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An almost complete juvenile dinosaur skull with lower jaw was discovered from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Beipiao, Liaoning Province, China. Here, the specimen is described and a cladistic analysis is performed in order to find its phylogenetic relationships. The result shows that this specimen represents a new genus of Psittacosauridae, Hongshanosaurus houi, gen. et sp. nov., and confirms the monophyletic status for Ceratopsia and Marginocephalia. However, Heterodontosaurus is found to be the sister taxon to Marginocephalia, rather than a basal Omithopoda.  相似文献   
记述了辽宁义县早白垩世九佛堂组的一件初鸟类(Avialae)化石,其嘴里无牙,前肢明显长于后肢,尾巴由20多节尾椎组成,叉骨呈U字形,飞行羽毛超过了身体的长度。各种特征表明,新发现的初鸟类真正具有了飞行能力,代表了恐龙向鸟类演化过程中的又一中间环节。正式将其命名为中华神州鸟(Shenzhouraptorsinensisgen.etsp.nov.)。  相似文献   
Abstract: The structure and orientation of the posterior extremity (tail club) of the caudal vertebrae of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis Young and Chao, 1972 from the Upper Jurassic Shangshaximiao Formation has been analyzed to determine the tail club function using Finite Element Analysis. Of the four caudal vertebrae composing the tail club, the second largest (C"1") was probably the most proximal, and is fixed with the preceding sequence of the caudal vertebrae, whereas the smallest (C"4") is free and forms the termination of the tail club. Our analysis also suggests that the tail club is more efficient in lateral swinging rather than up-and-down motion, and that the best region for the tail club to impact is at the spine of the largest of the four caudals (C"2"), with a maximum load for impact at about 450 N. The tail club of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis probably also had limitations as a defense weapon and was more possibly a sensory organ to improve nerve conduction velocity to enhance the capacity for sensory perception of its surroundings.  相似文献   
煤层顶板导水裂缝带发育高度是煤矿设计部门在留设防、隔水煤柱时必须考虑的一个重要参数,对煤矿水体下采煤、顶板防治水具有重要意义。基于双阳煤矿水文地质补充勘探项目,在8#煤层采空区上方施工两个地面钻孔,采用地面钻孔钻井液漏失量实测法、钻孔电视摄像技术及传统经验公式法相结合的方法,综合确定8#煤层顶板导水裂缝带发育高度为43.7~45.7m,为地质条件相似矿区在合理确定开采上限、留设防(隔)水煤柱等问题提供方法和数据支持。  相似文献   
恐龙足迹和骨骼的记录往往出现在不同的地区。然而,一些地层显示了关系紧密的骨骼和足迹,它们都指向同一个来源。报道了来自四川省攀西地区会理县通安镇通保村下侏罗统益门组中上部的蜥脚类足迹(雷龙足迹Brontopodus),其地理和地层归属均与真蜥脚类的何氏通安龙极为接近。通保足迹与造迹者的关联是可能的,但目前还需要更多的证据。通保的雷龙足迹是攀西地区首次发现侏罗纪的蜥脚类足迹,这也表明,在早侏罗世,原始蜥脚类和基干蜥脚型类共存于中国西南地区。  相似文献   
随着移动设备和低成本定位传感器的普及,移动终端的普适定位能力成为刚需。为了构建一个普适可用的云定位系统,需要在智能终端应用各类定位传感器获取信号并将其在定位数据库中进行查找、计算,实现对位置的获取。针对智能手机设备和位置服务应用(location based service, LBS)场景,基于主流云计算网络架构,探讨并解决了层次化云定位能力、开发者低成本接入、设备容错能力和分布式服务等工程化关键问题,设计并搭建了面向海量智能终端的大规模云定位系统。测试结果表明,该系统能够支撑每日千亿次请求的访问处理能力,提供面向亿级大众用户的定位服务。  相似文献   
针对2020-07-23西藏尼玛MW6.3地震发震构造的复杂性(无明显地表破裂、发震断层倾向存在争议等),利用哨兵-1A升、降轨影像数据获取此次地震的同震形变场,并以此为约束通过设置两组可能性断层滑动模型及结合区域余震分布和地质构造背景,探讨此次地震发震断层的活动方式,在此基础上进一步反演获得断层面滑动分布特征。结果表明,此次地震发震断层为依布茶卡地堑东侧NWW向正断层,断层走向为207°,倾角为33.1°,平均滑动角为-89.27°,以正断倾滑为主;地震破裂主要集中在沿断层面5.4~9.3 km深处(未破裂至地表),最大滑动量约1.7 m,矩震级为6.3级。此次地震的发生是青藏地块现今构造运动变形的结果。  相似文献   
A new specimen consisting of a complete skull and lower jaw was discovered from the Lujiatun bed of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in the Lujiatun site, Beipiao, western Liaoning Province. It represents an adult specimen of Hongshanosaurus houi. Comparative studies show that Hongshanosaurus is distinguishable from its sister taxon Psittacosaurus by having the preorbital portion about half of the basal skull length, and the elliptical external naris,orbit, and a lower temporal fenestra oriented caudodorsally.  相似文献   
第六届世界华人地质科学研讨会暨中国地质学会2005年学术年会于2005年8月26~29日在内蒙古赤峰市召开。  相似文献   
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