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西秦岭武山杨河礼县固城一带的原"泥盆纪"地层中,发现了大量属于早石炭世的牙形刺、珊瑚和有孔虫化石,为该区地层的重新划分提供了直接的证据.这对于重新认识该区乃至整个西秦岭地区石炭纪古地理格局、地质演化历史、沉积相和沉积环境等都有重要的意义.  相似文献   
昆明城市气候水平空间分布特征   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
以昆明城市为研究对象,对城市西南-东北剖线的实测资料比较研究,从气温、水汽压、相对湿度、风速、风向等方面分析了昆明城市气候特征、变化规律及城市热岛效应。研究表明:在昆明存在热岛效应,以夜间最为明显,其最强度效应可达5.0℃,出现时刻(3时)与国内外多数研究结果(傍晚)有所不同;昆明城市昼间呈现明显的干岛效应。所得结论可为探讨昆明城市气候特片和形成机制,城市环境污染防治及建筑规划、设计等提供依据。  相似文献   
A primary study on palynofacies, which concerns the paleoenvironments from the sight of association of sedimentary organic matter preserved in sedimentary rocks, is conducted for a Late Jurassic-Cretaceous succession at Gyangzê, southern Tibet. Two palynofacies are recognized, which are formed in different sedimentary environments. The one in the pelagic is infertile in organic productivity and monotonous in component and is dominated by AOMA, while the other, being closely bound up with the slope, is characterized by abundant black phytoclasts that are possibly of algal origin and contains much AOM. The influence of terrestrial input is clear in the latter, for particles generated from terrestrial plants are common. A number of fossil spores and pollen together with some dinocysts are discovered, but they are normally in a bad condition of preservation. Nevertheless, this convinces us that the late Jurassic-Cretaceous succession in the Gyangzê area has a potential for palynological stratigraphy. We have also proved that the volume of PM can achieve similar results in presenting the productivity of organic matter as the weight of TOC does. This technique is much easier in the laboratory than that we do with TOC.  相似文献   
IntroductionEothrocytesedimentahonrateusSR)isanimportantindexofhemorheology.Atpresent,itisdifficulttoachieveaccuracyandcomparabilityinclinicalprachceandresearchbecauseoflackofaunifiedstandardofthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofhealthyPeople'sESRinChina.ManyresearchershavemeaSUredthelocalreferencevaluesofESR(Wintrobe)l'-:'l.Bymeansofcorrelationandregressionanalysis,researchontherelationshipbetweenthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofESRandgeographicalfactorsshowedthathlereareceylonregularPatternsbet…  相似文献   
丹霞地貌定义、分类及丹霞作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹霞地貌以广东丹霞山最为典型而得名,是一种发育赤壁丹崖群的特殊地貌类型,近年来随着旅游开发不断升温而成为景观地貌学关注的重要对象,但其中一些基本问题长期争论不休。本文从命名地的地质、地貌特征和我国区域地质发展史角度出发,重新厘定了丹霞地貌的定义与分类,强调丹霞地貌的三大基本要素:赤壁丹崖地貌特征、燕山旋回以来陆相红层基础和以流水侵蚀为主的地质营力。西北地区也广泛发育丹霞地貌,一类是黄土覆盖下的古丹霞,另一类是干旱区片流侵蚀和泥乳贴膜的丹霞。丹霞作用是对中新生代陆相碎屑岩经流水侵蚀、重力崩塌和风化剥落等多种地质作用的统称,其产物就是丹霞地貌。岩性控制和崖壁片流垂蚀是丹霞作用的两种特殊机理。红层盆地的沉积相及其岩性差异控制着丹霞地貌的发育及其景观类型,据此在地貌发育的构造、外力和时间三个因素基础上增加了岩性因素。南方典型的红层盆地中,边缘冲积扇相粗碎屑岩地区可经历青年、中年和老年等发展阶段,盆地中央湖泊相泥岩、粉砂岩却没有经历过绝壁陡崖发展阶段。暴雨水流在丹霞崖壁上发生近垂直向下的侵蚀作用叫片流垂蚀作用。其中冲蚀作用形成竖状沟槽、竖状洞穴,涡蚀作用(借助风力吹动发展成垂直崖壁的涡旋)形成圆...  相似文献   
