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We assessed amounts, composition, and trends of marine debris for the U.S. Pacific Coast and Hawai'i using National Marine Debris Monitoring Program data. Hawai'i had the highest debris loads; the North Pacific Coast region had the lowest debris loads. The Southern California Bight region had the highest land-based debris loads. Debris loads decreased over time for all source categories in all regions except for land-based and general-source loads in the North Pacific Coast region, which were unchanged. General-source debris comprised 30-40% of the items in all regions. Larger local populations were associated with higher land-based debris loads across regions; the effect declined at higher population levels. Upwelling affected deposition of ocean-based and general-source debris loads but not land-based loads along the Pacific Coast. LNSO decreased debris loads for both land-based and ocean-based debris but not general-source debris in Hawai'i, a more complex climate-ocean effect than had previously been found.  相似文献   
Shelf‐edge deltas are a key depositional environment for accreting sediment onto shelf‐margin clinoforms. The Moruga Formation, part of the palaeo‐Orinoco shelf‐margin sedimentary prism of south‐east Trinidad, provides new insight into the incremental growth of a Pliocene, storm wave‐dominated shelf margin. Relatively little is known about the mechanisms of sand bypass from the shelf‐break area of margins, and in particular from storm wave‐dominated margins which are generally characterized by drifting of sand along strike until meeting a canyon or channel. The studied St. Hilaire Siltstone and Trinity Hill Sandstone succession is 260 m thick and demonstrates a continuous transition from gullied (with turbidites) uppermost slope upward to storm wave‐dominated delta front on the outermost shelf. The basal upper‐slope deposits are dominantly mass‐transport deposited blocks, as well as associated turbidites and debrites with common soft‐sediment‐deformed strata. The overlying uppermost slope succession exhibits a spectacular set of gullies, which are separated by abundant slump‐scar unconformities (tops of rotational slides), then filled with debris‐flow conglomerates and sandy turbidite beds with interbedded mudstones. The top of the study succession, on the outer‐shelf area, contains repeated upward‐coarsening, sandstone‐rich parasequences (2 to 15 m thick) with abundant hummocky and swaley cross‐stratification, clear evidence of storm‐swell and storm wave‐dominated conditions. The observations suggest reconstruction of the unstable shelf margin as follows: (i) the aggradational storm wave‐dominated, shelf‐edge delta front became unstable and collapsed down the slope; (ii) the excavated scars of the shelf margin became gullied, but gradually healed (aggraded) by repeated infilling by debris flows and turbidites, and then new gullying and further infilling; and (iii) a renewed storm wave‐dominated delta‐front prograded out across the healed outer shelf, re‐establishing the newly stabilized shelf margin. The Moruga Formation study, along with only a few others in the literature, confirms the sediment bypass ability of storm wave‐dominated reaches of shelf edges, despite river‐dominated deltas being, by far, the most efficient shelf‐edge regime for sediment bypass at the shelf break.  相似文献   
Assessment of geological, geochemical and isotopic data indicates that a significant subgroup of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposits has a major or dominant magmatic?Chydrothermal source of ore fluids and metals. This group, which is typically characterised by high Cu and Au grades, includes deposits such as those in the Neoarchean Doyon-Bousquet-LaRonde and Cambrian Mount Lyell districts. These deposits are distinguished by aluminous advanced argillic alteration assemblages or metamorphosed equivalents intimately associated with ore zones. In many of these deposits, ??34Ssulphide is low, with a major population below ?3??; ??34Ssulphate differs from coexisting seawater and ??34Ssulphate?Csulphide????20?C30??. These characteristics are interpreted as the consequence of disproportionation of magmatic SO2 as magmatic?Chydrothermal fluids ascended and cooled and as a definitive evidence for a significant magmatic?Chydrothermal contribution. Other characteristics that we consider diagnostic of significant magmatic?Chydrothermal input into VHMS ore fluids include uniformly high (>3 times modern seawater values) salinities or very 18O-enriched (??18O?>?5??) ore fluids. We do not consider other criteria [e.g. variable salinity, moderately high ??18Ofluid (2?C5??), ??34Ssulphide near 0??, metal assemblages or a spatial association with porphyry Cu or other clearly magmatic-hydrothermal deposits] that have been used previously to advocate significant magmatic?Chydrothermal contributions to be diagnostic as they can be produced by non-magmatic processes known to occur in VHMS mineral systems. However, in general, a small magmatic?Chydrothermal contribution cannot be excluded in most VHMS systems considered. Conclusive data that imply minimal magmatic?Chydrothermal contributions are only available in the Paleoarchean Panorama district where coeval seawater-dominated and magmatic?Chydrothermal systems appear to have been physically separated. This district, which is characterised by chloritic and sericitic alteration assemblages and lacks