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电磁声源输出力大、体积小、易于实现超低频输出,在无人反水雷作战中具有显著优势。其动力学行为受到机械回复力和电磁力的耦合作用影响,当施加电流超过坍塌电流,电磁力将超过机械回复力, 就会发生吸和,造成声源的损坏。为准确描述电磁声源非线性动力学特性,预先评估坍塌电流,建立考虑动态漏磁系数的声源非线性动力学模型。通过三维有限元仿真计算动铁芯运动到不同位置处气隙的漏磁系数, 拟合得到动态漏磁系数。根据等效磁路法建立声源的改进电磁力模型,进而建立电磁声源非线性动力学模型。 通过 Runge-Kutta 算法计算得到阶跃激励下声源振动的位移和速度,绘制相平面图。研究稳定与失稳 2 种情况下的相轨迹的动态变化规律,为电磁声源的设计和控制提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
根据对长江口水下三角洲31个表层样沉积物粒度、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)的测定,得出了粒度及有机质的分布特征,利用C/N比分析有机质来源及不同来源的贡献率。研究结果表明: 1)长江口水下三角洲表层沉积物平均粒径介于3~8Φ之间,存在由陆向海变细的趋势; 2)TOC含量在0.1% ~1.2% 之间,平均值为0.52%; TN含量介于0.02% ~0.08% 之间,平均值为0.057% 。TOC和TN含量的分布特征相似,具有自陆向海、由低至高的变化趋势,这主要是受到沉积物粒径的影响,但是TOC在崇明岛东侧和九段沙东侧有两个高值点,可能与人类活动或局地因素有关; 粒度校正之后,TOC含量在0.40% ~1.67% 之间,平均值为0.68%; TN的含量介于0.05% ~0.10% 之间,平均值为0.07% 。TOC含量在近岸地区略高,TN含量是北部地区略高于南部地区,并且TOC和TN都在崇明岛东侧和九段沙东侧有两个高值点; 3)C/N比值在6~16之间,平均值为9.6; 利用C/N比值估算得到的陆源有机碳含量在35% ~90% 之间,平均值为60% 。C/N比和陆源有机碳含量在长江口南支外围邻近海域表层沉积物中较高,表明南支带来了大量的陆源有机质入海,并呈舌状向东北方向凸出; 而在长江北支附近其值相对较低,表明北支径流影响相对减弱,潮流作用相对增强。研究表明,长江南支是主要的陆源有机质入海通道,而进入水下三角洲之后陆源有机碳分布受到了河口混合过程的显著影响。  相似文献   
白利雅盆地位于青藏高原东部,鲜水河断裂带北西段炉霍活断层与达曲活断层的斜接部位。通过野外实际考查,结合Google Earth地图发现白利雅盆地发育一系列的构造地貌:断层三角面、坡中槽、断错阶地、废弃河道、裂陷湖和阶地面变形。盆地发育的4级阶地是构造成因。废弃河道是新的断裂活动形成的新冲沟、新河道——达曲,其快速下切,废弃老河道,形成狭长的‘U’型沟谷。鲜水河断裂的北西段炉霍活断层切过T3河流阶地,说明其(白利雅以北)是在大约14.92kaB.P.以后形成的,可能预示着构造应力场的变化和白利雅盆地形成。对盆地4级阶地(T1,T2,T3和T4)的河流沉积物光释光(OSL)测年结果分别是 1.06±0.06kaB.P.,1.83±0.06kaB.P.,14.92±0.76kaB.P.和 42.48±2.35kaB.P.,代表了相应阶地的沉积年龄。这些结果与阶地前缘陡坎断错的距离计算显示,从42.48kaB.P.和14.92kaB.P.以来,断层走向平均移动速率分别为3.73mm/a和0.85mm/a,显示从中更新世晚期以来,鲜水河断裂带炉霍活断层水平滑移有减慢的趋势。在42.48~14.92kaB.P.,14.92~1.83kaB.P.和1.83~1.06kaB.P.,相邻阶地垂向隆升或河流下切的速率分别为0.14mm/a(T4~T3),4.66mm/a(T3~T2)和5.19mm/a(T2~T1),显示从中更新世晚期以来,阶地垂直隆升或河流下切有加快的趋势。  相似文献   
高佳  于有强 《地震学报》2023,59(3):482-493
伍德拉克裂谷位于巴布亚新几内亚东南部,是发育在澳大利亚板块和西南太平洋板块碰撞带中的年轻大陆裂谷,为研究汇聚构造背景下裂谷起始演化的地壳结构提供了理想场所。伍德拉克裂谷海域地区海水层的存在使得获取高质量地震数据成为难题,而数据主要通过海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismograph,缩写为OBS)获取。OBS的布放一般是自由下落式,其地震计的北向水平分量方位与地理北向通常不一致,这使得利用三分量波形数据获取的反演结果产生了较大误差甚至失效,例如接收函数方法。为确定伍德拉克裂谷地区OBS水平分量的方位偏转角度,本文同时引入纵波和瑞雷面波偏振分析方法进行方位校正,并利用校正后的三分量波形数据开展接收函数研究,进而约束该裂谷海域地区的地壳结构。结果分析表明,OBS方位校正后,其获得的可用接收函数波形数量显著增多,并且利用纵波偏振分析校正后的数据处理获得了更加合理的地壳结构。基于在该裂谷地区获得的地壳构造结果,基里比斯盆地和裂谷扩张轴所在的古迪纳夫盆地呈现对比鲜明的地壳结构特征:古迪纳夫盆地的地壳厚度朝着裂谷扩张轴处减薄,其平均值为(33.3±2.42) km;基里比斯盆地的地壳厚度更薄,平均值为(24.1±5.44) km。此外,研究区域内所有OBS处均观测到了较高的地壳纵横波速比值,这可能是巴布亚超镁铁质岩体富集和古俯冲残片脱水熔融共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
数字地图生产流程中质量的数据控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将着重讨论在ISO9001质量控制体系下、数字地图生产流程中影响地图质量的各类数据文件的设定与控制,从而进一步探讨在电子出版系统及CTP系统中,数字地图生产规范化、标准化、程序化作业的质量控制内容及方法。  相似文献   
通过编制区域性1:300万“青藏高原板块构造图”和1:50万“柴达木北缘板块构造地质图”的体会,并结合国内学者对这两份图件的审查意见及建议,重点讨论有关区域性板块构造图编制的理论与方法,供区域地质工作者参考。  相似文献   
Subsurface flow processes in sloping cropland of purple soil   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Subsurface flow is a prominent runoff process in sloping lands of purple soil in the upper Yangtze River basin.However,it remains difficult to identify and quantify.In this study,in situ runoff experimental plots were used to measure soil moisture dynamics using an array of time domain reflectometry(TDR) together with overland flow and subsurface flow using isolated collecting troughs.Frequency of preferential flow during rainfall events and the controls of subsurface flow processes were investigated through combined analysis of soil properties,topography,rainfall