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Interdecadal and interannual variations of saline-alkali land area in Qian’an County, Jilin Province, China were comprehensively analyzed in this paper by means of satellite remote sensing interpretation, field flux observations and regional climate diagnosis. The results show that on the interannual scale, the impact of climate factors accounts for 71.6% of the total variation of the saline-alkali land area, and that of human activities accounts for 28.4%. Therefore the impact of climate factors is obviously greater than that of human activities. On the interdecadal scale, the impact of climate factors on the increase of the saline-alkali land area accounts for 43.2%, and that of human activities accounts for 56.8%. The impact of human activities on the variation of saline-alkali land area is very clear on the interdecadal scale, and the negative impact of human activities on the environment should not be negligible. Besides, changes in the area of heavy saline-alkali land have some indication for development of saline-alkali land in Qian’an County.  相似文献   
Comparison of Two Fading Filters anc Adaptively Robust Filter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinds of fading filters and their principles are introduced. An adaptive robust filter is given with corresponding principle. The basic abilities of the fading filters and adaptively robust filter in controlling the influences of the kinematic model errors are analyzed. A practical example is given. The results of the fading filter and adaptively robust filter are compared and analyzed.  相似文献   
不同生长期坛紫菜多糖中组分含量的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于1990-1991年,运用^13C-NMR和化学分析方法研究南方产和移植北方养殖的不同生长发育阶段坛紫菜多糖的组分变化,结果表明,随着藻体生长发育,坛紫菜琼胶中3,6-内醚-L-半乳糖和6-OCH3-D-半乳糖的含量逐渐增加,而硫酸基的含量呈现先增加后减少的规律;北移坛紫菜琼胶中3,6-内醚-L-半乳糖的含量高于南方坛紫菜,而硫酸基和6-OCH3-D-半乳糖的含量低于南方坛紫菜。  相似文献   
Near real-time measurements of PM2.5 ionic compositions were performed at the summit of the highest mountain in the central-eastern plains in the spring and summer of 2007 in order to characterize aerosol composition and its interaction with clouds. The average concentrations of total water soluble ions were 27.5 and 36.7 μg?m?3, accounting for 44% and 62% of the PM2.5 mass concentration in the spring and summer, respectively. A diurnal pattern of SO 4 2- , NH 4 + and NO 3 - was observed in both campaigns and attributed to the upslope/downslope transport of air mass and the development of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The average SO2 oxidation ratio (SOR) in summer was 57% (±27%), more than twice that in spring 24% (±16%); the fine nitrate oxidation ratio (NOR) was comparable in the two seasons (9?