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In rural areas of New England groundwater from fractured crystalline and sedimentary bedrock is a critical water resource. Increasingly, studies have shown that development occurring in rural areas is resulting in the impairment of water quality in fractured rock aquifers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations in groundwater quality associated with development and evaluate the extent to which common groundwater contaminants associated with rural development may be naturally buffered. The study entailed a compilation and synthesis of over 2500 reports on domestic water quality that spanned a 30 year period. Focus was placed on the spatial distribution and temporal variations in sodium, chloride, iron, manganese, nitrate, and nitrite. Results indicate that despite significant levels of development, the amount of contamination to the bedrock has been minimal. Of the constituents examined, only the chloride concentration exhibits a systematic increase over time, but the level of chloride remained relatively low. The flux of chloride to the bedrock from deicing appears minimal despite the significant amounts of road salt used in the study area. Sodium concentrations in the bedrock remained relatively constant and appear to be buffered by ion exchange with calcium as suggested by the increase in hardness with time. Iron and manganese were present at relatively low levels but did not show any systematic trends over time. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations were very low and found to be inversely correlated with manganese and iron concentrations. This suggests that the presence of iron and manganese contribute to denitrification. This study indicated that both geochemical and biogeochemical processes are active buffering mechanisms that help shield the bedrock from contaminants associated with development.  相似文献   
The upper Millstone Grit strata (Yeadonian, Namurian) of North Wales have been studied using sedimentological facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy. These strata comprise two cyclothems, each containing prodelta shales (Holywell Shale) that pass gradationally upwards into delta‐front and delta‐plain deposits (Gwespyr Sandstone Formation). The deltas formed in shallow water (<100 m), were fluvial‐dominated, had elongate and/or sheet geometries and are assigned to highstand systems tracts. Two delta complexes with distinctive sandstone petrographies are identified: (1) a southerly derived, quartzose delta complex sourced locally from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, and (2) a feldspathic delta complex fed by a regional source(s) to the north and/or west. The feldspathic delta complex extended further south in the younger cyclothem. A multistorey braided‐fluvial complex (Aqueduct Grit, c. 25 m thick) is assigned to a lowstand systems tract, and occupies an incised valley that was eroded into the highstand feldspathic delta complex in the younger cyclothem. A candidate incised valley cut into the highstand feldspathic delta complex in the older cyclothem is also tentatively identified. Transgressive systems tracts are thin (<5 m) and contain condensed fossiliferous shales (marine bands). The high‐resolution sequence stratigraphic framework interpreted for North Wales can be readily traced northwards into the Central Province Basin (‘Pennine Basin’), supporting the notion that high‐frequency, high‐magnitude sea‐level changes were the dominant control on stratigraphic architecture. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In situ measurements of 60Fe-60Ni and 53Mn-53Cr isotopic systems with an ion microprobe have been carried out for sulfide assemblages from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites (UECs). Evidence for the initial presence of 60Fe has been observed in nine sulfide inclusions from three UECs: ALHA77295, MAC88136, and Qingzhen. The inferred initial (60Fe/56Fe) [(60Fe/56Fe)0] ratios show a large variation range, from ∼2 × 10−7 to ∼2 × 10−6. The sulfide inclusions with high Fe/Ni ratios yield (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios of ∼(2-7) × 10−7, similar to most of the (60Fe/56Fe)0 values of troilite and pyroxene observed in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs). Inclusions with high inferred (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios (∼1-2 × 10−6) have low Fe/Ni ratios and the magnitude of the 60Ni excesses is similar in two MAC88136 assemblages in spite of a difference of a factor of two in their Fe/Ni ratios. The inferred high (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios were probably the result of Fe-Ni re-distribution in the sulfides during later alteration processes.The 53Mn-53Cr system was measured in five of the sulfide assemblages that were examined for their 60Fe-60Ni systematics. The 53Mn-53Cr isochrons yielded variable initial (53Mn/55Mn) [(53Mn/55Mn)0] ratios from ∼(2-7) × 10−7. There is no obvious correlation between the (60Fe/56Fe)0 and (53Mn/55Mn)0 ratios. The variable 53Mn-53Cr isochrons probably also indicate later disturbance to the isotopic systems in these sulfides. Even though no chronological information can be extracted from the 60Fe-60Ni and 53Mn-53Cr systems in these UEC sulfides, our results indicate that 60Fe was present in the enstatite chondrite formation region of the early Solar System.  相似文献   

