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冀西北麻粒岩区早前寒武纪主要地质事件的年代格架   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
耿元生  刘敦一 《地质学报》1997,71(4):316-327
本文通过年代学资料和其它地质依据建立了冀西北及邻区麻粒岩地体早前寒武纪主要地质事件的年代格架。早期的基性火山喷发事件发生在2868—2932Ma期间,形成本区的早期地壳。在2761Ma左右发生了大规模的TTG岩浆侵位事件,在2650Ma时发生了基性岩浆侵位,使地壳加厚。在2561—2503Ma期间,花岗闪长质岩浆在本区广泛侵入,使地壳进一步加厚。2477—2461Ma期间,紫苏花岗岩以岩株形式侵入,同时发生区域麻粒岩相变质,早期地壳受到改造。大约在2300Ma时发生第二阶段的麻粒岩相变质。此后,在2144—2087Ma期间红色花岗岩侵位,形成花岗岩带。  相似文献   
新疆喀纳斯国家地质公园是以第四纪冰川遗迹为主要特色的综合性国家地质公园。本文对公园内的旅游资源进行了概要介绍,并对其作了定性评价,认为园区内旅游资源类型多样,功能齐全,极具科考、旅游观光和科普教育价值。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study is to model the δ13C values of methane derived from coal by combining kinetic-simulating experiment with the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrum (GC-IRMS) analysis. The stable carbon isotopic variation of methane in pyrolysates with heating temperature indicates that the assumptions for both a constant kinetic isotope effect (α) and a uniform initial isotopic composition (δ13Co) are impractical for explaining the carbon isotopic fractionation during coalification. For purposes of simplification, two approaches are used in this paper to deal with the heterogeneity of terrestrial organic matter. One is that, assuming a uniform initial isotopic composition (i.e., δ13Ci, o=δ13Co) for all methane-generating precursors in coal, the isotopic variation of methane is fitted by adjusting ΔEa, i (Ea13C, iEa12C, i) for each hypothetical reaction. The other is that, assuming a constant kinetic isotope effect during the whole gas formation, that is all ΔEa, i values are identical, the modeling of methane isotopic composition is achieved by changing the 13CH4 generation potential of each reaction (fi, 13C), namely, by adjusting the initial δ13C value (δ13Ci, o) for each methane-generating precursor. Results of the kinetic calculation shows that the two simulating methods can yield a similar result at a geological heating rate of 2 °C/My, which further demonstrates that those natural gases with methane δ13C value being approximately −36‰ are possibly sourced from the upper Triassic coal measure strata in the Northwestern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
Expulsion of petroleum from source rock is a complex part of the entire migration process. There exist fractional effects on chemical compositions in hydrocarbon expulsion. Does the carbon isotopic fractionation occur during expulsion and to what extent? Here the influence of hydrocarbon expulsion on carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes from pyrolysates of selected terrestrial kerogens from Tuha basin and Fushun, Liaoning Province of China has been experimentally studied. The pyrogeneration-expulsion experiments were carried out under semi-closed system. The carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes were measured by GC-IRMS. The main conclusions are as follows. First, there is carbon isotopic fractionation associated with hydrocarbon expulsion from Type III kerogens in Tuha Basin. There exist differences of carbon isotopic compositions between the unexpelled n-alkanes and expelled n-alkanes from Tuha desmocollinite and Tuha mudstone. Second, there is almost no carbon isotopic fractionation associated with hydrocarbon expulsion from Type II kerogens in Fushun and Liaohe Basin. Third, carbon isotopic fractionation in hydrocarbon expulsion should be considered in making oil-source correlation of Type III kerogens at least in the Tuha Basin. Further studies need to be carried out to determine whether this is true in other basins. Fourth, oil and source at different maturity levels cannot be correlated directly for Type III kerogens since the carbon isotopic compositions of expelled hydrocarbons at different temperatures are different. The expelled hydrocarbons are usually lighter (depleted in 13C) than the hydrocarbons remaining in the source rock at the same maturity.  相似文献   
