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Overland and shallow-subsurface flows from agricultural catchments are believed to contribute towards flood-risk and water-quality degradation across the globe. Hedgerows are commonplace agricultural features that may disrupt these rapid hydrological pathways. Research into the hydrological functioning of hedgerows is very limited however, with no field-based quantitative comparison of overland-flows within hedgerows versus other land-uses. This research is the first globally to observe changes in overland-flow incidence, volume and water-quality, alongside topsoil hydraulic and physico-chemical properties, induced by a hedgerow and adjoining wild-margin within a grassland landscape. Observations were conducted within two replicated paired-plots between a hedgerow wild-margin and a bordering pasture, within Cumbria, UK. Compared to adjacent pasture, hedge-margins significantly reduced topsoil dry bulk-density and increased porosity, and significantly increased the topsoil median permeability by a factor of 22–27. Overland-flow models, based on direct observations, highlight that hedge-margins are slower to produce overland-flows than pastures, requiring an equal or greater amount of saturation before the onset of overland-flow generation. Hedge-margins resultantly produced less overland-flow volume, likely due to increased infiltration, percolation and/or evapotranspiration. Soil saturation models, also based on direct observations, confirm pastures saturate faster than hedge-margins, with hedge-margins having extremely variable dynamics in relation to precipitation, whereas pastures have more moderate and consistent dynamics. Overland-flow water-quality from ‘wash-off’ experiments highlight that hedge-margins may store substantially more nitrate (70–260%), nitrate-nitrite (640–650%), and loose sediment (540–3970%) on the ground surface compared to pastures; although further experimentation is needed to determine contaminant mobilization potential.  相似文献   
We describe a method to extract a number of quantitative morphometric characteristics of a rocky coastline. The algorithm, which is implemented in the free open-source software GNU Octave, takes as its input an ordered set of coordinate pairs defining the coastline. It finds vertices of specific angularity at two different levels, first approximating convex features (headlands) and then looking for local maxima (embayment edges) in their vicinity. It extracts numerical parameters for each embayment delimited by the former points, including basic geometric parameters (e.g. area, depth and width) and coefficients expressing shapes of embayments (e.g. form factor, coefficient of asymmetry and compactness). These we adapted from morphometric studies of other geomorphic features. Complex headlands and random sectors of the coastline which are delimited by embayment edges are automatically removed. The method was developed and tested on Hornsund in Svalbard, where 20 headlands, 28 embayment edges and 20 embayments were identified, but could be adapted to a wide range of coastal situations. We consider a range of possible applications of the methods, including to the classification of coastlines, change detection and identifying controls on their morphologies, and we discuss the choice of optimum parameters for the algorithm.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have developed a Web‐based program for quickly estimating the regional environmental consequences of a comet or asteroid impact on Earth ( http:www.lpl.arizona.eduimpacteffects ). This paper details the observations, assumptions and equations upon which the program is based. It describes our approach to quantifying the principal impact processes that might affect the people, buildings, and landscape in the vicinity of an impact event and discusses the uncertainty in our predictions. The program requires six inputs: impactor diameter, impactor density, impact velocity before atmospheric entry, impact angle, the distance from the impact at which the environmental effects are to be calculated, and the target type (sedimentary rock, crystalline rock, or a water layer above rock). The program includes novel algorithms for estimating the fate of the impactor during atmospheric traverse, the thermal radiation emitted by the impact‐generated vapor plume (fireball), and the intensity of seismic shaking. The program also approximates various dimensions of the impact crater and ejecta deposit, as well as estimating the severity of the air blast in both crater‐forming and airburst impacts. We illustrate the utility of our program by examining the predicted environmental consequences across the United States of hypothetical impact scenarios occurring in Los Angeles. We find that the most wide‐reaching environmental consequence is seismic shaking: both ejecta deposit thickness and air‐blast pressure decay much more rapidly with distance than with seismic ground motion. Close to the impact site the most devastating effect is from thermal radiation; however, the curvature of the Earth implies that distant localities are shielded from direct thermal radiation because the fireball is below the horizon.  相似文献   
The litho- and biostratigraphy of the Lower Dinantian succession in a deeper part of the Dublin Basin is described. The sub-Waulsortian Malahide Limestone Formation (emended) is described fully for the first time, and has proved to be very much thicker than was previously suspected, in excess of 1200 m. Succeeding the ‘Lower Limestone Shale’ unit, which is transitional from the underlying Old Red Sandstone facies, the following six new members are recognized: Turvey Micrite Member, Swords Argillaceous Bioclastic Member, St. Margaret's Banded Member, Huntstown Laminated Member, Dunsoghly Massive Crinoidal Member and Barberstown Nodular Member (top). The Malahide Limestone Formation is overlain by ‘Waulsortian’ limestones of the Feltrim Limestone Formation (new name) which form overlapping and isolated mudmounds with complex relationships with their enclosing non-mound facies. Though very much thicker, the Courceyan succession is comparable with that elsewhere on the south side of the Basin, and is part of the Kildare Province (Strogen and Somerville 1984). Isopach maps for the region show that this province and the North Midlands are separated by the deepest part of the Dublin Basin, named the ‘East Midlands Depocentre’, in which a shale-dominant facies is present. The top of the ‘Waulsortian’ is of early Chadian age. Formations younger than this are dominated by basinal calcareous shales (Tober Colleen Formation) and by storm deposits and calciturbidites with appreciable terrigenous input from the east (Rush Formation). The Courceyan main shelf conodont biozones are also greatly thickened in this area. The Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Biozone (> 300 m thick) is succeeded by a very thick (> 900 m) Polygnathus mehli Biozone. The base of the Chadian is considered to occur below the top of the Feltrim Limestone Formation and, although equivocal, may be diagnosed in the Dublin Basin by the first appearance of the problematic microfossil Sphaerinvia piai and a primitive form of the calcareous alga Koninckopora. In the late Courceyan, the Swords area was part of a gently sloping shelf extending northwards into the basin. During deposition of the Feltrim Limestone Formation there was major deepening and there is evidence of initial break up of the Dublin Basin by faulting into separate blocks. By Chadian time the Basin was definitely subsiding by fault displacements and basinal limestones contain shallow water faunas and littoral sand and pebbles derived by turbidite flows from the margins of the higher blocks. The early subsidence was apparently by pure flexure, but in the Viséan the Dublin Basin was fault-controlled, differing from the adjacent Shannon Basin in having both margins strongly faulted.  相似文献   
Evaporation losses from four water catchment areas under different land uses and climatic conditions were calculated using formulations developed from small plot studies. These formulations, dependent on rainfall inputs, potential evaporation and air temperature, were extrapolated to the catchment scale using land classifications based on analysing remotely sensed imagery. The approach adopted was verified by comparing the estimated annual evaporation losses with catchment water use, given by the difference between rainfall inputs and stream flow outputs, allowing for changes in soil moisture. This procedure was repeated using modified values of rainfall, potential evaporation and air temperature, as given by a climate change scenario. The computed evaporation losses were used in annual water balances to calculate stream flow losses under the climate change scenario. It was found that, in general, stream flow from areas receiving high rainfall would increase as a result of climate change. For low rainfall areas, a decrease in stream flow was predicted. The largest actual changes in stream flow were predicted to occur during the winter months, although the largest percentage changes will occur during the summer months. The implications of these changes on potable water supply are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Regional erosion of the Rock Garden ridge top, a bathymetric high within New Zealand’s Hikurangi Subduction Margin, is likely associated with its gas hydrate system. Seismic data reveal gas pockets that appear partially trapped beneath the shallow base of gas hydrate stability. Steady-state fluid flow simulations, conducted on detailed two-dimensional geological models, reveal that anomalous fluid pressure can develop close to the sea floor in response to lower-permeability hydrate-bearing sediments and underlying gas pockets. Transient simulations indicate that large-scale cycling of fluid overpressure may occur on time scales of a few to tens of years. We predict intense regions of hydro-fracturing to preferentially develop beneath the ridge top rather than beneath the flanks, due to more pronounced overpressure generation and gas migration through hydrate-bearing sediments. Results suggest that sediment weakening and erosion of the ridge top by hydro-fracturing could be owed to fluid dynamics of the shallow gas hydrate system.  相似文献   
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is a priority area of the European Union's Better Regulation agenda. Understanding the spatial variation in the application of the policy and the reasons behind these differences would provide insights into policy making in different socioeconomic and cultural settings that will assist in better regulation. The CFP aqcuis (the body of European Union law accumulated thus far) was analysed by creating a database composed of pre-defined elements from each obligation. Distinct differences are apparent in the ‘burden’ imposed by regulations in the Northern and Southern waters. However, a combination of a timeline of fish landings and the accumulation of the CFP regulations shows that despite the increase in the number of regulations this has not led to the anticipated reduction in landings. Historical, biological and geopolitical differences between the two major marine regions of the EU are discussed in terms of the impact they have had on the formation of the different fisheries management models in the different regions. Finally, the elements forming these models are discussed in terms of successes and failures in the context of the 2012 CFP reform.  相似文献   
Logging of 55 recent boreholes, together with remapping, has resulted in a fundamental reassessment of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Dinantian Kingscourt Outlier. Despite the present isolated position of the outlier within the Longford-Down Massif, the Kingscourt rocks are an integral part of the Dublin Basin succession. The newly defined Ardagh Platform marks the most northerly limit to basinal sedimentation in the Dinantian Dublin Basin. The Courceyan is a typical but thinner, north Dublin Basin succession with two new formal units: the Rockfield Sandstone Member and the Kilbride Formation. The latter, a coarse-grained, well washed limestone of latest Courceyan to early Chadian (late Tournaisian) age is the shallow water equivalent of the Feltrim Formation (Waulsortian facies), which is absent in the outlier. The Courceyan interval in the north of the outlier is markedly attenuated. In the succeeding Chadian-Brigantian interval basinal facies predominate in the south, but on the Ardagh Platform an almost complete coeval Viséan shallow water sequence is found. A new platform unit (Deer Park Formation) of latest Asbian to Brigantian age is defined in the Ardagh area. The Dee Member (Chadian) is newly defined for the lower part of the basinal Tober Colleen Formation and the Altmush Shale Member is formally defined for the upper part of the Loughshinny Formation. Two major structures dominate the Kingscourt Outlier: the NE-SW trending Moynalty Syncline in the south and the N-S trending Kingscourt Fault. Both are Hercynian structures, but probably represent reactivated Caledonide basement-controlled structures. Dinantian syn-depositional faulting is indicated in both the Courceyan (‘Kingscourt Sag’) and Chadian-Asbian. The latter period of faulting in the Ardagh area separates platform facies in the north from basinal facies to the south. In the late Asbian, platform facies with carbonate build-ups prograded south into the basin as far south as Nobber, but in the latest Asbian to Brigantian, basinal facies extended northwards over the collapsed platform margin.  相似文献   
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