The definition of the Richter Ml magnitude scale is in terms of seismic wave horizontal components recorded on Wood‐Anderson seismographs. However, at many seismograph sites only the vertical component is available, and at sedimentary sites horizontal components are usually significantly amplified, causing complications in the assignment of a magnitude to an earthquake. Because each earthquake can be recorded at a different subset of sites, each subset having a different combination of site amplifications, the assignment of a magnitude is dependent upon the seismograph site combination that records a particular earthquake. Although there is some amplification of the vertical component at sedimentary foundation sites, it is shown that a reduced spread of values of Ml magnitude, consistent with low amplification (bedrock) site magnitudes, can be achieved using the vertical component to compute the magnitude and adding 0.2 to adjust to the Ml magnitude scale (defined in terms of the horizontal components). This presupposes that the sites used by Richter were on bedrock; however, even if this is incorrect, it appears to be a necessary precondition for the world‐wide unification of the Richter scale along with defining the true gain of Wood‐Anderson seismographs rather than accepting the design gain of 2800. Site corrections would be smaller than those established using the horizontal components. Taking into account the use of only the vertical component in the calculation of Ml and including the 0.2 adjustment to the equivalent horizontal component derived magnitude, the expression for the calculation of magnitudes in the Victoria region becomes:

Ml = logAz ‐ logSz + 0.9 + logR + 0.0056Re‐0.0013R

where Az is the equivalent Wood‐Anderson seismograph displacement amplitude, Sz is the site amplification (vertical component) and R is the hypocentral distance.  相似文献   
A global atmospheric model is used to calculate the monthly river flow for nine of the world's major high latitude rivers for the present climate and for a doubled CO2 climate. The model has a horizontal resolution of 4° × 5°, but the model's runoff from each grid box is quartered and added to the appropriate river drainage basin on a 2° × 2.5° resolution. A routing scheme is used to move runoff from a grid box to its neighboring downstream grid box and ultimately to the mouth of the river. In a model simulation in which atmospheric carbon dioxide is doubled, mean annual precipitation and river flow increase for all of these rivers, increased outflow at the river mouths begins earlier in the spring, and the maximum outflow occurs approximately one month sooner due to an earlier snow melt season. In the doubled CO2 climate, snow mass decreases for the Yukon and Mackenzie rivers in North America and for rivers in northwestern Asia, but snow mass increases for rivers in northeastern Asia.  相似文献   
There is a net discharge of water and nutrients through Long Key Channel from Florida Bay to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). There has been speculation that this water and its constituents may be contributing to the loss of coral cover on the Florida Keys Reef tract over the past few decades, as well as speculation that changes in freshwater flow in the upstream Everglades ecosystem associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan may exacerbate this phenomenon. The results of this study indicate that although there is a net export of approximately 3,850 (±404) ton N year?1 and 63 (±7) ton P year?1, the concentrations of these nutrients flowing out of Florida Bay are the same as those flowing in. This implies that no significant nutrient enrichment is occurring in the waters of the FKNMS in the vicinity of Long Key Channel. Because of the effect of restricted southwestward water flow through Florida Bay by shallow banks and small islands, the volume of relatively high-nutrient water from central and eastern portions of the bay exiting through the channel is small compared to the average tidal exchange. Nutrient loading of relatively enriched bay waters is mediated by tidal exchange and mixing with more ambient concentrations of the western Florida Bay and Hawk Channel. System-wide budgets indicate that the contribution of Florida Bay waters to the inorganic nitrogen pool of the Keys coral reef is small relative to offshore inputs.  相似文献   
Plagioclase from a progressively metamorphosed granodiorite changes as the metamorphic grade increases. Lower grade plagioclase are chemically inhomogeneous, with zoned rims containing distinct compositional levels of An0?3, An17, and An25. As grade increases the plagioclase becomes more chemically homogeneous with An0?3 rims dominating. Microcline inclusions are controlled by internal defects at lower grades and grain boundaries at higher grades. Myrmekite rims are developed at the highest grade. Rims are dependent on surface energy factors and occur at triple points, high angle lattice misfits and other high energy surfaces. At low grades, rims form at plagioclase-plagioclase contacts and at higher grades, at plagioclase-microcline contacts. These changes are due to impurity segregation and grain boundary migration, and an increase of the letter process at higher grades.  相似文献   
Extreme uplift associated with the formation of the 2.02 Ga Vredefort dome has exposed a substantial cross section through the crystalline early Archean basement complex rocks of the Kaapvaal craton. The rocks comprise polydeformed high-grade tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, migmatites and late-tectonic intrusive granitoids that straddle the upper amphibolite-to granulite-facies transition. Field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate that compositional heterogeneity occurs on a local scale and reflects the migmatitic character of the rocks rather than crustal-scale layering as has been previously proposed. No evidence has been found to support exposure of either a melt-depleted, refractory, lower crust or an upper crustal batholithic granite layer; however, the immense volume of granitic leucosome in the rocks suggests that the exposed section represents an intermediate level between these two zones. Granitic leucosomes in the upper amphibolite-facies migmatites appear to be intrusive into the predominantly trondhjemitic host rocks, rather than of in situ derivation. Leucosome compositions in the granulite-facies migmatites are more variable, ranging from granitic and charnockitic to enderbitic, probably reflecting at least some local derivation. Leucosomes and small granitoid bodies show local-scale geochemical variation that can be explained in terms of variable amounts of melt segregation and migration, and fractionation of minerals such as K-feldspar within the melts.  相似文献   
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