Oil and gas exploration in eastern Tarim Basin, NW China has been successful in recent years, with several commercial gas accumulations being discovered in a thermally mature to over-mature region. The Yingnan2 (YN2) gas field, situated in the Yingnan structure of the Yingjisu Depression, produces gases that are relatively enriched in nitrogen and C2+ alkanes. The δ13C1 (−38.6‰ to −36.2‰) and δ13C2 values (−30.9‰ to −34.7‰) of these gases are characteristic of marine sourced gases with relatively high maturity levels. The distributions of biomarkers in the associated condensates suggest close affinities with the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks which, in the Yingjisu Sag, are currently over-mature (with 3–4%Ro). Burial and thermal maturity modeling results indicate that paleo-temperatures of the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician source rocks had increased from 90 to 210 °C during the late Caledonian orogeny (458–438 Ma), due to rapid subsidence and sediment loading. By the end of Ordovician, hydrocarbon potential in these source rocks had been largely exhausted. The homogenization temperatures of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions identified from the Jurassic reservoirs of the YN2 gas field suggest a hydrocarbon emplacement time as recent as about 10 Ma, when the maturity levels of Middle–Lower Jurassic source rocks in the study area were too low (<0.7%Ro) to form a large quantity of oil and gas. The presence of abundant diamondoid hydrocarbons in the associated condensates and the relatively heavy isotopic values of the oils indicate that the gases were derived from thermal cracking of early-formed oils. Estimation from the stable carbon isotope ratios of gaseous alkanes suggests that the gases may have been formed at temperatures well above 190 °C. Thus, the oil and gas accumulation history in the study area can be reconstructed as follows: (1) during the late Caledonian orogeny, the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician marine source rocks had gone through the peak oil, wet gas and dry gas generation stages, with the generated oil and gas migrating upwards along faults and fractures to form early oil and gas accumulations in the Middle–Upper Ordovician and Silurian sandstone reservoirs; (2) since the late Yanshanian orogeny, the early oil accumulations have been buried deeper and oil has undergone thermal cracking to form gas; (3) during the late Himalayan orogeny, the seals for the deep reservoirs were breached; and the gas and condensates migrated upward and eventually accumulating in the relatively shallow Jurassic reservoirs.  相似文献   
世界海洋油气资源与勘探模式概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
描述了全球海洋油气储量的总体情况、海洋油气资源的地域分布以及海洋油气产量的状况与增长趋势。简略阐述了海洋油气勘探的阶段划分、海洋地质调查、海洋地球化学勘探、海洋非地震地球物理勘探以及海洋地震勘探各方法的基本特点、关键技术和常用手段等。对海洋油气勘探的前景,尤其是深水区和天然气水合物的勘探前景作了展望。  相似文献   
This work analyzes the annual fluctuation of the observation data of the Mingantu Solar radio Telescope(MST) in S, C and X bands. It is found that the data vary with local air temperature as the logarithmic attenuation of equipment increases with temperature and frequency. A simplified and effective calibration method is proposed, which is used to calibrate the MST data in 2018–2020, while the correction coefficients are calculated from data in 2018–2019. For S, C and X bands, the root mean square errors of one polarization are 2.7, 5.7 and 20 sfu, and the relative errors are 4%, 6% and 8% respectively. The calibration of MUSER and SBRS spectra is also performed. The relative errors of MUSER at 1700 MHz,SBRS at 2800 MHz, 3050 MHz and 3350 MHz are 8%, 8%, 11% and 10% respectively. We found that several factors may affect the calibration accuracy, especially at X-band. The method is expected to work for other radio telescopes with similar design.  相似文献   
跑马岗组时代涉及的若干重大问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北当阳新店—跑马岗剖面的跑马岗组跨白垩系与古近系 ,所含轮藻、介形类化石的丰富程度极为罕见。跑马岗组的时代问题与白垩系 -古近系界线及其陆相辅助层型的建立、印度德干玄武岩沉积夹层的时代、印度与亚洲大陆联合的时代和白垩系 -古近系界线事件起因假说等数个重大地学问题 ,以及江汉盆地深层油气资源评价密切相关 ,值得重视 ,尽早搞清  相似文献   
将Global Mapper、ArcGIS、MapGIS三款GIS软件有效结合起来,以海南岛为例进行基于DEM的三维晕渲地质图的制作方法研究。首先将SRTM数据和矢量地理数据在不同地图参数下进行自动配准,然后实现地质要素与DEM模型的精准匹配,最后根据DEM对第四系地质界线进行微调,实现了1∶50万海南岛三维地质图的制作。同时总结了不同椭球体与坐标系统下的数据转换、DEM空白区数据填补、晕渲地质图生产的方法。三维地质图制作所采用的DEM数据完全满足1∶50万三维地质图的制图要求;与传统地质图相比,其立体感和可读性明显增强,图件信息量显著增大,图面呈现清晰的三维地质结构,很好地提高了制图精度。该方法为我国三维地质图的制作提供了一个新的方法和思路,并为其他三维图件制作提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   
一次夏季东北冷涡中积云发展过程的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
运用中国科学院大气物理所设计开发的三维冰雹云模式,对2002年7月11日至15日期间,发生在中国东北地区的一次由冷涡天气诱发的积云对流变化过程进行三维数值模拟。模拟结果表明:(1)冷涡诱发的积云自然降水呈中小尺度复合体的特征;(2)积云起源于低层暖湿区域里,并由强上升气流抬升到高层,得到充分发展;(3)冷涡中积云同样存在液态水累积区,一般出现在最大上升气流上,其中液态水含量随着积云的发展而变化,冰雹即在此液态水累积区0℃以下的区域内生长;(4)在模拟区域内,模拟出了多个积云单体的并合现象,而后发展为积云团;(5)模拟出的积云形态与雷达回波基本吻合。  相似文献   
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