aluminous advanced argillic alteration assemblages, is typical of many VHMS deposits around the world, suggesting that for ??garden variety?? VHMS deposits, a significant magmatic?Chydrothermal contribution is not required. Other than deposits associated with advanced argillic alteration assemblages, the only deposit for which we ascribe a major magmatic?Chydrothermal contribution is the Devonian Neves Corvo deposit. This deposit differs from other deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt and around the world in being extremely Sn-rich, with the Sn closely associated with Cu and in having formed from high 18O-rich fluids (??18Ofluid ??8.5??). We consider these characteristics, particularly the last, as diagnostic of a significant magmatic hydrothermal contribution. Our analysis indicates that two subgroups of VHMS deposits have a major magmatic?Chydrothermal contribution: Cu/Au-rich deposits with aluminous alteration assemblages and reduced, very Sn-rich deposits in which Sn was introduced in a high-temperature ore assemblage. Comparison with ??normal?? VHMS deposits suggests that these subgroups of VHMS deposits may form in specialised tectonic environments. The Cu/Au-rich deposits appear to form adjacent to magmatic arcs, an environment conducive to the generation of hydrous, oxidised melts by melting metasomatised mantle in the wedge above the subducting slab. This contrasts with the back-arc setting of ??normal?? VHMS deposits in which relatively dry granites (In this contribution, we use the term granite sensu latto) formed by decompression melting drive seawater-dominated hydrothermal circulation. The tectonic setting of highly Sn-rich VHMS deposits such as Neves Corvo is less clear; however, thick continental crust below the ore-hosting basin may be critical, as it is in other Sn deposits.  相似文献   
The Batu Hijau porphyry copper-gold deposit, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Batu Hijau porphyry Cu---Au deposit lies in southwest Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. It is a world-class porphyry Cu deposit in an island are setting, and is typical of this deposit type in most features, including igneous association, morphology, hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation style.The region was not previously recognised as a porphyry Cu province; disseminated Cu sulphides were first recognised in float samples in southwest Sumbawa in 1987. Associated stream sediment sampling identified a broad area of anomalous Au and Cu in an area of greater than 5 km2 around Batu Hijau, including 169 ppb Au in BLEG samples and 580 ppm Cu in stream silts 1 km from the deposit. Mineralisation in bedrock at surface contains > 0.1 wt % Cu and > 0.1 ppm Au over an area of 0.6 km × 1.2 km, including a zone 300 m × 900 m containing > 0.3 wt % Cu. Areas with elevated Mo (> 30 ppm) form a distinctive annulus around this Cu-rich zone.Batu Hijau mineralisation is hosted in a tonalite intrusive complex, and diorite and metavolcanic wallrocks. There are no post-mineralisation igneous intrusions or breccia pipes within the deposit. The main tonalite intrusion forms a stock in the centre of the deposit, where it generally displays intensely pervasive potassic (biotite with magnetite-quartz) alteration and hosts most of the higher grade mineralisation. Younger tonalite dykes intruding the centre of this stock are generally less altered and mineralised than the older tonalite.The core zone of potassic alteration grades outward into extensive propylitic alteration (chlorite-epidote), with both variably overprinted by widespread fracture controlled intermediate argillic alteration (sericite-chlorite), and minor phyllic (sericite-pyrite) and sodic (albite) alteration. Argillic (sericite-kaolinite) and advanced argillic (kaolinite-alunite-pyrophyllite) assemblages occur near surface.Copper and Au grades within the orebody show a positive correlation with quartz stockwork intensity, although disseminated Cu sulphides are also common. Chalcopyrite and bornite are the principle hypogenal minerals, with minor chalcocite. Oxidation extends to a depth of 5 m to 85 m below surface across the deposit, and is underlain by weak supergene mineralisation. Drill testing of the deposit down to 650 m below surface reveals a single cylindrical to conical orebody of 334 million tonnes grading 0.8 wt % Cu and 0.69 gm per tonne Au; the depth extent of mineralisation is unknown.  相似文献   
A calorimetric study has shown that glasses along the albite-diopside join in the system albiteanorthite-diopside have positive enthalpies of mixing. Thermodynamic calculations based on these data describe a nearly symmetric, metastable, subliquidus irascibility gap along the join with a critical temperature at 910 K. The existence of the miscibility gap was tested experimentally by annealing an Ab50Di50 glass at 748 K and 823 K. Annealed glasses were examined by optical microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The glasses showed morphological and chemical features consistent with unmixing of two glass phases. The apparent mechanism of phase separation involves initial spinodal decomposition followed by coarsening to produce 0.1 μm–0.3 μm spherical glass phases.  相似文献   
