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Multiple intertidal bars are common features of wave‐dominated sandy beaches, yet their short‐term (<1 month) and small‐scale (<1 km) morphology and dynamics remain poorly understood. This study describes the morphodynamics of multiple intertidal bars in North Lincolnshire, England, during single and lunar tidal cycles under two contrasting conditions – first when significant wave height was <0·5 m and second when significant wave height frequently exceeded 1 m. The relative importance of swash, surf and shoaling processes in determining morphological change was examined using detailed field observations and a numerical model. The beach featured four intertidal bars and both cross‐shore and longshore bar morphology evolved during the field investigation, particularly under medium to high wave‐energy conditions. Numerical modelling suggests shoaling processes are most common on the seaward two bars under calm wave conditions (Hs < 0·5 m) and that surf zone processes become more common during neap tides and under more energetic (Hs < 0·5 m) conditions. Surf processes dominate the inner two bars, though swash influence increases in a landward direction. The numerical modelling results combined with low tide survey data and high‐resolution morphological measurements strongly suggest changes in the intertidal bar morphology are accomplished by surf zone processes rather than by shoaling wave or swash processes. This is because shoaling waves do not induce significant sediment transport to have any morphological effect, whereas swash action generally does not have enough scope to act as the swash zone is much narrower than the surf zone. It was found, however, that the absolute rate of morphological change under swash action and surfzone processes are of similar magnitudes and that swash action may induce a significant amount of local morphological change when the high tide mark is located on the upper bar, making this process important for bar morphodynamics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A precision Solar Photometric Telescope (SPT) was constructed to study the large-scale thermal structure of the solar photosphere. This instrument does full-disk, broad-band (10 nm FWHM), two-color (500 and 650 nm) imaging of the solar photosphere. Data obtained by the SPT reveals network structures correlated with the supergranulation velocity field, and the CaK network of the chromosphere. Infrared array photometry extends these measurements to 1.6 and 2.2 micron. The observed correlation of the network brightness signal with the CaK network is positive at visible wavelengths. The correlation between the network at the opacity minimum (1.6 micron) and in the higher photosphere (2.2 micron) is positive also. The root-mean-square (r.m.s.) amplitude of the contrast at disk center is (2.34 ± 0.38) × 10-3, (1.83 ± 0.51) × 10-3, (1.02 ± 0.21) × 10-3, and (1.11 ± 0.21) × 10-3 for the green, red, H, and K band, respectively. It is consistent with a brightness temperature modulation of 2.9 K. The r.m.s. amplitude of the contrast of active region network shows a large increase toward the limb, and the quiet region network shows little center-to-limb variation (CLV). Power-spectrum analysis shows that the bright facular points in the active regions appear in the form of enhanced network.  相似文献   
Information included in this summary is based on more detailed reports published in the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, vol. 32, no. 9, September 2007 (on the Internet at ). Edited by scientists at the Smithsonian, this bulletin includes reports provided by a worldwide network of correspondents. The reports contain the names and contact information for all sources. Please note that these reports are preliminary and subject to change as events are studied in more detail. The Global Volcanism Program welcomes further reports of current volcanism, seismic unrest, monitoring data, and field observations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Orientierung von post-orogenen Klüften in proterozoischen Sedimentgesteinen des Elliot Lake-Gebietes, Canada, läßt sich mit der meßbaren Gesteinsentspannung in Bohrlöchern in Beziehung bringen. Steile lokale und regionale Kluftscharen ohne Bewegungsspuren streichen in Richtung der elastischen Hauptentformungsachse, also in Richtung der größten in-situ-Kompressionsspannung.Die Klüfte lassen sich deshalb wahrscheinlich als Extensionsfugen erklären, und zwar als Resultat der Wechselwirkung zwischen Oberflächenabtrag des Gesteins und remanenter tektonischer Gesteinsspannung. Der vorgeschlagene Mechanismus sollte auch zum Verständnis von spät-orogenen (ac)-Klüften in gefaltetem Deckgebirge und oberflächenparallelen Klüften in massigen Gesteinen beitragen.
Orientation of post-orogenic joints in Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Elliot Lake area (Canada) seems to be directly related to elastic-strain-recovery as measured in boreholes. Steep local and regional joint sets without displacement are parallel with the axis of maximum elastic-strain-recovery (i. e. the direction of the major principal in situ stress component). Consequently these joints are interpreted as extension joints forming as a result of the interaction between natural (or artificial) erosion of the rock mass and its remanent tectonic stresses. The proposed mechanism should also help to understand late-orogenic (ac)-joints in folded cover rocks and exfoliation joints in otherwise unjointed rocks.

Résumé L'orientation des diaclases post-tectoniques dans des roches sédimentaires protérozoïques de la région du Lac d'Elliot, Canada, peut être mise en relation avec les tensions élastiques des roches telles qu'on peut les mesurer dans les trous de forage. Les systèmes de diaclases redressées, locales et régionales, sans traces de mouvement, sont dirigés parallèlement aux axes principaux de la déformation élastique, c'est-à-dire à la direction de la plus grande compression in situ mesurée par le changement de forme d'un trou de sonde. Par conséquent, les diaclases s'expliquent vraisemblablement comme joints d'extension, et en fait comme le résultat de l'action réciproque entre des tensions tectoniques rémanentes et l'érosion en surface. Le mécanisme proposé explique aussi les diaclase (ac) tardives dans les couvertures plissées et l'exfoliation parallèle à la surface dans les roches massives.

