colonisation of regressed meadows by the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and/or the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa. Mapping of PSI showed that the meadows closest to Genoa centre and harbour have undergone a nearly total phase shift and have no real potential for recovery: attempts to re-establish P. oceanica there might be a waste of time and money. On the contrary, the meadows farthest from Genoa centre and harbour showed a comparatively low level of phase shift and could still fully recover given specific management actions.  相似文献   
Watershed management and headwater reconstruction programs require a reliable knowledge of sediment dynamics. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide the framework for the implementation of different complex techniques for the assessment of shallow landsliding and erosion processes in mountain basins. This paper presents some morphometric indicators aimed at erosion and sediment delivery analysis. The proposed indicators can be easily derived from medium to fine resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Applications conducted in Eastern Italian Alps have shown the adequateness of the proposed approach to address erosion and sediment-related problems. The analysis considered the classification of sediment source areas with regard to their activity, the comparison between drainage basins having different morphological characteristics and the topographic control on sediment transport capacity, with a particular attention to the identification of channel reaches characterised by a low sediment transport capacity.  相似文献   
It is shown that the combined use of radio observations of the quiet Sun and UV line intensities allows to compute the absolute coronal abundance of the elements. The abundances found by this method agree very well with the most recent determinations. A model of the transition region and corona in hydrostatic equilibrium is also presented. Similarities and differences with models based on UV observations are discussed.  相似文献   
A numerical technique, based on a mathematical programming algorithm, is presented for the solution of geotechnical problems where elastic-plastic material behaviour is considered. The proposed approach can be adopted for geotechnical media characterized by any suitable yield condition, accounting, if necessary, for workhardening behaviour. The loading process is subdivided into a series of steps applied to a finite element mesh with geometry and material properties constant along each step, but with possible changes between subsequent steps. As an application some typical geotechnical problems are analysed by means of the proposed algorithm and a comparison is made between the available in situ measurements and the numerical results.  相似文献   
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