In recent years, there have been numerous calibrations of the biotite-garnet Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer. The Eastern Lac Seul region of the English River subprovince, Ontario, provides an excellent field area in which to compare these calibrations.Trend surface analysis using the temperatures obtained from garnet cores and matrix biotites-showed almost identical trends in the eastern Lac Seul region regardless of the calibration used. The absolute temperatures and the precision of each calibration do, however, show large variation. Geothermometers based solely on lnKD were found to give more precise results than the calibrations that attempt to incorporate non-Fe-Mg components. The Perchuk and Lavrent'eva (1983) thermometer yields the most precise and accurate results. If a sufficient number of samples are collected over a region, it can be used to estimate metamorphic temperature trends to ±30° C. Metamorphism and migmatization of the English River subprovince occurred during the Kenoran orogeny, 2.68 b.y. ago. Our results show that a thermal anticline has been preserved, with temperatures of 600° C at the north and south contacts with Uchi and Wabigoon Greenstone belts, increasing to 725 °C at the center of the subprovince. A garnet-cordierite in isograd occurs at 650° C and an orthopyroxene in isogradat 700° C.  相似文献   
During late winter and spring of 2002 and 2003, 24, 2–3 day cruises were conducted to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, to examine the grazing, egg production, and hatching success rates of adult female Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani. The results of the copepod grazing experiments for C. pacificus are discussed here. Each week, copepod grazing incubation experiments from two different depth layers were conducted. Grazing was measured by both changes in chlorophyll concentration and cell counts. In 2002, there was one moderate bloom consisting mainly of Thalassiosira spp. in early February, and a larger bloom in April comprised of two Chaetoceros species and Phaeocystis sp. Similarly, in 2003, there were two blooms, an early one dominated by Thalassiosira spp., and a later one consisting of Chaetoceros spp. and Thalassiosira spp. Clearance rates on individual prey species, as calculated by cell counts, showed that C. pacificus are highly selective in their feeding, and may have much higher clearance rates on individual taxa than rates calculated from bulk chlorophyll disappearance. During weeks of high phytoplankton concentration, the copepods generally ate phytoplankton. However, they often rejected the most abundant phytoplankton species, particularly certain Thalassiosira spp., even though the rejected prey were often of the same genus and similar size to the preferred prey. It is speculated that this avoidance may be related to the possible deleterious effects that certain of these diatom species have on the reproductive success of these copepods. During weeks of medium to low phytoplankton concentration, the copepods selectively ate certain species of phytoplankton, and often had high electivity for microzooplankton. The selection mechanism must consist of active particle rejection most likely based on detection of surface chemical properties, since the diatoms that were selected were of the same genus, nearly the same size, and at lower numerical abundance than those cells that were avoided. The grazing choices made by these copepods may have important consequences for the overall ecosystem function within coastal and estuarine systems through changes in the transfer efficiency of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
Biological structures exert a major influence on species diversity at both local and regional scales on deep continental margins. Some organisms use other species as substrates for attachment, shelter, feeding or parasitism, but there may also be mutual benefits from the association. Here, we highlight the structural attributes and biotic effects of the habitats that corals, sea pens, sponges and xenophyophores offer other organisms. The environmental setting of the biological structures influences their species composition. The importance of benthic species as substrates seems to increase with depth as the complexity of the surrounding geological substrate and food supply decline. There are marked differences in the degree of mutualistic relationships between habitat-forming taxa. This is especially evident for scleractinian corals, which have high numbers of facultative associates (commensals) and few obligate associates (mutualists), and gorgonians, with their few commensals and many obligate associates. Size, flexibility and architectural complexity of the habitat-forming organism are positively related to species diversity for both sessile and mobile species. This is mainly evident for commensal species sharing a facultative relationship with their host. Habitat complexity is enhanced by the architecture of biological structures, as well as by biological interactions. Colony morphology has a great influence on feeding efficiency for suspension feeders. Suspension feeding, habitat-forming organisms modify the environment to optimize their food uptake. This environmental advantage is also passed on to associated filter-feeding species. These effects are poorly understood but represent key points for understanding ecosystems and biodiversity on continental margins. In this paper we explore the contributions of organisms and the biotic structures they create (rather than physical modifications) to habitat heterogeneity and diversity on the deep continental margins.