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We consider the Janjic (NCEP Office Note 437:61, 2001) boundary-layer model, which is one of the most widely used in numerical weather prediction models. This boundary-layer model is based on a number of length scales that are, in turn, obtained from a master length multiplied by constants. We analyze the simulation results obtained using different sets of constants with respect to measurements using sonic anemometers, and interpret these results in terms of the turbulence processes in the atmosphere and of the role played by the different length scales. The simulations are run on a virtual machine on the Chameleon cloud for low-wind-speed, unstable, and stable conditions.

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Satellite-based precipitation (SBP) is emerging as a reliable source for high-resolution rainfall estimates over the globe. However, uncertainty in SBP is...  相似文献   
The Cantabrian Zone of NW Iberia preserves a voluminous, almost continuous, sedimentary sequence that ranges from Neoproterozoic to Early Permian in age. Its tectonic setting is controversial and recent hypotheses include (i) passive margin deposition along the northern margin of Gondwana or (ii) an active continental margin or (iii) a drifting ribbon continent. In this paper we present detrital zircon U–Pb laser ablation age data from 13 samples taken in detrital rocks from the Cantabrian Zone sequence ranging from Early Silurian to Early Permian in depositional age. The obtained results, together with previously published detrital zircon ages from Ediacaran–Ordovician strata, allow a comprehensive analysis of changing provenance through time. Collectively, these data indicate that this portion of Iberia was part of the passive margin of Gondwana at least from Ordovician to Late Devonian times. Zircon populations in all samples show strong similarities with the Sahara Craton and with zircons found in Libya, suggesting that NW Iberia occupied a paleoposition close to those regions of present-day northern Africa during this time interval. Changes in provenance in the Late Devonian are attributed to the onset of the collision between Gondwana and Laurussia.Additionally, the Middle Carboniferous to Permian samples record populations consistent with the recycling of older sedimentary sequences and exhumation of the igneous rocks formed before and during the Variscan orogeny. Late-Devonian to Permian samples yield zircon populations that reflect topographic changes produced during the Variscan orogeny and development of the lithospheric scale oroclinal buckling.  相似文献   
Terrestrial ecosystems are dominated by vascular plants that form a mosaic of hydraulic conduits to water movement from the soil to the atmosphere. Together with canopy leaf area, canopy stomatal conductance regulates plant water use and thereby photosynthesis and growth. Although stomatal conductance is coordinated with plant hydraulic conductance, governing relationships across species has not yet been formulated at a practical level that can be employed in large-scale models. Here, combinations of published conductance measurements obtained with several methodologies across boreal to tropical climates were used to explore relationships between canopy conductance rates and hydraulic constraints. A parsimonious hydraulic model requiring sapwood-to-leaf area ratio and canopy height generated acceptable agreement with measurements across a range of biomes (r2=0.75)(r2=0.75). The results suggest that, at long time scales, the functional convergence among ecosystems in the relationship between water-use and hydraulic architecture eclipses inter-specific variation in physiology and anatomy of the transport system. Prognostic applicability of this model requires independent knowledge of sapwood-to-leaf area. In this study, we did not find a strong relationship between sapwood-to-leaf area and physical or climatic variables that are readily determinable at coarse scales, though the results suggest that climate may have a mediating influence on the relationship between sapwood-to-leaf area and height. Within temperate forests, canopy height alone explained a large amount of the variance in reference canopy conductance (r2=0.68)(r2=0.68) and this relationship may be more immediately applicable in the terrestrial ecosystem models.  相似文献   
