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Heterogeneous nucleation of supersaturated n-nonane vapour on seed particles of different size and composition has been investigated using a fast expansion chamber. Monodisperse seed particle sizes were ranging from about 4 nm up to about 24 nm in diameter. By using different types of particle generators WOx, Ag and (NH4)2SO4 particles were generated. For direct comparison between different particle compositions overlapping sizes have been generated for WOx and Ag at about 7 nm particle diameter as well as for Ag and (NH4)2SO4 at about 15 nm. Nucleation temperature was kept constant at about 278 K. Experimental data were compared to Kelvin equation and Fletcher theory including the effect of line tension. It was found that heterogeneous nucleation of n-nonane seems to be independent of seed particle composition and starts well below the Kelvin curve. Good agreement was achieved with Fletcher theory including the effect of line tension.  相似文献   
Although orthopyroxene (Opx) is present during a wide range of magmatic differentiation processes in the terrestrial and lunar mantle, its effect on melt trace element contents is not well quantified. We present results of a combined experimental and computational study of trace element partitioning between Opx and anhydrous silicate melts. Experiments were performed in air at atmospheric pressure and temperatures ranging from 1,326 to 1,420°C in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 and subsystem CaO–MgO–SiO2. We provide experimental partition coefficients for a wide range of trace elements (large ion lithophile: Li, Be, B, K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th, U; rare earth elements, REE: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Y, Yb, Lu; high field strength: Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Ti; transition metals: Sc, V, Cr, Co) for use in petrogenetic modelling. REE partition coefficients increase from $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 Although orthopyroxene (Opx) is present during a wide range of magmatic differentiation processes in the terrestrial and lunar mantle, its effect on melt trace element contents is not well quantified. We present results of a combined experimental and computational study of trace element partitioning between Opx and anhydrous silicate melts. Experiments were performed in air at atmospheric pressure and temperatures ranging from 1,326 to 1,420°C in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 and subsystem CaO–MgO–SiO2. We provide experimental partition coefficients for a wide range of trace elements (large ion lithophile: Li, Be, B, K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th, U; rare earth elements, REE: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Y, Yb, Lu; high field strength: Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Ti; transition metals: Sc, V, Cr, Co) for use in petrogenetic modelling. REE partition coefficients increase from $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 to $ D_{\text{Lu}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.109 $ D_{\text{Lu}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.109 , D values for highly charged elements vary from $ D_{\text{Th}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0026 $ D_{\text{Th}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0026 through $ D_{\text{Nb}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0033 $ D_{\text{Nb}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0033 and $ D_{\text{U}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0066 $ D_{\text{U}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0066 to $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.058 $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.058 , and are all virtually independent of temperature. Cr and Co are the only compatible trace elements at the studied conditions. To elucidate charge-balancing mechanisms for incorporation of REE into Opx and to assess the possible influence of Fe on Opx-melt partitioning, we compare our experimental results with computer simulations. In these simulations, we examine major and minor trace element incorporation into the end-members enstatite (Mg2Si2O6) and ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6). Calculated solution energies show that R2+ cations are more soluble in Opx than R3+ cations of similar size, consistent with experimental partitioning data. In addition, simulations show charge balancing of R3+ cations by coupled substitution with Li+ on the M1 site that is energetically favoured over coupled substitution involving Al–Si exchange on the tetrahedrally coordinated site. We derived best-fit values for ideal ionic radii r 0, maximum partition coefficients D 0, and apparent Young’s moduli E for substitutions onto the Opx M1 and M2 sites. Experimental r 0 values for R3+ substitutions are 0.66–0.67 ? for M1 and 0.82–0.87 ? for M2. Simulations for enstatite result in r 0 = 0.71–0.73 ? for M1 and ~0.79–0.87 ? for M2. Ferrosilite r 0 values are systematically larger by ~0.05 ? for both M1 and M2. The latter is opposite to experimental literature data, which appear to show a slight decrease in $ r_{0}^{{{\text{M}}2}} $ r_{0}^{{{\text{M}}2}} in the presence of Fe. Additional systematic studies in Fe-bearing systems are required to resolve this inconsistency and to develop predictive Opx-melt partitioning models for use in terrestrial and lunar magmatic differentiation models.  相似文献   
New 40Ar/39Ar and published 14C ages constrain voluminous mafic volcanism of the Kamchatka back-arc to Miocene (3–6 Ma) and Late Pleistocene to Holocene (<1 Ma) times. Trace elements and isotopic compositions show that older rocks derived from a depleted mantle through subduction fluid-flux melting (>20%). Younger rocks form in a back arc by lower melting degrees involving enriched mantle components. The arc front and Central Kamchatka Depression are also underlain by plateau lavas and shield volcanoes of Late Pleistocene age. The focus of these voluminous eruptions thus migrated in time and may be the result of a high fluid flux in a setting where the Emperor seamount subducts and the slab steepens during rollback during terrain accretions. The northern termination of Holocene volcanism locates the edge of the subducting Pacific plate below Kamchatka, a “slab-edge-effect” is not observed in the back arc region.  相似文献   
