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Observations of the radio galaxy 3C 390.3 made with the 3-km WSRT at 0.6 GHz are presented. This is an edge-brightened double source with strong bridges connecting the hot spots to the core. Complex linear polarization structure has been detected. The south component is double, the north component, triple. This 3-km observation at 0.6 GHz has been compared with the 1.5-km WSRT observation at 1.4 GHz and some important physical parameters of the sources have been evaluated.  相似文献   
The rapid decrease of the acceleration spectral amplitude at high frequencies has widely been modeled by the spectral decay factor kappa (κ). Usually, the path-corrected component of κ, often called κ0, is believed to be a local and frequency-independent site characteristic, in turn representing attenuation related to waves propagating vertically through the very shallow layers beneath the study site. Despite the known relevance of κ0 in a wide range of seismological applications, most methods for its calculation do not fully consider the influence of the scattering component. To account for the scattering component, we present a summary of statistical observations of the seismic wavefield at sites of the Swiss seismic networks. The intrinsic properties of the wavefield show a clear dependency on the local shallow subsoil conditions with differences in the structural heterogeneity of the shallow subsoil layers producing different scattering regimes. Such deviations from the ballistic behavior (i.e., direct waves that sample only distinct directions) are indicative for local structural heterogeneities and the associated level of scatter. Albeit the attenuation term related to scattering depends nonlinearly on the intrinsic term, the results indicate that the commonly used explanation for the high-frequency decay spectrum might not be appropriate but involving the amount of scattering might allow better constrained estimates of κ0.  相似文献   
Efimov  A. I.  Lukanina  L. A.  Chashei  I. V.  Bird  M. K.  Pätzold  M. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(3):174-181

Results of experiments on polarized radio sounding of the outer solar corona using the Helios spacecraft from 1975 to 1984 are presented. The characteristic parameters of the temporal spectra of fluctuations in the Faraday rotation of the plane of polarization for heliocentric distances from 3.5 to 5.5 solar radii are obtained. The absolute level of these fluctuations and, consequently, the level of fluctuations of the magnetic field, is almost independent of the solar activity. It is well known that the global structure of the solar wind varies with the solar cycle such that there is slow solar wind at low latitudes and fast solar wind at high latitudes during solar minima. In contrast, a slow solar wind dominates at all latitudes during solar maxima. One explanation for the invariance of the fluctuations observed by sounding the circumsolar plasma is that the mean magnetohydrodynamic turbulence of the low-latitude, slow solar wind depends weakly on the phase of the solar cycle.

In the frame of the European Commission project “Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe” (SHARE), aiming at harmonizing seismic hazard at a European scale, the compilation of a homogeneous, European parametric earthquake catalogue was planned. The goal was to be achieved by considering the most updated historical dataset and assessing homogenous magnitudes, with support from several institutions. This paper describes the SHARE European Earthquake Catalogue (SHEEC), which covers the time window 1000–1899. It strongly relies on the experience of the European Commission project “Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology” (NERIES), a module of which was dedicated to create the European “Archive of Historical Earthquake Data” (AHEAD) and to establish methodologies to homogenously derive earthquake parameters from macroseismic data. AHEAD has supplied the final earthquake list, obtained after sorting duplications out and eliminating many fake events; in addition, it supplied the most updated historical dataset. Macroseismic data points (MDPs) provided by AHEAD have been processed with updated, repeatable procedures, regionally calibrated against a set of recent, instrumental earthquakes, to obtain earthquake parameters. From the same data, a set of epicentral intensity-to-magnitude relations has been derived, with the aim of providing another set of homogeneous Mw estimates. Then, a strategy focussed on maximizing the homogeneity of the final epicentral location and Mw, has been adopted. Special care has been devoted also to supply location and Mw uncertainty. The paper focuses on the procedure adopted for the compilation of SHEEC and briefly comments on the achieved results.  相似文献   
The Midgard Field offshore mid-Norway is a gas-condensate accumulation with a thin oil leg reservoired in Early and Middle Jurassic sandstones. There are two potential source rocks in the area; the Late Jurassic Spekk Formation is a marine shale with type II kerogen and a rich potential for oil, and the Åre Formation of Early Jurassic age which is a thick coal-bearing sequence with type III kerogen and potential mainly for gas. Geochemical analyses indicate that both the condensate and the oil leg are sourced mainly from the coal-bearing Åre Formation. Any contribution from the Spekk Formation appears to be of minor importance. Computer simulation of hydrocarbon generation in the drainage area for the Midgard Field indicates that huge volumes are formed, and confirms that hydrocarbon generation from the Åre Formation is volumetrically far more important than from the Spekk Formation. The simulation results also exclude any contribution to the reservoired gas from the Spekk Formation.
Zusammenfassung Das Midgard Feld vor der Küste Mittelnorwegens ist eine Gas-Kondensat-Akkumulation mit einem nur geringen Ölanteil innerhalb unter- und mitteljurassischer Sandsteine. In diesem Gebiet gibt es zwei mögliche Muttergesteine: Einmal die oberjurassische Spekk-Formation, bei der es sich um einen marinen Schiefer mit Typ II Kerogen handelt und die ein hohes Ölpotential darstellt. Zum anderen gibt es die unterjurassische Åre-Formation, eine mächtige Kohle-führende Folge mit Typ III Kerogen und ein möglicher Gaslieferant. Geochemische Analysen deuten darauf hin, daß sowohl das Gas-Kondensat als auch das Öl des Midgard Feldes auf diese Kohle-führende Åre-Formation zurückzuführen sind. Jede Zufuhr aus der Spekk-Formation scheint von geringer Bedeutung zu sein. Eine durch Computersimulation rekonstruierte Kohlenwasserstofferzeugung im Einzugsgebiet des Midgard Feldes spricht für eine hohe Bildungsrate und bestätigt die Annahme, daß die Kohlenwasserstoff-produktion der Spekk-Formation gegenüber der Åre-Formation zu vernachlässigen ist. Die Simulation ergab ferner, daß keinerlei Gas von der Spekk-Formation dem Reservoir zugeführt wurde.

Résumé Le champ off-shore de Midgard (Norvège moyenne) est une accumulation de gaz condensé accompagnée d'un mince corps d'huile, accumulation renfermée dans des grès d'âge jurassique inférieur et moyen. Il existe dans le secteur deux sources possibles: la formation de Spekk (shale marins du Jurassique tardif, à kérogène de type II, possédant un riche potentiel en huile) et la formation d'Åre (série épaisse jurassique inférieure, à couches de charbon, à kérogène de type III et potentiel essentiellement en gaz). Les analyses géochimiques montrent que le gaz condensé et l'huile ont tous deux comme origine la formation charbonneuse de Åre. La formation de Spekk ne semble être intervenue que de manière subordonnée. Une simulation par ordinateur de la genèse de l'hydrocarbure dans l'aire d'alimentation du champ de Midgard fait apparaître que des volumes importants ont été formés et confirme la large prépondérance de la formation de Åre parmi les roches-mères. De plus, cette simulation exclut toute expèce de contribution de la formation de Spekk dans la genèse du gaz.

Midgard / / . : Spekk — , 2, , Are , 3 . . . , Are. Spekk, , . Midgard , Are . , , Spekk .
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