±?6% and 11?±?10% in summer and spring, respectively). This result indicates strong summertime production of sulfate aerosol. A principal component analysis shows that short-range and long-range transport of pollution, cloud processing, and crustal source were the main factors affecting the variability of the measured ions (and other trace gases and aerosols) at Mt. Tai. Strong indications of biomass burning were observed in summer. Cloud scavenging rates showed larger variations for different ions and in different cloud events. The elevated concentrations of the water soluble ions at Mt. Tai indicate serious aerosol pollution over the North China plain of eastern China.  相似文献   
贵州新元古代大塘坡期巨量锰矿成矿物质来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新元古代大塘坡期,贵州松桃等地形成锰矿集聚区,并发育4个世界级锰矿床,累计探明锰资源量达7亿t。但是什么地质条件下,能导致如此巨量的锰质富集成矿,其成矿物质来源问题一直没有得到满意的解释。本文通过对含锰岩系大塘坡组基底板溪群及海底火山岩中锰含量特征、江南造山带演化以及Rodinia超大陆解体与锰矿成矿关系分析,认为基底板溪群中锰含量高,MnO含量达到0. 16%,板溪群风化壳中锰含量更高,MnO达0. 88%。板溪群中的同期岛弧玄武岩含MnO更高,达到0. 25%,它们可能是锰矿成矿的物源层,是形成巨量锰矿的基础;江南造山带造山挤压变质作用,引起板溪群和岛弧玄武岩中锰质活化、迁移富集;Rodinia超大陆解体,在650 Ma发生拉张裂谷作用,使活化富锰变质流体沿着断裂喷流出海底,形成大量锰矿。  相似文献   
三角网格模型剖分方法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数值波场正演在地震学和勘探地球物理学领域正得到越来越广泛的应用,用一个好的方法来建立一个复杂的地质模型则显得尤为关键。三角网格模型相对于层状模型和矩形网格模型在反映地质界面形态、三角网格剖分个数调节及射线追踪速度等方面具有明显优势。利用三角网格剖分的建模方法,在VC2008编程环境下实现了复杂地质模型的描述。通过对复杂模型的建模测试,表明采用三角网格剖分方法,可解决以下模型难题:①对复杂模型界面的描述;②对复杂逆断层的描述;③对封闭块体的描述;④对模型弹性参数进行描述。  相似文献   
引入一维加权平均的谱分析方法定量研究四川地形强迫对该区域降水分布的影响。结果表明:纬向地形和冬季降水谱峰锁相于同一波长(475.8 km),呈共振关系,地形与其他季节降水呈漂移关系,这与经向和纬向上环流变动有关,即冬季纬向环流占主导,纬向地形触发的大气波动对冬季降水策动作用大;夏季降水是各种不同尺度系统相互作用的结果,地形是重要因素之一。经向和纬向地形特征尺度分别为296.8 km和475.8 km,反映了地形强迫的中尺度特征,且纬向地形谱峰比经向大1个数量级,纬向强迫更明显。夏季降水谱峰比冬季大2个数量级,降水系统纬向特征尺度比冬季小约150 km,说明夏季在纬向地形强迫下,降水系统尺度减小的同时其强度大大增加,这在一定程度上可以解释中尺度对流性降水在夏季偏多。四川夏季最大降水位于雅安地区,其地形扰动比四川整体扰动更明显,故产生的降水也更大。夏季降水和经向地形锁相于同一波长(37.1 km),经向地形对雅安夏季强降水起关键作用。  相似文献   
云南会泽麒麟厂铅锌矿床构造地球化学及定位预测   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
在论述构造地球化学基本理论与方法的基础上,深入讨论了会泽麒麟厂铅锌矿床构造地球化学特点,认为构造地球化学异常集中区是进行隐伏矿定位预测的重要依据,提出了1571中段44-62剖面线间的深部等重点定位找矿靶区,已被验证工程证实,新发现八号隐伏矿体。该方法对隐伏矿定位预测和评价具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
不同生长期坛紫菜中藻胆蛋白的含量变化   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
高洪峰 《海洋与湖沼》1993,24(6):645-648
于1990年9-12月在青岛海区人工养殖筏采集坛紫菜,提取混合藻胆蛋白,第其经羟基磷灰石柱层析,分离出R-藻红蛋白(RPE)、R-藻蓝蛋白(RPC)和变藻蓝蛋白(APC)。测定了3个不同生长发育阶段的北移坛紫菜中各藻胆蛋白的含量,并与南方坛紫菜做了比较研究。结果表明,坛紫菜生长初期和盛期藻胆蛋白含量较高;到末期大幅度降低,降低的幅度为RPE〉RPC〉APC。各种藻胆蛋白的光谱特性不随藻体的生长发育  相似文献   
为了给鞍山市抗震设防区划提供依据,我们采用了以浅层人工地震为主的综合地球物理探测技术,包括浅层人工地震、电法和地质雷达等方法,同时收集了城市已有的物探和钻井资料,并结合野外调查及样品年龄测试对断裂的活动性进行了研究。结果表明,鞍山市存在5条隐伏或半隐伏的断裂,北西向的大石头-宋三台断裂、宁远屯断裂、大阳气断裂和北东向的汤岗子断裂为中更新世断裂,北西向的二台子断裂为早更新世或前第四纪断裂,按活断层义  相似文献   
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