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通过设计特异性引物,采用PCR扩增的方法对厚壳贻贝足腺细胞cDNA文库进行筛选,共克隆得到14条厚壳贻贝mcofp3的cDNA序列和8条mcofp6的cDNA序列,并对其基因序列及推导的氨基酸序列进行了序列比对和变异位点初步分析。结果表明,14条mcofp3cDNA序列分属于厚壳贻贝mcofp3家族的两个亚家族,其成熟肽序列变异相对活跃;而8条mcofp6 cDNA序列并无明显的亚家族划分,序列相对保守。本次实验所获得的mcofp cDNA序列初步显示了厚壳贻贝足丝蛋白家族基因的分子多样性,为将来深入了解厚壳贻贝足丝蛋白的分子多样性机制以及在此基础上开发相关的新型生物黏附剂奠定了基础。  相似文献   
This paper solves numerically the full time-dependent Schrõdinger equation based on the rigid rotor model, and proposes a novel strategy to determine the optimal time delay of the two laser pulses to manipulate the molecular selective alignment. The results illustrate that the molecular alignment generated by the first pulse can be suppressed or enhanced selectively, the relative populations of even and odd rotational states in the final rotational wave packet can be manipulated selectively by precisely inserting the peak of the second laser pulse at the time when the slope for the alignment parameter by the first laser locates a local maximum for the even rotational states and a local minimum for the odds, and vice versa. The selective alignment can be further optimised by selecting the intensity ratio of the two laser pulses on the condition that the total laser intensity and pulse duration are kept constant.  相似文献   
The reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste-shoal land plays an important role in the mitigation and control of debris flow hazards, which thus contributes a lot to the exploitation of insufficient land resources in mountainous areas and the reduction of losses caused by debris flow. The aim of this paper is to discuss the features and mechanism of soil evolution of debris flow waste-shoal land so as to search for the available modes of its reclamation and utilization. The Jiangjiagou Ravine, a typical debris flow ravine, was selected to study soil evolution features of debris flow waste-shoal land based on the analysis of soil physieochemical properties and soil microstructure. It was found that the soil evolution rates of debris flow waste-shoal land varied with different modes of reclamation. For the land which had been reclaimed for less than lO years, soil evolved most rapidly in paddy fields, and more rapidly in dry farmland than in naturally restored waste-shoal land. For the land which had been used for more than lo years, the soil evolution rates of dry farmland, naturally restored waste-shoal land and paddy farmland decreased in the file. For the same utilization period of time, significant differences were recognized in soil evolution features under different modes of reclamation. Analysis data showed that soil clay content, soil thickness, the psephicity of skeleton particles and contents of microaggregates (〈0.02 mm) in paddy farmland were all highest. Soil nutrients and porosity of dry farmland were better than those of paddy farmland and naturally restored waste-shoal land, and those of paddy farmland were superior to those of naturally restored waste-shoal land. Paddy farmland characterized by rapid pedogenesis, stable evolution and high utilizability was the priority candidate for the reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste -shoal land.  相似文献   
开展"多规合一"是推进生态文明建设、新型城镇化建设,落实供给侧改革的必然要求。本文以地理信息技术为基础,以土地利用规划为底盘,统一城乡规划、环保规划、农业发展规划等的空间基础;以经济社会发展规划为目标协调各规划,划定永久基本农田保护红线、生态保护红线、城市开发边界,实施严格的空间管控。最后,以常州市新北区为试验区,分析各规划的差异并落实重点项目,引导国土空间有序开发,优化资源空间配置,形成国土空间开发规划"一张图"。  相似文献   
