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论地质旅游资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地质旅游资源是自然旅游资源的核心,以成因、物质基础、空间分布为基础,结合其形态特征、社会经济特征等因素对地质旅游资源进行了初步分类,并探讨了地质旅游的特色及发展前景.  相似文献   
Steam mining method was injecting hot steam into the borehole to heat the hydrate strata at the same time of depressurization mining,which could promote further decomposition and expand mining areas of gas hydrate. Steam heat calculation would provide the basis for the design of heating device and the choice of the field test parameters. There were piping heat loss in the process of mining. The heat transfer of steam flowing in the pipe was steady,so the heat loss could be obtained easily by formula calculation. The power of stratum heating should be determined by numerical simulation for the process of heating was dynamic and the equations were usually nonlinear. The selected mining conditions were 500-millimeter mining radius,10 centigrade mining temperature and 180 centigrade steam temperature. Heat loss and best heating power,obtained by formula calculation and numerical simulation,were 21. 35 W/m and 20 kW.  相似文献   
三维地籍产权体的定义与表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统意义上的地籍是以宗地作为基本单元进行权属登记和管理,以地表权利为核心的二维地籍。而三维地籍同样需要一种类似于二维宗地的基本单元来登记和管理三维空间中的权属状况,这种三维基本单元被称为产权体。本文以土地和房产等权利实体为基础,以权利空间为参考,研究三维空间中土地和房产的划分方式,分析这两种基本单元的存在形式、划分方式和空间形态,概括出它们的本质特征。以这些本质特征为基础,给出产权体定义和表达方式,并验证了所定义产权体的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
美声唱法是一种科学的、具有代表性的歌唱方法。我国目前对美声唱法的学习和认识存在许多不足。分析了美声唱法在我国的现状,对美声唱法的科学性、民族化、时代性等方面存在的问题进行了探索与思考,提出了自己的认识。  相似文献   
插件式太湖水污染扩散模拟系统,基于三维水体污染扩散模型,结合GIS技术和三维可视化技术,再现了水体污染物运移扩散的时空分布特征与动态演进过程.为了保证系统的可扩展性,需要一种松散的耦合机制.插件技术可以有效地降低系统功能模块间的耦合,把插件技术引入GIS的二次开发可以赋予系统动态可扩展性.本文首先,介绍插件式系统的一般...  相似文献   
以位于秦岭—大别造山带之北、华北陆块南部、地跨华北陆块稳定块体、陆块南部边缘变形带的南华北盆地为研究对象,通过对研究区42条不同时代的野外剖面详细观测,运用层序地层学理论,把南华北盆地作为一个整体系统,对青白口系—侏罗系层序界面特征及时空分布规律进行了系统分析,共识别出了8种类型层序界面的物质表现形式,分别是不整合面、渣状层、古喀斯特作用面、冲刷侵蚀面、超覆面、岩性岩相转换面、最大海泛面、最大湖泛面。并重点讨论了各类型界面的时空分布特征。结果表明:在时间演化上,从早到晚由海相—海陆过渡相—陆相,层序界面经历了海相沉积不整合、古喀斯特作用面、渣状层到陆相不整合面、冲刷侵蚀面等;在空间上,同一层序界面在不同相带表现形式不同,同一种类型的界面可在不同相带出现,但不同相带表现特征有一定差异性。  相似文献   
采用单频星载GPS实测伪距和载波相位观测值,结合不同的电离层延迟改正模型进行模拟实时定轨实验,分析单频实时定轨的精度。不同轨道高度的低轨卫星实验结果表明,在卫星轨道较高(500 km以上)时,使用单频伪距观测值与改进的Klobuchar模型,实时定轨位置精度可达0.86 m(三维RMS),速度精度可达0.9 mm/s,接近甚至优于双频伪距实时定轨的轨道精度;使用单频码相无电离层组合观测值时,实时定轨位置精度可达0.54 m,速度精度可达0.55 mm/s。采用合适的电离层延迟改正模型,廉价的单频星载接收机可应用于微小卫星的实时定轨。  相似文献   
The buckling failure of stratified rock slopes intersected by a set of steep discontinuities that are approximately parallel to the slope surface is frequently encountered while constructing railways and roadways in mountainous areas. In this study, an analytical approach based on the energy equilibrium principle is presented to solve the flexural buckling stability of stratified rock slopes within the framework of multilayer beam theory. The generalized HoekBrown failure criterion is introduced to reflect the influences of slope size(scale effects) on the buckling stability. Subsequently, numerical and physical modellings from previous literatures are employed to validate the proposed approach. Furthermore, a practical case of Bawang Mountain landslide is also used for the comparative analysis. The study shows that the present analytical approach is capable to provide a more reasonable assessment for the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes, compared with several existing analytical approaches. Finally, a detailed parametric study is implemented, and the results indicate that the effects of rock strength, rock deformation modulus, geological strength index, layer thickness and disturbance degree of rock mass on the buckling failure of stratified rock slopes are more significant than that of rock type and slope angle.  相似文献   
Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To reveal the relationships between "sourcesink" landscape and NPS pollution based on cell units of a small catchment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), the runoff and nutrient yields were simulated first by rainfall events on a cell unit scale based on the Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model(AnnAGNPS). Landscape structure and pattern were quantified with "sourcesink" landscape indicators based on cell units including landscape area indices and locationweighted landscape indices. The results showed that:the study case of small Wangjiagou catchment highlighted a good prediction capability of runoff and nutrient export by the AnnAGNPS model. Throughout the catchment, the spatial distribution trends of four location-weighted landscape indices were similar to the trends of simulated total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP), which highlighted the importance of spatial arrangement of "source" and "sink" landscape types in a catchment when estimating pollutant loads. Results by Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the location-weighted landscape index provided a more comprehensive account of multiple factors, and can better reflect NPS-related nutrient loss than other landscape indices applied in single-factor analysis. This study provides new findings for applying the "source-sink" landscape indices based on cell units in small catchments to explain the effect of "source-sink" landscape on nutrient export based on cell unit, and helps improve the understanding of the correlation between "source-sink" landscape and NPS pollution.  相似文献   
According to the comprehensive tests on the rising height of capillary water for seven kinds of different coarse grained soil by use of the method of standpipe,the relationship between the rising height of capillary water and time was obtained,and the influencing factors and rules were analyzed.The data of the steady rising height of capillary water were obtained,and the regression equation of coarse grained soil on steady height and physical indexes(effective grain d 10 and porosity n) was found.Compared with Hazen’s and other expressions that could estimate the steady height of capillary water of coarse grained soil,the proposed method is satisfactory and the defects of the latter were pointed out.  相似文献   
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