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The Caledonian Jotun nappe in the Tyin area of southern Norway has been investigated using U-Pb analysis of zircon and sphene and Rb-Sr measurements of minerals and whole rocks, with special reference to the reaction of the isotope systems to various kinds of metamorphic event. The nappe consists of Precambrian basement rocks and their cover, inversely thrust over the Baltic shield and its parautochthonous, presumably lower Paleozoic sediments during the Caledonian orogeny. While the nappe basement retained its pre-Caledonian structures, the nappe cover was penetratively deformed and metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies conditions.U-Pb analyses of zircon and sphene ofnappe basement rocks point to the crystallization of a syenitic to monzonitic magma at 1694± 20m.y., the intrusion of gabbros into the syenites and monzonites at 1252?25+28 m.y., and the metamorphism (upper greenschist-lower amphibolite facies) and deformation (gneissification and mylonitization) of the whole complex at 909± 16m.y. Although this latest event caused strong lead loss in all zircon populations, it had no influence on the Rb-Sr system on a whole rock scale. The Caledonian movements did not disturb the U-Pb system of zircon and sphene but strongly influenced the Rb-Sr system in certain minerals and zircon and/or its inclusions (K-feldspar and brown biotite partially, green biotite completely reset).In contrast to the nappe basement, zircons from thecover rocks show pronounced lead loss during the Caledonian metamorphism/deformation — U-Pb analysis give discordia lower intercept ages of 415± 21 m.y. and 395± 6m.y. Again, however, the Rb-Sr whole-rock system has not been reset in Caledonian time. Minerals from the same rocks which provided the zircons give Rb-Sr isochron ages of 390± 11m.y. and 386 ± 20 m.y.Comparison of U-Pb and Rb-Sr results from the nappe basement demonstrates that only the analysis of U-Pb systematics in zircon and especially sphene resolved the 900-m.y. event. Rb-Sr mineral data alone yield ambiguous results.The results from the nappe cover confirm that U-Pb analyses from penetratively deformed sediments are very useful in dating a metamorphic/tectonic event in lower greenschist facies conditions.From the measured cell dimensions of the zircon populations it is concluded that lead can be completely retained in zircon during recrystallization.  相似文献   
The amplitudes of the core reflection PcP are sensitive to the wave velocities and densities in the neighborhood of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). We study the amplitude ratio of the long-period phases PcP and P from two South American deep-focus earthquakes with favorable fault-plane solution, depth and magnitude, as recorded by WWNSS and CSN stations in North America.Comparison is made with long-period PcP/P amplitude ratios, derived from theoretical seismograms for a variety of CMB models. Models from previous studies, which were mainly derived from short-period PcP observations and which are characterized by discrete layers above the CMB, are almost all inconsistent with the long-period data. The data also discriminate against low nonzero S velocities below the CMB. Simple first-order-discontinuity models of the CMB, for instance according to the Jeffreys-Bullen earth model or according to recent models based mainly on free oscillations, explain the data reasonably well.Model improvements are attempted by varying the P-velocity gradient above the CMB. The best amplitude fit is obtained for a rather strong decrease in P velocity with depth in this zone which, however, gives no acceptable traveltime fit for PcP. The scatter in body-wave amplitudes is considerable even for long-period waves and may prevent the correct assessment of that part of the amplitude variation of a phase with distance that is due to the variation of velocities and densities with depth alone.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Ergebnisse einer Berechnung des geomagnetischen Potentials in Form einer Reihenentwicklung nach Kugelfunktionen bis zur 15. Ordnung auf Grund der magnetischen Weltkarten für die Epoche 1945,0 vonE. H. Vestine und andern vorgelegt. Bei der Ableitung des Potentialausdrucks nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate wurden die Orthogonalitätseigenschaften der Kugelflächenfunktionen vollständig ausgenutzt.
Summary The results of the analysis of the main geomagnetic field for the epoch 1945.0 in a series of spherical harmonics to the 15th degree are presented. The analysis is based on the world magnetic charts derived byVestine et al. The coefficients of the potential are calculated by least-squares approximation taking advantage of the orthogonality of the spherical harmonics over discrete ranges.
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Zusammenfassung Aus den Wasserstandsaufzeichnungen von zwölf Schwimmer-Schreibpegeln und sechs Hochseepegeln im Gebiet der inneren Deutschen Bucht wurden durch Eliminierung des Gezeitenanteils Windstaukurven bestimmt. Der Verlauf der Kurven wurde mit der Entwicklung des Windes über der mittleren und südlichen Nordsee verglichen und teilweise in topographischen Karten dargestellt, die von sechs zu sechs Stunden die Lage des mittleren Wasserstandes in der Deutschen Bucht an Hand von Linien gleichen Windstaus enthalten. Die Wirkung auflandiger und ablandiger Winde sowie des Luftdrucks wird besprochen. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den Untersuchungen anderer Autoren verglichen.