intensity,initial wetness,and tillage.Results showed that subsurface flow was ubiquitous in purple soil profiles due to welldeveloped macropores,especially in surface soils while frequency of preferential flow occurrence was very low(only 2 cases in plot C) during all 22 rainfall events.Dry antecedent moisture conditions promoted the occurrence of preferential flow.However,consecutive real-time monitoring of soil moisture at different depths and various slope positions implied the possible occurrence of multiple subsurface lateral flows during intensive storms.Rainfall intensity,tillage operation,and soil properties were recognized as main controls of subsurface flow in the study area,which allows the optimization of management practices for alleviating adverse environmental effects of subsurface flow in the region.  相似文献   
Monthly changes in sedimentation and sediment properties were studied for three different culture treatments: sea cucumber monoculture (Mc), sea cucumber and scallop polyculture (Ps-c) and scallop monoculture (Ms). Results indicated that the survival rate of sea cucumber was significantly higher in Ps-c cultures than in Mc cultures. Sea cucumber yield was 69.6% higher in Ps-c culture than in Mc culture. No significant differences in body weight and scallop shell length were found between Ps-c and Ms cultures. The mean sedimentation rate of total particulate matter (TPM) was 72.2 g/(m2 d) in Ps-c cultures, with a maximum of 119.7 g/(m2 d), which was markedly higher than that of Mc (mean value). Sedimentation rates of organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Ps-c cultures were also significantly higher than those in Mc cultures. TOC and TN contents of sediment increased rapidly in the first 5 months in Ms cultures and remained at a high level. TOC and TN contents in Mc and Ps-c cultures decreased during sea cucumber feeding seasons and increased during sea cucumber dormancy periods (summer and winter). The study demonstrates that co-culture of sea cucumber and scallop in earthen ponds is an alternative way to alleviate nutrient loads and improve water quality in coastal aquaculture systems. Moreover, it provides the additional benefit of an increased sea cucumber yield.  相似文献   
A numerical study of flow around two tandem cylinders with unequal diameters was carried out. The upstream larger cylinder was fixed and the downstream smaller cylinder was allowed to oscillate in the transverse direction only. Comparisons of the experimental and numerical results were made to investigate the effects of the gap ratio on the maximum vibration amplitude and vortex shedding frequency. The results showed that the vibration response of the smaller cylinder was significantly affected by the presence of the upstream larger cylinder, and resulted in greatly reduced vibration amplitudes. With an increasing gap ratio, the vibration amplitude increased. However, the magnitude was lower than that corresponding to a single cylinder (with the same diameter as that of the downstream smaller cylinder) under the same flow conditions.  相似文献   
基于WebGIS技术的耕地质量动态监测信息系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
结合国内外有关耕地质量动态监测的相关研究理论,设置了耕地质量动态监测的监测指标,研究了监测样点的选取和耕地质量综合指数的计算,并结合WebGIS技术,对耕地质量动态监测系统的结构、功能进行了初步设计,提出了系统的总体框架,并阐述了系统实现的关键技术,建立了基于WebGIS的耕地质量监测系统对耕地质量进行长期定位监测,以期为区域耕地质量保护工作提供一个可视化、便捷式系统实现方案。  相似文献   
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