- Elliot Lake, , . , in situ. , , , , , . - .
Summary The global power of the differences of altimetric sea heights at collocated points in the first 44 cycles of the Topex/Poseidon (T/P) mission, apparently shows the influence of errors in the major tides and long period ocean signals. Results show the principal semidiurnal tides (M2/S2 lumped together) in the Cartwright and Ray (1991) model are probably in error globally by 3–4 cm (rms). The dominant fluctuation in the differences over the 44 cycles (14 months total) arises from an annual signal of 4–6 cm (rms), significantly greater than long term climate data suggests (but with considerable uncertainty due to unresolved semiannual effects).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im vorwiegend bayerischen Westteil der Böhmischen Masse lassen sich Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Schollenbau und der orogen-tektonischen Verformung des saxothuringischen Varistikums erarbeiten. Dabei gewinnt die Schollentektonik im rigiden Rückland des Orogens, die Schollengruppe des moldanubischen Blockes als Kraton, ihre besondere Bedeutung durch die Ausbildung mächtiger, planarer Scherzonen im Grenzbereich zwischen Ober- und Unterkruste. Diese planaren Scherzonen vorwiegend migmatischer Ausbildung stellen den wichtigsten Bereich granitoider Mobilisation im kratonen Rückland von Orogenen dar. Als Ursache der granitoiden Mobilisation wird die Umsetzung von mechanischer Energie in Wärme bei der Scherung (Reibungswärme) angesehen. Am Beispiel der geotektonisch gut einstufbaren Verhältnisse in Scherzonen epizonalen Niveaus wird die Verbindung von planarer Schertektonik und granitoider Gesteinsbildung auf eine breitere Basis gestellt (Beispiel der Epigneise u. a. Orthogneise des Fichtelgebirges). Dabei läßt sich zeigen, daß mit der Tiefenlage einer planaren Scherzone das Ausmaß granitoider Mobilisation zunimmt. Von den mächtigen planaren Scherzonen kann eine regionale Thermometamorphose (Regionalmetamorphose) ausgehen.Die dargestellten Zusammenhänge zeichnen ein neues Modell für Orogene, deren Einengung auf den Tangentialschub angrenzender und von ihrer Unterlage abgescherter Kraton-Schollen beruht. Dieses Modell erlaubt nicht nur die Synthese von orogenen Einengungsbewegungen mit der kratonen Schollentektonik, sondern auch die Verknüpfung der Faltungsphasen mit den synorogenen granitoiden Prozessen weit im Rückland eines Orogens.
In the western Bavarian part of the Bohemian Massif, block tectonics are genetically related to the orogenic folding of the Variscan Saxothuringicum. Within the rigid hinterland of the German Variscan (Moldanubicum) planar shearing zones occur, which coincide with the lower boundary of the crustal blocks moved. These planar shearing zones of predominantly migmatic development belong to the broad borderzone between upper and lower crust. They represent the most important realm of granitoid mobilization within the rigid hinterland of orogens. This type of anatectic mobilization is supposed to be caused by transformation of mechanical energy into heat by shearing (friction).An example of anatectic mobilization by friction is found in the so-called epigneisses of the Fichtelgebirge (north-eastern Bavaria). These rocks are identical with planar shearing zones in crustal levels of epizonal facies. Granitic orthogneisses of planar form and structure are supposed to be anatectic products of friction in some deeper crustal levels. The quantity of granitoid mobilization increases with depth and thickness of the shearing zones. Planar shearing zones of orthogneiss character may cause regional thermo-metamorphism (regional metamorphism). The relations demonstrated provide a new model for orogeny whose compression is caused by tangential movement of adjoining rigid crustal blocks. This model not only relates compressional tectonics of the orogen to block tectonics of the craton, but also explains the temporal coincidence of folding within the orogen and granitic magmatism far in the hinterland of an orogen.

Résumé La partie ouest bavaroise du massif de Bohême présente une structure de glaçons en connexion avec la déformation orogène tectonique du «Varisticum» saxo-thuringique. La signification particulière de la tectonique des glaçons à l'arrière de l'orogène — groupe des glaçons du bouclier moldanoubique — repose sur la formation de vastes zones planes de cisaillement, régions limitrophes des croûtes, inférieure d'une part et supérieure d'autre part. Ces zones, en grande partie d'origine migmatique, représentent les plus importantes mobilisations granitiques à l'arrière de l'orogène. La mobilisation granitique aurait été causée par la transformation de l'énergie mécanique en énergie calorifique grâce aux forces de frottement.De par ses conditions géotectoniques bien classées dans des zones de cisaillement — au niveau de l'épizone — un exemple démontre le lien entre la tectonique des zones planes de cisaillement et la formation du granite (exemple de l'Epigneiss: Orthogneiss du «Fichtelgebirge»). L'auteur écrit que l'étendue de la mobilisation granitique augmente avec la profondeur de la zone plane de cisaillement. D'immenses zones de cisaillement peuvent donner naissance à un métamorphisme régional.La connexion décrite présente un nouveau modèle pour l'orogène dont le resserrement est dû à la poussée tangentielle des glaçons cratogènes limitrophes ayant glissé de leur socle.