In a set of 16 drop tower experiments the motion of sub-millimeter to millimeter-sized particles under microgravity was observed. Illumination by a halogen lamp induced acceleration of the particles due to photophoresis. Photophoresis on dust-free chondrules, on chondrules, glass spheres and metal spheres covered with SiC dust and on pure SiC dust aggregates was studied. This is the first time that photophoretic motion of millimeter-sized particles has been studied experimentally. The absolute values for the photophoretic force are consistent with theoretical expectations for spherical particles. The strength of the photophoretic force varies for chondrules, dust covered particles and pure dust from low to strong, respectively. The measurements support the idea that photophoresis in the early Solar System can be efficient to transport solid particles outward.  相似文献   
NASA and ESA have outlined visions for solar system exploration that will include a series of lunar robotic precursor missions to prepare for, and support a human return to the Moon, and future human exploration of Mars and other destinations, including possibly asteroids. One of the guiding principles for exploration is to pursue compelling scientific questions about the origin and evolution of life. The search for life on objects such as Mars will require careful operations, and that all systems be sufficiently cleaned and sterilized prior to launch to ensure that the scientific integrity of extraterrestrial samples is not jeopardized by terrestrial organic contamination. Under the Committee on Space Research’s (COSPAR’s) current planetary protection policy for the Moon, no sterilization procedures are required for outbound lunar spacecraft, nor is there a different planetary protection category for human missions, although preliminary COSPAR policy guidelines for human missions to Mars have been developed. Future in situ investigations of a variety of locations on the Moon by highly sensitive instruments designed to search for biologically derived organic compounds would help assess the contamination of the Moon by lunar spacecraft. These studies could also provide valuable “ground truth” data for Mars sample return missions and help define planetary protection requirements for future Mars bound spacecraft carrying life detection experiments. In addition, studies of the impact of terrestrial contamination of the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts could provide valuable data to help refine future Mars surface exploration plans for a human mission to Mars.  相似文献   
 Conflicts between different interest groups for use of natural resources is one area where state geological surveys can provide assistance. A state geological survey working within the scientific constraints of specific issues can remain objective in its presentations and maintain the faith of both the conflicting interest groups and the public. One cannot vary from the objective view or you will quickly be criticized. Criticism can still occur from one side of a natural resource issue as your data might counter their views. However, the final decisions are almost always made in some legislators, or regulators, area of responsibility. The responsibility of the state geological survey is to provide the important data that will assist in making correct decisions. Should one party in the conflict become extreme in their demands, a potential compromise that is beneficial to both sides can be lost. In Kansas, the classical natural resource problem of resource/recreation in a populated area is presented as a case study. The state geological survey presented data on sand resources in the Kansas River and its valley in northeast Kansas. That information was important to both recreation and dredging interests where the political problem is a conflict of sand use as a construction material resource versus use of the alluvial river as an important recreation area, especially for canoeing. However, when a reasonable compromise was near completion in the Kansas Legislature one side, in a bold move to develop an advantage, ruined that potential for compromise. Received: 12 May 1998 · Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   
Information included in this summary is based on more detailed reports published in the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, vol. 34, no. 7, July 2009 (on the Internet at ). Edited by scientists at the Smithsonian, this bulletin includes reports provided by a worldwide network of correspondents. The reports contain the names and contact information for all sources. Please note that these reports are preliminary and subject to change as events are studied in more detail. The Global Volcanism Program welcomes further reports of current volcanism, seismic unrest, monitoring data, and field observations.  相似文献   
Vertical carbon fluxes between the surface and 2500 m depth were estimated from in situ profiles of particle size distributions and abundances me/asured off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) related to deep ocean sediment traps. Vertical mass fluxes off Cape Blanc were significantly higher than recent global estimates in the open ocean. The aggregates off Cape Blanc contained high amounts of ballast material due to the presence of coccoliths and fine-grained dust from the Sahara desert, leading to a dominance of small and fast-settling aggregates. The largest changes in vertical fluxes were observed in the surface waters (<250 m), and, thus, showing this site to be the most important zone for aggregate formation and degradation. The degradation length scale (L), i.e. the fractional degradation of aggregates per meter settled, was estimated from vertical fluxes derived from the particle size distribution through the water column. This was compared with fractional remineralization rate of aggregates per meter settled derived from direct ship-board measurements of sinking velocity and small-scale O2 fluxes to aggregates measured by micro-sensors. Microbial respiration by attached bacteria alone could not explain the degradation of organic matter in the upper ocean. Instead, flux feeding from zooplankton organisms was indicated as the dominant degradation process of aggregated carbon in the surface ocean. Below the surface ocean, microbes became more important for the degradation as zooplankton was rare at these depths.  相似文献   
Information included in this summary is based on more detailed reports published in the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, vol. 35, no. 2, February 2010 (on the Internet at ). Edited by scientists at the Smithsonian, this bulletin includes reports provided by a worldwide network of correspondents. The reports contain the names and contact information for all sources. Please note that these reports are preliminary and subject to change as events are studied in more detail. The Global Volcanism Program welcomes further reports of current volcanism, seismic unrest, monitoring data, and field observations.  相似文献   
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