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first published 3D geomechanical modelling study of the CO2CRC Otway Project, located in the state of Victoria, Australia. The results of this work contribute to one of the main objectives of the CO2CRC, which is to demonstrate the feasibility of CO2 storage in a depleted gas reservoir. With this aim in mind, a one-way coupled flow and geomechanics model is presented, with the capability of predicting changes to the in situ stress field caused by changes in reservoir pressure owing to CO2 production and injection. A parametric study investigating the pore pressures required to reactivate key, reservoir-bounding faults has been conducted, and the results from the numerical simulation and analytical analysis are compared. The numerical simulation indicates that the critical pore fluid pressure to cause fault reactivation is 1.15 times the original pressure as opposed to 1.5 times for the comparable analytical model. Possible reasons for the differences between the numerical and analytical models can be ascribed to the higher degree of complexity incorporated in the numerical model. Heterogeneity in terms of lateral variations of hydrological and mechanical parameters, effect of topography, presence of faults and interaction between cells are considered to be the main sources for the different estimation of critical pore pressure. The numerical model, which incorporates this greater complexity, is able then to better describe the state of stress that acts in the subsurface compared with a simple 1D analytical model. Moreover, the reactivation pressures depend mainly on the state of stress described; therefore we suggest that numerical models be performed when possible.  相似文献   
The atmospheric origin of the debris which produced a sudden increase of surface radioactivity is studied. Because all the radioactivity measurements show the mean debris ages to be greater than one hundred days for the entire sequence, the air is inferred to have been of recent stratospheric origin in view of an assumed mean tropospheric debris residence time of one month.The trajectories of the layer which caused the sudden increase in debris concentration were traced isentropically backward from the point of the fallout increase. The computed trajectory is seen to originate in the region traditionally considered to be the jet stream front and is shown definitely to be stratospheric air through potential vorticity considerations. The sinking motion is associated with upper air cyclogenesis and takes place to the rear of this high level cyclone. The air appears to cross the jet axis as viewed on an isobaric surface; but viewed isentropically, the trajectory is seen to slip under the jet core in such manner that no appreciable lateral shears are observed.
Zusammenfassung Es wird der atmosphärische Ursprung der Ausfallprodukte, die einen plötzlichen Anstieg der Radioaktivität in Bodennähe verursachten, untersucht. Da alle Radioaktivitätsmessungen zeigten, daß das mittlere Alter der Ausfallprodukte in der Meßreihe größer als 100 Tage war, wird geschlossen, daß, im Hinblick auf eine angenommene mittlere Aufenthaltszeit der Ausfallprodukte in der Troposphäre von einem Monat, die Luft nicht lange vorher aus der Stratosphäre zugeströmt sein kann.Die Trajektorien der Schicht, die den plötzlichen Anstieg der Konzentration der Ausfallprodukte verursachte, wurden isentropisch vom Punkt des Anstiegs der Radioaktivität an zurückverfolgt. Die berechnete Trajektorie entspringt in der Region, die gewöhnlich als Jet Stream Front bezeichnet wird. Die Betrachtung der potentiellen Vorticity zeigt, daß die Luft eindeutig stratosphärischen Ursprungs war. Die absinkende Bewegung ist mit einer Zyklogenese in hohen Schichten in Verbindung, sie tritt an der Rückseite dieser Höhenzyklone auf. Bei Betrachtung auf einer Isobarenfläche scheint es, daß die Luft die Jetachse kreuzt; bei isentroper Betrachtung jedoch sieht man, daß die Trajektorie unter dem Jetkern durchschlüpft wobei keine größeren seitlichen Scherungen zu beobachten sind.

Résumé On recherche l'origine atmosphérique des résidus provoquant un accroissement brusque de la radioactivité au voisinage du sol. Comme toutes les mesures de la radioactivité ont montré que l'âge moyen des produits résiduels des différentes séries de mesure dépassait toujours 100 jours, on en conclut que, en admettant que ces particules se maintiennent en moyenne 1 mois dans la trophosphère, l'air ne parvient pas longtemps auparavant de la stratosphère.On a recherché la trajectoire inverse des masses d'air provoquant un accroissement subit de la retombée radioactive. Pour ce faire, on est parti du point où la dite recrudescence avait été constatée et, par des méthodes isentropiques, on a reconstitué la trajectoire présumée des produits résiduels. Les trajectoires ainsi calculées prennent naissance dans la région dénommée ordinairement Jet Stream Front. L'examen de la vorticity potentielle a montré que l'air a une origine stratosphérique indéniable. Le mouvement subsident est lié à une cyclogénèse à très haute altitude et se produit à l'arrière de la dite dépression. En considérant une surface isobarique, il semble que l'air traverse l'axe du courant. En considérant les choses de manière isentropique, on constate cependant que la trajectoire passe sous le noyau du courant de telle sorte qu'il n'y ait pas de cisaillement latérial appréciable.

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