The carbonate-rich magmatic rocks of West Junggar are distributed in the Baijiantan and Darbut ophiolitic mélanges in the forms of extrusive rocks overlying the mélanges and dykes, either along the margins of the mélange or cross-cutting components of mélanges. Chilled margin and flow structures are present. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 39.7 ± 1.3 Ma indicates that these carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar were formed during the Eocene. They have low concentrations in REEs, Th, U, Nb, Ta and are characterized by extremely low εN d(t), high(87 Sr/86 Sr)i ratios, relatively high δ18 OV-SMOW values and high δ13 CV-PDB values, which is similar with most sedimentary carbonates. Furthermore, no contemporaneous mantle-derived silicate rocks have yet been found in West Junggar. The carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar are thus distinct from mantle-derived carbonatites and are interpreted to result from melting of the Carboniferous sedimentary carbonates at crustal levels, these rocks therefore being referred to as 'crustal carbonatites'. The Eocene crustal carbonatites in West Junggar and other Cenozoic magmatic rocks in North Xinjiang are generally situated along regional strike-slip faults or fault intersections. Therefore, we propose that the reactivation of the Darbut and Baijiantan crustal-scale strike-slip fault zones(ophiolitic mélanges), due to the far-field effects of the Indian-Eurasian collision, enables decompression melting of the underlying continental lithospheric mantle. These resulting melts ascended to the lower crust through the strike-slip faults, causing partial melting of the Carboniferous carbonaceous sediments. The crustal carbonatites in West Junggar provide a new piece of evidence for Cenozoic magmatism in North Xinjiang and are also significant for the investigation of tectono-magmatic relations in North Xinjiang and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   
为了验证非水反应聚氨酯高聚物(后文简称高聚物)外包盾构隧道具有减震性能,对高聚物外包盾构隧道模型和无外包隧道模型,采用离心机振动台进行对比试验。针对中密砂土围岩,在不同阵型特征的地震波输入下,对比有无高聚物外包隧道加速度、频谱、隧道动力响应和地表沉降,分析高聚物的减震性能。试验结果表明:在不同地震激励的工况下,对于有无高聚物外包的隧道模型,其加速度和频谱差别不大;二者隧道各点上的动应变平均相差31.32%;高聚物外包层隧道模型地表的最终沉降分别比无外包隧道模型和自由场地表沉降约小20%和50%。试验证明高聚物对盾构隧道有减震作用,此试验研究为高聚物在今后的工程应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
基于中国区域内8个气象站点2012年全年的探空数据,采用射线追踪法计算了各个站天顶方向至4°高度角区间内18个方向的对流层流体静力学和非流体静力学延迟量,将天顶延迟通过NMF、GMF和VMF1三种映射函数投影到各个高度角方向,与射线追踪法得出的延迟量进行比较,结果显示:①NMF有明显的季节性偏差,且精度与纬度存在强相关性;②VMF1的精度最高、稳定性最好,但在武汉、长沙等站点存在一定的季节性偏差;③GMF的精度介于NMF和VMF1之间。  相似文献   
深地实验室具有电磁干扰小的"超净"地磁观测优势,已成为地磁观测的新平台和研究热点.为了评估淮南深地实验室地磁环境、认识地磁总场时变特征及地下与地面耦合性,我们于2022年在地下巷道(-848 m)和地表(+22 m)同步实施了地磁总场长期连续观测,对观测数据进行了功率谱、小波谱、地磁总场变化特征的分析及与附近的蒙城地磁台比对.研究结果表明:(1)地下无(或弱)磁干扰点位的地磁环境较优越,与蒙城地磁台相媲美,适用于地磁场变化的高精度、长期连续观测;(2)地下地磁观测可有效过滤地表上由工业与人类活动等的电磁干扰,其记录的地磁总场变化与蒙城地磁台具有较好的耦合性;(3)地下磁测可清晰记录地磁总场的平静变化、不同周期磁暴、地磁脉冲等丰富的时变信息,可为地球系统科学研究提供地磁学依据.  相似文献   
<正>0引言"大陆架科学钻探"计划,是一个聚焦中国大陆架以及东亚大陆边缘的形成演化,以中国大陆架的地层、构造、环境和资源等科学问题作为具体目标,以获取连续的大陆架海底岩心为手段,进行多学科多目标综合研究的科学计划。CSDP-2井选址在工作程度较高且科学问题比较聚焦的南黄海,是大陆架科学钻探的第二口科学探井。其科学目标为,获取中—古生界的连  相似文献   
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