The wind's effect on the mean water level in the German Bight as observed between February 15th and March 6th, 1951
Summary By eliminating the tidal portions from the records of twelve self recording tide gauges and six high sea tide gauges in the inner German Bight curves of the wind produced disturbance of the water level were found. The curves were compared with the development of the wind in the central and southern parts of the North Sea. Proceeding from the curves bearing on the periods from 17th to 23rd February and from 2nd to 5th March, 1951, topographical charts for every six hours were plotted on which the mean water level in the German Bight is represented by co-disturbance lines. The effects of on-shore and off-shore winds as well as the influence of atmospheric pressure are discussed and the results are compared with the investigations of other authors.

Effet du vent sur le niveau moyen de la mer devant les côtes allemandes de la mer du Nord (du golfe Allemand) d'après les observations du 15 février au 6 mars 1951
Résumé En éliminant l'effet de la marée contenu dans les enregistrements de douze marégraphes enregistreurs et de six marégraphes plongeurs installés à l'intérieur du golfe Allemand on obtient les courbes de la montée du niveau de la mer due à la force du vent. Ces courbes sont comparées avec le développement du vent dans la zone centrale et la zone méridionale de la mer du Nord, et partant des courbes relatives à la période du 17 au 23 février et celle du 2 au 5 mars 1951, on a établi des cartes topographiques du niveau de la mer dans le golfe Allemand pour toutes les six heures à l'aide de lignes d'égale montée du niveau due à la force du vent. L'effet des vents de mer et celui des vents de terre ainsi que l'influence de la pression atmosphérique sont discutés. Les résultats de ce travail sont comparés avec les recherches faites par d'autres auteurs.
To increase the resilience of regional water supply systems in South Africa in the face of anticipated climatic changes and a constant increase in water demand, water supply sources require diversification. Many water-stressed metropolitan regions in South Africa depend largely on surface water to cover their water demand. While climatic and river discharge data is widely available in these regions, information on groundwater resources – which could support supply source diversification – is scarce. Groundwater recharge is a key parameter that is used to estimate groundwater amounts that can be sustainably exploited at a sub-watershed level. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a reliable hydrological modelling routine that enables the assessment of regional spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge to discern the most promising areas for groundwater development. Accordingly, we present a semi-distributed hydrological modelling approach that incorporates water balance routines coupled with baseflow modelling techniques to yield spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge on a regional level. The approach is demonstrated for the actively managed catchment areas of the Amathole Water Supply System situated in a semi-arid part of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. In the investigated study area, annual groundwater recharge exhibits a high spatio-temporal heterogeneity and is estimated to vary between ~0.5% and 8% of annual rainfall. Despite some uncertainties induced by limited data availability, calibration and validation of the model were found to be satisfactory and yielded model results similar to (point) data of annual groundwater recharge reported in earlier studies. Our approach is therefore found to derive crucial information for efficiently targeting more detailed groundwater exploration studies and could work as a blueprint for orientating groundwater potential exploration in similar environments.  相似文献   
Previous studies devoted to the morphology and hydrodynamics of ridge and runnel beaches highlight characteristics that deviate from those initially postulated by King and Williams (Geographical Journal, 1949, vol. 113, 70–85) and King (Beaches and Coasts, 1972, Edward Arnold). Disagreements on the morphodynamics of these macrotidal beaches include the position of the ridges relative to the mean neap and spring tide levels, the variation in the height of the ridges across the intertidal profile and, most importantly, whether the ridges are formed by swash or surf zone processes. The morphological characteristics of ridge and runnel beaches from three locations with varying wave, tidal and geomorphic settings were investigated to address these disagreements. Beach profiles from each site were analysed together with water‐level data collected from neighbouring ports. It was found that the ridges occur over the entire intertidal zone. On one site (north Lincolnshire, east England), the ridges are uniformly distributed over the intertidal beach, whereas on the two other sites (Blackpool beach, northwest England, and Leffrinckoucke beach, north France) there is some indication that the ridges appear to occur at preferential locations. Most significantly, the locations of the ridge crests were found to be unrelated to the positions on the intertidal profile where the water level is stationary for the longest time. It was further found that the highest ridges generally occur just above mid‐tide level where tidal non‐stationarity is greatest. These findings argue against the hypothesis that the ridges are formed by swash processes acting at stationary tide levels. It is tentatively suggested that the ridges are the result of a combination of swash and surf zone processes acting across the intertidal zone. Elucidation of the morphodynamic roles of these two types of processes, and other processes such as strong current flows in the runnels, requires further comprehensive field measurements complemented by numerical modelling. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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