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A multiphase model, developed in the context of elastoplasticity, is applied to the simulation and design of reinforced earth retaining structures. The main feature of this model is to combine the advantage of a homogenization approach, as regards its computational efficiency, with the ability to account for a specific failure condition at the interface between the soil and the reinforcing strips, which may have a decisive influence on the behavior of the structure. A particular emphasis is put on the stability analysis of this kind of reinforced soil structures, formulated within the framework of the yield design theory. Making use of a generalized rigid block failure mechanism, the stability of a reinforced earth retaining wall is investigated by means of the kinematic approach, leading to upper bound estimates for the stability factor of the structure, which are then favorably compared with the results of an elastoplastic analysis. Special attention is paid to assessing in a quantitative way how a specific soil–strip failure condition affects the stability of the reinforced earth structure as a whole.  相似文献   
The eastern Tunisian Atlas shows major subsurface faults: the Kairouan–Sousse Fault (FKS), to the north, and the El Hdadja fault (FEH), to the south. The FKS is an inherited structural trend active since Late Cretaceous times. This fault is an eastern splay of the Chérichira–Labeïd fault. It separates a large northern diapiric structure (Ktifa Diapir) from a subsident domain (the Kairouan–El Hdadja rim-syncline), with a pull-apart configuration to the south. The latter area, which appears to be an inherited weakness zone at the range border, has recorded a series of tectonic events that characterizes the Alpine structural development in Tunisia. To cite this article: S. Khomsi et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
An excavating sponge, which covers extensive areas of limestone rock, has been found at several locations of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This zooxanthellate clionaid, brown with yellow oscula, may have an extension of several square meters under the β-form, similar to what has been described in coral reef areas. It has been observed at 3–30 m depth, generally in clear water in the Ionian Sea, Crete, Cyprus and Lebanon. The gross morphology and the spicule characters are described from all the collected specimens. The spicule complement, with variable tylostyles and rare, sometimes absent, thin spirasters, is compared with that of Cliona parenzani Corriero & Scalera-Liaci 1997 from the Apulian coast (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea), and of several Caribbean and Indo-Pacific clionaid species, which display the same morphology and rather similar spicule characters. The sponge is tentatively identified as C. parenzani , although there are some differences with the type specimens in the highly variable spiculation, suggesting that it may represent a species complex similar to what is known for other species in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific areas. Although the sponge appears to be closely related to large brown spreading clionaids from tropical areas and was previously practically overlooked in the Eastern Mediterranean, it does not appear to be a recent introduction. It is suggested that it could be a survivor in the warmer area of the Mediterranean of an ancient thermophilous fauna, which did not survive in the colder Western Basin during glacial episodes of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Groundwater is a valuable natural resource for drinking, domestic, livestock use, and irrigation, especially in arid and semi-arid regions like the Garmiyan belt in Kurdistan region. The Awaspi watershed is located 50 km east of Kirkuk city, south Kurdistan, Iraq; and covers an area of 2146 km2. The paper presents result of a study aimed at: (1) mapping and preparing thematic layers of factors that control groundwater recharge areas, and (2) determination of sites suitable for groundwater recharge. We used available data such as geological map, groundwater depth map, digital elevation model (DEM), Landsat 8 imagery, and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) data for this study. These data, supplemented by slope features, lithology, land use land cover, rainfall, groundwater depth, drainage density, landform, lineament density, elevation and topographic position index, were utilized to create thematic maps to identify suitable areas of groundwater recharge, using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to weight, rank, and reclassify these maps in the ArcGIS 10.3 environment, to determine the suitable sites for groundwater recharge within the Awaspi watershed. Fifty-five percent of the total area of the watershed was found to be suitable for groundwater recharge; whereas 45% of the area was determined to have poor suitability for groundwater recharge, but can be used for surface water harvesting.  相似文献   

This study explores previously unreported linkage between recession rates of rainfall hyetograph and river flow hydrograph in an arid environment in Sultanate of Oman. Ephemeral streams are hydraulically disconnected from groundwater aquifers and depend on rainfall to produce water that flows only for hours or a few days at most. It therefore prompted to hypothesize that the recession rate of the rainfall event controls the corresponding recession of river flow. To test this assumption, 1-h river flow rates and 20-min rainfall rates in Al-Khoud catchment area for the period 1997–2013 were analysed. The river flow recession rate and antecedent river flow were found to be inversely proportional, while their relation improved with increasing time span of cumulating the antecedent river flow. The results further show that the simulation of river flow recession rate can be improved by incorporating the combined effects of rainfall recession rate and antecedent moisture content.  相似文献   
The building code of any country is considered to be a basic technical guidance document for the seismic design of structures. However, building codes are typically developed for the whole country, without considering site specific models that incorporate detailed site-specific data. Therefore, the adequacy of the design spectrum for building codes may sometimes be questionable. To study the sufficiency of the building codes of Pakistan (BCP-SP-2007), a deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) based spectrum was developed for a site in the Muzaffargarh area, Pakistan, using an updated earthquake catalogue, seismic source model, and a next generation attenuation model (NGA-WEST-2). Further, an International Building Code (IBC-2000) spectrum was developed for the study area to compare the results. The DSHA-based response spectrum resulted in a peak ground acceleration (PGA) value of 0.21 g for the Chaudwan fault. The evaluation of BCP-SP-2007 and IBC-2000 spectra provided a critical assessment for analyzing the associated margins. A comparison with the DSHA-based response spectrum showed that the BCP-SP-2007 design spectrum mostly overlapped with the DSHA spectrum unlike IBC-2000. However, special attention is needed for designing buildings in the study area when considering earthquake periods longer than 1 s, and the BCP-SP-2007 spectrum can be enhanced when considering a period range of 0.12–0.64 s. Finally, BCP-SP-2007 is based on a probabilistic approach and its comparison with deterministic results showed the significance of both methods in terms of design.  相似文献   

