In order to better constrain the Li isotope composition of the bulk solar system and Li isotope fractionation during accretion and parent body processes, Li isotope compositions and concentrations were determined on a number of meteorite falls and finds. This is the first comprehensive study that systematically investigates a representative set of samples from carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM2, CO3, CV3, CK4 and one ungrouped member), enstatite chondrites (EH, EL), ordinary chondrites (H, L, LL), and achondrites (one eucrite, diogenites, one pallasite, and a silicate inclusion from a IAB iron).
Carbonaceous chondrites have an average isotope composition of δ7Li = + 3.2‰ ± 1.9 (2σ) which agrees with the average composition of relatively pristine olivines (representative for the bulk composition) from the Earth primitive upper mantle (PUM). This is lighter than the average δ7Li of the basaltic differentiates of the Earth, Moon and Mars and the achondrites. It is an important observation, however, that the lighter end of the isotopic range of the differentiates always coincides with the averages of the mantle olivines and the carbonaceous chondrites. From this we conclude that the bulk of the inner solar system consists mostly of material from carbonaceous chondrites and that the variation seen in the differentiates is due to planetary body processes. Ordinary chondrites are significantly lighter than carbonaceous chondrites. No significant differences in δ7Li exist between enstatite chondrites (n = 3) and carbonaceous or ordinary chondrites. The difference between carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites and the variability within the chondrites could indicate the existence of distinct Li isotope reservoirs in the early solar nebula. 相似文献
Radiocarbon dating of bulk organic matter is the most commonly used method for establishing chronologies of lake sediments for palaeoclimate reconstructions on the Tibetan Plateau. However, this method is likely to be problematic because the dated material often suffers from old carbon contamination. Recently, advances in luminescence‐based chronological techniques have provided new options for dating lacustrine sediments. In the current study, we tested for the first time the applicability of a new post‐IR IRSL (pIRIR) measurement protocol for dating fine‐grained polymineral material from a deep‐lake sediment core from the central part of Tangra Yumco, on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Our results show that: (i) radioactive disequilibria in the uranium decay chain were observed in the studied lake sediments, and thus taken into account for dose rate calculation by using a dynamic modelling approach; (ii) the suitability and robustness of the pIRIR protocol measured at 150°C (pIRIR150) for our samples are confirmed by a set of luminescence characteristic tests as well as the agreement with an independent age control; (iii) turbidite deposition partly caused an insufficient resetting of luminescence signals and thus apparent overestimation in luminescence dating; (iv) compared with the luminescence‐based age‐depth model, the 14C ages of bulk organic matter from the studied core generally yielded an age difference of ~2 ka, which is attributed to hardwater reservoir effects in Tangra Yumco. This study highlights the need for multi‐dating approaches of lake sedimentary archives on the Tibetan Plateau. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die Serien des Swaziland-Systems im Gebiet der Montrose Farm (25 km südwestlich von Barberton) zeigen ähnliche Deformationen wie die wesentlich jüngeren Serien des Moodies-Systems. Strukturbestimmende Störungen mit Versetzungsbeträgen von mehr als 1000 m sind in wesentlich stärkerem Maße vorhanden als bisher angenommen. Das zu beobachtende spröde bis plastische Verhalten von gebändertem Hornstein wird auf unterschiedlichen SiO2-Gel-Gehalt zur Zeit der Deformation zurückgeführt. Eine Gliederung der orogenetischen Ereignisse für einen Teil der Swaziland-Geosynklinale wird gegeben.
In the Montrose Farm area (25 km SW of Barberton) Series of the Swaziland System show similar deformations as the essentially younger series of the Moodies System. Thrustfaults with desplacements of more than 1000 m are developed more often than formerly assumed. The brittle to plastic behaviour of banded cherts is due to a different content of gelic SiO2 during deformation. A possible development of a part of the Swaziland geosyncline is given.
Résumé Dans les séries du système Swaziland dans la région de Montrose Farm (à 25 km sud-ouest de Barberton) il y a des déformations analogues aux séries beaucoup plus jeunes du Système Moodie. Des Failles avec des déplacements de plus de 1000 m se trouvent plus souvent qu'on n'avait supposé jusqu'à présent. La conduite mobile à solide du silex zoné s'explique par le différent contenu de Gel de SiO2 au movement de la déformation. Les événements de la période orogénétique seront exposés pour une partie du Swaziland géosynclinal.
Zoisite-bearing high-pressure pegmatites from the MünchbergMassif, Germany, provide an excellent example of the characteristicsof the onset of metabasite melting at eclogite-facies conditions.The pegmatites were derived by partial melting of a mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB)-like eclogite at T 680°C/2·3GPa to 750°C/3·1 GPa, which produced small amountsof tonalitic to trondhjemitic melt. The melt concentrated locallyin isolated, small melt pockets and crystallized primary zoisiteas liquidus phase at P 2·3 GPa/680°C to 2·1GPa/750°C. Compositional zoning of pegmatite zoisite recordsan ensuing multi-stage uplift history with successive, discretecrystallization events at 1·4 ± 0·2 GPa/650700°Cand 1·0 ± 0·1 GPa/620650°C.Resorption textures indicate reheating and thermal perturbationof the whole system prior to each successive crystallizationevent. Final solidification of zoisite-pegmatites occurred at0·9 ± 0·1 GPa/620650°C. Thedata suggest that isolated melt + zoisite crystal mush pocketsformed an integral part of the eclogite throughout uplift frommelt formation at T 680°C/2·3 GPa to 750°C/3·1GPa to final solidification at 0·9 GPa/620630°C;that is, over a depth range of 4560 km. The entire pegmatite-formingprocess was probably fluid conserving: fluid present duringmelt formation was trapped by fully or nearly water-saturatedsiliceous melts, whereas fluid liberated during pegmatite crystallizationinteracted with dehydrated eclogite-facies assemblages to formamphibolite-facies hydrous minerals. A set of empirical Dmelt/eclogitevalues based on mean zoisite-pegmatite and eclogite compositionwere used to model the onset of partial high-pressure meltingof metabasites. KEY WORDS: adakite; high-pressure melting; pegmatite; trondhjemite; zoisite相似文献