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水体和沉积物是湖泊生态系统中迥异但又紧密相连的两类生境,栖息在这两类生境中的细菌在维持生态系统平衡和驱动元素循环中起着关键性作用。为了探究湖泊水体和沉积物细菌群落的分布格局,本文对太湖四个湖区水体和沉积物中细菌群落进行调查,基于高通量测序技术和统计分析手段,分析这两类生境中的细菌群落组成和多样性水平、分布特征及其驱动因素。结果表明:放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)是水体细菌群落中最主要的细菌门,而沉积物中Proteobacteria占据优势地位。在两类生境中,太湖西部区域细菌群落丰富度和独特性(LCBD)相对较高,各区域群落结构表现出显著性差异。对水体而言,电导率、pH值、PC1(重金属组成)和沉积物孔隙度是驱动细菌丰富度的重要因子,PC1、水温及pH值是影响细菌群落LCBD的重要因子,而细菌网络复杂性随pH值的增加而增加,且在高pH环境中占主导地位;对沉积物而言,其丰富度和LCBD的重要影响因子均是沉积物中总磷和锂,细菌网络复杂性随金属元素施加的环境压力增大而降低,但随总磷、磷酸盐和铵态氮浓度的...  相似文献   
为了研究煤岩水力压裂的起裂压力和水力压裂裂缝扩展规律,采用型煤试样,利用自主研发的水力压裂实验系统,参照现场压裂施工制定了“施加三向应力-顶部注水”的煤岩水力压裂物理模拟实验方案并开展了水力压裂实验,分析了不同条件下泵注压力和水力压裂裂缝。实验结果表明:压裂液泵注排量越大,起裂压力越大。三向应力满足最大水平主应力σH > 垂向应力σv > 最小水平主应力σh,水力压裂裂缝沿着垂直于σh的方向扩展。σvσh一定,随着σH的增大,煤岩起裂压力先增大后减小,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越平直。当σH远大于σvσh时,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越复杂,分叉缝角度越大。研究结果可为煤岩水力压裂理论的完善提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Extreme weather events have played an important role in driving the ecosystem dynamics in high altitude areas,but the underlying mechanism remains unclear.To understand if and how the soil processes of an ecosystem react to extreme drought,we manipulated a once-in-a-century meteorological extreme drought in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau,which is also known as the "forerunner of global weather changes".The extremity was determined by statistical extreme weather events with respect to a historical reference period from April to September during 1962-2004,where the local historical precipitation data was calculated and intensified to 100-year recurrent drought event with GumbelⅠdistribution.The indicators we measured included soil microbial biomass C/N/P and soil enzymatic activities of phosphatase(AP) disbounding organic phosphate,cellobiohydrolase(CBH),βglucocidase(BG),N-releasing enzyme N-acetylglucosaminidase(NAG) as well as soil respirations,during and after the treatments.It was found that the manipulated event induced a rapid shift in microbial biomass and activities,indicating a lower resistance of the underground process.However,the microbial and biochemical parameters saw rapid recovery after the event,which meant the soil processes enjoyed high resilience.The high responsiveness and lag-time effects of the soil indicators rendered new horizons for us to evaluate the interaction between the extremes and the ecosystem stability.Our study indicated that the once-in-a-century extreme drought induced very short term response in the soil biotic process,and the soil processes worked to buffer against such events under the observation period.  相似文献   
分析降雨、大风、雷电、观测室进人、放炮、断电及仪器故障等各种干扰事件对荥阳地震台数字化形变固体潮分钟值的影响。  相似文献   
We conducted acoustical surveys with a horizontal beam transducer to detect fish and with a vertical beam transducer to detect depth and macrophytes in two typical shallow lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River in November 2013. Both lakes are subject to active fish management with annual stocking and removal of large fish. The purpose of the study was to compare hydroacoustic horizontal beam estimates with fish landings. The preliminary results show that the fish distribution patterns dif fered in the two lakes and were af fected by water depth and macrophyte coverage. The hydroacoustically estimated fish biomass matched the commercial catch very well in Niushan Lake, but it was two times higher in Kuilei Lake. However, acoustic estimates included all fish, whereas the catch included only fish 45 cm(smaller ones were released). We were unable to determine the proper regression between acoustic target strength and fish length for the dominant fish species in the two lakes.  相似文献   