于革 《地球科学进展》2007,22(4):369-375
早新生代是地质史上最后一个温室气候期,随后南极冰盖形成,地球进入到晚新生代冰期。温室气候的成因和冰期气候转型的机制一直是国际相关学界关注的问题。评述国际上对此开展的古气候模拟,反映了早新生代温室气候受到了海洋和大陆的地理位置、暖海洋温盐环流和海洋热输送、太阳辐射和大气CO2浓度变化的作用和影响。古气候模拟还反映了早新生代温室气候转向冰期气候,受到了大洋通道改变和高原构造隆起、大气成分变化以及海陆生态系相互的作用和反馈。这些古气候模拟试验锁定在气候变化的关键时段和重要驱动因子,对测试地球内外驱动力和地球各圈层反馈作用提供了重要的科学依据;温室气候以及趋向冰期气候的模拟研究对探讨气候变化内在机制、预测未来气候具有重要意义。   相似文献   
青藏高原东南缘是研究构造、地貌演化和气候变化相互作用的理想场所,前人研究主要揭示了晚始新世—早中新世和晚中新世以来的快速剥蚀事件,缺乏晚白垩世—早新生代时期地貌演化过程的研究。次林错花岗岩已有的低温热年代学数据覆盖了整个新生代时期,为探索该区域新生代早期的剥露演化历史提供了重要资料。该岩体新生代早期冷却事件是岩浆冷却单一作用的结果,还是受快速剥蚀作用的影响,目前仍然存疑,需要定量研究。因此,本文结合已有的岩石地化和年代学数据,对次林错花岗岩开展了锆石饱和温度和一维岩浆冷却模拟研究。锆石饱和温度计算结果表明次林错花岗岩的岩浆结晶温度介于647~705℃之间,属低温花岗岩。一维岩浆冷却模拟结果显示岩体侵位时的最小围岩温度为160~120℃,对应深度约为3.7~5.0 km。结合锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He年代学数据,本文认为该岩体在晚白垩世—早新生代时期(67~40 Ma)经历了一期剥蚀量至少为2 km的快速剥蚀事件。已发表成果的综合分析表明,此次快速剥露事件可能是整个青藏高原地区广泛存在的构造剥蚀事件,新特提斯洋的俯冲闭合与印亚板块的初始碰撞可能是触发此次大规模区域剥蚀的主要原因。  相似文献   
Modern meteorological observations in South China from 1960 to 2009 show a strong correlation between winter temperatures and two snowfall parameters, the southern boundary of the snow and the number of snowy days. Based on this relationship, the variation in annual winter mean temperature in South China from 1736 to 2009 was reconstructed using data acquired from Chinese historical documents dating from the Qing dynasty, such as memos and local gazettes. The reconstructed time series were used to analyse variations in winter temperature in South China. Significant interannual and interdecadal changes were found. The maximum temperature difference between neighbouring years was 3.1 °C for 1958–2009 and 3.0 °C for 1736–1957, whereas the maximum temperature difference between adjacent decades was 0.8 °C for the 1960s–2000s and 0.6 °C for the 1740s–1950s. The 2000s was the warmest decade; the mean temperature was 1.6 °C higher than that of the 1870s, which was the coldest decade between the 1740s and the 2000s. The mean winter temperature was warmer in the 18th and 20th centuries and coldest in the 19th century.  相似文献   
郑宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》1990,11(3):9-16
本文通过单点约束方程,提出了解梁与块单元衔接问题的新方法。该方法比其它方法具有更大的灵活性和精确性,可推广到解其它不同维数的单元之间的衔接问题。  相似文献   
In this paper, the infinite boundary elements developed previously in two and three dimensional problems are reviewed, and the shortcoming and irrationality of interpolation functions of those elements are pointed out. A new interpolation function of infinite boundary element is proposed. The divergent integration on infinite element is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
In this paper, the basic idea of Roberts algorithm is presented, and a new improved algorithm is proposed. The new algorithm is faster, simpler and more applicable to many problems than Roberts’ one. Based on this new algorithm, program TDFEP is developed, which is executable on microcomputer. With this program, a three dimensional object can be viewed from any direction in the space, and 3D-perspectives are formed. 3D-perspectives take an important role to check original data of finite element calculation, which can improve the efficiency of the whole calculation process obviously.  相似文献   
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