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Zusammenfassung Von insgesamt 46 beprobten Profilen aus dem Schilfsandstein (Trias, Km2) Westeuropas wurden bislang 41 Profile mit 343 Einheiten und 870 Handstücken mit 1897 Einzelkernen auf ihren paläomagnetischen Inhalt untersucht.Thermische Entmagnetisierungsversuche an 277 Proben zeigen, daß die natürliche remanente Magnetisierung (NRM) von mehreren, an verschiedene Magnetisierungsträger gebundenen Komponenten getragen wird.Als charakteristische remanente Magnetisierung (CARM), von der angenommen wird, daß sie das zur Ablagerungszeit herrschende Paläofeld abbildet, kristallisiert sich für die Sedimentationsräume Weserbergland und Franken eine Deklination (DR=Deklination rotiert) von 60° und eine Inklination (IR=Inklination rotiert) von 30° (DR/IR 60/30) und für Schwaben und die Nordschweiz DR/IR 240/–30 heraus.Neben der stabilen Paläofeldrichtung werden auch sedimentäre und tektonische Gefüge als weitere stabile Magnetisierungsrichtungen abgebildet. Diese Richtungen liegen der Achse maximaler Suszeptibilität (K1 max) parallel.Unter Annahme einer normalen Polarität des Erdmagnetfeldes zur Zeit der Schilfsandsteinablagerung im Weserbergland und Franken und einer reversen Polarität zur Zeit der Ablagerung in Schwaben und der Nordschweiz errechnet sich ein Paläonordpol bei 111 E 28 N; er fällt damit in die Nähe des Triaspoles der Europäischen Polwanderungskurve (McElhinny, 1973).Für den Ablagerungszeitraum des Raibler Sandsteins in den Südalpen wird ein Paläonordpol bei 128 W 48 N errechnet.Die magnetostratigraphische Zeitskala der Trias (Burek, 1970) kann um die Einstufung des Schilfsandsteins in das höhere obere Karn mit beginnender normaler Polarität und dann reverser Polarität ergänzt werden.
In the Schilfsandstein (Triassic, Km2) of Western Europe 41 sections with 343 units and 1897 cores were sampled for palaeomagnetic investigations. By thermal demagnetization experiments different magnetic minerals were determined as carriers of the natural rémanent magnetization (NRM).The characteristic remanent magnetization (CARM) reflecting the palaeofield direction is described in the Weserbergland and Franken by DR/IR 60/30 (DR = declination after tectonic correction/IR=inclination after tectonic correction) and in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland by DR/IR 240/–30.In addition stable directions are reported which are related to sedimentary and tectonic fabric. These directions are parallel to the axis of maximum susceptibility (Klmax).Assuming normal polarity for the magnetic field during deposition of the Schilfsandstein in the Weserbergland and Franken and assuming reversed polarity in Schwaben and Northern Switzerland a palaeonorthpole is estimated at 111 E 28 N. This poleposition fits near the Triassic poleposition of the European polar wandering curve (McElhinny, 1973).The poleposition of the Bergamasker Alps (Raibler Sandstein, Southern Alps) is figured out at 128 W 48 N.The triassic magnetostratigraphic time scale ofBurek (1970) can be completed as far as the Schilfsandstein is to arrange into the highest Upper Carnian starting with normal polarity going on with reversed polarity.

Résumé Dans le Grès à roseaux (Trias, Km 2) de l'Europe occidentale, 343 prélèvements provenant de 41 profils et 1897 carrottes extraites de 870 échantillons ont fait l'objet de recherches paléomagnétiques. — Des essais de démagnétisation thermique sur 277 échantillons ont révélé différents minéraux magnétiques comme étant les porteurs de l'aimantation rémanente naturelle (NRM). — L'aimentation rémanente caractéristique (CARM) reflétant la direction du paléochamp magnétique au moment de la sédimentation donne des valeurs de 60/30 pour DR/IR (DR=déclinaison après correction tectonique, — IR=inclinaison après correction tectonique) dans le Weserbergland et en Franconie et 240/– 30 pour DR/IR en Souabe et dans la Suisse septentrionale. — En plus de la direction stable du paléo champ, on a trouvé d'autres directions d'aimentation stables reliées aux structures sédimentaires et tectoniques. Ces directions sont parallèles à l'axe de la susceptibilité magnétique maximale (K1 max). — En supposant une polarité normale du champ magnétique terrestre au moment de la sédimentation du Grès à roseaux dans le Weserbergland et la Franconie, et une polarité inversée pendant sa formation en Souabe et en Suisse septentrionale, il en résulte une position géographique de 111 E et 28° N pour le paléopôle Nord, ce qui coïncide à peu près avec la position du pôle triasique sur la courbe polaire de l'Europe (McElhinny, 1973). Pendant la sédimentation du Grès de Raibler dans les Alpes bergamasques, le paléopôle Nord se trouvait à 128° O 48° N. — L'echelle magnétostratigraphique pour le Trias (Burek, 1970) peut maintenant être complétée en datant le Grès à roseaux dans la partie supérieure du Carnien supérieur, débutant par une aimantation normale et continuant par une aimantation inversée.