The oceanographic setting and the planktonic distribution in the coastal transition zone off Concepción (∼35-38°S, ∼73-77°W), an area characterized by its high biological production, were assessed during two different seasons: austral spring with equatorward upwelling favorable winds and austral winter with predominately northerly winds. Oceanographic and biological data (total chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon, microplankton, large mesozooplankton >500 μm as potential consumers of microplankton) were obtained during two cruises (October 1998, July 1999) together with satellite imagery for wind stress, geostrophic flow, surface temperature, and chlorophyll-a data. The physical environment during the spring sampling was typical of the upwelling period in this region, with a well-defined density front in the shelf-break area and high concentrations of surface chlorophyll-a (>5 mg m−3) on the shelf over the Itata terrace. During the winter sampling, highly variable though weakly upwelling-favorable winds were observed along with lower surface chlorophyll-a values (<2 mg m−3) on the shelf. In the oceanic area (>100 km from the coast), cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies were evident in the flow field during both periods, the former coinciding with higher chlorophyll-a contents (∼1 mg m−3) than in the surrounding waters. Also, a cold, chlorophyll-a rich filament was well defined during the spring sampling, extending from the shelf out to 350-400 km offshore. Along a cross-shelf transect, the micro- and meso-planktonic assemblages displayed higher coastal abundances during the spring cruise but secondary peaks appeared in the oceanic area during the winter cruise, coinciding with the distribution of the eddies. These results suggest that the mesoscale features in this region, in combination with upwelling, play a role in potentially increasing the biological productivity of the coastal transition zone off Concepción.  相似文献   
The relation of volcanism to tectonics in the Central American region has been established by a review of the literature as well as by field and photogeological work of the authors. The association of a deep trench off the Pacific coast, a parallel seismic belt, and a similarly oriented chain of volcanic vents farther inland, has been recognized by numerous earlier workers. These features form a tectonic unit, and are here termed the Pacific marginal zone.Seismic foci on the northeastern edge of the southern part of the Middle American Trench define a fault zone which dips under the continent and suggests movement of the oceanic plate underneath the Central American continent.An impressive chain of volcanic cones and associated shallow seismic foci is aligned along a prominent graben, best developed in Nicaragua where it is known as the Nicaraguan Depression. This feature probably originated in late Tertiary time. The southeastern end of the graben terminates at the northern ranges of the Talamanca Cordillera in Costa Rica. At the Gulf of Fonseca the trend of the graben changes from NW to E-W; the graben continues as the Central Depression of El Salvador at a higher elevation. Only the fault of the seaward border of the graben is defined in Guatemala, where it is represented by a NW trending volcanic chain.In Nicaragua and El Salvador the oldest cones are situated on the north-eastern boundary fault zone of the graben. These include remnants of the largest volcanic structures of the region. All the active volcanoes are on the southwestern boundary fault belt. Cross fracturing of this fault system controlled later northerly trending cone alignments, often with the youngest cones on the south end.The main graben and associated faults are considered results of tensional stresses on the crest of geanticlinal arching on the landward side of the Middle American Trench. This arching is believed to be due to regional compression originated by the movement of the oceanic plate against the mainland.In northwestern Central America the youngest stresses produced N-S normal faults that are marked by well-defined scarps. These stresses may be the result of right-lateral motion along the underthrust fault zone. The complex Comayagua graben north of the Gulf of Fonseca, the Ipala graben and associated faults in southeastern Guatemala, and the Guatemala City graben are all north-south features illustrating the extent and youth of this structural trend.The distribution of volcanic vents along the Nicaraguan Depression and the N-S trends underscores the close tectonic control of volcanism.
Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenhang zwischen Tektonik und Vulkanismus im mittelamerikanischen Raum wird aufgezeigt aufgrund einer Literaturdurchsicht und feldgeologischer Arbeiten der Verfasser. Die Beziehungen zwischen einem Tiefseegraben vor der pazifischen Küste, einem dem Festland parallelen seismischen Gürtel und einer ebenso orientierten Vulkankette weiter im Inland sind von früheren Bearbeitern bereits erkannt worden. Diese drei Einheiten werden hier zusammengefaßt und als pazifische Randzone bezeichnet.Erdbebenherde am Nordostrand des mittelamerikanischen Tiefseegrabens weisen auf eine Störungszone hin, die unter den Kontinent einfällt. Der Bewegungssinn spricht für ein Abtauchen der ozeanischen Platte unter das mittelamerikanische Festland.Eine eindrucksvolle Vulkankette und die mit ihr verbundenen Erdbebenherde sind längs eines bedeutenden Grabens aufgereiht, der in Nicaragua am deutlichsten ausgebildet ist und dort Nicaragua-Senke genannt wird. Diese tektonische Einheit entstand wahrscheinlich im Jung-Tertiär. Der Graben beginnt im Südosten an den nördlichen Ausläufern der Talamanca-Kordillere in Costa Rica.In Nicaragua verläuft er NW. Am Golf von Fonseca schwenkt er in eine E-W-Richtung und setzt sich in El Salvador in einem höheren Niveau als Zentral-Depression fort. In Guatemala ist nur der Südrand des Grabens erkennbar. Er ist gekennzeichnet durch eine in NW-Richtung aufgereihte Vulkankette. In Nicaragua und El Salvador liegen die ältesten Vulkane auf dem nordöstlichen Grenzbruch des Grabens. Zu dieser Gruppe zählen die größten Rumpfvulkane. Die meisten Kegel und alle tätigen Vulkane liegen hingegen auf dem südwestlichen Grenzbruchstreifen. Auf Querbrüchen haben sich jüngere, nördlich ausgerichtete Kegelreihen gebildet. Die jüngsten Kegel liegen meistens am südlichen Ende der Querbrüche.Es wird angenommen, daß der Hauptgraben und seine Störungen im Scheitel einer zum mittelamerikanischen Tiefseegraben parallel verlaufenden Aufwölbung entstanden sind. Die Aufwölbung kann auf Kompression der ozeanischen Platte gegen das Festland zurückgeführt werden.Im nordwestlichen Zentralamerika bewirkten jüngere Beanspruchungen die Bildung von N-S-Brüchen, die heute morphologisch als Steilkanten hervortreten. Diese Beanspruchungen können durch rechtslaterale Bewegungen entlang der pazifischen Störungszone ausgelöst worden sein. Beispiele dieser N-S-Struktur sind: Die Comayagua-Grabenzone, nördlich des Golfs von Fonseca, der Ipala-Graben und sein Störungssystem in Südost-Guatemala und der Guatemala-Stadt-Graben. Diese N-S-Störungen kennzeichnen das Ausmaß und das geringe Alter der Grabenbildung.Die Anordnung der Vulkane entlang der Nicaragua-Senke und der N-S-Brüche stellen die engen Beziehungen zwischen Tektonik und Vulkanismus in der pazifischen Randzone Mittelamerikas heraus.

Resumen Mediante información tomada de la literatura, trabajos de campo e interpretation fotogeológica, se establece la relación entre el volcanismo y la tectónica en la región de América Central. Se usa la denominación de zona marginal del Pacífico para identificar, como una unidad, la asociación ya reconocida por otros autores de la profunda Fosa Mesoamericana frente a la costa del Pacífico de America Central y las franjas paralelas de actividad sísmica y de cadenas volcánicas.Los focos sísmicos en el borde nororiental de la Fosa Mesoamericana definen una gran zona de afallamiento inclinada hacia el continente, cuyos movimientos indican que un bloque de la corteza oceánica se sumerge bajo la porción continental de America Central.Una imponente serie de conos volcánicos, asociada a focos sísmicos poco profundos, está situada a lo largo de un gran graben conocido como Depresión de Nicaragua, por ser en ese país donde aparece más claramente definido. Este graben, que posiblemente se originó durante el Terciario tardío, termina en su extremo suroriental contra las estribaciones de la parte norte de la Cordillera de Talamanca, en Costa Rica. En Nicaragua el graben está orientado hacia el NW hasta el Golfo de Fonseca donde toma un rumbo E-W a través de El Salvador, donde se encuentra a mayor elevación. En Guatemala se conoce únicamente una línea de fallas, la más próxima al mar, definida por una cadena de volcanes que tiene nuevamente dirección NW.En Nicaragua y El Salvador los conos volcánicos más antiguos están situados a lo largo de las fallas que limitan al graben en su lado nororiental. Allí se encuentran las ruinas de los edificos volcánicos más grandes de la región. La mayoría de los conos que incluye todos los actualmente activos, se localizan