Cet article propose une méthodologie d’étude de sensibilité pour cerner l’incertitude d’estimation de la période de retour d’une crue maximale annuelle exceptionnelle connue seulement par la cote des plus hautes eaux. Deux autres contraintes ont présidé au choix méthodologique. Tout d’abord, nous ne disposions pas des débits maximaux de crue à la station (hors ceux de la crue annuelle) et nous disposions d’une courte série des débits maximaux annuels. L’étude a ainsi été focalisée sur les débits moyens journaliers dont la série est complète avec une seule lacune qui est celle de la crue qui nous intéresse. La taille de la série des débits moyens journaliers la plus complète étant assez modérée, un modèle statistique à dépassement de seuil POT (Peaks Over Threshold) a été adopté. A partir de la laisse de crue, le débit maximal de la crue non jaugée a été estimé par cinq approches différentes (méthodes d’extrapolation par régression statistique à partir des paramètres hydrauliques de la station, deux modèles de Manning-Strickler en lit homogène, et deux modèles de Manning-Strickler en lit composé) en adoptant des valeurs de rugosité du lit couvrant l’incertitude reflétée d’après les jaugeages existants. Nous avons proposé d’étudier la distribution statistique du rapport α du débit maximum instantané de la crue annuelle à son débit moyen journalier. Par ce biais, l’observation de la laisse de crue a été mise à profit pour compléter la série des débits moyens journaliers moyennant une hypothèse sur la valeur de α. L’article traite l’incertitude sur α pour diverses hypothèses sur la rugosité du lit. Une distribution lognormale a été ajustée pour α et des simulations de Monte Carlo ont été entreprises. Une valeur du débit moyen journalier a alors été attachée à chaque simulation de Monte Carlo de α. Cinquante (50) simulations ont été effectuées dans chaque cas. Le modèle à dépassement de seuil a été appliqué à chaque série de débits moyens journaliers ainsi complétée par simulation. Les quantiles des débits moyens journaliers pour différentes périodes de retour ont été estimés pour chaque série complétée. La dispersion de ces derniers a été représentée par une boite à moustaches et a été quantifiée par l’intervalle interquartile. L’application a porté sur une station hydrométrique contrôlant un bassin de 9000 km2 en région semi-aride nord africaine. Les séries d’observation ont été étudiées pour la période 1984–2006 pour laquelle 114 jaugeages étaient disponibles. La médiane du quantile quinquagennal du débit moyen journalier varie de 1410 à 1840 m3/s en fonction du seuil de dépassement retenu et de la valeur du coefficient de rugosité du lit. Les différentes méthodes, en considérant les différents seuils de troncature, conduisent à un intervalle interquartile de la période de retour du débit moyen journalier de cette crue variant entre 30 et 70 ans.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé C. Leduc

Citation Aridhi, H., Bargaoui, Z., et Assia Chebchoub, F., 2014. Etude de la sensibilité d’estimation de la période de retour d’une crue connue seulement par la cote atteinte. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 978–992.  相似文献   
The prediction of the probability of cavitation occurrence to prevent serious damages in the spillways is the major concern for hydraulic engineers. In this research, the three-dimensional model of Shahid Madani Dam’s spillway was simulated with the Flow 3D software and by the comparison of numerical model results with the experi-mental data, the probability of occurrence of the cavitation phenomenon has been investigated. The flow parameters including pressure, velocity, and water depth were calculated for three different flow rates of 495 m3/s, 705 m3/s and 2 205 m3/s respectively. The Renormalization Group (RNG) turbulence model was used to simulate current turbulence. Comparison of simulation results for pressure, velocity and water depth with the results of the experimental model with two statistical indices Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R2) showed that the numerical simulation results are in good consistency with experimental model. However, simulation results indicated that at any flow rates with a return period of 1 000 years, probable maximum flood and designed flow rates, the cavitation number is not lower than the critical cavitation number; Therefore, it is predicted that the cavitation phenomenon in Shahid Madani Dam’s spillway will not happen.  相似文献   
This paper presents a numerical study of high strength concrete microstructure effects on its uniaxial and biaxial compressive strengths. Concrete is first represented as a set of angular aggregates interacting within a cement paste matrix. Then, a yield design kinematic approach is conducted at the mesoscopic scale in order to determine the concrete compressive strength for a given loading path. The proposed model, having a low computational cost, is able to capture the main microstructure effects already observed in literature on concrete uniaxial compressive strength, in particular, the aggregates volume fraction and maximal size effects. Finally, the proposed model also predicts the biaxial failure envelope of high strength concrete and confirms some experimental trends observed in literature.  相似文献   
The macroscopic linear elastic behaviour of inclusion‐reinforced soils, regarded as periodic composite media, is investigated by means of the homogenization theory. Special attention is given here to the determination of their longitudinal shear stiffness properties, which strongly govern the reinforced ground response under lateral loading. Combining the use of analytical, variational and numerical methods, we thoroughly examined three particular engineering‐relevant configurations: single trench, column and cross trench reinforcements. Fairly accurate closed‐form expressions are thus obtained, giving the value of the reinforced soil longitudinal shear stiffness as a function of the individual components shear moduli and reinforcement volume fraction. It is shown in particular that adopting a cross trench reinforcement layout instead of the classical column configuration results in a much higher improvement of the longitudinal shear stiffness. The results are then applied to assessing the reduction of soil liquefaction risk, which can be attributed to the presence of the reinforcing inclusions. Again, they clearly demonstrate the excellent performance of the cross trench configuration as compared with the complete inefficiency of the column reinforcement technique. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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