As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies, the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geography. Based on a consumer behavior analysis, this study explores the relationship between consumption space and the social strata of consumers in typical shopping malls in Guangzhou where the first shopping mall in China was built. The result shows that shopping malls have performed significant constructive functions of organizing consumers from different social classes into different consumption space. For middle- and upper-class consumers, the function of shopping malls centers on utilitarian consumption, identity recognition, and identity construction; whereas for lower-class consumers, its function revolves around pleasure and enjoyment. The symbolism of consumption space is the underlying reason for shopping malls to have their social constructive function. The findings of this research suggest that: 1) a shopping mall is a productive consumption space and a geographical space with subjectivity; 2) the micro-location of a shopping mall has social construction function; and 3) symbolic consumption is the core of social construction.  相似文献   
针对当前城市配电网基础数据管理的现状,本文阐述了利用面向对象与关系数据库技术设计城市配电网基础数据库的重要性,重点讨论了城市配电网GIS数据库的基本模型,包括数据库基本构架、编码方案、属性数据与空间数据、系统对象模型向数据库基本模型的映射,为构建城市配电网GIS应用平台及实现企业级的数据共享提供了基础。  相似文献   
Voluminous granitic intrusions are distributed in the West Junggar, NW China, and they can be classified as the dioritic rocks, charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite groups. The dioritic rocks (SiO2 = 50.4–63.8 wt.%) are calc-alkaline and Mg enriched (average MgO = 4.54 wt.%, Mg# = 0.39–0.64), with high Sr/Y ratios (average = 21.2), weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.80) and pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Their Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7035–0.7042, εNd(t) = 4.5–7.9, εHf(t) = 14.1–14.5) show a depleted mantle-like signature. These features are compatible with adakites derived from partial melting of subducted oceanic crust that interacted with mantle materials. The charnockites (SiO2 = 60.0–65.3 wt.%) show transitional geochemical characteristics from calc-alkaline to alkaline, with weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.75) but pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7037–0.7039, εNd(t) = 5.2–8.0, εHf(t) = 13.9–14.7) also indicate a depleted source, suggesting melts from a hot, juvenile lower crust. Alkali-feldspar granites (SiO2 = 70.0–78.4 wt.%) are alkali and Fe-enriched, and have distinct negative Eu and Nb–Ta anomalies (average Eu/Eu = 0.26), low Sr/Y ratios (average = 2.11), and depleted Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7024–0.7045, εNd(t) = 5.1–8.9, εHf(t) = 13.7–14.2). These characteristics are also comparable with those of rocks derived from juvenile lower crust. Despite of the differences in petrology, geochemistry and possibly different origins, zircon ages indicate that these three groups of rocks were coevally emplaced at ~ 305 Ma.A ridge subduction model can account for the geochemical characteristics of these granitoids and coeval mafic rocks. As the “slab window” opened, upwelling asthenosphere provided enhanced heat flux and triggered voluminous magmatisms: partial melting of the subducting slab formed the dioritic rocks; partial melting of the hot juvenile lower crust produced charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite, and partial melting in the mantle wedge generated mafic rocks in the region. These results suggest that subduction was ongoing in the Late Carboniferous and, thus support that the accretion and collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt took place in North Xinjiang after 305 Ma, and possibly in the Permian.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Debris flows in Southeast Tibet can carry a great deal of sediment into streams in a special way. They block mainstreams and form dams.This type of dam,not only dominates the interaction between water and sediment and changes in the riverbed, but also exerts a great influence on the ability of transportation of the river. When a debris-flow dam forms, the water level behind the dam will increase, and villages, fields and roads will beflooded.When the dam breakes,the resulting …  相似文献   
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