343 41 ( ) 1897 870 . 277 , — NRM — . — CARM —, , , , , (DR = Deklination rotiert) 60°, (IR = Inklination rotiert) 30° (DR/IR 60/30), DR/IR 240/-30. , . /1makc. , 111 E 28 N, . ., . 128 W 48 N. (Burek, 1970) . . , .
Upscaling permeability of grid blocks is crucial for groundwater models. A novel upscaling method for three-dimensional fractured porous rocks is presented. The objective of the study was to compare this method with the commonly used Oda upscaling method and the volume averaging method. First, the multiple boundary method and its computational framework were defined for three-dimensional stochastic fracture networks. Then, the different upscaling methods were compared for a set of rotated fractures, for tortuous fractures, and for two discrete fracture networks. The results computed by the multiple boundary method are comparable with those of the other two methods and fit best the analytical solution for a set of rotated fractures. The errors in flow rate of the equivalent fracture model decrease when using the multiple boundary method. Furthermore, the errors of the equivalent fracture models increase from well-connected fracture networks to poorly connected ones. Finally, the diagonal components of the equivalent permeability tensors tend to follow a normal or log-normal distribution for the well-connected fracture network model with infinite fracture size. By contrast, they exhibit a power-law distribution for the poorly connected fracture network with multiple scale fractures. The study demonstrates the accuracy and the flexibility of the multiple boundary upscaling concept. This makes it attractive for being incorporated into any existing flow-based upscaling procedures, which helps in reducing the uncertainty of groundwater models.  相似文献   
A study of the coastal fish assemblages in the marine park of Ustica Island (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean) was conducted from June 1994 to September 1995 and from June 1996 to September 1997. The principal aims of the research were to: (1) define the faunistic features of local fish communities; (2) assess the effectiveness of the protection regime of the marine park on the fish assemblages ('reserve effect'); (3) provide information on the distribution of some Epinephelus and Diplodus species in the shallowest depth zone of the island. During seasonal surveys, underwater visual censuses were carried out at several sites located in three zones of the island, each with a different level of protection. Observations were made along 250 m2 transects at 3–5, 10–15 and 25–30 m depth ranges. Additional surveys were made by SCUBA diving and snorkelling. A statistically significant effect of depth on the fish community parameters was observed, whereas differences linked to protection level, zones, sites and seasons were not significant. The abundance and frequency of occurrence of some species, particularly dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus , were positively correlated with the degree of protection of the different zones of the marine park. Certain sites of the island are important as nursery areas for three species of the genus Diplodus ( i.e., D. puntazzo, D. sargus and D. vulgaris ).  相似文献   
Sediment thickness was evaluated on the western flank of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 45°S, based on high-resolution seismic data gathered during cruise 213/2 of R/V Sonne in 2011. Two zones with distinctly different sediment thickness were identified, separated by a transitional zone bordering a pseudo-fault. Sediment in the more distal zone 2 is almost twice as thick (~120 m) as in zone 1 close to the EPR. This is in contrast to the expected progressive sedimentary column thickening with seafloor age and distance from the spreading axis. The younger of two seismic units detected within the sedimentary column (EPR-2) occurs mainly in the distal zone on crust older than 9 Ma, whereas on younger crust it is present only in small isolated bodies. Both sedimentary units drape the basement. The drape is interpreted to represent particle settling from suspension and a generally low regional primary productivity. The spatial variation in sediment thickness cannot be explained by existing models, and other processes considered in the present case are (1) higher productivity in the western sector of the survey area, where thicker sediments were observed (zone 2), (2) the formation of sediment drifts near basement highs (‘seamount effect’), due to flow of Lower Circumpolar Deep Water affecting sediment deposition, and (3) erosion and/or non-deposition of the younger EPR-2 unit, due to elevated bed shear stresses associated with eddies transferring kinetic energy to the seafloor  相似文献   
Gabriele Bulian 《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(11-12):1007-1026
This paper presents a probabilistic methodology for the analysis of the vulnerability of a ship to the risk of inception of pure loss of stability events. A pure loss of stability failure is modelled as the persistence of the metacentric height below a critical level for a too long time. The metacentric height is modelled as a stationary Gaussian process with a spectrum obtained from the sea elevation spectrum. The time dependent failure index is obtained under the assumption of filtered Poisson process for the occurrence of critical events. The analysis separates cases where the fluctuation of the metacentric height is narrow-band from those where the bandwidth of the spectrum is wide, with an intermediate blending. In case of narrow-band processes appropriate approximate solutions to the problem are provided, while in the wide-band cases an exponential distribution for the persistence time below the critical level is employed. A rational development for the critical persistence time is also provided considering an approximation of the roll dynamics during periods of time where the metacentric height is negative. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to check the developed approximate distributions for the persistence time, and examples of application are provided for a sample ship.  相似文献   
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