a lo largo de las fallas del borde suroccidental del graben. Fracturas transversales controlan la localization de varios grupos de conos alineados de N-S. Los volcanes más jóvenes se encuentran frecuentemente en el extremo sur.Se postula que el graben principal y otras fallas del mismo sistema han sido formados como resultado de esfuerzos de tensión, en la cresta de un geanticlinal que resultó del arqueamiento del lado terrestre de la zona marginal del Pacífico. Dicho arqueamiento se cree que resulta de la compresión regional debida al movimiento del bloque oceánico contra el continente.En la parte noroccidental de América Central los esfuerzos más recientes produjeron fallas orientadas N-S, fácilmente identificables por sus bien marcadas escarpas. Estos esfuerzos pueden haber resultado del desplazamiento dextromóvil a lo largo de las zonas de afallamiento paralelas a la Fosa Mesoamericana.El complejo graben de Comayagua, al norte del Golfo de Fonseca, y los graben de Ipala y de la Ciudad de Guatemala, orientados también de norte a sur, ilustran la extension y la joven edad de las fracturas.La distribución de los focos volcánicos a lo largo de la Depresión de Nicaragua y de las fracturas N-S muestran de manera evidente, la estrecha relación que existe entre la tectónica y la localización del volcanismo en la zona marginal del Pacifico de America Central.

, - . - , . . , , . , , - . - Talamanca Kordillere -. - - . Fanseca . . , , . - . . . , . . - N-S , . . : Comayagua, Fanseca, Ipala - . - . , .
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000405   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study has focused on the processes of soil degradation and chemical element concentration in tea-growing regions of Rwanda, Africa. Soil degradation accelerated by erosion is caused not only by topography but also by human activities. This soil degradation involves both the physical loss and reduction in the amount of topsoil associated with nutrient decline. Soil samples were collected from eleven tropical zones in Rwanda and from variable depth within each collecting site. Of these, Samples from three locations in each zone were analyzed in the laboratory, with the result that the pH of all soil samples is shown to be less than 5 (pH < 5) with a general average of 4.4. The elements such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) are present in high concentration levels. In contrast calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) are present at low-level concentrations and carbon (C) was found in minimal concentrations. In addition, elements derived from fertilizers, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) which is also from minerals such as feldspar, are also present in low-level concentrations. The results indicate that the soil in certain Rwandan tea plantations is acidic and that this level of pH may help explain, in addition to natural factors, the deficiency of some elements such as Ca, Mg, P and N. The use of chemical fertilizers, land use system and the location of fields relative to household plots are also considered to help explain why tea plantation soils are typically degraded.  相似文献   
Groundwater development has contributed significantly to food security and reduction in poverty in Pakistan. Due to rapid population growth there has been a dramatic increase in the intensity of groundwater exploitation leading to declining water tables and deteriorating groundwater quality. In such prevailing conditions, the hydrogeological appraisal of escalating groundwater exploitation has become of paramount importance. Keeping this in view, a surface water–groundwater quantity and quality model was developed to assess future groundwater trends in the Rechna Doab (RD), a sub-catchment of the Indus River Basin. Scenario analysis shows that if dry conditions persist, there will be an overall decline in groundwater levels of around 10 m for the whole of RD during the next 25 years. The lower parts of RD with limited surface water supplies will undergo the highest decline in groundwater levels (10 to 20 m), which will make groundwater pumping very expensive for farmers. There is a high risk of groundwater salinization due to vertical upconing and lateral movement of highly saline groundwater into the fresh shallow aquifers in the upper parts of RD. If groundwater pumping is allowed to increase at the current rate, there will be an overall decline in groundwater salinity for the lower and middle parts of RD because of enhanced river leakage.  相似文献   
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