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The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was compared with daily surface observations to verify the accuracy of the WRF model in forecasting surface temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed, and direction. Daily forecasts for the following two days were produced at nine locations across southern Alberta, Canada. Model output was verified using station observations to determine the differences in forecast accuracy for each season.

Although there were seasonal differences in the WRF model, the summer season forecasts generally had the greatest accuracy, determined by the lowest root mean square errors, whereas the winter season forecasts were the least accurate. The WRF model generally produced skillful forecasts throughout the year although with a smaller diurnal temperature range than observed. The WRF model forecast the prevailing wind direction more accurately than other directions, but it tended to slightly overestimate precipitation amounts. A sensitivity analysis consisting of three microphysics schemes showed relatively minor differences between simulated precipitation as well as 2?m surface temperatures.  相似文献   
This article presents a new comprehensive assessment of the Holocene hydrological variability of Lake Ladoga, northwest Russia. The reconstruction is based on oxygen isotopes of lacustrine diatom silica (δ18Odiatom) preserved in sediment core Co 1309, and is complemented by a diatom assemblage analysis and a survey of modern isotope hydrology. The data indicate that Lake Ladoga has existed as a freshwater reservoir since at least 10.8 cal. ka BP. The δ18Odiatom values range from +29.8 to +35.0‰, and relatively higher δ18Odiatom values around +34.7‰ between c. 7.1 and 5.7 cal. ka BP are considered to reflect the Holocene Thermal Maximum. A continuous depletion in δ18Odiatom since c. 6.1 cal. ka BP accelerates after c. 4 cal. ka BP, indicating Middle to Late Holocene cooling that culminates during the interval 0.8–0.2 cal. ka BP, corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Lake‐level rises result in lower δ18Odiatom values, whereas lower lake levels cause higher δ18Odiatom values. The diatom isotope record gives an indication for a rather early opening of the Neva River outflow at c. 4.4–4.0 cal. ka BP. Generally, overall high δ18Odiatom values around +33.5‰ characterize a persistent evaporative lake system throughout the Holocene. As the Lake Ladoga δ18Odiatom record is roughly in line with the 60°N summer insolation, a linkage to broader‐scale climate change is likely.  相似文献   
Summary Simultaneous measurements of the electrical conductivity of air inside and outside of buildings have been performed with continuously recording electronic instruments of high sensitivity and short time constant. It appears that the electrical conductivity, a measure of the natural ionization of air, is one atmospheric-electric parameter that can manifest itself inside occupied buildings without appreciable difference in physical character from outside values.The probable importance of these experimental results for the field of bioclimatology is pointed out and the possibility is discussed that the electrical conductivity of air might be one of the searched—for parameters in associating physiological phenomena with weather changes.
Zusammenfassung Gleichzeitige Messungen der luftelektrischen Leitfähigkeit im Freien und innerhalb von Gebäuden wurden mit kontinuierlich registrierenden Röhreninstrumenten von großer Empfindlichkeit und kurzer Zeitkonstante durchgeführt. Es wurde gefunden, daß die Leitfähigkeit als Maß der natürlichen Luftionisierung eine luftelektrische Größe darstellt, die ohne wesentliche physikalische Beeinflussung in bewohnte Gebäude einzudringen vermag.Die mögliche Bedeutung dieser experimentellen Ergebnisse für das Gebiet der Bioklimatologie wird angedeutet und die Wahrscheinlichkeit diskutiert, daß die luftelektrische Leitfähigkeit einen der noch unbestimmten Faktoren des Zusammenhanges physiologischer Erscheinungen mit Wetterveränderungen darstellen könnte.

Résumé Des instruments électroniques à enregistrement continu de haute fidelité et ayant une constante de courte durée ont permis de prendre des mesures simultanées de la conductivité électrique de l'air à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de bâtiments. Il semble que la conductivité électrique, mesure de l'ionisation naturelle de l'air, soit un paramètre de l'électricité atmosphérique qui peut se manifester à l'intérieur de bâtiments habités sans différence appréciable de caractéristiques physiques avec celles des valeurs extérieures.L'importance probable de ces résultats expérimentaux dans le champ de la bioclimatologie est indiquée, et la possibilité que la conductivité atmosphérique puisse être un des paramètres recherchés dans l'association des phénomènes physiologiques avec des changements du temps est étudiée.

With 1 Figure.

Publication No. 25 of the Institute of Geophysics, University of California at Los Angeles. The research reported in this paper has been sponsored in part by the Geophysics Research Directorate of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and Development Command, under Contract No. AF 19(122)-254.  相似文献   
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